《Love At First Fight {Regulus Black}》18. DRESS SHOPPING


lot more tiring than Ivy had expected it to be. Well, more factually: dress shopping with Donna was tiring.

The brunette found every dress she saw 'cute', stating how 'smoking' Ivy would look in all of them before she pushed the mountain of dresses into Ivy's arms.

"Don't you think this is slightly over the top?"

"Certainly not," Donna stated as she threw a blue low cut dress onto the pile.

Ivy could feel her arms beginning to ache, she tried to glance over the top of them but couldn't and instead, the redhead had to strain her neck to the side, "Donna, stop please," She pleaded causing the brunette to stop in her step and turn to look at her best friend, "You know I'm not picky, let's put like thirty of these back and I'll try on three that I like."

Donna crossed her arms over her chest, "Ten."

Ivy huffed, "Five."

There was a moment of silence.


Ivy smirked proudly to herself, before she threw the dresses back to Donna; who begrudgingly went and hung them back in their original places. As she was doing so, Ivy finally actually glanced at the hundreds of dresses that were available. The choice was insane and none of them stood out to her, none apart from one. It stuck out like a sore thumb due to it's simplicity. But that's why the redhead liked it so much.

She sped-walked towards it just as Donna came back, almost empty handed. She held three dresses in her hands and had a sheepish look on her face, but when she spotted the dress that hung right in front of Ivy, she dropped all three and rushed over to her best friend.

"Ivy, that is gorgeous," The brunette breathed out, staring wide eyed at the pink material in front of them, "Please tell me you're considering it."


Ivy smiled, "I really think I am."

Donna squealed with excitement as she watched Ivy take the dress from the hanger, she quickly pushed her best friend towards the dressing room as she went back to collect the dresses she dropped out of shock. When Donna was done with that, Ivy had finished getting into the dress and called out for her best friend, who, stood right outside the dressing room, hopping from one foot to the other with excitement.

"Ivy you look amazing," Donna breathed out, "You look gorgeous. How do you feel?"

Ivy glanced down at the pale, nude pink material. The dress was absolutely stunning causing the redhead to feel more than beautiful in it. It was long, reaching her feet and she knew she'd have to wear some heels with it to make sure she wouldn't trip over the material. The material was comfortable and silky, with a sheer glittery overdress which was covered in silver stars and constellations. It had a plunging neckline; a neckline Ivy didn't think she would be fond of but with a dress so gorgeous she didn't mind.

"Regulus won't be able to look away from you," Donna breathed out, still in awe at the dress.

"Really?" Ivy asked, suddenly feeling self conscious. It almost slipped her mind that Regulus would be attending and suddenly Ivy was back to thinking about the kiss. The goddamn kiss she couldn't get out of her head.

Donna placed her hand on Ivy's shoulder. A comforting smile on her face, "Really."

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