《THIRTEEN (Evie's Perspective)》Chapter 10 - Goodbye, Tracy Freeland
My eyelids fluttered open as sunshine crept in through the window above my bed. I yawned and sat up, turning off my alarm and glancing at the clock—6:00. Enough time to get dressed, I guess.
I didn't feel like coming to school today. Sure, Astrid was a lot of fun, but I missed Tracy. Astrid was my best friend, but Tracy was my sister.
But I couldn't forgive Tracy, not after her betraying me like that. We could've actually been sisters, but Tracy decided that we shouldn't be.
I decided to ditch school today. I'd go get high or something.
I put on a long-sleeved shirt and knee-height jeans, along with a pair of black shoes. I didn't need to dress too fancy for today, since I was planning on spending the entire day by myself.
I sat down on the floor of my room before looking under my bed. I pulled out a large bag full of my things and dug through it until I found my small, plastic bag of cocaine.
Just then, I heard a knock on the door and hurriedly stuffed the bag into the pocket of my jeans.
Brooke came in, and I shoved the large bag back under my bed, causing my cousin to raise an eyebrow at me.
"Hey sweetie," she greeted, staring down at my less-than-glamorous attire. "What's that thing in your pocket?"
"What?" I blurted out, glancing down at my jeans to see a bulge in my pocket. Of course it would be noticeable, ugh. I should've tried harder to hide it. "Oh, nothing...just a bag of candy."
"All right," Brooke replied skeptically, but didn't say anything else. "Well, I made an omelet for breakfast. So, come whenever you're ready."
"Okay!" I responded readily, jolting up from my place on the floor and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "See you!"
I didn't want to seem suspicious or anything.
Brooke smiled slightly before walking out of the room.
I exhaled in relief before moving the plastic packet from the front pocket of my jeans to the back.
I then fixed my hair and did some minimal make-up so I didn't seem suspicious.
I sauntered out of my bedroom into the kitchen, where Brooke had placed two omelets on the table and two cups of orange juice. I smiled slightly at the sight and glanced up at Brooke.
"Thanks, Brooke!" I exclaimed with fake enthusiasm, sitting down and starting to eat.
"No problem, sweetheart," Brooke replied, also beginning to eat.
After we had finished, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I fixed my hair and make-up in the mirror, so Brooke didn't realize I was planning on ditching, and then walked out of the bathroom.
I slung my handbag over my shoulder for the sake of appearances and then made my way out of the house, calling out, "Bye Brooke!"
"Bye honey, have a nice day at school!" she shouted back, causing me to giggle quietly.
I plugged in my earbuds and played some music in my phone as I walked, contemplating life. I know, that sounds really depressing of me, but I was starting to feel depressed. It's like, without Tracy, my life went downhill. Even the fact that I was dating Javi now couldn't make me feel better.
I went to the woods near the school and got high, forgetting all about my troubles.
After doing drugs and smoking for most of the day, I headed back home. I went a little earlier than school finished, but I would just tell Brooke that our teacher let us out early.
I put on some perfume to mask the scent of cigarettes and hid my coke bag in my shoes. A way better hiding spot than the pockets of my jeans.
Coming home was, apparently, the wrong thing to do.
Brooke had been waiting for me. As soon as I stepped through the front door, she stood up from the couch, looking very serious. Fear gripped my heart as we made eye contact, and I almost ran out of the house. She had never looked at me so seriously before.
"Hey Brooke, they released us early," I greeted in my most innocent voice. "What's wrong?"
"How do you explain this?" Brooke questioned in a shaky tone, picking up a small pencil case and spilling its contents on the table.
I recognized it as the pencil case I hid all my drugs in. I had buried the pencil case deep in the large bag under my bed, but Brooke had somehow found it.
"You went through my bag," I said, staring down at all of my drugs on the table. It wasn't a question, more like a statement.
"I thought it looked suspicious, from the way you hid it under your bed yesterday," Brooke answered, still in that same shaky voice. "W-Why? Why would you—"
"Please Brooke, I can explain," I interjected hurriedly, trying to come up with a decent explanation. "It's—it's Tracy."
Well, another way to get Tracy in trouble, I suppose. But I felt extremely guilty doing this for some reason.
"Tracy?" Brooke repeated, looking stunned. I nodded quickly.
"Yes, I'm—well, she forces me, Brooke," I lied, thinking very fast. "She—she cuts, and she says that if I don't do drugs with her she'll cut more. She—she hits me, too."
