《His Worth | MxM》two
prisoner x prison guard
Strolling their cells, I checked to do headcount for everyone's cell. Two to a cell, so it shouldn't be that hard really. All the beds are full, so this shouldn't be much of a trouble.
As I'm skimming the list and flashing a flashlight inside, I begin to head upstairs. It was eerily silent...but silence was my best friend. I loved the dark too and all the lights were dimmed outside of the cells. Since it was late, most people were sleeping or talking to themselves, I don't even know.
If I spot someone doing drugs or have contraband, which I have not yet unfortunately, I get to take it and put them on lockdown. That's always fun, but I haven't been able to do so yet.
Heading forward more, I realized I was coming upon Worth's cell. My irritation tripled as I turn up the brightness all the way on my flashlight. When I start to step towards his cell I stopped.
I could hear something...something I know I shouldn't be hearing. It was a wet sound and it was repetitive. That infuriated me immediately as I rush up to his cell and flash the light in.
I see Worth sitting on his bunk, that Spanish guy between his legs as he was clearing sucking his dick. My eyes widen to see Worth's hand set on the back of the guy's head and kept him from moving.
He stared right at me too.
There was absolutely no shame in his eyes and he smiled.
"Bitch." He mouthes those words, and I was quick to unlock his cell door.
As soon as I do I yank that guy back, and he coughed into his hand. I saw him gasping for air with this glazed over look on his face. I didn't care about him though.
I look at Worth, refusing to look at what was below his hips.
"You...are locked down...yes..." I breathe excitedly, laughing as Worth snorts. "Both of you! Locked down!"
"Fine, is that it?" Worth stood, and I looked up as he looked down at me with that same look. "Because my dick wants to cum in somebody's mouth, and you're keeping that from happening. Wanna be that mouth?"
"You sick fuck!" I sneer, rushing out as I slammed his cell door. "Locked down for forty-eight hours, both of you!"
Now I just rushed to count everyone else who was left and went to my counter. I was quick to try and call for backup, but I was met with no replies.
The other cell blocks had connections, but this one seemed to be intentionally not working. That pissed me off further because I knew what was happening in there.
I've only been here...for a day. I stay at the dorms that reside here for the correction officers since this prison is so far from...anything, really. In the middle of nowhere, like shit.
If these people wanted to escape, they'd die out in that heat in no time.
What I've come to realize...is how ridiculously useless my coworkers are. Absolutely useless, so fucking useless, it's not even funny.
I needed backup so many times because fights in here are rampant! Except they tell me to let it calm down on its own... Calm down on its own?! Who will be liable if someone gets shanked in here and bleeds to death?
Not us the person who did it, but me because I'm responsible for them!
Then we got Worth's stupid ass always trying to run shit. Not trying, but basically is. The only person he can't run up on or control, is me. I don't let him get far with his nonsense. Except it seems he has more nonsense to offer every single day.
Like tonight!
That Spanish dude did say he was trying to get with him... Looks like his damn dreams came true.
"Hey, did you ring us up?"
I hear my receiver go off as someone from a different cellblock actually responded.
"Yeah I did. Why are you just now answering?" I question them in irritation, and they dare sigh in annoyance.
"What is it Nate?"
"It's Worth! He-."
"Just leave him be." They interrupt me fast. There was no hesitation in that interruption either. "There's cameras in every cell too. So if you're 'worried' about what he'll do, just watch him through there. I what you'll see."
I gasp as they laughed, their mic going off.
So...they already knew about his shit.
Sneering, I go on the computer as I look for the camera footage. I look to see what his cell number was, and when I find out I click that camera.
When I do I flinch to see that Spanish guy laid out over the side of their table, Worth just slamming into his ass. His hand held down the back of his neck as he moaned and my speakers were up. I turned that down fast, glaring up at Worth's door.
Except when I look back at the camera I was startled to see Worth looking directly at the camera. Like he was seeing right through the camera and me entirely.
He had the audacity to smirk, lifting up that guy's leg and starting to hit at the most unusual angle. It clearly must've been everything as that guy began to moan hysterically. All that came out his mouth was Worth's name, but Worth was looking right at the camera.
At me...
It's just...sick!
More lockdown...and...and I need to move that guy out!
I can just replace an inmate with another since this whole block is full. I wasn't sure if that would even work...I feel like he'll just fuck them too.
Irritated, I shut off the tab showing me the camera footage. Looking back up at his door, I didn't hear anything. Except I knew they were doing stuff in there. It's just...just nasty!
