《That bakery girl [Gojoxreader]》Presence


It didn't take long for you to get ready. You took a bag of cookies you made for the others. As you were walking you wondered what will Gojo-san do this time. Honestly you didn't want to leave the village. Why would you anyway - you had friends, job, school here which meant you had a happy satisfying life. But you couldn't help but feel this wasn't what you were meanr to be...

On your way you started overthinking again. The thoughts of being used, useless or even kidnapped accured to you. Also just because you were born with powers doesn't mean you were meant to be a sorcerer. You were the writer of your own story, the protagonist of your own life. And besides you could tell Gojo-san was strong. Probably one of the strongest people you have ever met, which doesn't mean much since you haven't met that many people. So was there a reason he wanted you to go with them??

You didn't get to answer that thought because you sensed someone behind you. Quickly you striked your hand backwards and took a hand of the person behind you without looking at them. You already knew who it was.The person froze when you took their hand.

"Gojo-san what are you doing??" You wondered as you turned around to look at the tall man. He looked surprised and disappointed. "Aww Y/n I was about to surprise youuu... You're no fun..."he pouted about it. "Oh I'm sorry... I brought a bag of cookies tho!" His face lit up like a christmas tree. "Yesss, Y/n you are too kind but I will gladly accept them." He reached for the bag but you put it in your other hand. "No Gojo-san this time it's for everybody including you of course." You giggled as you watched him pout again."Okaay..."

You were getting close and you started seeing the rest of the group. Before you could wave at them, Gojo pulles you to the corner of the street where they can't see you.

You panicked but Gojo quickly interupted by releasing you and putting his hands on both side of your head. You couldn't get away but you still had your personal space considering how huge this man was. Aaaa So this is...my first... Japanese kabedon.... Your heart rate got faster and you tried to move your blushing face away.


"I'm sorry for doing this, but I couldn't risk talking about it while the others were around..."his voice got more serious."W-What do you mean by that?"you didn't know what to do. Can't help it tho nobody would know what to do if they were in a situation like this. "Long story short, I have the ability to see other creature's curse energy but with you... it's different. Yesterday I saw a huge amount of energy coming from you, but today I don't sense anything at all. Like you were born without it. Moreover when I sensed your energy I didn't feel any negative emotions and I can't even guess what your curse technique is... Care to explain that??"he smiled excitedly as he looked at your widened eyes. You quickly gathered your thoughts and thought about what he said. Of course you weren't going to tell everything to this stranger, but he looked like he wouldn't leave you until he was satisfied with your answer. "It's...nothing special really... Uhm I'm just good at hiding my cursed energy that's all..." "Hmmm and who taught you that??" "N-Nobody I taught myself..."his smile went wide like a cheshire cat. "Ahahaha that's amazing! Even I can't do that!"He sure sounded amused. Well it is rare to find sorcerers who can hide their presence. You were one of the lucky few.

"Well...you can't..."he paused for a moment. "What?"the sound of disbelief feeled your ears. Does he not know or...? "Y-You have infinite amount of cursed energy right? Bringing the infinite amount to zero is... you know...impossible..."his intense gaze worried you. Oh God was he offended?! You didn't mean to be rude!!"Ah I-I'm sorry if I offended yo-" "How...did you know I had the infinite amount of energy?" "W-Well I-"

"Gojo-sensei!! L/n-kun!!" You got interrupted by a happy Itadori. Gojo quickly moved away from you and started walking towards him. You silently followed behind. You quickly calmed down.

"Hello everyone!! And hello again to you Megumi! I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long..."you smiled brightly at them. "That's alright L/n-kun! We didn't wait for long. Megumi was talking about how you met at the bridge."Itadori said as Megumi looked away. "Oh yea Megumi sure likes dogs right? You can come visit him with me whenever you feel like it."you offered politely. "Yeah, I'd like that..."


"Oh I brought these cookies for everyone..."you said as you showed them the bag of cookies."Coookiieesss!!" All of them screamed in unison and took a cookie you included.

"OKAY! Now on to the important matter here! Miss Y/n can you please tell us why exactly you don't want to be a sorcerer??"Gojo said like in a job interview. "Well, I just... don't want to...the same reason why none of you don't want to be chefs for example. I want to find a profession that will make me happy and I don't see myself being happy as a sorcerer"you truthfully answered. "Miss Y/n did you just compare the world of shaman to the world of food...?"Gojo said with a straight serious face. "No no no it was just an example what I meant was just because I was born with cursed techique doesn't mean I have to be a sorcerer that's all."and you were right about it. There are many people in this world who chose ordinary world over "cursed" world. "Alright miss Y/n and how do you know shaman world isn't for you?? Given you live in a place where there aren't that many dangers how could you experience the real feeling of fighting a curse??"

With that a memory flashed through your mind. It wasn't a happy one but you still covered it. What's done is done after all..."Because I despise hurting other creatures... And i couldn't bare seeing anyone suffer..."

It took a moment for them to process what you said. "Don't you think that other people feel like that too?"the silence broke when Gojo spoke."What?"confusion was obvious on your face. "You know there are people who have to see their loved ones or complete strangers suffer because of curses but they can't do anything, they don't have the strength to fight against curses... But you do have it. All of us do. That's what we do here. We protect those who can't protect themselves."For the first time since you met him Gojo said something serious. You didn't know how to react to it."So let's make a deal. You can finish Jujutsu Tech in Tokyo and after you finish it if you still don't feel like becoming a shaman you can just come back here. But you have to promise me that you will try hard in this. What do you think?"

You thought about it. Should you accept his offer? You weren't sure. After all this was a big decision for you. It would completely change everything. It's true you don't like seeing others suffering. But somebody else doesn't as well. The mere thought of somebody else experiencing the same thing you did made your heart swell.

"I won't force you to do anything you don't want to but you should consider it. Someone as strong as you would be a great help. We are leaving tomorrow morning at 8am if you accept come to the train station."You knew he wasn't lying. You would've felt it if he did. So they weren't trying to use you. That thought made you happy and relaxed.

"I will think about it..."you answered. A big smile spread across Gojo's face. "Alright!! Then hopefully we will see you tomorrow Miss Y/n! But unfortunately we have to leave now we aren't done with our bussiness here. Bye miss Y/n!"he waved as he walked backwards.

"Bye bye L/n-kun!"waved the rest of them.

With that you started walking back to your home. You didn't know what to do. For now you will go home and rest and think about everything.

As you walked home the memory of your first Japanese kabedon came back and your face was red as a tomato.


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