《Love Knights (10/10)》C 4
"Live or Die?"
Author: *cough* So hello readers! Heres the C 4 on love knights, and anyways this woul-
Riko: Author-chan.. Stop saying that.. It irritates my ear
Author: *sigh* you didn't like it? Cause you kidnap? You've been blessed because if you are with Yoshiko-chan, you'll kil-
Riko: *blushes too much* Ok.. Ok.. Sorry Author-chan!! *bows*
Yohane: YO-HA-NE!!!
Author: ok ok *smiles awkwardly*
Mari: Lets start off~ *engrish accent*
Author: Ow by the way... How to say this?
Kanan: Hm? What is it author-chan..?
Author: Nah.. Nothing.. Ill tell you when the chapter ends *smiles*
At Clover Keef's Priestess Room
Mari(C): (is this correct to help them?)
Sero: *knocks the door*
Mari(C): come in.
Sero: *opens the door* Priestess, are you sure about this??
Mari(C): *tightening my fist* Yes.. I would help them of course
Sero: if you change your mind, tell us, Priestess
Mari(C): okay.. Take care of them and ill give a signal..
Sero: *closes the door* *sigh* (Why should i help them?, ill find an answer for that) *starts walk*
Sero: *sees You and Yohane* (You, why im remembering that girl again..)
You: Umm... Sero-san wheres the restroom here?
Sero: *ignores them*
Sero: *stops* ... (tch..)
Riko(C): Oy, Sero wh-
Sero: let me go, sorry.. *starts walking and pass by Riko*
Riko(C): (whats happening to Sero?)
You: Whats happening to her?
Riko(C): she had boyish personality so yeah understand her
Yohane: im being pissed of cause of that girl!
You: Calm down Yosh- I mean Yohane!!
Yohane: now im being increase my blood pressure now..
Riko(C): ill show you the restroom, follow me
You: Ahh thank you..
Sero: *face them* *face back* *sees Ruby*
Ruby(C): i see, Sero-san.. You didn't want to close them..
Sero: Ruby-san...
Ruby(C): i know you since we join this great clan... *smiles* just tell me whats your feeling about our outsiders..
Sero: *tightening my fist* leave me alone Ruby.. I need to chill first *runs*
Ruby(C): Sero-san..
At Sero's Room
Sero: *laying on the bed* *seeing picture with her family* *tears appearing her face* Dad... Mom... I miss you... *hugs the picture*
Ruby(C): *hearing Sero's voice from the door* Sero... (shes from Earth Land too...)
Starts Flashbacks
- -
Sero: W-w-where am i?!? *seeing fire* *hearing swords on her mind* *laids down* what i am doing here...
Ruby(C): Hades: TRIPLE LEAP RELEASE! *goes to soldiers of Wraith Dawn and doing a scratching and the soldiers goes disappearing* *sees a kid* A kid!!
Guard(W): IM GONNA KILL YOU, KID!! *dashes to Sero*
Sero: *covers my face to my face* Please protect me Mom.. *starts appearing my tears*
Ruby(C): (i cannot go in time!!)
Sero: *appearing black particles to her body and and releases demon hands and grabs the guard of wraith dawn* *disappears it*
Ruby(C): (Black Magic?!?)
Sero: *Shouts* AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *transform into Demon Form*
- -
Ruby(C): *smiles* *starts walking* (You never change, Sero-san)
Riko(C): did you ask Sero-san, Ruby?
Ruby(C): did you remember our first war between Wraith Dawn?
Riko(C): Yeah.. Whats all about for that?
Ruby(C): when i was newbie, i just saw a kid
Riko(C): kid? Hm... I didn't saw it
Ruby(C): i just saw Sero-san in Demon Form..
Riko(C): then what is it look like..
Ruby(C): looks like
Starts flashbacks
- -
Ruby(C): D-d-Demon !!!!!!
*releases Demon beam to her mouth*
Ruby(C): HADES SEIKI! *draws a line and appears Shield* *holds my two finger to my right hands to prevent broken on shield* (Is this the power of Demon Types?!?)
