《Love Knights (10/10)》C 3
Author: So guys, hello(≧σ≦), we're here for our Chapt. 3 of Love Knights!!! How far we are gu- guys?!? *finding them* well they gone heheh-, oh they doing pocky game guys.. So let me know if theres problem call me cause im watching them *wink*
"Having Faith in Yourself"
Kanan: *starting her dreams*
- -
Kanan: where am i.. *gasp* its empty place... Wait im died?
???: Nope
Kanan: *gasp* *face to ???* who are you
???: you'll figure it out *smiles*
Kanan sees a Girl who had white dress and empty face which is the unknown girl made Kanan scary
Kanan: tell me who are you!! *runs to ???*
???: You have courage to your friends right?
Kanan: *stops* *hardening her fist* Yes i have..
???: but then you hurt one of your friends which is you don't have courage and brave for them
Kanan: you irritate me!! STOP THAT!! *runs to ???* *punch to ??? But it disappears* show your face right now!! *face to my back and seeing a battle* *seeing a hoodie man stabs Mari* *eyes-widen*
- -
Kanan: *woke up immediately* *breathing out* That was a dream *holds my chest* *stares down* Courage......
Mari: zz
Kanan: (wait im on banded and- Nexus? Why he is here?)
Nexus: *snores loudly*
Kanan: (and his snore is loud as i see Yoshiko..) ill take a sleep, i guess.. .*going closes my eyes and hearing Mari's word* "Mari: You promise that you bring them on Earth Land safely *smiles*" *opens my eyes immediately* Why that girl doing it me!!
Mari: Kanan... Your.. Too loud.. Hm..
Kanan: Sorry Mari-san.. *stares to Mari* *tears in my eyes* (I promise, ill protect you no matter what)
The next day, starting their training
Nexus: *yawns* so we wake up this early..
Yohane: this is like our practice, waking up early..
Riko: yeah, but im sure we will beat that monster surround us!
You: Ill use my water *laughs*
Kanan: *stares down*
Mari: Kanan-san? Are you okay?
Kanan: *face to Mari* im okay *smiles*
Mari: (Kanan did something.. Wrong?)
Riko: Hey Kanan-chan are you okay now??
Kanan: *nods* thanks for concern, Riko
Nexus: Okay, pick these stick, ill throw these to you guys *throws the sticks to them*
Riko: *going to catch the stick but suddenly You is blocking the way* Oh-
They bumped except Kanan catches the stick
Nexus: Ow Kanan catch it, great job
Kanan: hm..
Mari: Ow my head~
Riko: You-chan you should move away to me as i catch the sticks
You: Okay sorry
Yoshiko: Ahh my elbow, it hits to Mari..
Nexus: well i guess i should put this on easy first after achieving that catch
Kanan: you mean a combat training?
Nexus: Thats right! Ill give you basic skills
Mari: if this is hard, ill take it
Nexus: i say Easy right? Its basic by the way
Riko: *stands* well lets get going!!, why we sitting here like you didn't nothing
Mari: *stands* Yeah your right
Yohane: Kuku~ I, Fallen Angel Yohane will give her best for this training!
Kanan: this is well get excited..
You: *stands* im agree with Kanan
Nexus: well then lets go to Mountain
Kanan: Mountain?
Nexus: Yep where going to practice there
Mari: thats perfect~ *engrish accent*
Yohane: *whispered to Riko* this will be hard as rock..
Riko: Heh...
You: well lets g-
They climbing on Mountain but suddenly the other 4 girls was exhausted by climbing on mountain
Nexus: Were almost there guy- *looks down*
Riko: i cannot move my body..
You: me too..
Mari: i wanna sl- *sleeps*
Yohane: fallen angel has drown out of energy..
Nexus: Grr.. *getting annoyed* you girls, ill should fall you..
Kanan: i cannot take this
Nexus: oh we made it ok *going to stand on the mountain* ok , take me hand Kanan
Kanan: *takes the hand of Nexus*
Nexus: *pulls her harder*
Kanan: *steps some rock so that she can climb up*
Nexus: we made it here
Kanan: *arrived on the top of Mountain* ahh..
