《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 18: No



I quickly ran into an old building in the woods. It had Hermione's scent all over.

I burst in and ran towards the smell. I first saw Lucius, he spun around when he sensed his son. His hands were already full, holding Bellatrix away from a room I was sure Hermione was in. I rushed forward and started beating the living snot out of him.

After he was all bloody, I heard Bellatrix yell.


A soft wail came from the room before I felt something. Panicked, I threw my aunt into a wall and rushed into the room. The sight itself was traumatic. Hermione was covered in blood.

"No... No... No!" Hermione sobbed.

In her arms, was my baby.


I threw Narcissa away and fell to my knees in front of Hermione. My clothes instantly filled with blood, Hermione's blood. She shoved the baby in my arms and began to full on sob.

My baby was cold already. I knew to anyone else, the baby was gone, but I let the Veela take over. I brought my lips to her shoulder and bit down. Venom slowly flowed into my baby girl's veins. Her heart began beating again.

I held my baby to my chest and pulled Hermione close with my other arm. I apparated to St Mungos. Three healers rushed up to me.

"My baby needs help immediately; the only thing keeping her heart beating is my Veela venom," I ordered, handing one my baby. "And Hermione needs care, but I'm not leaving her side."


Hermione lay sobbing in my arms.

"It's my fault! Our baby almost-"

"Hermione!" I yelled, scaring her, making her jump, making her wince. "Our baby is fine. Nothing that happened is your fault. You need to worry about you now..." I stated, looking at the very severe wound not far from her bellybutton.


"I'm fine, Draco. Rose-"

"Rose?" I asked.

"The baby's name. I figured we can change it if you don't-"

"I love it," I cut her off again.

A healer walked in with a worried expression.

"Ms. Granger, I'm afraid I have some bad news," she stated. "Would you like Mr. Malfoy to stay?"


She was tightly clutching my shirt.

"Well... The knife wound on your lower stomach damaged your ovaries and left you unable to bare children," the healer stated.

Hermione tensed. She quickly tried to sit up.

"But... But..." She stuttered, trying to find another explanation.

A deep pain set in my heart. I would have loved more children. Rose was enough though, she was my only baby.

I hugged Hermione tight, but not so tight it hurt.

"But I-"

"Ms. Granger, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do to fix the damage."

She tried to hide the pain she felt. Her breathing was forced so it wouldn't be shaky. She was blinking furiously to keep back tears. I waved the healer off so I could talk to Hermione.

The healer nodded and left the room. I pulled Hermione close and tried to calm her down.

"It's okay, Hermione," I said gently.

She pulled back and tried to stand up.

"Hermione! You need to rest!" I scolded, gently pulling her down.

"Let go of me!" She growled.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked, carefully picking her up.

"To see our baby," she stated.

"Hermione," I sighed, "we're not allowed to see her yet."

"Please, Draco," she pleaded.

Someone walked in and cleared their throat. I turned around and looked at Blaise.

"Blaise?" I asked.

"You just ran off! I freaked out because I thought you went to murder the aurors for not finding Hermione! Glad to see you back, by the way, Granger."


"Set me down please," Hermione cut in.

I laid her down on the bed, earning an irritated look from her.

"On my feet!"

"No," I said with so much force, both Hermione and Blaise recoiled. "You will lie down and rest, until a healer comes to inform us how she is."

"Who?" Blaise asked.

"Our baby, Rose," I replied.

Blaise's eyes flickered to Hermione's flat stomach.

"So soon?! What happened to her?!" He questioned, looking a bit worried.

"It's a long story."


"No, Hermione," I said forcefully again.

"She's my only baby!" Hermione growled, trying to stand up again.

"I swear, Hermione, if you don't lay down right now, I will get a healer to sedate you," I threatened.


"Leave, Blaise," I ordered.

He apparated. I closed the door and sat by Hermione.

"Hermione, I'm worried too-"

"But Rose isn't the only baby you can have," she pointed out.

I grabbed her jaw to make her look at me. I then turned her face to her leg and pointed at the bite mark.

"Does this mean nothing to you, Hermione? When a Veela marks their mate, it's a lifetime deal. If you can't have children, I can't have children," I told her seriously.

Her eyes shot to mine.

"Draco, I...I'm sorry," she whimpered.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I bloody pushed you to mark me then, I go and get myself stabbed, and then I can't have children and-"

I pressed my lips to hers. When I pulled back she was almost crying.

"Hermione, I don't regret marking you. I love you."

That was the first time I'd told her.

"I love you, too, Draco," she replied, her bottom lip trembling.

She pressed her face into my shoulder and began to cry. All her emotion showed through. She was happy she was found and her baby was alive, but the sadness overpowered for hundreds of reasons. She was happy, sad, angry, tired, and worried.

I laid down with her in my arms so she would be more comfy.

"Shh, it's okay now. I'm here, you're okay," I whispered as she sobbed.

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