《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 5


Allison happened to be a new favorite 'employee' in Jordan's coffee shop. Her cute behavior and her intelligent made her being loved by everyone who came to Jordan's coffee shop. Mrs. Copeland complimented her every morning and she was repaid with a kiss on her cheek.

Gabby helped Jordan to open the coffee shop every morning, she stayed behind the counter while Jordan was staying in the kitchen to make some dough because the coffee shop served some muffins and cakes too.

Jordan allowed Allie -short for Allison- to stay in the cafe area but she made a new spot for her, so Gabby could watch her daughter while she was helping Jordan. Jordan moved Cassidy to the kitchen so she could work with her girlfriend, finally, they told Jordan about their relationship and promised to stay professional while working.

Allie was really a smart kid, she knew when Gabby served foods or drinks to customer, she would stay on her spot and played some games alone or she would start to learn about something.

She, too, met some children when some people brought their kids to the coffee shop and Allie could play with them on the special spot.

Gabby knew Emma and Cassidy was a lesbian couple and Brandon was a gay, and she was fine with it. She wasn't a homophobic, but her whole family was. She was okay with everyone as long as they were nice to her and didn't cross the line.

"Good morning, Uncle Brandon's favorite niece!" Brandon greeted Allie and he took Allie, kissing the kid's cheek and making Allie giggled.

"Good morning, Uncle B." Allie replied, she knew she couldn't say Brandon's name properly so she called Brandon as Uncle B.

Gabby saw the interaction between her daughter and Brandon, she smiled behind the counter. She was really grateful that she was here, Brandon was such a charming guy, Gabby felt like she had a little brother even though their age gap was only a year. Emma and Cassidy happened to be like they were her little sisters since Emma and Cassidy both were twenty one.

Jordan came downstairs when she heard her employees came. There were only seven customers, not too busy for them but they would be so busy when lunch time started until its closed.

Gabby knew Jordan worked at a bar every Monday to Saturday and she would stay at home on Sunday, sometimes Jordan helped in the coffee shop but when Gabby came into their lives, Jordan seldom to come downstairs when she had her day off. She spent her time alone in her bedroom and just doing nothing.


"Good morning, guys." Jordan greeted all of her employees.

"Good morning." They said in unison.

"Good morning, Ms. Neel." Allie said and Jordan's jaw dropped.

How did Allie know her name? She never told anyone, not even her employees even though they had found out, but not as fast as this little girl though.

"Allie!" Gabby warned her daughter.

"Oh, now you do know my name, huh, little girl?" Jordan joked, she took Allie and tickled her.

Allie laughed uncontrollably. "I- I-ham soh-sohry Jor-Jordan."

They all laughed and Jordan felt something inside her, she never felt this comfort being surrounded by people let alone this little girl named Allison. They were lovely and wonderful people, she was grateful that she had them now to fill her life after her fiancée's death. She just didn't realize it until now.

"Alright. Jordan forgives you, little girl." Jordan kissed Allie's left cheek. "Do you want to come with me?"

Allie's smile grew wider. "Where to, Jordan?"

"Do you want to play at the mall?" Jordan smiled.

Allie nodded many times in excitement. "Is Mommy coming too?"

Jordan arched her brows, looking at Gabby who was busy behind the counter.

"Is it okay if we go together just the two of us?" Jordan asked carefully, Allie's brows furrowed, but Jordan knew it better. "I promise next Sunday we will go to the mall with your mommy too, okay? But today, we go together just the both of us. Sounds good?"

Allie nodded. "Thank you, Jordan."

Jordan smiled, she walked to the counter. "Gabby, I'll take Allie with me. I need to buy some things for the kitchen supplies."

"Is it okay? Isn't it hard to take Allie and the stuff altogether?" Gabby asked in concern.

"I just need to buy butter, bread, egg and milk, though. It's not that heavy." Jordan replied.

Gabby shrugged. "Okay, then."

"Good. Now, say bye to mommy." Jordan said to Allie.

"Bye, Mommy." Allie waved her hand.

