《Running >> TWD, C.G》One


Amy walked into the survivors camp carrying a red bucket. Addy watched her with her eyes as she went past her and toward Lori at the campfire. They talked between each other for a few moments before Lori stood and walked away with the same red bucket.

"Hey Dale?" She called to the older man who was keeping watch on his RV, "I'm heading out."

She looked over to the two children of the group, "Sweetheart I want you to stay where Dale can see you, okay? You too Adelaide."

"Yes, mom." Carl replied obediently whilst Addy nodded slightly. Before her father left for his hunting trip he told her to stay with Lori, probably because she was a mother and knew how to care for kids.

"You too. Don't wander too far, stay within shouting distance and if you see anything, holler. I'll come running." Dale told her sternly from his place on the RV, binoculars in hand.

"Yes, mom." The brunette woman replied sarcastically as she turned towards the woods to find mushrooms and berries for the survivors. Addy thought it was strange. Shane had left awhile a go, too.

Carl watched her figure leave before turning to the girl beside him,

"What happened to your mom?" His question was full of interest as his blue eyes sparkled in the hot Georgian sun.

Addy had tried her best to avoid this question for as long as she could, but she knew one day the truth would have to come out with Carl's never-ending questioning about the subject,

"Um, I don't know." Addy replied gingerly. She didn't really want people to know her mother had practically abandoned her at birth and left her father to deal with her.

"You don't know?" The brunette boy was genuinely confused. His eyebrows were furrowed as he held a soft frown on his freckled face.


Addy shook her head, not wanting to deal with explaining to Carl that she abandoned her. This time, he seemed to get the hint and returned to whatever he was doing in the dirt.


"Atta girl, see Addy's got it." Shane smiled at the young girl as she tied the knot correctly. Shane had made a promise to teach her and Carl how to do the knots properly earlier in the day when they were all around the small campfire.

"And three, two, one pull it," He instructed the boy on his right. "Start it over."

The only reason Addy had agreed to learn how to tie these knots was to try and keep her mind off of worrying about her father and uncle Merle. Merle had gone with the group to the city and, knowing Merle, was causing trouble within the group. Her father was the toughest person she knew, but even the toughest of people get hurt and Addy couldn't help the knots that formed in the pit of her stomach just like the ones she was making.

"Hello, base camp," The radio crackled suddenly. "Is anybody out there?"

Shane stood up, placing a hand on both the kid's heads as he walked towards the radio.

"Base camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?"

Carl and Adelaide both got up and rushed over to the RV where Dale was fiddling with the radio.

"Hello, hello, Receptions bad on this end, repeat, re -"

"Shane is that you?"

"Is that them?" Lori panted, looking up at Dale.

Different words crackled over the radio but Addy couldn't place her finger on what they were saying on the other end.

"He said they're trapped." Shane spoke up as more people started to gather around the RV.


Lori placed a hand on Carl and Addy's shoulder, pulling them both in towards her in a protective manner before placing her hands on her hips.

"Department store, we're surrounded."

"T-Dog, repeat that last, repeat." Dale took his finger off the button but there was only static on the other end as the thunder rumbled above them.

"He said the department store." Lori said.

"I heard it too."

"Shane -" Lori began, but the man soon cut her off.

"No way. We do not go after them, we do not risk the rest of the group, you all know that." He said sternly, knowing what she was about to suggest.

"So we're just gonna leave her there?" Amy asked the man incredulously as Addy shifted on her feet nervously, a habit she had inherited from her father.

"Amy, I know that this is not easy." Shane tried to calm the blonde.

"She volunteered to go to help the rest of us." She shook her head at him.

"I know it. She knew the risks, right? So she's trapped. She's gone. So we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do." Addy was shocked at Shane's manner, coldhearted almost? It was if he just didn't care about anyone in the city all of a sudden, and Addy did not like this manner at all.

"She's my sister, you son of a bitch." Amy told him before running off into the camp, past the others who were mostly still crowded around.

Lori looked at Shane with wide eyes, nodding slightly then walking off after Amy.

"Come on." Shane said as he placed a hand on Carl's head and a hand on Addy's head, however, Addy shook him off and walked away after Lori. She didn't want to be around someone so careless and coldhearted.


First chapter done! Hope y'all enjoyed :)

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