- -
Ruby(C): i can't totally forget that form, like you don't want to forgot it, Riko
Riko(C): im feeling curious what you saying Ruby..
Ruby(C): Well lets get going to our outsiders *walks*
Riko(C): *nods and walks*
At Priestess Chamber
Mari(C): i see.. Sero don't want to join our mission for today huh..
Ruby(C): yes our Priestess..
Mari(C): well Riko and the others will go on missions
Ruby(C): i understand Priestess.. *walks*
Mari(C): Ruby,
Ruby(C): yes our Priestess??
Mari(C): just protect them okay?
Ruby(C): Ok.. *open and closes the door*
At forest nearby Clover Keef
You: were going to a cave?!?
Riko(C): yep theres secret chamber of Wraith Dawn so we need to go their..
Ruby(C): and also you should stay our sides to prevent hurt
Yohane: Ehh?!? I can do myself!!
Mari: Oh really, Yoshiko-
Yohane: IM YOHANE!!!
You: *sigh* so whats our plan for that?
Ruby(C): hmm i totally forgot the plan Riko..
Riko(C): jeez, we didn't plan it properly.. If Sero is here, we totally had plans
Mari: by the way wheres Sero-san?
You: they mad at us...
Yohane: yeah we should her m-
Ruby(C): don't tolerate Sero, you don't know her magic.. Thats why you treat Sero in the wrong way..
Riko(C): Ruby..
Mari: so Sero will rest for 1 day and also Yoshiko?
Ruby(C): *nods* Yep, the two officers of Clover Keef will keep you guide for the mission on rescue
Riko(C): ok lets go, *starts walk*
At Emperor's Room
Kanan(W): sk hows the experiment, Dia
Dia(W): well done, we did our abusement to them..
You(W): actually.. *laids down on the corner* i don't want to see them..
Hanamaru(W): so whats appearance on the experiment?
Dia(W): *smirks* Well... *laids down with You* i don't want to say it, Hanamaru..
Kanan(W): so the experiment is success!!! *laughs* MARI, I FINALLY BEAT YOU WITH MY HANDS HAHAHAHA
Chika(W): Don't be greatful, Kanan.. We still didn't sure about it..
Kanan(W): *stops laughing* hmm i see..
Dia(W): *stands* but then we should prove it to sure, Chika..
Chika(W): hmm *smiles* you sure..
You(W): *stands* im going to cave and try not to see them..
Hanamaru(W): can i go with you, You-chan?
You(W): sure Hanamaru-chan
The Two members of Wraith Dawn went out for the securities..
At Cave.. Finding Secret Chamber.
Ruby(C): there secret chamber is very deep on this cave...
Riko(C): yeah im gonna sense the wind first.. Wind Sense... *starts the wind appearing sround me and goes to their guide* okay lets follow my wind *starts walking*
You: wow, Riko's version on here is awesome
Mari: Yes~~
Yohane: its so dark here... Wait for me!! *runs*
Guard(W): *telescoping* hmm.. It seems *sees Clover Keefs* i see the intruder!!!
Ruby(C): they see us lets hide guys!!
You(W): hm? Let me see *grabs the telescope and sees it* theres no intruder there *throws the telescope* please do your proper objective
Guard(W): ok, (its strange..) *uses the telescope*
Ruby(C): ok ill disguise as guard on here..
Riko(C): ok go on, Ruby
Ruby(C): *transform into guard* yush *starts walking*
You(W): a guard?? What hes doing on there?!?
Mari: You is being confused right now we need to transfer
Riko(C): just wait, Mari...
You(W): *appears infront of the guard(Ruby)* what are you doing there??
Guard(R,W): sightseeing..
You(W): comeback here on our base *holds the guard and appears on the base*
Guard(R,W): (success, Riko)
Riko(C): ok good Ruby, lets move on to the back
Y, Y, M: ok!! *follows to Riko*
You(W): ok just guard our two experiments
Guard(R,W): ok.. (whats the experiment?)
You(W): ok follow the way, Hanamaru-chan
Hanamaru(W): ok You-san, come follow me *starts walking*
Guard(R, W): (ahh thank you, it will discover me..)
