《His Worth | MxM》one
prisoner x prison guard
"You're in jail, I'm not."
I smirk, looking at supposedly the most feared and somehow most revered prisoner in this jail, Worth, as he glared down at me.
"When the sun begins to set, I get ready to go home. I get to leave this place, but you're still here. Realize that I didn't tell you to do all of those crimes, no one did. So if you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at yourself."
I saw his friends behind him looking up at him to see if he'd retaliate. My hand was still rested on my taser for effect, but he didn't seem to care.
He looked over his shoulder at his gang that was instigating for a reaction.
"Worth, do something to that bitch! Who the hell he think he talkin' to? Seg is nothing to Worth you know, beating your ass will be nothin'." One of the inmates shouts and they all agreed.
"Is that a threat?" I sneer, and I saw them look around at each other. They were all talk, but they won't do anything to me.
I look back at Worth, his eyes still set on me. For some odd reason, I didn't find him all that threatening. It seemed intentional for him to come off that way.
"You don't know what I'm in for." Worth finally speaks, and I raise my eyebrow at him. "You don't know what I've seen, what I've done, none of that. All you are is some punk ass with a badge who is given authority over us to make yourself feel better. You're just an advanced babysitter."
"Oh yeah," I snort, stepping close towards him as he didn't budge, "Then who's the fucking baby I'm sitting?"
I heard his friends and others more get riled up, but I saw the amusement in his eyes. Was I mistaken?
Who gets amusement out of this shit of a situation?
"You're talkin' reckless." Another friend of his stood up to me. "We ain't babies bitch, we ain't in here on some baby shit. We've actually done things, some things others aren't proud about. Just because we are here don't mean we should be treated some type of way."
"I beg to differ." I snort, stepping back from Worth as I go to my seating area to watch over everyone.
The fact that they put just one guard in here to watch over about forty inmates is beyond me. I'm not afraid I'm the slightest though. They can talk the talk, but no one is willing to walk the walk.
As my new job of being a CO, I pride myself on the fact that I am not easily frightened. I grew up in the ghetto and have been around personalities such as theirs. Where the gang life or street life is where they long to be. That's their home, and they'll do anything to stay where it feels home. Even if it's commit crimes, together.
Except they're not outside now, they're in here. I can tell lots of them want to get out and adding more charges on them isn't what they want. Some don't care depending on how long they've been in here or if they're on some long time. Possibly moving to a federal prison, because this one is a state prison.
The people I'm watching have done some bad stuff. They need to be on high security, but they're not.
Well...this is a state prison...
I suddenly see a hand slam on the counter, and I look to see it was Worth. His eyes set on me differently than before. Not to mention his friends weren't sticking close to him now.
When I look I saw them all talking at some seats. Were they plotting something or what? In my training, it was advised to not let people be in large groups here. It's wise for at least four max.
I was seeing eight and others were beginning to join from the sides.
"What do you want?" I question Worth, standing up from my seat now and I see him smirk at me doing so. "Is there something amusing to you?"
"I am highly entertained. I can't take you seriously." He seems to mock me.
"What if I put you on lockdown in your cell, would you be saying shit like that to me then?" I snap and he snorts.
"You don't have a reason to do that. I haven't done nothing to you with your punk ass."
I rushed around the counter as he just laughed now, running away from me to his group. Glaring at his retreating back, I wondered how old he was. He was clearly younger than me based on his attitude.
Except he was much bigger than everyone in here. Taller than all of them, more impressively built than them all, and his stance on things seemed to be more respected than even OGs of this cell block.
It was disturbing. Who was this guy anyway?
I know his name isn't actually Worth.
I needed his prison number if I wanted to look into what he's in for. Except I could tell that wouldn't be easy to do, and I honestly didn't care enough for that.
What's up with that though?
Looking back at him, I saw him gripping the overhead balcony railings from the second floor. Doing pull-ups on it, I glare at the fact that his shirt was now off.
Except he didn't have tattoos like his friends or those I assumed he repped with. Most do to show appreciation towards their gang or affiliations. His back was a clean slate.
