《1 | MADNESS - LIP GALLAGHER》12. grapefruit spoon


i was sitting in the kitchen of my grandmas house while she was meeting with her lawyer. mike went with her and emma was at the gallaghers playing video games with carl and debbie.

i was getting a beer and i went over to the living room and sat down. i took a few sips of beer until i heard a knock on the door, when i opened it, i saw lip.

"hey." lip said as i let him in.

"hey, what are you doing here?" i said.

"what? i'm not allowed to just visit my beautiful girlfriend?" lip asked me as i chuckled.

"that's not what i meant." i told him.

"so, ian and i are going to visit our grandmother and i was wondering if you wanted to come." lip asked me as i grabbed my beer.

"wait, why are you going to see your grandmother?" i asked him.

"well, we found out that ian isn't actually franks son." lip told me.

"no fucking way." i said drinking more of my drink.

"you alright?" lip asked me.

"my grandma is seeing her lawyer right now, i'm just worried. but, lets go see your grandma." i said putting my beer back in the fridge and i grabbed his hand.

we went and met up with ian and we started walking to the local prison since nana gallagher is a prisoner.

"aren't you a little bit curious to find out who he is?" lip asked passing me a cigarette and he lit one of his own.

"no." ian replied.

"you're lying." i told ian.

"no? he could be any one of these guys." lip said.

"oh, yeah? like that one right there?" ian said pointing to a guy that was passed out wearing women's clothes.

"totally." lip replied.

"why are you being so weird about this, ian?" i asked him.

"look, he's gonna be a douche bag no matter who he is." ian told us.

"well, he can't be any worse than frank." lip said.

"he's right." i said agreeing with my boyfriend.

"he's a gallagher." ian simply replied.

"well, maybe he'll take you to a game, or you know, kick in some scratch for college or give you a kidney, hell, a birthday card once a year. that's a win, right?" lip said as we all sat on the bus bench.

"do we know any cool dads?" ian asked.

"scotty houstons father. but he's on that sex offenders list for jacking off in sherman park." lip said.

"well my dad was a good dad, he wasn't always around but he was still a good dad." i said as i felt lip grab my hand and held it.

we finally got on the bus and we got to the prison then they brought out nana gallagher and we walked over to the window.

"there she is." lip told us as we sat in the chair.

"hey, grammy." lip said.


"who the hell are you?" she asked.

"grams, its us, lip and ian, franks sons." lip said.

"your grandsons?" ian said.

"oh, my goodness. would you look at you two. i have never seen apple and spice looking so nice." nana gallagher said with a laugh.

"thanks, grammy." ian said with a smile.

"wait, who's this." she asked looking over at me.

"oh, this is mel wilson she's lips girlfriend." ian told her.

"she's a pretty little thing." she replied.

"thanks." i said with a smile.

"how's it going in there?" lip asked her.

"well, the foods not so great, but the pussys pretty good. never thought i'd be the type. oh, this dump ain't so bad. i can get blow anytime i like." she replied.

"sounds alright." lip said.

"yeah. the only thing that sucks is they got me cleaning toilets. i wanted to be on the kitchen crew. but they won't let me anywhere near the place. one meth lab explosion, and this is what i get." nana gallagher said.

"well, yeah. it's probably the two college students that died in the fire, grams." lip told her.

"so, what do you want?" she asked.

"uh, we're, uh, trying to find dad's brothers. there's, uh, three, right?" lip asked her.

"who wants to know?" nana asked.

"just us." lip replied.

"one might be my dad." ian told her.

"how so?" she asked.

"uh, monica boned a brother." lip said.

"what?" she asked not understanding what lip said.

"monica, she fucked a brother." lip repeated.

"i never liked that woman." she said.

"can't say we blame you." i said.

"so i give you the names, what are you gonna do for me?" nana gallagher asked.

"what do you want?" lip asked.

"cigarettes. carton a week." nana gallagher replied.

"what you can get blow in here, but not cigarettes?" lip asked.

"go figure." nana gallagher said.

lip and ian looked over at me since they knew i sold some and i nodded. stuart also bought some of those off me as well.

"yeah, you got it." lip replied.

"clayton, jerry, and my baby, wyatt. they're in the book. but don't bother with wyatt. he lost his testicles in the navy." nana gallagher said.

"alright, lets go." an office told their grandmother.

"okay. thanks, grams." lip said.

"and you tell jerry that if he doesn't pay me back that 5 grand he stole i'm gonna send my ex husband ronny over to gouge his eyes out with a grapefruit spoon." nana gallagher said.

after we left we were walking back over to the bus stop.

"what the hell is a grapefruit spoon?" i asked as ian and lip laughed.


the next day we drove over to one of franks brothers house.

