《I'm Stuck! [The Umbrella Academy : Five Hargreeves X Reader]》Extra


AN: I'm still having trouble with the next few episodes because of the complicated mess I've made with the story. So now because I'm feeling like procrastinating instead of continuing coz my brain won't work, have this instead!

– I also know I can't really add this lil scene into my story bcos it just wouldn't make sense and I know Five wouldn't be this soft and also quite OOC for him, but y'know, I just wanted to write it down to give you guys something until my brain finally decides to work again.

Tags: Fluff with sexual tension, because why not? (Or I guess the reverse *snickers*)


The two were lounging in the library of the academy, another day with nothing to do. The siblings are nowhere to be found; Allison checking in on her daughter, Diego probably being a Walmart Batman again, Vanya in her violin lessons, and Klaus probably trying to teach Luther the ways of his world but also not because he kept insisting "Luther doesn't want that".

[Name] was beside Five on the couch, reading a book while continuously combing her hair, both of them already in their night clothes.

Five was eating chips while reading, popping it in his mouth, when he took one, looked at it before placing it in front of her mouth, causing her to gaze at the chip in confusion before finally biting, humming in satisfaction.

"What are we gonna do tomorrow?" He decided to ask, breaking the comfortable silence.

She shrugged, answering, "I dunno, I just wanna stay inside."

"You always stay inside, we should go out sometimes." He replied almost nonchalantly.

"Nah, I'm too tired."

"You're always tired." Causing her to look up at him with raised eyebrows before sighing.

"Whatever, if I feel like it."

He then gazed at her again, her continuing on brushing her hair, and offered, "Want me to do it for you?" Gesturing at her brush.

She scrunched her face at him as she gazed pointedly at his cheese-filled fingers, "Your hands on my hair? Yeah, no thanks."


He rolled his eyes with a loud huff as he grabbed an alcohol beside him, exaggeratedly showing her the alcohol being poured over his hands and cleaning it using a napkin. "There?"

She rolled her eyes back but shrugged, acquiescing as she gave him the brush, and he moved closer, starting the contact with stroking her hair. He then slowly worked his way through it, thankful that there weren't any knots that she had probably already brushed away.

She continued her scan on the book, unconsciously leaning into him as her aching arms from brushing her hair slowly faded away. She grabbed the water bottle beside her and started drinking on it before pausing as she looked at her book again.

He noticed that she was unconsciously biting the rim of her bottle, clearly distracted causing him to clear his throat, arching a brow at her. "You make a habit of doing that?"

She paused in her musings, looking up at him in surprise, "Doin' what?"

"That, biting your.." he trailed off as he gestured vaguely at her, pausing his brushing.

She looked down at what she was holding, and then lit up, "Oh! Kinda, I suppose? I dunno, just.. eh," she tried to explain but ended up shrugging as she couldn't think of any reason why she would do that in the first place.

"So you're a biter," the words came out of his mouth before he realized and it was all he could do before unbidden images of.. He immediately shook his head, removing the images as he suddenly felt as if the room was too small and suffocating but still continued with his ministrations, pretending the conversation was everything else but that.

She didn't think to answer this because what the hell would she be saying, anyway? That she is? She isn't? Yeah, no, they're not trekking that very dangerous road.

So they didn't say anything, lost in their own musings until he thought he's finally done with her, but didn't want to move away as his hands slowly fell from her head, unconsciously trailing down her arms.


She felt goosebumps at this, trying to stop the shiver going up her spine as she continued to pretend she was still reading, his hands hovering over her waist. She's very conscious about his increasing proximity with her and how she's been reading the same lines too many times to count but didn't think to do anything about it.

She again felt his hand as he moved her hair away to the side, suddenly feeling his breath on her neck and this time unable to stop the shiver from wracking her.

They hover over limbo for a few moments, clear tension in the air as she realized she'd been holding her breath for far too long, before he came to a decision and circled his arms on her waist, putting his chin on her shoulder causing her to tense more, if that was even possible.

They weren't talking, she was waiting for him to stop, maybe tease her about being too tense, and him waiting for her to put a stop to this, to tell him that she's uncomfortable. But none of them made the move to interrupt it, afraid to disturb whatever was going on between them.

She could feel his breath on her neck and jaw, and she really wondered how she's still breathing until she realized she isn't, and therefore exhaling with a shudder before feeling her chest rise and fall a little too heavily for her liking, the beat of her heart too loud that she's afraid he could hear it. If he noticed this, he didn't say anything nor made a move to even show he did, he just stared, maybe at her book that she completely forgot at this point.

She slowly forced herself to relax when nothing happened after a few minutes, thinking that maybe Five wishes to be this comfortable with her and just not overthink it. So she went back to her book, raising it up a little in case he had trouble reading from his position.

"What part are you on now?" He whispered lowly, breath ghosting her ear causing her to shiver again. Goddamnit, she cursed to herself as she tried to calm her overenthusiastic heart.

She didn't think to answer it, only pointing at the line she was still on, afraid that her voice might give her away.

"Can you read it to me?" And this time, she tilted her head to him in disbelief, a protest ready in her throat, before ceasing as she realized how big of a mistake it was, feeling her mouth dry as their faces were now inches away from each other, practically breathing the same air. He didn't avert his gaze from her, only kept it as she noticed how intense he was looking at her and feeling like she's melting in his embrace. She vaguely felt his arms tightening around her and noticed his eyes darting at her lips, and her unconsciously licking it.

His eyes darted back and forth from her eyes to her lips, slowly leaning in as his lips parted, and her closing her eyes, waiting in bated breath.

"Kids!" A voice suddenly shouted as the doors to the library were thrown open, causing the two to jump away from each other and went back to reading their respective books. "You would not believe what just happened!" Came the voice of Klaus as he bounded up to the both of them, sitting between them before immediately embracing the girl in a cuddle.

Klaus noticed Five glaring daggers at him but ignored it when the girl suddenly stood up. "I.. uh, I gotta go to bed." She stammered before walking fastly towards the doors. As soon as she was out of sight, Klaus looked at his brother who now also stood up and basically stormed out of the room.

"What happened?" Klaus asked in confusion at the two.

"I think you stopped something," Ben commented with a shrug.

Klaus looked back down at the book left open by the girl, seeing that it stopped at the page where the two characters were about to confess to each other before being interrupted, murmuring, "I think I did."

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