Hanamaru(W): ok we arrived finally its so far away from the entrance so yeah, stay there on the entrance door
Guard(R,W): Ok! *stands on the entrance door*
Hanamaru(W): *yawns* im too tired on walking... *walks*
Guard(R,W): (ok im on victims place.. Ill show you the coordinates)
Riko(C): (how fast, Ruby..) ok Mari, Yoshi-
Yohane: IM YOHANE!!
Riko(C): stop that, stay here, You, follow me
You: Yousoro! *follows Riko*
Mari: Hmm whats happening on Riko? Shes knows the happening?
Yohane: didn't you know that they have magical powers?
Mari: Oh i totally forgot~
Riko(C): You, use yo- i totally forgot you don't have magical powers... Ill use it.. Just secure the surroundings
You: Ok!
Riko(C): (lend me power, Wind) *invisibles* yush! *taps should on You* Hey You stay here for awhile
You: O- wheres Riko?!?
Guard(R,W): *opens the door* *trying to see if theres no people on the lab* *sees Kanan and Riko* (Kanan! Riko!) *runs to them*
Dia(W): what are you trying to do, Ruby?!?
Ruby(C): *transform to normal* so you totally know me, Dia
Author: *cough* ok explanations, on Ferlord land, Dia and Ruby are not totally sister on there but in Earth Land, they usually sisters :)
Ruby(C): *releases my gauntlet thunder to my hands* Lets rematch, Dia *smiles*
Dia(W): *smiles* *releases my sword and bow* Sure, Ruby *dashes to Ruby*
Ruby(C): *dashes to Dia*AHHH
Dia(W): AHHH
Chika(W): so what are you going to do, Kanan..
Kanan(W): hmm, they not being awake...
Chika(W): hm..
Guard: *runs to them*
Chika(W): what is it?
Guard: theres intruder, Chika-sama
Kanan(W): please ill lend you that situation, Chika..
Chika(W): ill hold it, ok show me the way..
Guard: Ok! *runs*
Chika(W): *releases strings* *follows the guard*
Kanan(W): tch.. Clover Keef won't never shut their mouths..
Kanan: *awakes* ugh..
Kanan(W): (she awakes..)
Riko: *woke up* where am i?!
Kanan: *sees Kanan* YOU!!
Kanan(W): Sh.. *releases chains around her*
Riko: Why you did this to us?!
Kanan(W): *sigh* let me ask you first... Kanan..
Kanan(W): *pisses off* Tch.. SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! *electrifies*
Kanan: AHHH
Riko: STOP THAT!! *starts falling my tears*
Kanan(W): *offs the electricity*
Kanan: *breathing in and out*
Riko: Ill answer that question unless don't hurt Kanan!!
Kanan(W): Hmm.. Okay.. But this is hard for you, if you don't answer it properly, ill electrify you
Riko: Ill answer it properly!
Kanan: tch.. *breathing in and out*
Kanan(W): where do you from, outsiders *looking the button*
Riko: Were from Ear- AHHHH
Kanan(W): Lies... Tch..
Kanan: STOP THAT!!!! *starts falling my tears* ITS TRUTH THOU!!
Kanan(W): hmm really?
Kanan: If im telling lie, KILL ME RIGHT NOW!!
Riko: K-k-k-k
Kanan(W): *deactive it*
Riko: *breathing in and out* Kanan..
Kanan(W): (shes brave like me, its because where the same..)
Kanan: *sobs* PLEASE
Kanan(W): ill count on you..
Kanan: *gasp* *eyes widen* f-f-for what?!?
Kanan(W): Robotots.. Tor. Ture. Them *smiles* *walk outs from the chamber*
Riko: Kanan.. Get ready for ourselves..
Kanan: Ill handle it for Mari!!
Riko: Kanan... Ill handle for YOHANE
Mari: Kanan..
Yohane: Riko..
You: RIKO!!
Riko(C): i can't... Handle... It.. *falls down*
You(W): 1 Down.. 3 left...
You: *gasp*
You(W): You learn some combat skills right from your sensei Nexus..
You: Riko... *tears down* *stands* ILL BATTLE YOU TILL END, MYSELF!
