《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 10


Jordan watched Gabby from the kitchen doorway when Gabby was making a cup of Mocha Latte. She saw Gabby's smile when she interacted with customers, she didn't realize until now that Gabby's smile was mesmerizing, no wondered why Allie's smile was lovely too.

"Excuse me, Madame." Cassie joked.

Jordan moved her body, smiling. Cassie delivered a bacon sandwich for a customer and Gabby delivered it. Cassie went back to the kitchen but she told Jordan something before she was out of her boss' eyes.

"You need to talk to her as soon as possible, boss."

Jordan rolled her eyes playfully. "I know."

Jordan then made her way to Gabby. She looked at Allie who was playing and studying by herself, such a good girl.

"Yes?" Gabby looked up to see those beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry I forgot about our 'talking session' and I'm willing to talk to you about it." Jordan said.

"Okay." Gabby responded.

"Right now." Jordan added.

Gabby raised her eyebrows. "Like right now, right now?"

Jordan nodded. Gabby furrowed her eyebrows this time. "What about my job?"

Jordan slightly smiled. "Brandon, back Gabby up. I'm taking her."

"Yes, Ma'am." Brandon replied playfully.

Jordan rolled her eyes. "Come on."

"What about Allie? Do you mind if I tag her along?" Gabby asked.

Jordan smiled. "Of course I don't."

Then they went to a park. They let Allie played with some children but still in their sight so they could watch the little girl while they were talking.

They sat and enjoyed the morning atmosphere. It had been a while since Jordan felt the morning sensation and she was quiet for a while. Gabby didn't want to disturb Jordan's peace moment because she knew Jordan needed it.


"So." Jordan started after she took her moment.

"Yeah?" Gabby turned her head to see Jordan.

"I don't want to say too much because it's been a while but I just wanted you to know something." Jordan said.

"What is it?" Gabby waited cautiously.

"I don't want you to call me Jordy again." Jordan looked at Gabby sternly.

Everytime she spoke or heard word 'Jordy', her demeanor changed all of sudden, she didn't know why and she didn't want to that happened again but she still couldn't be able to control it apparently.

"I'm sorry." Gabby said sincerely. "I really am. I didn't know why that name rings a bell for you."

"Just please," Jordan sighed, "don't."

Gabby nodded in understanding. She didn't want to pry but she was curious as to why Jordan didn't like to be called Jordy, it was a pretty nickname though.

"Mommy!" Allie's voice broke their silence.

Both of them looked up to see the little girl was running towards them. In reflex, Jordan stood up and caught Allie when the little girl jumped into her embrace.

"Allison, what mommy said about no running?" Gabby asked her daughter.

"She was enjoying herself, Gab." Jordan defended Allie. "Don't be too strict. She is just a kid."

"But what if she falls while running? Or worse, she––"

Jordan turned her body and looked at Gabby sternly, Gabby shut her mouth immediately. She was afraid when Jordan looked at her like that. Allie panted hard, she didn't know what her mother and Jordan was talking about. She laid her head on Jordan's shoulder, her eyes lit when she saw an ice cream booth near them.

"Ice cream!" Allie screamed, she looked at her mother and Jordan back and forth like giving a code for them to buy it for her, she was like 'buy me a cone, goddamnit'.


"Alright, I let you eat ice cream this time." Gabby gave in, she always gave in when Jordan was on Allie's side.

But she knew that Jordan wouldn't cross the line, she was Allie's mother after all. Jordan would ask her opinion when she was about to buy Allie something.

"Yeay!" Allie screamed in Jordan's ear.

Jordan smiled when she knew Allie was so excited when it came to ice cream. "What flavor do you want, princess?"

"I want chocolate." Allie answered.

"Give me a high-five." Jordan said, "we have same favorite flavor as always, princess."

"Yeah!" Allie placed her mini palm to Jordan's.

Gabby looked the interaction between them and she didn't get bored of the view. Jordan and Allie always made her day even though she never told one of them.

They sat on the ice cream booth area. Allie insisted to sit on Jordan's lap even though Gabby said no. That kid was also a stubborn one though. Gabby gave in when Jordan was just like looking at her saying 'let her be'.

Jordan wiped Ally's mouth because the ice cream was all over her face which made her t-shirt dirt of the little girl's ice cream.

"Thank you, Jordan." Allie said when she was done eating her ice cream.

"You're welcome, princess." Jordan smiled.

Jordan wiped her own mess, and she was surprised when Allie suddenly cupped her face with her tiny hands. Allie looked at her seriously, Jordan didn't know what to say nor to do and she let Allie did whatever she wanted to her face.

"You're pretty." Allie said.

Jordan smiled. "You're prettier."

"Is my Mom pretty?" Allie asked again.

It caught Jordan off guard, she opened her mouth but nothing came out. Gabby, on the other side, was blushing hard. She didn't know why Allie suddenly asked such a question.

Jordan glanced at Gabby but Gabby averted her gaze to somewhere else, pretending she didn't hear the conversation because she didn't want to hear the answer which she believed would make her blushed again.

"Uh, ye––"

"I know my mom is pretty." Allie cut her off. "Because I'm pretty."

Jordan laughed, she shook her head in amusement. Allie giggled along with her and both of them played together with each other's face.

But then Allie cupped Jordan's face once again and looked at Jordan seriously like earlier.

Jordan raised her eyebrows to ask Allie. Allie tucked Jordan's hair to the side, she looked at Jordan's tattoo with narrowed eyes but when she looked into Jordan's eyes, she smiled.

Allie started to kiss Jordan's forehead, Jordan closed her eyes in reflex, felt the spark inside her got bigger and bigger every single time. Allie moved her lips to kiss both Jordan's cheek, Jordan kept her eyes closed. Then she felt Allie's mini lips on her nose, Jordan smiled. Then she opened her eyes because Allie was done kissing her face.

"I love you Jordan." Allie said, then she wrapped her arms around Jordan's neck and she whispered something she never imagined came out from the mouth of five years old kid. "Thank your for making me and my mommy happy."

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