《Naruto of the blue Sharingan》Chunin Exams part 2
Training ground 44
42 genins are in the entrance of training ground 44 otherwise known as Anko's playground but more popularly known as the forest of death.
As the Konoha genins look into what's beyond the fence they then look a little bit afraid but they shove it aside.
Meanwhile with Sasuke
Sasuke was smirking like a mad man as he received a letter from an unknown man and that man is offering him power beyond what Konoha can give and since he has no love for Konoha he decided to go and find the man who offered wrote the letter.
Sasuke kun,
I know Konoha has hold you back for long and I know that you are not appreciated there anymore. I'm making an offer to you Sasuke kun I can make you powerful beyond measure so that you can kill your brother Itachi and avenge your clan.
Meet me at the forest of death if you are interested in my offer and the offer also extends to your pink haired teammate.
Yours truly
When the Uchiha showed Sakura the letter. She agreed to join Sasuke since her parents were executed for paying the Ninja's and the mob who killed the kyubi jinchuriki she has no love for the village anymore like her Sasuke kun.
They then henged to a beaver and proceeded to the forest of death where they would meet Orochimaru.
Meanwhile with the participants of the chunin exams
They are now given the waiver to sign and were given their respective scrolls they were then brief about the 2nd part which is a survival test and they have 5 days to complete the 2nd part they were then separated and we're put at different entry points to the forest. As they all waited for the start.
Then all the alarms went off the chunins opened the gates and wish the genins luck as the 14 teams enter the forest so did the 2 beavers who were Sasuke and Sakura they then saw Orochimaru disguised as a kusa Kunoichi they follow the Kusa kunoichi when the said kunoichi separated from her team without the team knowing it the two then undid their henge and called to Orochimaru.
"Orochimaru sama we are here" said Sakura.
Then Orochimaru stop and said "kukuku good now it's time to get out of here hold onto me now."
The two then hold on to Orochimaru but just then Anbu arrived with Anko, Jiraiya and Hiruzen.
The three we're shock at seeing Sasuke and Sakura holding onto Orochimaru.
"What are you two doing in here?" The Sandaime asked.
"Kukuku They joined me willingly sensei." Orochimaru replied.
"You don't deserve us! You are all fools!" Sakura shouted as they sink to the ground with Orochimaru and Sasuke smirking.
"Hay! I guess we have to report this to Tsunade sensei." Jiraiya said
Feeling the guilt to himself for not ending his old student's life "I should have ended him years ago damn it!" Hiruzen curse himself.
"Don't blame yourself sensei." Jiraiya said.
Meanwhile with Naruto
"Damn it!" He curse as Naruto was reading the scroll he found near the Haruno house as news of the Haruno and the Uchiha's defection spread.
'So he really betray the village eh and took Sakura with him. Even if we send hunter nins off their asses they will be hidden well by the snake pedo himself they will both go more underground and seeing what Oto has is more than enough for the brooder to gain experience though he hasn't learn any jutsu except the gokakyu no jutsu. But I expect the pedo to improve Sasuke's skills and jutsu repertoire.' He thought to himself.
Meanwhile in the forest
The Konoha genins make it to the tower team 8 and 9 were done getting their respective scrolls in just 3 hours and we're on their way to the tower.
While team 10 was still waiting for a for a team to tire out and strike from there.
They are still unaware of the news of Sasuke and Sakura's defection.
With Tsunade
When she heard the report of her teammate and sensei she immediately called for a Shinobi council meeting. She wasn't in the mood for bullshits today as she goes straight to the point.
"Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura will be mark as traitors of Konoha and therefore will be given a kill on sight order from every Shinobi of Konoha and our allies as I don't want to deal with their trial you all know that is bullshit. Is that clear?" She said in a cold voice.
"Hai hokage sama!" All the clan heads exclaimed.
"Now onto other topics." She then said
Meanwhile in the forest of death
Team 8 and 9 made it to the tower 5 hours after the 2nd test begun and are now on their separate rooms.
Team 10 on the other hand had also got a scroll and are on their way to the tower.
Meanwhile with Naruto
He was walking on the streets when he bumped into the other jonins who decided to wait and relax on the jonin bar.
Hey Naruto come here and have a seat with us and tell us your experience in the Kumo Chunin Exams that you and your team participated.
Naruto then obliged them as he told them the story.
Almost 3 years ago
Naruto and his team were in Kumo as they look around the village as they we're the lone Konoha team that will participate in the chunin exams that year.