Riko: we... Made.. It.. *touch the rocks to climb up* *arrives* Thank goodness... You-chan take my hand
You: *takes the hand of Riko*
Nexus: ahh bring back the old memories here...
Kanan: what do you mean?
Nexus: i train here, thats why i brought you, guys *smiles*
Kanan: Ahh, since your kid, you can now climb up some mountains?
Nexus: Yep i actually do it by the sticks... But then i realize that climbing isn't hard if you have courage to yourself..
Kanan: *flashback about her Dream* *shakens my head*
Nexus: Hm?? Are you okay, Kanan?
Kanan: im okay..
Riko: we made it
Mari: *woke up* ow we made it h- *receives a stick*
Nexus: Okay sparring me guys..
Kanan: eh?!? We didn't learn something from you Nexus..
Nexus: lets just test it out, trust me *smiles*
Yohane: *snores*
Riko: Yoshiko-chan is sleeping again.. Gr... *goes to Yoshiko-chan*
Mari: *giggles* *pushes Riko to Yoshiko*
Riko: *kisses Yoshiko, accidentally*
You: *gasp*
Kanan: Mari!?!
Mari: *giggles*
Yohane: *woke up* *seeing Riko kissing me* *blushes* AHHH!!!
Riko: *blushes* AHHH!!!! *stay away from Yohane*
Mari: the plan is work~
Kanan: Mari...
You: hehe.. *laughs awkwardly*
Nexus: Okay stop that, sparring me guys.. *throws my stick*
Kanan: *stands* ill going first..
Mari: Kanan was bra-
Kanan: Mari.. This for our protection right? Ill do this from everyone who in here on Ferlord Land
Mari: *gasp* Kanan...
Nexus: Kanan is right, okay lets start
Kanan: *goes to Nexus* *smashing through Nexus*
Nexus: *dodges* *holds the stick and throw it by her back* *punches Kanan's stomach*
Kanan: arghh.. That was fast..
Nexus: You lack something on you, Kanan..
Riko: *still blushing about that moment* (why.. Mari.. Did that)
Yohane: (why did Riko on that..)
You: *seeing Kanan* (Kanan was different today since about yesterday..)
Nexus: Okay, stand up for awhile..
Mari, Yohane, You, & Riko: *stands*
Nexus: im assure that i can train you guys, really hard.. *smiles* for the sake of our friends and family right??? And end this war immediately!!!
After 5 months of Training, they learn about Taekwando skills, Mixed Martial Arts, Swordmanship skills, any other combat skills they learn, its because of Nexus they learn how they fight..
Author: why?!? I want to narrate it?!? Oh ghad im troublesome okay?
Reader: bu-
Author: Shhh... Im doing these for fun only, Okay? *winks*
Riko: *dodges Yohane's attack* your still on weak for me, Yoshiko-chan *pause*
Yohane: *getting annoyed* YO-HA-NE!!! *punches to Riko*
Riko: *blocks it by her palms* *made Yohane twist her arms*
Riko: oops
Nexus: you guys are improving right now... *stands*
You: Hmm?
Nexus: Kanan..
Kanan: *smiles* *stands* sure.. *goes to Nexus* *grabs a stick from Yohane*
Yohane: woah, Kanan..
Kanan: *throws the stick to Nexus*
Nexus: *grab it*
Kanan: *kicks Nexus to the face*
Nexus: *blocks it by my hands*
Kanan: *slides through the foot of Nexus* *punches Nexus really hard*
Nexus: *got hitted* ow.. Your fast Kanan
Kanan: its cause of you, Nexus-sensei *bows*
Nexus: Hey! Don't bow to me, im not even-
M, Y, Y, & R: *bows*
Nexus: Hey don't act like that... Eh..
Meanwhile, someone is watching them..
???: *release fire on my hand* *absorb it* ehehe...
???(1): im sure they can dodge this thing!!!
???: *throws it to them*
Nexus senses a bad aura around him and theres throwing fire ball to his back.
Kanan: Nexus!
