
It's been 3 months since Jennie and I started this and to be honest, I don't know how to feel about it. People in our school pay attention a lot to me and told me multiple times how lucky I am that I'm dating one of the richest CEO in Korea and I actually wanna brag about it but I don't think that'll work. I usually think how everyone can see me as the "lucky one" but seriously... It's hard to feel like that, sure I have everything that I want since Jennie can buy everything for me since it's included in our deal but what's the use of all that when Jennie herself isn't there most of the time. Like what Jackson said she's a workaholic and I'd be lying if I'll say that she's always around me... Well, she's not. She'll usually leave earlier than I do and go straight to her office and she'll go back home at 11. After I slept in her office for 8 hours she told me not to go there in the meantime and I asked her when's the time that I can go back and she doesn't give me an answer so I just let her. During weekends she's still busy except Sunday wherein she spends her time in her room sleeping all day and barely getting out or hanging out with her old friends or Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung even asked me once if I wanted to go with them but Jennie told Chaeyoung that they'll be shopping together and she doesn't want any other people around. I feel like a stranger whenever she does that. We did went out once cause the media started saying the rumor wherein we broke up and Jennie's dad became mad at that because he actually gave the company to Jennie on that certain condition and he also told me that at some point I am probably the person that'll make Jennie soft which I DISAGREE


"Morning Mr. Kang" I said when I went downstairs. It's Sunday today so I have no classes and Jennie's either sleeping or out already to meet up with friends and hang out since it's already 10 am.

"Morning Lisa, have you check up on Ms. Kim?" he asked as I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed my chocolate drink from the fridge.

"What about her? " I asked and grab some food for Kuku as well putting it on his bowl.

"She called me earlier telling me that she needed her doctor" I look at Mr. Kang confused

"For what? " I asked finishing up my drink

"She's probably sick " Mr. Kang said while I put down the drink. I walk past Mr. Kang and run upstairs towards Jennie's room. I don't barge inside her bedroom cause I feel like she'll be mad at me but if she's sick then she wouldn't be mad at me anyway.

Once I went in I saw Jennie under the covers with her eyes closed and from the door, I can see her pale face so I walk slowly towards her and lean down a bit "Jennie Kim" I said slowly not trying to freak her out... She didn't move so I raise my hand and put it slowly on her forehead while I put my other hand on my forehead immediately feeling how warm she is. I stood up and run downstairs once again.

"Mr. Kang let's get Jennie to the doctor... She's burning up" I said worriedly not knowing what to do but Mr. Kang stopped me by putting his hands on my shoulders

"Lisa, Ms. Kim doesn't want to go to any hospital. It'll just make some articles and she hated it whenever she'll see those kinds of articles so she just chose to invite the doctor every time she's sick" he explained while looking at me so I nodded and sighed


"Is the doctor on the way? " I asked while Mr. Kang removed his hands on my shoulders

"He's coming probably around 10 minutes" he said so I nodded and walk towards the laundry room which is barely used cause Jennie mostly use new clothes every day. I grab a basin and walk upstairs pouring warm water on the basin and grabbing a hand towel. I went back to Jennie's room and turned on the heater as I sit down right next to her and pulled the covers down a bit seeing that She's wearing really thin clothes.

"Jennieyah.. I'll change your clothes alright? Don't kill me when you're well already" I said as she opens up her eyes slightly and I can see how tired she is. I walk towards her closet and grab a hoodie and went back to her. "Don't be mad Jennie Kim, I'm just helping " I said and sit her up a bit, and pulled her shirt up leaving her with her bra on. I grab the towel and dry it up a bit before wiping it on Jennie's arms and neck before putting the hoodie on her. I grab a hair tie as well to tie up her hair so it wouldn't bother her that much. I put the towel back on the basin and dry it up a bit and put it back on her forehead. I pull up her covers again and let her rest again.

"Lisa the doctor is here " Mr. Kang said after a couple of minutes so I nodded and bowed down to the doctor to greet him as I stepped aside. He started checking up on Jennie and all that and in the end, he just stated that Jennie's usually sick because of working a lot and she's over fatigue. She wrote down some medicine that can help Jennie's temperature to go down and I immediately asked Mr. Kang to get it while I run towards the kitchen and grab my phone. I started watching a video on how to make a porridge since I wanted to cook for Jennie and I wanted to do my best for this.

After a couple of minutes, Mr. Kang went back with the medicine while I'm all done with the porridge and it tasted decent enough to let Jennie eat it. I also put some bandaid on my hand because of the burn from making a damn porridge. I went upstairs with the porridge, water, and medicine.

"Jennie Kim wake up, you have to eat this one and drink your medicine" I said putting the tray down on the side table and helping her get up "so you can go back to work and be workaholic again and get sick again" I said making her glare at me which I just chuckled too. I grab the porridge and started feeding her while she's just staring at my hand so I looked at my hand as well and saw that it's probably the band-aids that's why she's looking

"You should be proud of me, I have those from making this amazing porridge" I said and she looked back up at me

"I'm sick and I can't taste anything but I can assure you that your cooking is horrible" she said making me chuckle

"Aigoo Jennie Kim's not that sick anymore since you started being savage towards me again" I said and I'm not even lying but I can see how the side of her lip twitch a bit

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