《THIRTEEN (Evie's Perspective)》Chapter 9 - Revenge
I got up really early today and got dressed. I put on a black tank top, a really pretty silver necklace, a grommet belt along with my usual jeans and bracelets. I let my hair down today, and did my make-up perfectly.
Yesterday, I had talked to most of the girls in my group on the phone. I told them that Tracy had betrayed me by hooking up with KK even though she knew I was hooking up with him and talking shit about me behind my back, causing them all to gasp and sympathize with me.
Now, all of the girls hated Tracy and felt really bad for me. Soon, Tracy's popularity would slowly go down, and she would be one of the most hated girls in the school. My plan was working perfectly.
Astrid, Merida and I planned a trip to the amusement park after school today, and I found us a ride. It was one of the older high school boys, who was friends with Javi. His name was Tristian. Ruben would also be coming with us—he didn't mind that I was dating Javi now, because he confessed that he only wanted me for make-outs and blow jobs anyway. We decided to stay friends.
Oh, yeah. I'm dating Javi now. I called him yesterday and told him all about Tracy hooking up with Conrad. He decided to dump her unofficially and start going out with me publicly—he could finally be with the girl he really wanted to be with, and show Tracy that he didn't need her.
I was going to skip school today to have fun with Tristian, Javi and Ruben. We were going to the mall to buy some stuff, and then we were going to get high. After school, we were going to pick up my two (now) closest friends, Astrid and Merida. I started to hang out with Merida a lot now, since Tracy hated her.
"Bye, Brooke!" I called out to my cousin as I ran out of the house with my bag over my shoulder.
"Bye, sweetheart!" Brooke called back. "Hey, don't be angry at Tracy, okay? I'm sure she really wanted her mother to adopt you."
I pretended not to hear her and walked away to a place where Javi promised they would pick me up. I sat on the sidewalk and called Astrid.
"Hey babes," Astrid greeted. "Having fun?"
"Not yet," I replied with a small giggle. "Did you see Tray-hoe?"
"Yeah," Astrid scoffed. "She talked to Merida and I this morning and we pretended to be her friends. She's going to be so surprised when she sees you picking us up after school!"
"Yeah," I snickered, although for some reason, I started to feel kind of guilty—and then remembered Tracy's awkward expression as she explained to me how they weren't going to adopt me.
"She stills thinks you're her friend," Astrid burst out laughing. "God, what a loser! She kept asking where you were."
I chortled and then saw a car coming my way. I could see Ruben sitting on the front seat next to a high school guy and Javi's curly hair peeking over Ruben's head in the back.
"I'll call you later, okay?" I told Astrid as I slowly got up from my seat and waved at them with one hand.
"Okay, our bell just rang anyway," Astrid announced. "See you. Have fun, babe!"
"Okay, bye, mwah!" I replied, making kissing noises as I closed my phone. Their car slowed down in front of me.
"Hey Evie," Ruben greeted with a grin. "Get in."
"Hey boys," I replied in a jokingly flirty way as I got in the car. Javi and I shared a short kiss.
"Alrighty, lady and gentlemen, where should we head first?" The guy at the front, who I assumed was Tristian, asked.
"To the mall, please!" I called out from the back of the car. "I'm Evie, by the way."
I stood up and stretched out my hand for him to shake.
"Yeah, I know," the guy responded with a slight smirk. "I'm Tristian."
"Hey, you guys want some cigs?" Ruben offered as we started driving.
"Sure," Javi replied as I screamed, "Hell yeah!"
Javi, Tristian and Ruben all guffawed heartily as Ruben got out his pack of cigarettes and handed us all one. Javi got out his lighter and lit his cigarette. He then lit the cigarette dangling out of my mouth.
Tristian turned on loud music and the boys all started singing along, causing me to laugh.
I bet Tracy would've been really jealous if she saw this.
After a fun day in which we got high, ate fast food, smoked in the woods and bought lots of stuff from the mall, we drove by the school to pick up Astrid and Merida.
I saw Astrid and Merida talking to each other, and Tracy behind them, trying to start conversation. My heart beat quickened when I saw Tracy and I took a deep breath before calling out to my two friends.
"Hey, baby!" I yelled, causing Astrid and Merida to beam and stride towards our car.
"Ladies!" Ruben called out excitedly, turning up the music.
