《A Little Good Influence | Max Thunderman x Reader》Chapter 10


Ever since the arcade, you and Max had been avoiding each other like the plague. You didn't meet in school, he never talked to you and you resisted the urge to make fun of him.

Most importantly, you avoided hanging out at Phoebe's house. Phoebe, who was curious, pestered you, asking if Max had done anything to offend or humiliate you.

'Offend me? No. Humiliate me? Of course not. Make me so embarrassed I can't even face him? That is the very definition of my life now.'

So, when you stopped by Phoebe's house to pick her up, you were more than eager to get out. However, you weren't expecting the door to be opened by someone you've never seen before.

"Uhm," You said timidly as you stepped in, "Is Phoebe home?"

The boy who opened the door seated himself on the couch, "Yeah, but she and Max are arguing about what ever it is again."

You nodded in realization, taking a seat beside him, "Well, when the thunder-twins argue, it usually takes a while."

The guy nodded and you pursed your lips. 'Awkward much?'

"Well, I'm (Y/N)." You smiled holding out your hand and he shook it gently. 'That's a lot more gentle than I thought you'd be.' You thought as he smiled charmingly.

"I'm Oyster." All the charm died.

"You're Oyster? Wow, you look a lot less stupid than I would've expected."

"Thanks, I think."

'Phoebe, if you had any conscience, you wouldn't leave me here for 3 more seconds. 1. 2. 3. Nope.'

You looked back at Oyster, only now realizing he had a guitar, "Oh! You play guitar! I've always wanted to learn but couldn't cuz' I didn't have any money. Life of an Orphan, I guess."


His face contorted awkwardly and you cringed, "Ha, not really a conversation starter, is it?"

You laughed nervously, avoiding his eyes when he suddenly turned to you, "Would you like me to teach you?"

"I'm telling you Phoebe, Oyster is way too cool for you. He's off limits." Max scolded as the both of the emerged from his 'lair'.

"Why?" She whined and he rolled his eyes, "Well, how would you feel if I dated (Y/N)?"

"I'd be okay with it." She said, but Max knew it was out of spite.

"For the last time, no." His twin huffed and he wondered if they were really related.

Just as he thought he had gotten his sisters thoughts off his band mate, he came to see his sister's best friend with him.

'You have got to be kidding me.'

Oyster was sat on the couch with his arms and legs wrapped around your figure as you sat cross-legged, with his guitar in your lap, "So this is a C?" You asked, plucking a string.

"No, that's a D." He corrected and you turned to him, not noticing the close proximity of your faces, but Max did, and he didn't like it. At. All.

"Well, then what's a C?" "There isn't one." "Well, that doesn't make any sense. Shouldn't this be in alphabetical order?"

"Not necessarily. For example, both of these are E's." He said, leading your hands to the strings, "And this is a G, and there is no F." "I can hear my kindergarten teacher crying now." You giggled as Oyster laughed and set his chin on your shoulder.

'Why did you have to wear shorts today?' Max thought miserably as he noticed Oyster resting his arm on your thigh.


"You know, I might not actually want Oyster anymore, they look like a cute couple." Phoebe teased, looking at Max's jealous face. Oh yeah, she realized long before either of you did.

"Oyster, (Y/N), do me a favor," You both looked up to see Max smiling at you, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF EACH OTHER."

"Well that smile was deceiving." You said as Oyster got up and took his guitar, offering his hand to you.

"Yeah, I think I was sitting in the splash zone." You giggled as he teasingly wiped his face but upon catching sight of Max's unamused face, "Chill out, Broseph."

"Yeah, calm down, I didn't damage your boyfriend." You giggled.

You noticed Phoebe standing beside Max, trying hard not to laugh, "Phoebe, you ready?"

She nodded, "Yep, let's go."

As the both of you were leaving, Oyster called you once more, "You should come to our gig at Pizza Palace on Wednesday."

You beamed at him, "Will do. See you then." You waved at Max and left the house, linking arms with Phoebe.

Once the door was shut, Max turned to his friend with an unamused frown.

"(Y/N)'s off limits. Go out with Phoebe instead."

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