Nexus: *grabs the fire ball* *they disappear into pieces* i know it
???: Damn it! Why you throw it harder
???(1): You disturbing it, im focusing this, ok?!
Nexus: are you sure *appears back of them*
???: wait..
???(1): He can teleport
Nexus: *doing hand sign which signifies of Sleepy and punch it to them* ok sleep now as you sleep, you have nightmares..
Bandits: *surround on Kanan and Others*
Kanan: Eh?!? They surround us
Nexus: *appears side on Kanan* Don't worry i help you guys
Riko: i won't never let you down
Bandit(1): Really *goes to Yohane*
Yohane: *grabs the sword of Bandit* *swing to the floor really hard*
Bandit(2): Ow, she beat 1 bandit!
Bandit(3): Lets see if you, adventurers can beat us
Riko: wow your using that technique
Yohane: *smiles* because im-
You: *punches the bandit when a bandit engages on Yohane* really, Yoshiko-chan?
Yohane: *kicks the Bandits* Yep, and YO-HA-NE!!!
Hanamaru(C): *uses Earth Magic* *wrap around them*
Nexus: whats this?!? (sense bad aura, its Hanamaru)
Kanan: What the, this magic is strong...
Mari: I cannot move...
You: *tries to move*
Hanamaru(C): stop that.. Bandits, your just wasting our time here..
Yohane: Hanamaru...
Riko: is that Hanamaru??!
You: Cool..
Hanamaru(C): How do you know my name?!
Yohane: we know you, your saying zura.. I know its weird..
Hanamaru(C): bad.. *release rocks and engages to Yohane*
Nexus: *breaks the rock* *slash the rocks* don't ever hurt my friends!!
Hanamaru(C): really, Nexus? In here? *laughs*
Nexus: tch... Your chaos will never change
Hanamaru(W): of course not!!
Nexus: Gr.. *engages to Hanamaru*
Kanan: Nexus?!?
Ruby(C): *electricfies her*
Hanamaru(W): AHHHH!!! R-R-RUBY!!??
Ruby(C): fight me, Hanamaru.. You never win to me..
Yohane: Ruby!
Ruby(C): Eh?! How do you know my name Huh!?
You: Yoshiko-chan, they not even remember? We're on Ferlord Land...
Riko: You is right.. *tries to free*
Mari: we need to do something!!
Kanan: Gr!!
Nexus: looks like this would intense...
Ruby(C): Nexus is here too, this would be enjoy
Hanamaru(W): im being pissed of... *release earth around her and engages to Ruby and Nexus*
Ruby(C): *jumps off to the Mountain
Nexus: Tch.. DRAGON RELEASE: DRAGON INFERNO CUT! *one slash and release dragon scales to Hanamaru*
Hanamaru(W): *got knockback* ARGHH!!
Ruby(C): *flashes to Hanamaru* *kicks to her*
Nexus: *appears Back on Ruby* KENSHIN! *touches it and Ruby got knockback*
Ruby(C): ARGHH!!
Nexus: *goes to Ruby when she goes to fly*
Meanwhile on Kanan
Kanan: I.. Cannot move!!
Sero: tch.. Looks like our girls are being enjoy this trap..
Riko(C): Yeah..
Riko: Gr.. You..!
Riko(C): *touches face of Riko* Your beautiful of me..
Sero: shes beautiful thou
Riko(C): Gr... STOP THAT IDIOT!!
Sero: tch..
You: *whispered to Riko* Is that really you, Riko?
Riko: Not really..
Kanan: *smirks*... You guys are fell in love huh..
Sero & Riko(C): EH, WERE NOT FELL IN LOVE *blushes too much*
Riko: *laughs*
Yohane: hehe...
Sero: *points my knife to You* im going to kill yo-
Mari(C): Stop that..
Mari: *gasp*
Kanan: Mari... Is that you?!?
Mari(C): *sees Kanan* Ka-Ka... Kanan..
Yohane(C): i hate climbing up.. Gr...
Kanan(W): Mari...
Mari(C): so were met again, Kanan-san *closes my eyes*
Kanan: GR... YOU!!
Kanan(W): lets rematch.. MARI!!