"Let's go, ladies!" I exclaimed as Astrid and Merida slowly got in the car. "Whoo!"
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tracy slowly sauntering towards our car with slight uncertainty. Maybe she was expecting me to call out her name too—what a loser.
"Hey!" I greeted Merida, who sat down next to Ruben, before turning to Astrid. "Get in, brah!"
It was an inside joke between us—we had once seen a guy in a movie say something like that and we couldn't stop laughing at it.
Astrid sat down next to me and Javi wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Whoo!" we all screamed, laughing and chatting non-stop.
After a few minutes of us driving and talking, my phone rang.
"Oh my gosh!" I whisper-shouted as I got out my phone. It was an unknown number. "What if it's Tray-hoe?"
"Pick it up!" Astrid and Merida whisper-yelled back, giggling.
"Hey Tristian!" I yelled, "turn up the music!"
Astrid and Merida both laughed as Tristian increased the volume of the music to ninety.
We picked up the phone, all giggling silently and shushing each other. The music continued to blast loudly.
"Evie! Evie, that was hilarious, okay? Now come pick me up," I heard Tracy's voice say through the phone. Astrid and Merida's eyes widened excitedly and they started giggling as quietly as they could.
"Shhh!" I whispered to them, giggling. "Um, who is this?"
"It's Tracy," Tracy replied, and I gestured for Tristian to raise the volume. Tristian increased the volume of the music to one hundred. "Ev—can you hear me?"
We couldn't hold it in anymore—we burst out laughing, and even Ruben and Javi started chuckling along with us.
Tracy was honestly such a loser. I even started to feel kind of bad for her—well, not really. She deserved it.
And this was only the beginning of my revenge plan.
I came to school for a couple of minutes the next day to start up more trouble. My first class wasn't with Tracy that day, thankfully—but it was with Yvette, Conrad's girlfriend.
I passed her a note saying to meet up in the bathroom after class because I had to talk to her. Yvette liked me, so she would probably believe anything I said.
After class, Yvette and I snuck to the bathroom. We walked into an empty stall.
"What's up, Evie?" Yvette asked, leaning against the wall of the bathroom.
"I know you're Conrad's girlfriend, so you deserve to know this," I told her with fake sincerity. "Um, I don't know how to say this, so I'll just say it. Tracy had sex with Conrad."
Okay, this wasn't completely true, but Tracy and Conrad did hook up at this one girl's party.
"What!" Yvette exploded, her eyes lighting up in fury. "Where? When?"
"A couple of days ago, on the stairs at Nona's party," I lied. "I saw them and I was shocked. I wasn't sure how to tell you. I didn't even think Tracy would be capable of that, but turns out she's hooking up with everyone's boyfriends—I saw her make-out with KK on Sunday at the park."
"What a whore!" Yvette muttered angrily, crossing her arms. "Thanks for telling me. I'll deal with her."
"Okay," I replied with a nod. "I just thought you deserved to know."
Yvette nodded and then we came out of the bathroom stall. Yvette saw her best friend, Rhonda, and ran up to her—probably to tell her about what I just told her.
I smirked slightly to myself and then strutted through the corridors to my next class—until I saw Tracy. Shit.
I took a different direction and speed walked through the corridors until I found an exit. I went to the dumpsters behind the school where we usually hung out and got out my phone to text my group chat.
Anyone wanna meet up at the dumpsters behind the school 2 have fun
I have some of the good stuff
Our group chat consisted of Astrid, Merida, Rachel (Astrid and her got over the fight), Loren and Audrey. We kicked Tracy and Kylie out of the group—Tracy, for obvious reasons, and Kylie, because she was becoming a complete loser. She decided to quit smoking and focus on her grades, what a complete dork.
Astrid obviously said no because of that stupid Mrs. Lakewood (she just wouldn't lay off her), Audrey declined (thank God, I didn't want her to come anyway), but Loren and Rachel said yes.
I leaned against the dumpster and searched my bag for my pack of cigarettes and a lighter while I waited for them. Rachel came first, and Loren came a minute later because she was almost caught by a teacher.
"Ugh, I haven't skipped in so long," Loren groaned, leaning against the dumpster as I handed her a cigarette. "It feels so good to finally smoke."
"Yeah," Rachel agreed, lighting up our cigarettes. "Did you know Kylie tried to talk to me today? She was asking why we kicked her out of the group chat."
The three of us all laughed.