You(W): im glad i hear it from version to me.. *releases water spikes from You*
Yohane: YOU!! *runs to them*
You: Don't remind me *smiles* ha.. Ha... Ha.. *smiles creepy* hurt me many times, You..
You(W): any last words, My version..
You: ha.. Ha..
You & Sero: DIE!!!
You(W): *gasp*
Sero: *releases demon beam to my mouth*
You(W): WATER SEIKI *draws line to protect and holds thr two fingers on her left hands and holding it to her right hans*
You & Sero: *fuses*
Mari: You..
Yohane: -chan..
You(W): Thank god that be.. am...
Yoro: you suprise huh HAHAHAHA
You(W): they.. Fuse... How?!?
Yoro: LET THE BATTLE BEGIN, MYSELF *dashes to You* DEMON QUICK ATTACK *go around to You and punches her*
You(W): *dodges it and some scratches* (shes fast?!?) *sees from my back*
Yoro: DIE!!! *kicks it*
You(W): *hits from the wall* (shes so strong, that impact was almost break my bones from my back* WATER SERENITY!! *creates water around me and forming a new form*
Yoro: this is getting better Ha.. Ha... Ha...
Kanan & Riko: Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha..
Die... Ha.. Ha...
Riko: Die die die
Kanan: Die die die..
Kanan(W): so hows the feeling to be tortured..
Kanan & Riko: *keep their mouth silents*
Kanan(W): Hmm are you deaf? Hmm.. Okay ill leave you guys for that moment.. *leaves*
Kanan: *starts crying on my face* Mari..
Riki: *appearing tears on my face* Yohane..
Kanan: i..
- -
Mari: Kanan!! Catch me!!
Kanan: i will catch you Mari!!
Dia: hey ill help you Kanan!!
Mari: *falls down* *cries*
Kanan: Mari!! Don't cry!!
Dia: *laughs* Mari is being cry baby right now until she grown up
Kanan: hey Dia! Don't talk Mari like that, she been hurt to from her fall.
Dia: it was joke *smiles*
Mari: You guys are monster!!
Dia: sorry Mari-san..
- -
Kanan: Mari..
- -
???: You came back..
Kanan: the girl of faceless.. Why are you here again?
???: Hmm i visit you cause you been tortured right?
Kanan: wait how do yo-
???: na na na.. Im unknown girl right, so i watch you behind from you
Kanan: But.. Im being weak right now, and im going to die right now...
???: Don't talk like that, Kanan.. Think about your future
Kanan: *gasp* faceless girl..
???: like your the brave one Kanan and most cold-hearted.. I ever known
Kanan: but...
???: Shh... *hugs Kanan* let me help you from Torture
Kanan: *smiles* Ok...
- -
Riko: Yohane..
- -
Riko: where am i?!? Im on dark place..
Alpha Wolf: comrades, our Queen Riko is here bow right now!! *bows*
Riko: Hey, don't act like that!! And by the way im not your queen...
Alpha Wolf: you are our Queen
Riko: but why i am here
Alpha Wolf: to escape from your depression
Riko: im having depression this time?!?
Alpha Wolf: yeah you've been tortured right? Hurting you is not our objective but then that girl wants to kill you.. *gets closer to Riko* i help you
Riko: *gasp* seriously?!?
Alpha Wolf: im going to fuse you first so that you can have alpha
Riko: but you gonna disappear right?
Alpha Wolf: nope, this is will be forevermore magic
Riko: what?!?
Alpha Wolf: yep, you should use this for in danger happens...
Riko: i don't know how to use it *grabs my fist*
Alpha Wolf: Don't worry, ill handle it for you *smiles*
Riko: Alpha... Ok give me your paw
Alpha Wolf: really?!?
Riko: *nods* ill accept it *smiles*
Alpha Wolf: *gives my paw to Riko's Hand* this is will be ok, Riko-sama
- -
Kanan(W): im back guys, *giggles* i hope we can end this.. *releases chains around her* right now *smiles* Robotots hold that chairs
Robotot: *holds the chair*
Kanan(W): Don't move ok? *engages one of her chains to Kanan*
Kanan: *deflects it*
Kanan(W): What?!? How?!? *engages the chains again*
Kanan: *deflects it*
Kanan(W): H-H-How?!??