"this is a nice car, lip." i told him.

"yeah, did steve give you the car?" ian asked from the backseat.


"nah, i bought it. had 74,920$ lying around." lip told him.

"ah, money well spent." ian said.

we got out of the car and walked over to the door.

"so why is it we've never met any of franks brother?" ian asked.

"family reunions are for families." lip said.

"and for funerals." i said as we got up to the door.

"and will the guy behind door number one be ian gallaghers ticket out?" lip asked.

"shut up." ian whispered as the door opened.

"yeah?" jerry asked, when we all looked at him he looked just like frank.

"holy shit." lip said.

"oh, my god." ian said.

"what the hell." i said.

"what do you want?" jerry asked.

"uh, hi, um, i'm sorry. uh, my name is phillip. this is my brother ian. and that's my girlfriend mel." lip said.

"yeah, so?" jerry asked.

"well, we're frank gallaghers sons. we were wondering if maybe we could talk to you for a-" lip was cut off when jerry closed the door in his face.

"son of a bitch." jerry said locking his door.

"oh. off to a good start." ian said.

"sorry, guys." i said patting them on the shoulder.

"i didn't know dad was a twin. did you?" lip asked.

"no." ian replied.

"hey, what are you doing?" ian asked when he saw lip try to knock again.

"what? we should at least talk to him." lip said.

"he just slammed the door in our faces." ian said.

"yeah, we probably scared him." lip told him.

"i don't want that dick being my father, alright?" ian told him.

"we're here. we should find out more about him." lip said knocking on the door.

"i have a shotgun, and i'm not afraid to use it." jerry said.

"happy?" ian asked.

"yeah." lip said.

"okay." ian said.

"can we just go?" i asked as we walked back into the car.

we went over to claytons house and he looked like ian. he let us inside and we were all introduced.

he showed us the photo album of frank and his brothers when they were young. ian ended up freaking out and went back in the car.

when we were driving back we got pulled over by the cops and found out the car lip got was a stolen car steve had.

they took all of us out of the car and handcuffed us. tony walked over thinking we were steve and was shocked to see it was us.

"fuck." i said as lip looked at me.

after a few minutes they brought us over to the cells and locked us in.

"i should've never went to work with steve." lip said.


"i get convicted, i can't enlist." ian said.

"what?" lip asked.

"in the marines." ian replied.

i was sitting in the middle of the two boys while we waited for an officer to come talk to us.

"good. i was planning on knee capping you in your sleep to keep you out of kandahar anyway." lip said as me and ian chuckled.

"i was hoping for korengal." ian told him.

"isn't that where uh, todd igguldens brother lost a foot?" lip asked.

"got him that silver star." ian said.

"yeah. and a handicapped placard to hang from the mirror of his moms civic." lip said.

"phillip gallagher." the officer said as he sat down in front of lip.

"no relation to our favorite overnight guest, frank, i hope." he said.

"son." lip replied.

"you're franks kid. and this is your first felony bust?getting a little late start for a gallagher, aren't cha?" the officer asked.

"slow study, i guess." lip replied.

"hmm. melanie wilson, i've heard a thing or two about how violent you get other than that you seem to keep yourself out of trouble." the officer said.

"always try my best." i said.

"and ian. another frank progeny?" the officer asked.

"afraid so." lip spoke for him.

"you always let your brother speak for you, ian?" the officer asked.

"he's mute." lip said.

"i can talk." ian said.

"so, what? you three geniuses stole a porsche cayenne, and what decided to go on a little late night white castle run? come on, ian. you do not wanna do time. not with that face." the officer said freaking out ian.

"i stole the car. ian and mel didn't know anything about it." lip told the office as ian and i stayed quiet.

i can't believe lip right now, he's ready to go to prison just so he doesn't rat out steve. i get that was basically the south side code was that we never snitch but it didn't mean i wanted to see lip go to jail.

"you can't prove anything motherfuckers!" i heard someone shout.

when i turned i saw stuart in handcuffs being dragged out of the police station. we both shared a glance but that was it.

they caught him. i knew that after this moment i was probably never going to see him again. i didn't know if stuart had actually killed them. i didn't wanna believe it but i knew stuart was a messed up kid.

"you okay?" lip asked me as i looked over and locked eyes with him.

i let out a sigh and nodded. i couldn't make it look like i knew stuart because then i'd be caught for lying to the cops. i knew that stuart wasn't gonna rat me out for dealing because i didn't rat him out.

i knew that he was trying to protect me and i had to obey that. i may deal but it doesn't mean i'm cut out for the prison life.

i just couldn't bring myself to think that stuart was cut out for it either.

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