"God, her and Tracy are such dorks," Loren mocked, puffing out a cloud of smoke.
"Yeah," I laughed in bitter agreement. "Tracy still thinks we're friends like, she can't take a hint."
Rachel and Loren giggled.
"Do you have any more plans to make Tray-hoe's life miserable?" Rachel inquired, snickering maliciously.
"Obviously," I answered with a small smirk. "She gives me her fake I.D. for safe-keeping, so I'm planning on turning it in."
"Oh my gosh, that's like, so genius!" Loren gushed admiringly.
"Literally, you're like the smartest person I know," Rachel said as she smoked.
I thanked them and then we smoked and talked for the rest of that period.
After the bell rang, they headed to class, and I ditched school again. I sold some drugs and went shopping at Melrose.
I thought of more strategies to ruin Tracy's life as I shopped. I could barely think of any, because I had already thought of everything that I could do.
Deep inside, a strange feeling—something like guilt—kept bothering me. I remembered Brooke's words this morning, about how I shouldn't be angry at Tracy, because she wanted Mel to adopt me as well. And I still loved Tracy—I was furious with her right now, but I couldn't help but remember all of the fun we had together.
At first, she was like a younger sister to me, and I would teach her everything about styling her clothes and doing her makeup and seducing boys. It was really fun, because I had never had a sibling in my entire life, and it was fun to finally have one, even if we weren't really related. Then, once she got more experienced, she became sort of like my twin. She became the second leader of our clique, and a master at make-up and clothes.
But she had betrayed me in the end. And sisters don't betray each other, do they?
The next morning, I woke up early and got dressed. I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, did my make-up and hair, and went to school. This time, I didn't skip.
My friends greeted me as soon as they saw me, and started telling me everything that had happened over the last couple of days that I was gone. Somebody's boyfriend cheated on somebody, a guy got expelled for drinking alcohol in class, and a girl came to school wearing a bikini.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tracy walk in my direction unsurely. Fuck.
"Um, guys, I gotta go to the bathroom," I proclaimed. "See you."
"Bye!" they all called after me as I speed walked inside of the building.
I heard Tracy's footsteps following me, and panicked internally. I had to get away from her somehow.
I rushed to the nearest bathroom I could find and chose a random, empty stall to hide in. Just as I was struggling to lock the door (our stupid bathrooms had really bad locks), I heard Tracy walk in.
I guess she could tell it was me trying to lock the door, because she walked over to my stall and knocked.
At last, I locked the door and called out, "Um, this stall's occupied!"
I held my breath and prayed for the best, fidgeting with my cross necklace nervously. I heard Tracy sigh outside of the stall.
"Evie, I know it's you," she said, sounding a bit depressed. "Why haven't you been picking up my calls? Are you mad at me or something?"
Well, duh! I wished she would just leave me alone. Couldn't she tell that I didn't like her?
I decided to simply ignore her until she went away.
"If it's about the adoption thing, my mom just doesn't have the money right now, okay?" Tracy continued. "She has too much weight on her shoulders and she can't take care of you."
Oh, but she can take care of Birdie and Kayla? And she took care of me for two weeks, why can't she continue to take care of me until I'm eighteen?
My eyes started to water, and I continued to ignore Tracy until I heard her sigh and walk out of the bathroom.
I waited for a couple of minutes just to be sure she was gone, and then exited the bathroom. Her talking to me made me even angrier, and I stomped to the nearest classroom I could find to turn in her I.D.
"Hello, Miss Zamora," the teacher there greeted—it was a woman with curly hair, whose name I had forgotten. "Is there something that you need?"
"Um, yes," I replied, walking up to the teacher's desk. "I—I saw this fall out of Tracy Freeland's bag and I thought someone should know..."
I dug through my bag until I found Tracy's fake I.D. that we used to buy cigarettes and alcohol with. I handed it to the teacher, who took the I.D. in her hands and carefully inspected it.
"This is a fake I.D.," she breathed, staring down at the card in surprise. She glanced up at me with a very serious expression on her face. "Thank you, Evie."
"Yeah, I'm just really worried for Tracy," I lied, looking remorseful. "Nothing will happen to her over this, right?"
"Well, I don't know about that," the teacher answered uncertainly. "She might get into some trouble, but don't worry about it."
"Okay," I replied, feeling triumphant. "Um, I'm going to head to class now."
