《Love At First Fight {Regulus Black}》8. COMPETITION


it had gotten much easier sitting besides the youngest Black during Potions.

Both Donna and Jasper were extremely confused when they noticed their red head friend sitting comfortably besides Regulus Black - compared to how uncomfortable she had looked when she was paired with the black haired boy - and even communicating with the said boy. But, what confused them even more was when Ivy actually laughed at something Regulus had said to her.

"Blink twice if you need help," Donna mouthed to her best friend from across the Potions classroom.

Ivy scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, "What?" She mouthed back, confused as to what her friend had meant.

"Blink twice..." Donna mouthed, blinking twice exaggeratedly whilst holding up two finger in the air, "...If you need help."

Rolling her eyes, Ivy just shook her head at her friend before bringing her attention back to Regulus as she watched him add another ingredient into the cauldron. Her jade eyes lingered on Regulus' jaw line as it clenched and unclenched with concentration. She couldn't deny the attractiveness that the boy possessed. It was obvious that both of the Black brothers were extremely attractive and no one could deny those facts.

Suddenly, Regulus' head turned to glance at Ivy, causing the red head to quickly move her head down. Avoiding his eyesight and acting as if she was busy looking over the method of the potions she could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment of almost being caught practically oogling the attractive male.

"Looks like I've got competition," Regulus casually said, choosing to ignore teasing the girl for watching him so intently as they never said they were friends, merely acquaintances.

"What?" Ivy asked, her face showing confusion as she looked over at the black haired boy.


"I saw you practising Quidditch," Regulus admitted quietly. Ivy could swear she noticed a light pink tint to his cheeks, "Ohh," She said with realisation before pointing to the boy, "Wait, so does that mean you're the new Seeker for the Slytherin team?" She queried.

"Guilty as charged," Regulus shrugged, a content smile on his face, "You're pretty good," He told her sincerely, as he added some Mandrake leaves to the potion that was softly bubbling.

"You mean for a Muggle-born?" Ivy stated, although it sounded more like a question than a statement. She moved her gaze from the boy and instead became interested in the small air bubbles forming on the top layer of the potion.

"No," Regulus quickly said, shaking his head which caused the hair to flop around on his forehead, "I didn't mean it like that," He explained. The red head looked up slightly, using her hair as a protective curtain, "Honestly. I just meant that you're actually really good, for anyone," He told her, his eyes never leaving her face.

"Oh," Ivy muttered, feeling her cheeks burning, "Well, thanks," She whispered, gently placing some of her hair behind her ear as her eyes were focused on the book that sat on top of their shared table.

What she didn't spot, however, was the gaze Regulus held on her.

His icy blue eyes were watching her every movement with a small smile on his face. The way she carried herself, the way she would bite her lip when she was nervous (as she was doing now). He quickly shook his head and looked away, getting rid of any thoughts of the red head from his mind. Which proved to be much more difficult than he originally expected.

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