I pushed my hair up to reveal the bruise I had gotten from when Tracy and I were getting high in her bedroom together.
"Oh my goodness," Brooke breathed, approaching me and looking at my bruise.
"She—she tells me to smoke, to drink," I continued in a convincing, quivering voice. "She makes me come and steal stuff with her. She was the one who wanted me to stay at her house, so we could keep doing stuff together."
Brooke embraced me in a tight hug. "I never thought she could be that much of a bitch. She seemed sweet when she first came here."
"Yeah, well, she can be sweet when she wants to be," I said bitterly.
"We have to tell that girl's poor mother," Brooke whispered, pulling away from me. "Mel deserves to know."
"Um," I said a little reluctantly. Telling Mel meant seeing Tracy again, and I just couldn't bring myself to it. Especially since I had just told the biggest, most unforgivable lie in the world.
Before I could protest, Brooke grabbed my wrist and and dragged me out to the car. She sat me down before getting in herself.
I stared out of the window gloomily, anticipating what was about to happen as Brooke started driving.
"I've been thinking of moving to Ojai," Brooke announced. "And now that I know what that mean girl is doing to you, we're definitely moving."
I didn't respond. I didn't know how to—was I happy to get away and start a new life, or would I miss my old one?
Just as I was contemplating this, we parked in Tracy's front yard. I hesitantly got out of the car and followed Brooke inside.
"Brooke! What a pleasant surprise," Mel greeted as soon as we entered. "Hey, Evie. Tracy hasn't gotten back from school yet."
"Can I talk to you, Mel?" Brooke asked grimly, and upon seeing the expression on Brooke's face, Mel's smile faded.
"Sure, of course," Mel replied, stepping back to let us through. "Sit down, I'll make us some tea. Evie, you can wait for Tracy in her room."
"No, I think she'll stay," Brooke refused, taking hold of my hand and sitting me down on an armchair. "No need for tea, Mel, thank you."
"Oh, um—okay," Mel answered, making a feeble attempt at a nervous smile as she sat down.
"I...I don't know how to say this," Brooke began quietly. "I found Evie's stash of drugs and cigarettes."
Mel's eyes widened in shock as I glanced down in shame. I could feel Mel's eyes on me, judging me silently but being too polite and loving to scold me.
"Turns out her and Tracy have been getting high and smoking together," Brooke continued, in that same low tone. "I'm sure Evie can show you where Tracy hides her things."
Mel then turned even more astounded, clapping a hand to her mouth. "No, no, that can't be true."
"Evie?" Brooke prompted, urging me to say something.
"It's—it's true, Mel," I confirmed obediently. "I...I know where she hides her things, I can show you."
Mel didn't respond, still in shock, but she stood up. The two women followed me into Tracy's bedroom, and I revealed as many of her hiding spots as I could.
Taped to the walls, hidden in her stuffed toys, stuffed inside her floorboards, concealed in her make-up kit. I'm pretty sure I knew all of her hiding spots, and, like a backstabbing bitch, I showed every single spot to Mel's disbelieving eyes.
With every little hiding spot, my heart would sink deeper and deeper, and I would feel guiltier and guiltier. I suppose that's how Tracy felt when she told me they weren't going to adopt me.
Brooke collected all of Tracy's hidden drugs, cigarettes and alcohol in a cardboard box, as evidence, I guess. Mason followed us around as well, but the difference between Mason, Brooke and Mel was that Mason knew it was me who had encouraged Tracy to do all of those things.
If looks could kill, I would be dead by now, because Mason was glaring at me with such hatred that I could physically feel him burning holes in my back. I tried my best to ignore him and the guilt I felt, but I just couldn't.
I showed them everything, and told them about Tracy robbing money. I explained how Tracy had stolen a wallet from a random, wealthy woman and had used the money to buy stuff with it. She hid some of it, and I showed them where, and then I told them the rest was probably in her purse.
Once I was finally finished exposing Tracy, we all sat down on the couch. Mel was sobbing, covering her face in her hands in utter shock, while Brooke rubbed circles on her back comfortingly. I sat there in my armchair, staring down at my feet ashamedly, not knowing what to do.
"You did the right thing, honey," Brooke whispered consolingly to me.
I didn't answer, and continued to stare down at my shoes.
Brooke got out two cigarettes and a lighter. She handed one to Mel, and Mel denied it, too shocked to utter a response.