Seeing him lift himself up, his back muscles would tighten just to flex and show how fit he was. Like he was showing off as he landed on his feet and the guy that held his shirt took his place. He tried to lift himself up, but he was clearly weaker.
Worth laughing at him, gripping his hips as he tries to assist him. I narrowed my eyes because it's always advised here to keep flirting from taking place.
This guy was much smaller in terms of size and he should've known he couldn't do the same thing. He looked Spanish if I had to guess...and I can't remember his name, but I know it sounded Spanish too.
"Nate, hey?"
I look, seeing another officer make his way inside as he looked around. When his eyes settled on Worth and what that other dude were doing, he glared.
"Cut that shit out! Those aren't monkey bars!" He shouts, and that guy let go instantly. I saw Worth glare in his direction and I saw the guard glance at me. "Has he been trouble for you?"
Looking back at Worth, I saw him putting his shirt back on.
"Not really. Just trying to act tough if anything else. He's not scaring anyone with that act though." I make known loud enough so that he heard me.
He didn't seem to pay mind though as I look back at the guard.
"Okay, if he does start just put him in lockdown or seg. I've been meaning to move him over."
"Why? When was the last time he was in seg? Seg is for thirty days, right?"
"Yep, but he is only in there for a couple of days to a few hours." He tells me, and I was confused again. That made no sense.
That completely defeated the purpose of seg then. It was supposed to be separation as a punishment for something they did or because they're a high risk for other inmates. Who goes in segregation for a couple of days, better yet, a few hours?
"What the hell, why?" I ask, and I saw the guard just brush me off as he seemed to be intentionally ignoring my question. "Are you not going to answer?"
"Some guards, including myself, have some business with him. That's all there is to it, I can't get too in-depth. Just do your job and stop being nosy." He snaps at me and he was already rushing off before I could respond.
Glaring at such a thing, I look back at Worth and he was playing cards with someone now. I didn't get it.
Segregation is a punishment. If you give privileges like that to one inmate, it poses as a problem for others. Except I remember when his friend said something about it for him.
'Seg is nothing to Worth you know...'
Why though?
Why is he privileged in that category? And what did he mean by they have 'business' with him? Are they in on something as well?
Am I going to have to report to the warden?
I'm suspicious.
I look, seeing that it was around that time as trustees came in. I saw Worth remain seated and others go up. Watching such a thing, I saw someone be handed two trays and I stood.
"Hey! One tray per person!" I snap, and I saw the guy look worried until I see Worth walk up from where he sat.
He grabbed the tray from the guy, and he looked at me like I was doing the most.
"Why you buggin'? You know he just grabs it for me. Why you doin' the most?" He questions me now, causing me to sneer.
"It's my job. Don't be fucking lazy and grab your own tray. One tray per person. None of this lazy shit I just saw." I snap at him and Worth glared at me.
"You seriously trying to get on my nerves or what? You been specifically trying me again and again. Back the fuck up." He snaps harshly and saw him step towards my counter.
Except I didn't budge as I snort.
"You threaten me or even make your way towards me, I'm obliged to tase your ass. Then, moving you over to seg it is-."
"Move me then bitch." Worth said calmly, staring me down and I saw others begin to pull him back. "You seriously need to back the fuck up. Talking to me like you're crazy, I didn't do anything your ass."
I saw him walk away now as others pulled him back. Except I was more amused than upset for his little childish outburst.
"You need to chill on Worth."
I found myself amused when a trustee said that to me.
"Why should I 'chill'? He's an inmate-."
"He's different though, I promise you. You're new here, so I'm just saying that to be nice. Except he is much different than all the inmates here and he is seen much different in terms of...everything really. I'd just...lay back-."
"I don't take orders from prisoners." I interrupt him, and he rolled his eyes as he walked away.
Now I look back in Worth's direction, seeing him not even eating as he already was glaring at me. The hate laced within his glare was strong and it entertained me very much. I wasn't afraid of him at all, so it made it more funny.
It's good I'm in here because no one can probably handle him like I do. I know I barely started here, but it looks like he has some power over everyone here if I had to assume.
Corruption... I hope not; but power over me?
That's not going to happen.
