《Actors in love pt 2- Javon Walton》chapter 9: being ignored


It was 6:30am and school started at 7am. We were gonna be late. I have no idea were Jaden and Jayla went and they weren't picking up my calls or texts. My mom, dad and Daelo had already left for work and school so I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Jayla and Jaden. I was about to start walking when I heard the front door open.

"Where the fuck were you guys?" I asked, looking at Jaden who had opened the front door. He ignored me and walked back outside to the car. Um ok that was weird. I closed the front door behind me and walked out to Jayla's car. I always sat in the passenger seat but for some reason Jaden was sitting in it today. I jumped in the back seat and asked what was going on. "Where were you guys?" "Hello? can you answer me?" They both kept their heads forwards and ignored everything I said. It was a silent drive the whole way to school and when we arrived, they both walked in together, talking, and leaving me behind.

I went and sat down in the back of the class, waiting for y/n to arrive. But she didn't. I sneakily pulled out my phone and started texting y/n.

- Hey are you coming to school?

*Mahas silenced your notifications*

What the fuck. Why is everyone ignoring me? What did I do? I then opened my group chat with Jayla and Jaden and asked if everything was ok.

- are you guys good

seen by Cookie and Jdubs

- guys fucking respond

seen by Cookie and Jdubs

- why are you guys and ma ignoring me?

Cookie- you seriously don't know?

Jdubs- good one wanna

- what did I do!?

seen by Cookie and Jdubs

I sighed and put my phone away, knowing I wouldn't get anything out of them.


The day was long and I mean extremely long. No one talked to me all day so I had to result to hanging out with the guys from my school that just use me for clout but I guess its better than sitting in the bathroom or just sitting alone. After school was finished, I went and waited for Jayla and Jaden in Jayla's car. I soon saw them walk out of school and walk towards the car. I hopped in the back seat and they sat in the front again.

We were pulling into the driveway when I snatched Jayla's car keys and locked all the doors so they couldn't get out. "WHAT THE FUCK WANNA!" Jayla screamed, trying to snatch the keys off me. "YOUR NOT GETTING OUT UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I yelled. Jayla stopped fighting me for the keys and sighed, looking over at Jaden. "i'm sending you something, don't open it until you're in your room. I don't need to hear your bull shit explanation," Jaden said angrily. I nodded and waited for Jaden to send me whatever he was sending. I got a notification that Jaden had sent me a tiktok so I handed back the keys, making a confused face.

We said hi to my dad who was about to leave and then I went up to my room and Jaden and Jayla went into Jaden's. It was just Jaden, Jayla and I at home. I threw my school bag onto the ground and closed the door behind me. I sat on my bed, starring at the notification debating whether or not a wanted to watch the tiktok, but I did. I clicked on the video and watched it play. It was a video posted by Emily or us making out at a party. "FUCK!" I yelled, throwing my phone across the room. That fucking bitch. I went over and picked up my phone which had minor cracks on it and unblocked Emily's contact.


"Answer oh my god," I said to myself as the call picked up. "hey wanna," Emily said, flirtatiously. "DON'T FUCKING 'hey wanna' ME!" I said, mocking what she just said. "What's wrong baby?" she asked. "YOU ARE SO FUCKED UP EMILY. DO YOU THINK IT'S FUCKING OK TO FUCK WITH SOMEONES RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING JEALOUS!?" I yelled through the phone. "I don't know what you're talking about," she sighed. "OH YES YOU DO. You used me so don't flatter yourself," I whispered so no one else could hear me. "SHE'S NOT GOOD FOR YOU! I'M GOOD FOR YOU!" she sobbed. "you're sick," I said disgusted and hung up the call.

I threw my phone onto the bed a tightened my fist. I don't think I've ever been this angry. I tightened my fist even more and threw a hard punch at the wall, creating an in-dent and leaving my knuckles bleeding. "FUCK!" I went to the bathroom and wrapped a cold wash cloth around my bleeding knuckles.

I stormed off into Jaden's room and opened the door with no hesitation. "Get out wanna we don't want to hear it," jayla sighed. "Well you're gonna hear it," I said. "Get the fuck out!" Jaden yelled. "Fuck off Jaden!" I yelled back. "GET. THE. FUCK. OUT!" he yelled, standing up. "Can you at least give me a chance to explain," I said, sorrily. They exchanged a look and both sighed, "fine." Neither of them could even look at me, they just kept their eyes on each other. Jaden sat next to Jayla on her bed and I sat on the end of her bed.

"We're waiting," jayla said. "You guys might not believe me at first but I have proof. I was at a party and I don't know why I did it but-" I started explaining. "YOU THINK THAT MAKES IT FUCKING BETTER?!" jayla yelled in anger. "LET ME FUCKING CONTINUE!" She became silent and I continued to explain...

"Like I said, I don't know why I did it but it wasn't really me, Emily started making out with me. I didn't even remember it in the morning until I looked in my snapchat memories and saw the video. We swore never to tell anyone but of course she did. If you could actually see my face you'd see that I don't look the same. Wanna know why?" Jaden and Jayla nodded their heads in confusion. "THAT WAS FUCKING 2 YEARS AGO! Before I had even met Y/N or knew who she fucking was," I yelled in anger with myself. "Yeah good try," Jaden sighed. "Proof," Jayla declared. I opened my phone and started scrolling through my memories from 2 years ago and clicked on the video.

Jaden and Jayla watched in disbelief and their faces lit up with a smile. "Fucking hell Wanna Y/n's really upset," jayla vented. "Is that were you guys were this morning?" They nodded their heads in agreement and I sighed. "What happened to your knuckles?" Jaden asked. "Go look at my wall. Mom's gonna kill me," I sighed, shaking my head. They both ran to my room and started laughing. They ran back into Jayla's and started explaining what happened to Y/N.

After they explained how upset y/n is and told me how I needed to explain to her, we set up a plan. We knew Y/N wouldn't talk to me so we decided that Jayla was going to text y/n saying that she was about to come over to hang out and help her but in stead of Jayla, I'd go. I know it sounds like a pretty shitty plan, but it's the only way I could get y/n to talk to me.

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