《Love At First Fight {Regulus Black}》27. POTIONS


morning was hell for Ivy. Since she missed practise, Noah made her practise for three hours after she finally found him in the Gryffindor common room and her muscles felt as if she had been battered by a Bludger all night.

Truthfully, the only reason she even got out of bed was the fact that she had double Potions first thing in the morning. Donna, of course, teased her best friend, only stopping when they were joined by Jasper in the Great Hall for breakfast.

"You alright?" Regulus' quiet whisper made Ivy return back to the real world.

Glancing around, the redhead noticed that students had began the practical part of their lesson and she quickly stood up off her stool, nodding her head at the Slytherin looking at her with concerned washed over his face, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," She told him, sending him a small, discreet smile, "Had Quidditch practise yesterday evening."

Regulus nodded understandingly as he flipped open his Potions book on the right page, "I've heard Noah's pretty serious about the sport."

Ivy snorted as she read the ingredients needed, "That's an understatement," She muttered as she walked past Regulus to grab everything they would need. What she didn't know was the fact that Regulus watched her carefully, not in a creepy way, in more of an intrigued way if anything. His eyes snapped down onto the table when Ivy turned back around, strolling back over to him.

The pair worked in silence; like they usually did as to not attract any unwanted attention to them. However, both of them would steal glances at one another every so often.

"Are you going up to the Astronomy Tower this evening?" Regulus' question caught her off guard and she almost dropped too much mandrake leaves into the cauldron before she composed herself, "I am. Are you?"


Regulus tried his best to hide the smile that threatened to appear on his face. His chest suddenly felt warm as he thought to the both of them sitting up in the Astronomy Tower, watching the stars and sharing a few odd kisses here and there. They hadn't made anything 'official', I mean, how can you do that when you can't even be seen within three feet of one another. Regulus wanted nothing more than to ask Ivy to be his girlfriend, but he knew she needed someone better than him. Someone that can show her how special she is.

"Regulus? Are you okay?" Ivy's voice snapped the Slytherin boy out of his own daydream. He had been too caught up in his depressing thoughts to remember where he was, let alone remember that he got asked something.

"Yeah, I'm okay," He told her, trying his best to look convincing. Ivy could see straight through him though, "I'll be there. I always will."

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