I will one-hundred percent keep him in line. I don't believe he has the balls to try anything against me or to me. He can get all angry all he wants, but a lot of the people here get angry over dumb things.
Quite easily, actually.
It's entertaining to see them get so upset.
Who wouldn't find that entertaining?
As I sit here, I began to take notice of the clearly evident hierarchies that were run. There was no race divide, but there were clearly people who chose to hang out with certain people. More like those in their gangs.
There was no racism, but I doubt that kind of thing would get far in this jail.
One thing I can say though is that Worth is clearly above all these hierarchies. No one seems to want to cross him, but I don't know why.
He's not scary to me. Just another guy in here doing the time for the crime. Nothing about him is special because if he passes that line, I can put him in seg.
Even if they say he's only in for a couple of days or a few hours, I'll make sure to change that record. It's infuriating to think about...I hope that's not true. There is no privilege in jail, in my opinion.
"Why are you staring so hard?"
I frown, my eyes looking to see that guy who was with Worth on the railings, in front of my counter. He held his empty tray as he set it down.
"Staring so hard?"
"Staring at Worth. Back up, I'm tryna get with him." He sneers, and I found myself snorting as he rushed back over to him.
Not only...did I just find a good reason to put someone on lockdown, but I was right. They were flirting...more like the Spanish dude was.
...the fuck is this, high school?
I graduated four years ago, I'm not for that immature shit. I will shut that down real quick too.
Just judging off of how Worth acts - I can't go off his looks at all - he's definitely not in his twenties yet. He still gives off that vibe that he's not fully an adult yet and a teenager still resides within him somewhere.
I'll give him above seventeen, but not above twenty.
I mean...almost everyone in here has to be immature to some degree to get locked up.
Looking at the schedule, I could see that it was almost time for rec. Honestly...in our training, they said that that's a privilege. Not something they need, but something they can be given or not given.
They get their TV all day, so I don't know why I would need to take them outside. It's really like babysitting. Eat lunch then go outside for recess, basically. Just using adult words to make themselves feel better.
"Can you hand me the remote?"
I look up from the schedule, seeing Worth set his empty tray down that I'm sure he didn't eat. The food here is despicable, I can just tell by the way it looks and smells.
"Why should I do that? Just tell me what you want me to change it to." I tell him, going in the drawer as I pull it out. I grab the channel list, and set it before him only for him to not even spare it a glance. "I was kind enough to pull that out for you and you don't even say-."
Worth snatches the remote from me, and I see him walk off from me. That instantly caused me to react as I rushed around the counter and towards him.
"Give me that back or you're going on a forty-eight hour hold!" I shout, and I see him change the channel in my face to some basketball game.
He tosses it in my direction before I could get near him and I caught it, seeing him roll his eyes.
"We're allowed to hold onto the remote. Since you're new, I'll excuse you chasing after me and making a fool of yourself-."
"No one is a damn fool but your asses locked up in here." I snap at him, and I see him just look at me. "Yeah, you're fucking quiet because you know I'm right."
"Not at all." Worth sneers, and I glare at him.
I saw his eyes move onto my lips and I cover them with my hand, seeing him look back into my eyes.
"I'm just thinking how nice it would be to shut that pretty mouth of yours up. Talk too fucking much for someone paid minimum wage."
"At least I get paid to be here, what are you getting?"
Worth snorts, stepping up to me and I didn't back down. There were people watching and if they see me back down to him, they'll be seeing me as weak. I must run this cell block accordingly; and I can't do that if they think I'm some punk.
"Do you want to know what I get in here? Do you?" He sneers at me, and I scoff.
"What, drugs? More charges? More felonies?" I mock him, snickering because I found myself so funny.
He didn't respond back though, and he seemed to be looking for something on me. I see him straighten his back as he sniffs, looking away.
With that, he walked off and I looked at him in surprise.
Did...an inmate like him actually back down to me?
I see the other inmates look at him in shock and I stood there proudly, smirking.
Yes...I'm the boss of this cell block!
Correctional officer and all!
No one can touch me.
I'll promise you that. Worth doesn't have nothing on me.
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