Kanan: *releases a blade to my arm* *stabs the Robotots*
Kanan(W): you sleeping huh.. *engages to Chains to her*
Kanan: *deflects it* *disappears*
Kanan(W): *gasp* *seees Kanan from the back*
Kanan: *kicks her*
Kanan(W): *blocks it from my chains*
*sees Riko*
Riko: *scratches Kanan*
Kanan(W): MY EYES!!!
Riko: Don't. Ever. Underestimate. Us!
Kanan: You don't know our identity, yet we still kill you.
Kanan(W): tch.. *disappears*
Kanan: Lets move now
Riko: ok... *runs like wolf*
Kanan: *runs* *disappear my blade*
You(W): i... Lose..
Mari: You, stop now!! And also Sero!!
Yohane: (If my version is here, i can totally ask her what to do in this situation)
Chika(W): *kicks Yoro*
Yoro: Ow that hurts *smiles* *gasp* C-C-C-Chika..
Chika(W): Ill kill you, Sero
Yoro: *tears appearing my face* Chika... Kill me.. Kill me.. Kill me..
Chika(W): eh
Riko(C): *releases wind through Chika* Don't.... touch... her!!
Chika(W): Oh Riko, you're still alive now... *releases needles* *engages to Riko*
Riko(C): Urgh.. *splits Blood to my mouth*
Mari: Riko-san!!
Yohane: Tch... Chika
Chika(W): Now im gonna kill you, Sero and the Outsider *releases my Scythe* *slashes it*
Kanan: *blocks it from my blade*
Chika(W): The outsider, You..
Kanan: *smiles*
Mari: KANAN!!
Kanan: Don't be worried to me..
Chika(W): Tchh... Kanan...
Kanan: *smiles creepy* Lets... Fight.. Till.. End
Riko: *goes to Riko* Myself!
Mari: Riko!!?!
Kanan & Chika(W): LETS END THIS
You(W): Chika.... lets retreat... Emperor said..
Chika(W): What?!?
You(W): i..... cannot.... move...my... body...
Chika(W): ill kill you till end Kanan!! *holds You* *disappear*
Kanan: are you g-
Mari: *hugs Kanan*
Kanan: *eyes widen* Mari..
Mari: i miss you *cries*
Kanan: Me too..
Riko: Riko, are you okay?!?
Riko(C): Yeah im okay, Myself...
Yohane: *hugs Riko*
Riko: Yohane...
Yoro: Ha.. Ha... *desfuses*
You: *faints*
Sero: where am i?
Ruby(C): Hey... *splits blood* guys..
Yohane: Ruby!! *carries Ruby*
Riko: you guys have tough fight in here... And what happen to You
Mari: she was fuse with Sero, i don't know why..
Riko(C): unless Riko and Kanan are save now..
You: yeah.. *stands* Chika...
Mari: You!! *carries You*
Kanan: ill carry You, Riko you carry Riko..
Riko: ok.. *carries Riko(C)*
Sero: Hey.. Ill carry her..
Mari: Ohhh, Sero
Sero: im requesting that okay? Let me handle that Riko
Riko: ok *gives the body of Riko(C)*
Sero: i know this embarrassing... *face away*
Riko(C): (Sero on cute side) *giggles*
Riko: *smiles*
Yohane: Your heavy as i expected, Ruby *drool expression*
Ruby(C): Don't complaint!! Your the one who carry me, i didn't request it!!
Kanan: ok, Ruby wheres the teleporter potion?
Ruby(C): here *gives the teleporter*
Kanan: i throw it right?
Ruby(C): Yep
Kanan: *throws the teleporter to the ground*
Sero: Riko..
Riko(C): What is it? Sero-san??
Sero: i...
Author: Did you-
Author: *giggles*
Author: Well, anyways did you enjoy the Chapter 4? Then tap fav and comment what your thoughts in this chapter :)
Chapter 5: "Is it correct?"
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Records of the Weakest Emperor
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