《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Fifteen: Epilogue




"Blayde, behave" I heard Eli warn, his eyes narrowing at my innocent smile as we entered the council building. Many of the people still remembered Eli from his rampage, but wisely chose to stay quiet. Which honestly, was the best course of action, after all, if you decide to piss off a full-grown dragon shifter, you're bound to have some problems.

"Good Morning Elder Eli, Mr.Hawks, and Mr.Reamus, the council members are waiting for you" the receptionists greeted politely as she motioned the foreboding double oak doors ahead. Entering the council room, we were instantly greeted by the council members, which almost all looked like they were hundreds of years old.

There were twenty council members, one from each major supernatural species, they all were over at least two hundred years old, and have served in the council for at least ninety years. They were old and at times were closed minded, but still, they were able to get past their own biases in order to help the supernatural species maintain order.

"First of all, speaking on the behalf of all those who had voted to go after you and your mates, we would like to apologize. Our facts were incorrect and we did very little investigation into the matter before making such a rash decision, but we would all like to get past that" Harlow, the oldest council member spoke, his hand coming to rake throw the short white hair that was piled atop his head.

"We are not here to make amends, though the apology is accepted" Eli's reply was clipped and straight to the point.

"Ah, yes we are well aware of why you are here, and all the paperwork has been signed and accounted for, so we would like to introduce you to your daughter, Meghan" Harlow motioned to the doors behind us, and through them came a man holding a tiny little bundle in his arms, the pink blanket obscuring the infant completely.


Liam put his hands to his mouth as he let out a slight gasp before holding out his arms and gently taking the little girl.

"Oh look at you" he whispered as Meghan peered up at him, her bright brown eyes completely focused on Liam before she lifted her arms out towards him, speaking in her little gibberish.

"We wish all of you the best with your new child, and hope that she may grow to be a fine young woman, our secretary will be sure to give you her records before you leave" one of the others spoke, but I couldn't care less about what they said.

Both I and my wolf were already so transfixed by the little girl and wanted to protect them as well as spoiling them. One look at Eli told me the same, and I felt tears come to my eyes when I realized that our little family was for all intents and purposes complete.

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