《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 11


(Y/N): Up for Pizza Palace today? My friends are performing there today!

Adam: Who the hell are you?

(Y/N): Um, excuse me?

Adam: Sorry, I thought you were someone else. Sure, let's meet up.

Phoebe enjoyed seeing Max being stupid and oblivious to obvious things, but this was frustrating her beyond any limits. While she doesn't like the idea of her best friend and her worst family member getting together, she can't ignore what a cute couple you'd make.

Plus, he might go easier on Phoebe if he was dating her best friend.

He was just so stupid. Why couldn't he just see that he likes her?

Stupid Max. She understood if he felt something and was just too afraid to say anything, but Phoebe felt that she needed to clearly spell out his feelings for him.

So, of course, she took responsibility for this.

(Y/N)+Max shall be born!


The next morning at breakfast, Phoebe gnawed on her bacon as Max sat beside her, buttering his toast.

"Can you pass me the jam?" She asked and Max briefly looked up from his toast and shook his head.

"You are such a jerk," She scolded even though she knew he would do this, "I swear, if you didn't like (Y/N), I would kick you right now." This statement was irrelevant, sure, but it was enough to steer the conversation where she needed it to.

"What?" "What?"

"That is ridiculous, I do not like (Y/N)." He scoffed, gulping down a glass of orange juice. 'Oh, how he was going to choke on those words.'

"Good, because I was thinking of setting her up with Lionel."

"Eheck-!" 'Literally.'

She smirked, amused, as Max wiped the juice dribbling down his chin with a napkin. He glared at her, "Yeah, nice try finding some who would want to go out with her."

"Actually, I happen to know that he has a crush on her." "Doesn't matter, he isn't exactly the definition of suave."

"Well, good, because (Y/N) likes cute, dorky guys."

"Yeah, right. Let's just see if they end up together." Max said smugly.

'Oh, my little puppet Max, I already know who's going to end up together.' Phoebe smirked as she grabbed her backpack and left for school.



"Hey (Y/N)!" "Hey Pheebs, do you think you could give me that book you issued for that project due next week, I need it for some research material." You asked as you looked through a list of a few other books you needed to pick up from the library.

"Oh, um, sure, I don't have it right now, maybe come to my house after school?" She asked nonchalantly but you turned to her with an apologetic look, "Sorry, I have a thing with Adam."

"Oh." She nodded. 'Minor setback.'

"Yeah, maybe you could bring it to school tomorrow?" Phoebe nodded, "Sure."

'Gotta think of Plan B.'

"I'm headed to the library, care to join me?" You grinned cutely as you held out your arm.

"Can't, I have to do something."

You nodded and waved at her, walking to the school library, notebooks in hand.

Phoebe turned on her heels and power-walked to Lionel's locker, greeting him with a sweet smile, "Hey, Lionel."

"H-Hey, Phoebe." "By any chance, did Max talk to you today?"

Okay, so Lionel was a pawn in her plan. He was a small casualty in your glorious relationship.

"N-No." Lionel shook his head rapidly and looked in his locker, even though he had already taken his books out.

"Lionel, tell me what he said, I'm not planning to let him get away with this. I promise."

"W-Well, he just told me that I wasn't supposed to like someone that was off limits. I don't even know how he found out about my crush on Allison."

"You have a crush on Allison?" Phoebe mocked surprise, "Oh, I'm so sorry, he thinks you have a crush on someone else. I don't know where he got that idea from."

She smiled at him, "I'll tell him not to pick on you anymore, Lionel. Sorry about him. Bye."

She briefly spotted Max glaring at him from not too far away, 'Oh, I am good.'

"You know Max, I was wrong." She saw a whirlwind of emotions on his face, "Lionel actually likes Allison."

"So I learnt that the guitar completely disregards the alphabet." You updated Adam on what you had been doing that week.


"And I learnt what the right side of the scalpel is. Again." He said, raising his bandaged hand for you to see.

You shook your head, "Some doctor you're going to be if you keep cutting yourself like that."

He rolled his eyes and offered you another pizza slice, "So when are you friends coming on?"

"Um, not sure really, I think they're setting up." You answered, taking a bite and enjoying the way the cheese pulled, "Hey Adam," You held up a knife, "I'm cutting the cheese."

He laughed, "What are you, 12?"

"Coming from someone who's laughing at the joke."

"Well I wasn't expecting something so immature from an almost seventeen year old."

"Dude, let it go."

"You know that song is about cutting the cheese too?"

"Oh my god. Just shut up and eat some pizza."

He took another glance at the number of slices left, "I think we ordered the wrong size pizza."

"No, small is too small and medium is too big for two people. Nothing we can do."

"We can buy 2 smalls." "That costs way more." "Can't argue with you there."

"Having extra slices isn't really a problem, we could just take-" "What is going on here?!"

You looked up to see an older girl, probably around Adam's age, fuming at the both of you.

"Do you know her?" Was the only thing you could ask the suddenly nervous looking guy in front of you.

"You told me you were too busy to go on a date today, but instead here you are with another girl?"

"Um, actually-" You started only for her to glare at you, "I wasn't talking to you, skank."

You scoffed, 'Skank?'

The girl turned back to Adam, "And with a freakin' toddler? I didn't think you were this disgusting."

"To be honest -" "Be quiet!"

She turned back to Adam and you sighed, 'I guess I have to wait for her to run off her mouth.'

"Is this really what you want to do? Imagine what people are going to think when they come to know that you're dating a girl practically half your age."

"You've got it all wrong, we're not-" "Shut up!" She screeched and poured your drink on your head, hitting you with the paper cup.

You squirmed uncomfortably, feeling ice run down your back, "Shit, that was cold."

"Aubrey! What the heck?! She's not my girlfriend, she's my sister!"


Adam glared at the girl in front of him, "We need to talk."

You watched Adam pull the girl out of the restaurant, "Yeah, thanks for leaving me in here."

You shivered, grumbling and shaking out all the ice in your hair and the one's under your shirt when a rag was thrown in your face. Pulling it away, you realized it was a hoodie.

"Put it on." "I don't need it, Max."

The said male suddenly grabbed you by the shoulders and wrapped the hoodie around your frame and zipping it up before you even had a chance to put your arms through the sleeves.

"Everyone is supposed to be paying attention to my band but instead they can't stop oogling at your little soap opera here." He said, grabbing a napkin and dabbing your hair as you wore the jacket properly.

He avoided your eyes, dabbing away all the excess water from your hair and you blushed, noticing people still staring.

You looked up at the brunette that continued to wipe you hair, when he met your eyes, just for a second, and looked away once again. You noticed the tips of his ears getting darker when he pulled the hood over your head and pulled the strings so your couldn't see anything.

"Just go home and change."

"O-Okay." You murmured and left the restaurant.


After a hot shower, you had trouble choosing between wearing Max's now dry hoodie or keeping it on your table so you could remember to return it to him at school tomorrow.

Only after making a pros and cons list, which had way more cons as compared to your single pro, you ended up sleeping while enjoying the warmth of his hoodie, simply because that single pro was too good.

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