《Love At First Fight {Regulus Black}》26. THE ONLY PLACE


in one of the many hallways of the wizarding school. The blonde Slytherin was complaining loudly about two certain Gryffindor twins. His fists were clenched and his face was red with anger, whilst his hair was a disgusting shade of pink as he was in fact Fabian and Gideon's latest prank victim.

Regulus wasn't even bothering to listen to his supposed friend, instead his eyes wandered around the outside of the school, lingering on students that were sat on the ground. More importantly, couples that seemed to be enjoying their time together. He sighed sadly as part of him wished he could do the same thing with a certain Evans girl.

They could sit on the grass, or in front of the Black Lake during their free periods. Hold hands as they strolled the school grounds together. He could show her off and buy her flowers because that's what she deserved. They could go to Hogsmeade on dates every weekend, spend Valentine's Day together. But instead, he has to pretend to hate her. Has to pretend like she's a disgusting person that doesn't deserve the same respects as everyone else just because her parents are Muggles. The only time he can ever be seen with her is in Potions, but even then he can't speak with her for too long, especially since Evan was in the very same class and would see everything.

So instead they're limited to the Astronomy Tower. The only place they could be together. The only place Regulus was happy at.

"Where have you disappeared off to?"

Regulus finally snapped out of his daydream. His icy blue eyes wandered over to Evan, "Huh?"

"Where did you disappear to?" Evan repeated his question, "You seemed to space out."

Regulus cursed himself. He seemed to be letting himself get lost in daydreams whenever he wasn't with Ivy, and his friend was certainly noticing the strange pattern, "Oh, I dunno, I'm just tired," Regulus quickly said, hoping that Evan would believe him.


Evan looked wary at his best friend but decided to not press the matter any further. Suddenly, someone ran past them at a surprisingly high speed. Regulus followed the figure, he instantly recognised the person to be Ivy Evans. The redhead didn't even take a double glance at him as she ran past, her long locks flying behind her. She yelled a quick apology to a couple she knocked into before she disappeared around a corner.

Evan scoffed, his eyes darkening, "What an inconsiderate mudblood," He spat, anger lacing his voice.

Regulus suddenly felt like he was on fire. His fist clenched so tight his knuckles turned white. He could hear his heart thudding loudly in his ears as his jaw locked. Without saying a word, the black haired boy suddenly jolted up. Evan watched with a puzzled expression on his face as Regulus suddenly walked away from him, not saying a word.

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