They we're ushered to their hotel room along with their jonin sensei Jiraiya. Jiraiya then signaled his team.
Karin then put a seal on the room as the room was rigged with seals. The seal that she put overloads all the seals in the room canceling them Naruto then put a privacy barrier on the room also a silencing seal.
While Kazuya tap to the security cameras and tinkered with it making the watcher see that they were resting when infact they were doing a team meeting
Jiraiya then told them what to expect in the first round as it will be a test in the genins proficiency in the Shinobi arts unlike in Konoha and other nations where it is a information gathering type of test, then Jiraiya told them to just do average performance to make the other teams from Kumo and Iwa to come to them in the 2nd round thus making their mission easier.
1 day passed
It was the beginning of the Chunin exams in kumo and team 6 did what their sensei told them. To hold back on the 1st round. "I know you wanted to show off your skills in the first round but you have a mission to do in the 2nd round and if you show your skills to them in the first round they will be weary of you and you will have a hard time hunting them. So I want you to hold back until the 2nd round, let them come to you."
Jiraiya told them.
The three nod in agreement they then proceeded in the kumo shinobi academy and proceeded with their plan. They hold back on the 1st round to lure the teams of Ame Iwa, Kumo, Kusa and Oto to a trap.
The first part of the exams is literally like the academy exams lof Konoha. Well all except for the written part.
The three then proceeded as planned they hold back on their skills just aiming for a passing grade.
After the 1st round was over the kumo and Iwa teams we're called as the other teams were on their way to the area where the 2nd part of the exams will be taking place the Konoha, Suna and Taki teams were having a meeting of their own discussing how will they help each other out.
The then teams arrived in the mountain of death the team and Naruto noticed that the place has an abundance of nature energy which he can use as he is a sage a perfect one at that. He can't hide the smirked as he was going to used the abundant nature chakra in the area as he send a pulse to some of his spy kage bunshins the ones that are in the Shinobi library for they are now done with their infiltration mission in Kumo to all henged to random animals and converged to the mountain of death to absorb the nature chakra in the mountains.
As they prepare to go in Naruto and his team notice something that he and his villages allies have different scrolls while the Kumo and Iwa teams have the same scroll the cloud scroll and they have the mountain scroll they then look at their allies scroll 2 team's from the allied villages has the same scroll as theirs while the other 2 team's have the cloud scroll. While half of the Ame, Kusa and Oto teams has mountain scrolls and the other half have the cloud scrolls so he then talk to every allied ninja's and said "there is a change of plans we'll have to divide and conquer as I noticed that all the teams from Kumo and Iwa has the same scrolls and while us has different scrolls. The plan still stays for you guys let us handle the fighting.and then hand the scrolls to you guys.
Roger that! All exclaimed.
He then nodded to his teammates they then proceed to the gate they were assigned as a siren went off signaling the start of the 2nd round the gates were opened and all the genins entered.
The Kumo and Iwa teams then proceeded to hunt down the Senju heirs team but Naruto's team simply are to evasive to them. As the team decided to take out the Ame, Kusa and Oto teams first and they did it swiftly ending the lives of the teams they face they eliminated all the teams from the three small Shinobi villages ending their lives and taking their scrolls in the process.
They then give the scrolls that each of his allied teams needs he then told them to go the tower but they refuse as they want to give Kumo and Iwa a taste of their own medicine they then sense a team from both Iwa and Kumo heading to their direction deciding to give the Iwa and Kumo team a lesson Naruto agreed and set the two teams to a ambush.
The Iwa and Kumo teams arrived in the area where Naruto and his team were and seeing that they were all alone they landed on the clearing where the the Senju's team were and said in an overly confident voice "oh lookie here boys and girls the Senju and his team we have orders to kill you. Get em!" A Kumo genin said. But the seem to be leader was shocked when a hail of shuriken and kunai emerge from all sides faster than all of them to react and the Kumo and Iwa teams ended up dead and so Naruto picked the scrolls and burned their bodies to ashes then just when they were done with the burning of the bodies Naruto with his heightened senses heard a call for help.