After a while of crying, Mel finally managed to pick up her phone and dial her boyfriend, explaining what had happened and asking him if he could drop off Tracy.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Tracy was coming. And she would know that I had betrayed her. I buried my face in my hands while Brooke continued to smoke and tell me I had done the right thing.
Mel hung up, put away the phone, and sat down on the couch next to Brooke. Mel pressed her knees to her chest and hugged her legs, silent tears streaming down her cheeks. She sniffled and wiped them off, trying to stay strong.
I felt guiltier every second that passed.
After minutes that felt more like hours, I heard a car stop near the house. I cursed internally—Tracy was here.
I listened to her quiet, hesitant footsteps outside of the house. It was as if she could sense that something was wrong.
I clasped my hands together and stared down determinedly at the floor, as if it were the most interesting thing in the universe.
I could hear Tracy's footsteps coming closer and closer, very slowly, as if taunting me. I inhaled deeply, feeling exceedingly stressed.
The door opened and shut very abruptly. I could feel Tracy's curious gaze on me, and I tried my hardest not to look at her.
"Hey Evie," she greeted quietly, and I couldn't resist now. I looked up at her, and then slowly lowered my gaze. "Brooke. You healed up great."
Tracy stared down at the stony-faced pair of women, looking as if she could tell that they knew something. Or everything.
"Sit down," Mel whispered, voice hoarse from all of that crying. Tracy stared at her for a couple of seconds.
"I have to go to the bathroom," she announced, starting to walk away.
"Leave your purse," Mel instructed quietly, and Tracy stared at her again.
"Fine," she obeyed, before throwing her purse on the ground and stalking away.
Brooke immediately put down her cigarette and started digging through her purse, probably to find the stolen money.
I swallowed, before getting up and following her. I had to talk to Tracy, try to justify myself.
I saw her coming out of the bathroom and instantaneously enveloped her in a hug. Tracy didn't hug back, startled.
"What the hell?" she whisper-shouted.
"They found my stash, and I had to tell them," I explained as I pulled away. I inhaled anxiously. "I love you, okay? You're my girl, remember that. I love you."
I hugged her again as Tracy shook her head slightly, utterly perplexed. I gave her a kiss on the neck and pulled away.
"Come on, let's go," I whispered under my breath as I took her by the wrist and dragged her to the living room.
I sat her down on the handle of my armchair and sat down beside her. I glanced up at Tracy to make sure she wasn't mad at me—she was just pulling the sleeve of her jacket up, as if she was cold. I leaned against her shoulder affectionately.
Brooke stared at me, as if waiting for me to say something. I stared back, making it clear I couldn't bring myself to say anything.
Understanding that, Brooke got the cardboard box of Tracy's things and spilled the contents on the table, just like she did with my pencil case.
"Tracy," Mel whispered so quietly you could barely hear it, still not quite coming to terms with it.
"What?" Tracy said, looking around and acting as if she couldn't understand. "None of that shit's mine."
"We found it," Mel mumbled softly, on the verge of tears.
"What?" Tracy snapped viciously. "Speak up, Mama, 'cause I can't hear you!"
"Do not talk to your mother like that," Brooke reprimanded lowly. "She said, we found it. Stashed around your bedroom...all your little hiding spots."
I glanced down guiltily, feeling Tracy's eyes on me.
"Jesus, Evie!" Tracy hissed malevolently, standing up and pushing me as if she couldn't bear to be near me.
"I had to, you don't get it," I said, feeling my throat tighten.
"Oh, no, I get it," Tracy yelled, glaring at me in disgust before staring up at Brooke and Mel. "Who the fuck do you think you are, going in my room?"
"You're lucky I got there before the cops did, honey," Brooke responded quietly. "Hey, I'm just trying to help you, sweetie."
Brooke then glanced down pointedly at a bunch of cash on the table. It was the money Tracy stole from the rich lady.
Tracy followed Brooke's gaze and saw the money, shaking her head slightly in disbelief. I continued to stare down at my feet, not wanting to meet her eyes.
"How do you explain eight hundred and sixty dollars in your purse?" Mel interrogated, her voice quivering as she wiped a tear off her face.
"What do you expect me to say, Mom? We jacked it, okay?" Tracy retorted, clearly on the verge of tears. "It's not like your broke ass ever has any money to give me!"