I can't get over it, I just can't.
Him doing this stuff shows his lack of respect for me. I demand to be respected and show this pod I am worth the respect. If I put him in his place and not take his shit, they'll know what's up.
Standing, I grab some extra cuffs as I go back upstairs. I go to his cell and before I open it I flinch when I see that Spanish guy slam against the door. He was being thrusted into against the door, and it was the lack of shame for me.
I already knew who placed him in that predicament as I suddenly see his head pushed down. Worth appearing at the window and a smirk on his face.
"You come back to watch more closely? Were the cameras not enough for you?" He questions me, and I slam the cuffs into his door. "Ooh...so scary you are. What are you going to do? Cuff me while riding my dick?"
His vulgar language was beyond me. It was odd because I thought jails couldn't stand gay relations. Except he clearly gets a pass, it seems everyone wants to get pegged in the booty by him.
"No shame! How old even are you?!"
"Asking me such personal questions, haven't you heard it's rude to ask for peoples ages-."
"Fucking cut the bullshit!" I shout now, and his finger goes to his lips. He had the audacity to shush me while banging into someone's ass.
Unlocking his cell door, I slide it open harshly. He just sat on his bed while still being inside the guy. Now just doing that in front of me like this and I grab my handcuffs.
Rushing towards them, I grab the guy's hand and he began to fight me back.
"Why are you fighting me? You're literally on someone's dick-!"
"You're all up on his dick like you want some of it! Piss off!" He shouts, only to moan when Worth slams his face into his mattress.
I see his eyes narrow on me, and I refused to back down from his stare. My taser was right on my hip as was my alert system if it comes down to it and I need the DART-team.
Worth pulled out of the guy now who began to whine, sitting up only for Worth to slam his face back into the mattress. I see him still looking at me and I glare at him.
"You must like what you see. Staring quite hard."
"I refuse to back down to someone like you," I hiss, causing him to glare.
"What is that supposed to mean?" He sneers, only to smirk out of nowhere. "Is it because I'm black-?"
"Race has nothing to do with this!" I shout at him, and he rolls his eyes. "It's about respect. You don't follow the fucking rules and you don't know how to talk to me."
"You don't know how to talk to me, hypocrite."
"Do you even know what that means?" I mock him and he looked irritated now.
Good, I've been known to be able to piss people off easily. He also makes it too easy to do so, to piss him off.
"I used it right, dumbass."
"Takes one to know one, punk-ass."
"You throw that word around a lot," Worth stood now, pulling his pants up and I saw the Spanish guy sit up as he gasped for air, "I wonder who the hell you're talking to, because it's not me."
I don't budge yet, because this was more about pride than anything. Backing down gives power, he must know that I am the authority. The corruption is over with. It ends with me!
"I'm not afraid of you. This little act you're playing isn't bothering me." I tell him with a hiss in my voice, causing him to snort. "You're a joke. You're in prison for a reason, it's because you don't know how to respect people."
"Don't talk to me like you know who I am, because you don't. Officers like you think that since you're job is to babysit you can talk to us like you're our fuckin' mamas. What I'm gonna need you to do is get yourself right with me. You don't know shit about how it is in here, and walking in here like you instantly deserve respect won't get you shit." Worth sneers in my face, and I snicker.
I don't believe I need to anything. Jail is jail, and I'm their correctional officer. I automatically have authority over them and deserve respect. So what the hell is he even talking about?
"I don't need to get shit from anybody in here, I am subconsciously respected just because I watch over you guys. Obviously." I laugh some more because he knew I was right. "Now, enough talking. I'm moving one of you from this cell. You can't be doing this shit."
"Get the fuck out of my face." Worth raises his voice at me, stepping towards me and I found myself backing up out of nowhere. That instantly angered me because I am supposed to stand my ground!
And I just showed nervousness and fear.
No...of course I'd back up! He was getting all in my space like he lost his mind! Who wouldn't back up from that? Practically two feet was in front of us already, and he gets close up on me to what?
"Won't you look at that..." He breathes, snickering as I found myself becoming pissed off. "Looks like you can show fear after all... It suits you-."
I rushed at him as I grabbed his wrists, cuffing them together. I was so irritated because this is exactly why I can't show fear. Now because I lost my standing, he thinks I'm afraid of him!
Worth is nothing to be afraid of. He's just a punk.
"You're going to seg...now."
