《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 5: Job


People I wanted to tell you I have a Fan fiction Info book for you people. It has all the news about my stories!!

Just a small heads up, a panic attack is later so... Yeah

Hermione- next day

I shot up on the bed.

Bloody nightmare.

I looked around and noticed it was morning. I raced out of bed and took a quick shower. I dressed as fast as I could. I felt way better today.

I grabbed my wand and apparated, just as a hand grabbed my shoulder. I came to the streets of Diagon Alley. I looked over at a very annoyed Malfoy.

"I told you to rest," he stated.

"I feel fine," I replied.

He apparated us back to his house.

"You should lay low until these rumors fade a bit," he sighed.

"Malfoy, you don't understand. I can just sit here. I need a job. I already owe you. I'd rather get to paying off my debt soon," I reasoned.

"Granger, you owe me nothing," he told me. "I owe you, if anything. I should've done something to stop Bellat-"

I cut him off with a hand over his mouth.

"Don't blame yourself for other's actions. I heard you yelling for her to stop, you lied in an attempt to buy us time. None of that was your fault," I said. "I owe you now."

"Granger, I still don't think you should-"

"Draco please!" I pleaded.

"Alright Granger, you can get a job, if I can come with you," he smirked.

I groaned in frustration.



She said my name. My actual first name.

I was a bit in shock but quickly got over it.

"Are we going to leave or..." Hermione said impatiently.


I rolled my eyes, grabbed her arm, and apparated.


"I can't believe you got a job at the book store," I sighed.

"It was open and I love books. Double win for me," she smirked.

I led her down to the dining room.

"Timmy!" I called.

The elf appeared.

"Please bring us lunch," I asked.

He nodded and dissapperated.

"Nice house," Granger complimented.

I shrugged.

"I want something more simple," I replied, gesturing the large crystal chandelier.

Food suddenly filled the table. Granger looked mildly surprised.

We dug in. She had pretty good manners and didn't eat more than she needed. She waited until I was done eating before starting conversation.

"Malfoy, why are you helping me?" She asked.

I was silent for a while.

"I don't know," I replied, standing up and leaving the room, not wanting this conversation.

I watched as he left. I stood up and started gathering plates. Timmy appeared.

"Missus, you don't have to do that," he stated.

"I know, I'll help you do dishes," I replied, taking all the dishes I could carry into the kitchen.

We started washing the dishes together. There was only a few left and Timmy looked tired.

"I can take it from here, Timmy, get some rest," I told him.

"Thank you Missus," Timmy replied, popping away.

I hummed to myself as I finished the dishes. When I was done, I wiped own the counters and the stove. I started singing a quiet song as I continued to clean.

When I finished, I found the cupboard and got a glass of water. I turned around and choked on my water.

Malfoy rushed forward and roughly hit my back in an attempt to get the water out.

"How long were you standing there?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.


"Long enough to know every word of your song," he smirked.

I felt my cheeks burn.

"It's not nice to spy on people, Malfoy," I stated.

"You're in my house Granger, singing in my kitchen," he grinned. "Not my fault if I stumble in."

I scoffed.

"I'm going to bed," I stated, leaving the room.

He let me leave but before I reached the staircase, I heard him yell.

"You have a nice voice!" He complimented.

I smiled and ran upstairs.


I was roughly thrown on the ground and a body bind curse held me down. Bellatrix laid on me, crushing my body.

"Where did you find the sword?!" She screeched in my ear.

"W..we found it," I said, trembling.

She gently ran the blade on my arm, barely cutting the hair. She suddenly sliced a letter. I screamed in pain. She slowly carved each line of the letter.

"Where did you find the sword?! She asked again.

"W...we j..j..just found it," I sobbed.

The knife went into my arm again. I screamed, straining my vocal cords.

I heard Malfoy yelling for Bellatrix to stop. Another letter. Screams.

I suddenly shot up, tears cascading down my cheeks. Malfoy was sitting by me.

I was hyperventilating. I slowly processed I was having a panic attack. I couldn't force the air into my lungs. My vision blurred, my head pounded. I was on the verge of passing out. Malfoy swore loudly and gripped my shoulders.

"Granger! Calm down!" He shouted.

I concentrated on his voice, his hands on my shoulders.

"Granger! Listen to me, I'm right here. Nothing will happen to you," he told me. "Breathe."

I slowly got better. I gasped, trying to get my breathing normal. I put one of my hands on his and tried to relax. When I got my breathing normal, Malfoy let out a sigh of relief.

I blinked a few times until my vision cleared. He was about to remove his hands when mine shot up and held them.

"Please... Just... Please," I whimpered, closing my eyes.

He did one thing I would never expect. He pulled me against his chest and put his arms around me. I relaxed into his embrace and lightly gripped his shirt.

I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the nightmare. I could hear his heartbeat. It slowly lulled me asleep.

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