《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 6


Jordan opened the front door with a loud huff after she came back from the bar. She had to do a fulltime job today because one of her coworker was sick, so she backed them up. It was one in the morning and she was exhausted. She wanted to sleep already because she needed to wake up early in the morning to open her coffee shop.

She went to her kitchen to grab a beer and brought it to her room. After she took a shower, she laid down on her bed and wondering what would she do in life.

Would she be like this until the end? Would she open up to someone else? She had no idea because she was stuck in the past. Olivia was too lovely to be replaced, she didn't deserve to be replaced with anyone. Her heart buried along with Olivia's body.

And with the last memory she had with Olivia, she fell asleep.

Gabby was looking for Allie everywhere in the house but she couldn't find her daughter at all. She even came downstairs, but none. She started to panic. She remembered she slept with Allie at 10pm and she hugged her daughter. But when she woke up at five thirty in the morning, Allie was nowhere to be seen.

Gabby bit her nails in the kitchen while thinking for the possibility where Allie was because Allie wasn't in the bathroom either. But when she thought about one room she hadn't checked, she started to calm yet terrified. She never went there for two weeks living with Jordan, she was afraid if she crossed any boundaries.

She started to open the bedroom door slowly, peeking through the small space she made but she saw nothing. Then she opened the door widely, she bit her bottom lip to suppress her tears. She was being so emotional when she started to live with Jordan because Jordan and her entire coffee shop crew showed her a true love.


There Allie was, sleeping with her teddy bear doll, placing her head on Jordan's chest and Jordan wrapped her arm around Allie like she was protecting the little girl. Gabby started to wonder if Jordan noticed Allie or she didn't because she knew Jordan was home late last night and Allie was sleeping with her before.

The view was something she never thought she would see. Steven never hugged Allie when he was sleeping with her. Hell, he even never slept with Allie when Allie got bigger. Gabby didn't know what to say or feel because she lived everyday with surprises. Jordan, Brandon, Emma and Cassie brought joyful to her life and her daughter's life. She never thought she would feel like this, full of happiness.

Then she decided to leave them. She made breakfast for the three of them, pancakes for Allie -her favorite-, french toast for her, and cheese sandwich for Jordan, she knew cheese sandwich was the older woman's favorite.

Almost forty five minutes later, Gabby heard her daughter's giggle along with Jordan's chuckle from the bedroom. Gabby smiled, this was happiness, her happiness, Allie's happiness. Damn, it felt like they were a married couple.

Gabby shook her head, erasing her silly thought because she didn't want to assume something, she didn't know about Jordan's past, not even the slightest.

"Good morning." Gabby greeted them when Jordan and Allie came into view.

"Morning." Jordan replied.

"Good morning, Mommy." Allie said, showing her not fully teeth.

Jordan sat Allie down to the kitchen island and adjust the height so she could eat on the table like an adult. Jordan kissed Allie's crown and smiled to the little girl who appeared in her bedroom three hours ago.

"Pancakes for princess Allie," Gabby placed a plate of pancakes in front of her daughter, then she kissed her daughter's head. "Cheese sandwich for Jordan." She placed the food in front of Jordan.


"Thank you, Mommy." Allie grinned.

"You're welcome, baby." Gabby smiled.

"Thank you." Jordan said sincerely.

Gabby smiled and nodded, then she joined the two of them and ate in peace. One thing she always loved, ate breakfast together like a family. This was like her family, or what she would hope to be true.

"Take your time, Jordan." Gabby said when she saw Jordan was eating in a rush. "I'll take care of the coffee shop, you need to rest more. I know you were home pretty late last night and you might be still tired. It's okay, I can handle it."

Jordan's mouth agape before she took a bite of her cheese sandwich. She tried to comprehend what was Gabby saying because it felt weird for her, letting someone took care of something she owned but she didn't find it rude instead she felt something familiar and it made her smiled unconsciously.

Jordan nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Gabby smiled. "Have you done, baby?" She changed her attention to her daughter.

"Yes, Mommy. Thank you." Allie said, then she drank her milk until it was empty.

"Good girl." Gabby patted Allie's head.

Not long after that, Gabby and Allie came downstairs to open the coffee shop, leaving Jordan alone in the house so she could take a rest more.

Apparently, Jordan fell asleep again on the couch until it was past lunch time. Gabby furrowed her brows, what is she doing? It isn't like her. Jordan never left her coffee shop more than three hours even on her day off from the bar. But it was already six hours and she didn't come downstairs to check the coffee shop at all.

Is she sick? Gabby thought. She decided to go upstairs and told Brandon to watch after Allie. Brandon agreed, then she went upstairs and found nothing but the sound of the TV in the living room. She walked to the living room and found Jordan was sleeping peacefully.

Gabby smiled, then she made lunch for Jordan and brought it to the living room. Gabby didn't know why, but her heart was pounding when she walked closer to where Jordan was laying.

She placed the food on the coffee table, she kneeled down and face to face with Jordan's beautiful face. Damn, she looked way more beautiful from this angle.

"Jordan?" She called quietly, Jordan didn't move.

She shook Jordan's body lightly. "Jordan? Wake up. You need to eat lunch."

Jordan stirred, she closed her eyes with her arm. Gabby sighed, scratching her head because she didn't know how to wake Jordan up.

"Jordan?" She tried a little bit louder.

"Hmm?" Jordan mumbled.

"You need to eat. It's past lunch." Gabby said in normal tone.

"Later." Jordan replied.

"It's one in the afternoon, you need to get ready to work in an hour." Gabby said.

"Yeah." Jordan responded.

Gabby rolled her eyes. "Jordy, come on, wake up."

Then Gabby startled because Jordan's eyes wide open rapidly, she didn't even blink, but she looked at Gabby with her eyebrows furrowed and eyes that Gabby never be able to understand what was that about.

"What–" Jordan paused, she gulped her own saliva hardly. "What did you just call me?"

Gabby scratched her neck. "Uh, Jordy?"

Jordan sat straight up, looking at Gabby sternly. Her demeanor changed all of sudden. She had this cold, emotionless and expressionless eyes. Gabby had no idea why Jordan changed into a different person all of sudden and she cursed herself because maybe she had crossed the line way too far.

"Don't you dare to call me that once again." Jordan said coldly.

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