Mel continued to stare at Tracy in saddened bewilderment, tears streaming down her cheeks endlessly. Tracy shook her head and approached her mother, lowering her voice.
"Mom, when Brady went to the halfway house...what happened to our phone, our cable?" Tracy asked quietly, venom dripping from her tongue. "You didn't even know how to pay the bills. It's no wonder Dad didn't want to be with you, you didn't even finish high school!"
Tracy wheeled around, turning her back on Mel, sniffling.
"We don't have extra stuff but we're doing okay, Tracy, you know we're doing okay," Mel whimpered, shaking her head slightly. "You don't have to steal."
"Oh, Mom, you knew what was going on with all those clothes and shit!" Tracy shrilled, starting to get emotional now. "Christ, you're not that dumb, are you?"
"I didn't know it went that far!" Mel shouted back, gasping and clapping a hand to her mouth while more tears streamed down her cheeks. Mel sobbed, covering her face with her hands. "Oh, God."
I heard Brooke slowly get up from her seat and take her bag. I glanced up to see her slowly approaching me, and then looked down as she started combing my hair with her fingers.
"We'll be moving up to Ojai, so you won't be seeing Evie again. Ever," Brooke declared softly, before glancing up at Tracy. "You're really cruel, Tracy. I mean, I'm sure you can be a sweet kid when you want to"—quoting my words—"but right now, you're a really bad influence. I mean, you cheat, you lie, you steal."
"Oh my God, are you kidding me? Where do you think I learned all this shit from?" Tracy retorted, throwing her hands up in the air as she stormed out of the room.
"Tracy was playing Barbies before she met Evie!" Mel defended, jolting up from her seat and following Tracy to the kitchen.
Brooke followed Tracy as well, at a much faster pace then Mel, evidently furious. I stood up from my chair and gulped as I followed Brooke and Mel to the kitchen.
"Did she teach you how to beat the crap out of her as well?" Brooke demanded angrily, stomping up to Tracy's face and being held back by Mel. She raised an accusing finger at Tracy. "Don't even start with me, I've seen the bruises, little one!"
For a second, I almost thought of defending Tracy. But then I remembered I was the one who made up that lie, so I stood there silently, watching what was happening and deciding to just support Brooke.
Tracy's face as she announced they weren't going to adopt me sprung up in my mind again, and I remembered that she betrayed me first.
"What the hell did you tell her, Evie?" Tracy barked, looking outraged.
"Come here," Brooke instructed, grabbing me and pulling me towards her before pulling my bangs up to reveal the bruise. "What about this?"
"What the fuck? We were just goofing!" Tracy screamed in disbelief, throwing her hands up in the air.
"Tracy didn't hit her!" Mel defended, and I, upset by the sudden memory of Tracy's betrayal, replied before I could stop myself.
"Yes, she did!" I snapped back poisonously. Tracy deserved this—she was the one who stabbed me in the back first.
"I don't believe this shit, she hit me too!" Tracy hollered, glaring at me fiercely.
"And look at this, Mel," Brooke demanded, pulling Tracy towards her and trying to pull up her sleeve. I realized that, out of bitter anger, she was trying to expose Tracy's cuts.
"Don't you dare!" Tracy shouted, before resorting to desperation as Brooke continued to pull up her sleeve. "No! Please!"
I felt both pity and sour satisfaction at that moment, as I watched Tracy struggle to pull away from Brooke.
"Get your hands off her!" Mel commanded, trying to push Brooke off of her.
At last, Brooke managed to pull the sleeve up, revealing Tracy's damaged wrist. It had many more cuts that before, and I inhaled deeply as Tracy sobbed.
"She—she cuts!" Brooke declared, as Mel backed away, her jaw dropping in horrified disbelief.
"It's none of your business, you fucking Frankenstein!" Tracy bellowed wrathfully, tears streaming down her cheeks like a waterfall.
Feeling nauseous and horrified after seeing Tracy's cuts, I grabbed Brooke's hand weakly. I felt like shit.
"Oh no, this child is my business, you little cunt," Brooke retorted spitefully, as more tears started spilling down my face.
But Tracy had betrayed me first. She deserved this. Of course Brooke went a little too far, showing her scars and stuff, but still.
"You need to get out," Mel ordered sharply. "Get out!"
Brooke took my hand in hers and started leading me out of the house, urging me to follow her. I stared at Tracy, sitting down and sobbing, and remembered that was exactly how I sobbed when she proclaimed that they weren't going to adopt me.
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