"You can't just lock Worth up for petty reasons!" The Spanish guy yelled, rushing at me as he shoved me harshly.
I was able to catch myself before I fell, rushing at him and slamming him to the ground. Now I was happy I brought extra handcuffs as I cuff him.
"I can lock you up though, and write you up for assaulting an officer. That'll look amazing on your wrap sheet." I whisper in his ear, and I yank him up onto his feet.
Looking at Worth, he was glaring at me as I pushed the guy out. As I was closing his door he lifted up his wrists.
"Take this shit off, what the fuck?"
"I'll take it off when I have someone come and take him to seg. I don't know why you're in such a rush to get them off though. Cuffs suit you." I sneer, laughing as I saw him glare at me through the window of the door.
I took this Spanish guy down while laughing; and I practically had to hold him up. His legs were barely holding him up because of what they did.
"What's your name?" I question him as I needed to write him up and call someone to put him in seg.
"Antonio..." He mumbles, and I just grab his wrist as I look at his identity wristband. Seeing his actual name was Efren, I glare at him.
"If I could write you up for lying too, I would." I tell him, writing him up as he snorts. Glancing over at him, he continued to look at me like he had something to say.
I didn't ask on it until I finished writing him up, putting word in to put him into seg as I wait for backup. Once I do I look at him, folding my arms.
"What is it you seem to want to spout to me?" I question him finally, and he chuckles.
"You need to watch who you want to try and size up against and take over. Because Worth will only tolerate so much from a nobody like you. I'm surprised he hasn't broken your jaw." Efren snickers at me, and I just look at him. "You're fucking a bitch to everyone in here and you just started. Why don't you try and sympathize with some people in here so that if Worth does decide to bash your skull in, someone will want to defend you."
"I have my officers. I don't need a bunch of prisoners defending me."
"You really think when it comes to having to choose you or Worth...they'd choose you?" He snaps, and I don't let him see a reaction. "You're an idiot then. Learn that now, then later."
Before I can argue against that, the doors opened. I saw an officer come and saw it was Efren. Just nodding for him to go in front, I stopped my associate before he left.
"I have a question."
"What?" He answered, and I saw Efren glaring at me.
I look back at the guard and saw him wait. I wasn't going to ask in front of Efren. Just in case if he tries to go run his mouth about what I said.
"Nothing." I shook my head, and the guard frowned. Except he didn't seem to question it as he walked off with Efren. Once the door closed to the block, I went back upstairs to Worth's room.
I unlock it, opening to see something silver flying at my face. I gasp as my hands went up, only to not feel anything hit me. When I move my hands down some, I saw Worth's punk ass smirking.
He held the cuffs in his hand and dangled them very close to my face. Only to drop them on the ground, that smirk quickly turning into a glare.
"Say cuffs look good on me again, I'll smack these cuffs upside your wide ass forehead." Worth sneers, causing me to frown.
Wide forehead?
"How the hell did you remove these?" I found myself irritated as I grabbed them and looked around his cell. "If I find any contraband, I get to put your ass in the hole too."
I smile, looking at him as he folded his arms. Blocking the door with his tall self, I realized that I did corner myself in his cell.
Looking for whatever he used to remove the cuffs, I kept glancing back at him to see if he'd do something. Except he didn't, just looked at me.
When I didn't find anything I go towards him, keeping his eye contact so he knew I wasn't afraid of him.
"Move the fuck out of my way."
"Oh...that's not how you ask," He breathes, and I suddenly feel his hands shove my shoulders down, causing me to fall onto my knees to catch myself, "Ask me again, but this time on your knees. I think you being on your knees suits you greatly-."
I shoved through his legs as I stood up outside the door now. Deep down, panicked when I look at him and he didn't look fazed at all. How dare he do that to me?
"You know what suits you greatly?" I sneer shakily, still kind of shaken up somehow and he clearly noticed. I saw him smirk as he leaned against his wall, raising his eyebrow.
"What is that, Officer Nate?"
I flinch, because that was the first time he's said my name. Hearing him say it was...odd, too odd. He was definitely mocking me.
"You...locked in here for the whole day. No rec time, no TV time, no nothing. Just you in here, by yourself, alone! Who's gonna suck your dick now?" I hiss, grabbing his cell door as he smiled quite sinisterly yet...lustfully.
"You'd be surprised." He breathes, and I slam his door closed. Walking away in a huff because I was pissed, I cracked!
He saw possible fear from me.
...I can't let that happen again, it won't happen again!
Believe that.
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