"Okay, thanks again for letting me know," the woman said, and I nodded before strutting out of the classroom.
Yes! My plan worked perfectly!
Now I think I had gotten all of the revenge needed. Tracy lost her friends, she lost the respect of her teachers, she lost her boyfriend, and she was losing her popularity. The only person she was talking to was Kylie, who was starting to become a dork as well.
I went to my next class—which was English. We were supposed to write a short story, freestyle, just for fun, since the year was about to end. I had this class with Astrid, and instead of writing my story, I told her about how I turned in Tracy's fake I.D.
"You're such a genius, girl!" Astrid whisper-shouted, grinning at me.
"Thanks," I replied with a slight smile. "And guess what? She tried to talk to me while I was going to the bathroom!"
"What?" Astrid laughed, throwing her head back as if it really amused her. "Gosh, she's such a complete idiot."
"I know, right?" I snickered, as I doodled mindlessly on the corner of my paper. "Um, do you wanna go to Melrose later today?"
"Sure," Astrid agreed. "I think I'm gonna buy that cute top with the hearts on it."
"Yes!" I encouraged, beaming at her. "I told you it looks good on you."
"Ladies, no talking, please," our English teacher called out sternly.
"Sorry ma'am, I was just telling Astrid about my story," I lied, resisting the urge to laugh.
"That's great, Miss Zamora, but you can tell Astrid after class," the teacher replied, sounding slightly exasperated.
"Okay," I answered, and Astrid and I shared amused grins.
Lunch that day was very interesting. Rachel left to make out with Brandon, even though she claimed to hate him, and the rest of the group observed Tracy from afar.
"Look, she's sitting with her loser friends," Astrid whispered, snickering.
I glanced up, and indeed, Tracy was sitting with Noel and some other girl whose name I didn't know. Noel and the other girl looked slightly reluctant about sitting with Tracy, and they barely spoke to her.
The girls all laughed.
"Oh shit, she's looking at us," Merida whispered as we turned away, pretending to be deeply engrossed in a conversation.
In my peripheral vision, I saw Tracy sigh and play with her food, looking weary and sad.
That familiar, nagging sensation, something very close to guilt, came back again. I looked away quickly and changed the topic of the conversation, trying to forget about Tracy.
After school had come to an end, Astrid and I said goodbye to our friends and started heading to Melrose.
We walked through the gates of the school, linking arms. That's when we heard a familiar voice calling after us.
"Wait for me, girlies!" she called, causing Astrid and I to sigh impatiently. "I'm gonna come too. I've wanted to buy a new pair of jeans for a while now."
"Um, okay," I replied disinterestedly, glancing over at Astrid in annoyance.
When we announced that we were heading to Melrose to shop, the rest of our friends instantly understood that we wanted to be left alone and shop by ourselves. Not Merida, though. She always follows us around like a lost puppy. Just because I took her to the amusement park and started hanging out with her more didn't mean that I liked her, but she seemed to think that it did.
Why did I even start hanging out with Merida? Why did I even take her to the amusement park with us, and not Rachel or Loren or at least Audrey?
Oh right.
Because Tracy hated her.
"Let's go to Red Balls first," Astrid suggested. I gazed up in slight surprise. I was so immersed in my thoughts that I hadn't even realized we had arrived at Melrose. "It's like, the best shop here."
"Yeah!" Merida agreed enthusiastically. "They have the best pants."
"Um, okay!" I agreed, beaming even though I felt terrible for some reason.
We walked into Red Balls and started looking around. I hadn't been to Red Balls in a while now, and a sense of nostalgia clouded my mind.
"I'm going to go to the pants section, you guys wanna come?" Merida asked hopefully.
"I'll come later," I assured her, looking around for a good excuse. "I just need to look at some, um—purses."
"Oh," Merida replied with a disappointed expression, glancing over at Astrid. "Um, Astrid?"
"I need to look at some sunglasses," Astrid said, scratching her nose to hide a smile. "We'll meet you later, 'kay babe? Have fun looking for your pants."
"Um, okay," Astrid replied, walking away downheartedly.
Astrid and I giggled and walked through the store leisurely. We decided to look at some tank tops, since summer break was going to start very soon.
I looked through the tops uncaringly, my thoughts somewhere distant. Astrid kept giggling about Merida and I faked some laughs so she wouldn't think I was bored of her or anything.
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