"Give mommy a kiss first." Gabby leaned closer, Jordan brought Allie closer to Gabby.

When they were only a few inches apart, Gabby couldn't take her eyes off of Jordan who happened to see her straightly in the eyes. And they were just like that for a couple of minutes before Allie broke the silence.


Both of them startled a bit, then Gabby shook her head to regain her focus. She kissed Allie's cheek and Jordan took a step back and smiled awkwardly towards her.


"Bye, Gab." Jordan said.

"Bye, Mommy." Allie added.

"Bye, guys." Gabby replied. "Allie, behave. Don't do bad things, help Jord—"

"Gabby." Jordan shook her head in amazement. "Allie is a smart girl, she knows what to do and yeah, she will behave. Don't worry, okay?"

Gabby sighed, then nodded. "Be careful, drive safe."

Jordan nodded and out of the coffee shop. Brandon, who was busy making a shop list for coffee beans, was smiling behind Gabby. He definitely heard the conversations between the two women and he knew what happened earlier.

"We all are glad, you know." Brandon said.

Gabby raised her brows because she confused. "Excuse me?"

Brandon smiled. "Jordan is happier since you guys came."

"How?" Now Gabby furrowed her brows.

"Jordan is cold to people she doesn't know personally. But she trusts you since the first day she met you." Brandon explained. "And since that day, she has changed into a happier person. I don't know why and how you guys are able to make her like that, but I'm glad you help her to change."

Gabby seemed interested. "Any particular reason why she has cold shoulder before?"

Brandon smiled. "She doesn't like it when it comes to her personal story, and it's not my place to tell you why, but I just wanted to tell you that. The three of us live with her everyday, and we never see her so happy like that. And Allie can be really her mood booster for sure."

Gabby smiled, she never thought that her presence made someone's life better. She was grateful for that, finally, someone didn't throw shit into her life.

Jordan and Allie came back two hours later. They seemed like they had a lot of fun judging by the look on their faces. Jordan's laughter seemed so pure which she never knew she was still be able to laugh freely like that like she had no problem at all. She thanked Allie, that little girl was really something else.

Gabby taught her a lot, Jordan said to herself. She wondered what did Steven look like, because Allie's feature was a hundred percent a doppelganger of Gabby, her eyes, her lips, her nose, her eyebrows, and even her ears.

"Did you have fun today, baby?" Gabby greeted her daughter when she saw Allie came hand in hand with Jordan.

"Yes, Mommy!" Allie exclaimed. "Jordan brought me to play so many games! She bought me an ice cream too!"

"That's awesome." Gabby smiled, then she averted her gaze to Jordan. "Thank you so much, I never had the chance to bring her to the mall. I really owe you a lot."

Jordan waved her hand dismissively. "It's not a big deal." Jordan kneeled down to talk to Allie. "You play on your spot, okay? Your Mommy, Uncle B, Aunty Emma and Aunty Cassie will be a little bit busy and I have to help them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ms. Neel." Allie definitely would be the death of her.

Jordan smiled, but then Allie hugged her all of sudden. It caught her off guard, her expression was unspeakable, Allie even kissed her cheek before she ran to sit on her own spot in the cafe. Jordan's body stiffened, she never expected that at all. And it made the butterflies in her stomach flew inside her because the feelings seemed unreal.

Gabby saw the scene and it, too, took her by surprise. She didn't know her daughter could do such a thing to Jordan, the one who she barely knew. As her mother, she knew every Allie's gestured. And what she did to Jordan was something she had always been dreaming of even though she thought Allie would do that to Steven, her father, which she never did.

Allie told Jordan that she loved her. And with that, Gabby wiped her watery eyes because she felt alive again after five years of misery. She never felt being loved by Steven because what he always asked was sex and money. The last thing she knew was Steven cheated on her, and when she confronted him, she got a full punched on the face.

Gabby shook her head to forget those bad things. She had her own life now, with her daughter, living a life she always imagined. But she never thought that her daughter would love the woman who helped them two weeks ago with such a sweet gestured.

Allie really made their day.

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