Mari(C): you never change huh
Kanan(W): *spreading Sleepy smokes*
All(C) and others: *sleeps*
Kanan(W): *smiles* ill bring these two person on here.. Riko and Kanan, Chika!
Chika(W): ok.. Ok... *putting acids to the rocks* C'mon Hanamaru, you putting so much hardening *carry those two person
Kanan(W): ok lets go, Chika *disappears*
Chika(W): *disappears*
Mari: *woke up* *yawns* Wh- wheres Kanan and Riko?!?
You: *gasp* RIKO-CHAN?!?, KANAN-CHAN?!?
Mari(C): (this is not bad.. Kanan, why you planning to them)
Riko(C): stop that idiot *smirks*
Sero: Riko...?!?
You: the rocks are soft right now
Mari(C): actually my magic did that..
Mari: But, were enemies right?
Mari(C): that i need to help you...
Sero & Riko(C): Eh?!?
Mari(C): i want to help you..
Yohane(C): good idea Priestess!!
Yohane: this means, YAPA!!! *hugs Yohane* This is my!! I should hug myself!!!
Yohane(C): Eh *hugs back*
Riko(C): *laids down* my version of me was kidnapped too..
Sero: *pating Riko* don't worry, Riko, you can have her back..
Mari: But why?!?
Mari(C): actually the real enemy is Kanan, she wants to lead in this world, thats why she becaming evil sight since when we had our competition.. And planning to destroy this world
Sero: competition?
Nexus: *appears on Mari's side* wheres the other 2?
Ruby(C): *appearing as a electric and appears her body* Priestess were failed to capture Hanamaru..
Nexus: actually she disappear ..
Mari(C): Kanan.. *hardening my fist*
Mari: Ill help you, version of me *going to have shake hand sign*
Mari(C): *gasp* are you sure?!?
Mari: *nods in agreement and smiles*
Riko(C): accept it Priestess *smiles*
Sero: yeah, we would like to help too from them, since they from Earth Land we should help them..
Mari(C): *accept it* *shaken the hands*
Mari: we should get Kanan and Riko back!!
Meanwhile on Wraith Dawn, Secret Chamber
Kanan: where am i?!? Take this blindfold to me!!!
Riko: is that you?!? Kanan-san?!?
Kanan: Riko?!? Is that you?!?
Riko: Yeah, were been kidnapped by Wraith Dawn..
Kanan: what?!?
Dia(W): im glad you've been wake up
Riko: wait.. Is that Dia's voice right?!?
Kanan: Yeah.. I heard it
Dia(W): how they know me, You?
You(W): i don't know *eating mandarin orange*
Kanan(W): Lets. Abuse. Them *smiles*
Kanan: Abuse?!?
Riko: w-w-what do you mean?!?
Kanan(W): bye, do whatever you want Dia
Dia(W): *smiles creepy*
You(W): thats your chance, Dia *closes the door*
Dia(W): *presses the button*
Kanan: Goodbye *smiles*
Riko: what do- *elecetrifies* AHHHH
Kanan: AHHHHH *electrifies* (Sorry guys, i cannot take this anymore...)
???: seems Wraith Dawn kidnap two girls huh, how pathetic...
Author: *yawns* did guys en-
Kanan: *cries in the corner* Why.. Author-chan
Mari: *patting Kanan* its okay Kanan-chan
Chika: Im there, finally you put me there Author-chan..
Hanamaru: wait where am i going, zura?!?
Author-Chan: you've been sent to your room on Wraith Dawn thats why *wink*
Ruby: My powers is great!!
Dia: I didn't see my power *cries in the corner with Kanan*
Ruby: Onee-chan!!! *patting Dia*
Author: An-
Riko: *cries in the corner with Dia and Kanan*
Author: Anyways, see you in next chapt!
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𝓷𝓸𝔀, 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷?completed!viscount tewkesbury fanfic !florence and enola holmes are twin sisters, who couldn't imagine life without eachother. when their beloved mother goes missing, florence and enola set out on an adventure to find her and meet a boy by the name of viscount tewkesbury along the way. what happens when florence falls head over boots for this boy? lowercase intended !
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