The allied teams then decided to follow the Senju's team where they saw a group of male Iwa and Kumo genins raping two of the Kunoichis of Nadeshiko while one was bound watching as her teammates were being molested Naruto was enraged at the scene if there is one thing Naruto hates the most they are rapist and he will kill them his teammates then felt the surge of chakra and rage of their teammate he then flash before anyone could react and immediately killed the Kunoichis of the Iwa and Kumo teams by slicing their heads off unknown to the boys he then set the Nadeshiko Kunoichi free from her bounds and proceeded to slaughter all the male using his sword as Sembonzakura Kageyoshi was bathe in blood of those he slaughter all of those who were molesting the Kunoichis. But luckily for the Kunoichis their virginity was still intact as Naruto's intervention happened just in time but they we're traumatized at what nearly happened to them and they saw Naruto as he slaughter the genins who attempted to do such a horrible act on the all Kunoichi team after the slaughter he called his allies and divided them the shinobis to gather the dead bodies to be burned to ashes while the Kunoichis help their fellow Kunoichi as Naruto knows the traumatized Kunoichis don't want to accept help from a Shinobi right now.
The Kunoichis from Konoha, Suna and Taki gave the Nadeshiko Kunoichis whatever they need Naruto then took the scrolls from one of the Iwa and Kumo teams and he opened one and saw a storage seal in the scroll he then decided to open it and saw a complete set of scrolls. Well talk about playing fair he then gave karin the complete set and told her to give it to the Nadeshiko team. As he throw the mountain scrolls at the boys they then decided to open the mountain scrolls from the Kumo and Iwa teams Naruto just slaughtered and saw the same thing a storage seal inside scroll that has a complete set of scrolls they then decided to throw it on the body of the dead shinobi and Kunoichis as Naruto then burns the bodies to ashes with a katon jutsu and after the bodies were turned to ashes he wash it away using a suiton jutsu.
They then wait until the all Kunoichi teams recover and they proceeded to the tower where they decided not to go in together as it will be suspicious they then decided to have an interval of 2-3 minutes after each team enters the tower Naruto and his team then decided to go in last they let the Nadeshiko Kunoichis went in first then followed with an alternate between Suna and Taki teams.
After Naruto's team entered the tower the Kumo jonin who was guarding the tower is wondering what the hell happened to the Iwa and Kumo teams.
After the 5 days waiting and no Iwa and Kumo teams showed up the raikage was frustrated as not a single one of his teams and Iwa's teams made it and even worst Konoha, Suna and Taki and not to mention a complaint filed against his Shinobi for the attempted raping of the Nadeshiko Kunoichis were filed against Kumo. The sandaime Raikage decided to cancel the chunin exams and the genins were all sent home with their respective results. As search for the genins from his village intensified but ended up in utter failure.
After the chunin exams were cancelled war broke out between Kumo and Iwa which resulted to the death of the Sandaime Raikage but not without taking with him 1000 of Iwa's Shinobi thus an armistice was signed but Iwa never respected the terms of the armistice.
While all of this is happening Naruto and his team we're promoted to elite jonin for their successful mission to suppressed both Iwa and Kumo.
Another thing that happened was the Nadeshiko village sending an envoy and wants to join the alliance of Konoha, Suna and Taki. The three villages accept the all Kunoichi village to their alliance.
Flashback ended
Naruto then end his narration of his and teams experience during the chunin exams in Kumo.
Naruto then sighed at the end of his narration and said. "Well that was our experience we didn't go to the preliminaries or the finals but it was a hell of a ride."
Deciding to change the topic he then said. "Well if Sasuke didn't turn traitor I might train him and help him with his plans on killing Itachi but he turned traitor trust me even if he has the same eyes as Itachi he won't be able to kill the Uchiha prodigy."
"Yeah" everyone in the bar agreed with Naruto's opinion.
Meanwhile in Ame
If Itachi was shocked when he heard the news about his little brothers defection to Orochimaru he never showed it.
He just muttered "foolish little brother."
Then Kisame said "Well Itachi if the snake couldn't have you the snake will have your brother instead and if he is as you said I wish him luck knowing who he came too.
Meanwhile in Konoha
The defection of the last Uchiha wasn't felt in Konoha since the civilian council were disbanded and we're all in their graves though the civilian population have no say on the matter as it is a Shinobi matter and civilians aren't in a position to get involved in the shinobi affairs of the village though some still tried to convince the hokage to retrieve "their precious Sasuke sama" but was shooed away by Tsunade. Telling them to retrieve him yourself. She even go a step further by asking the daimyo of Hi no Kuni to put the Uchiha on the bingo book and on whatever rank and whatever stipulations she chooses which the daimyo agreed much to the dismay of "the few civilian Uchiha worshipers" the daimyo then put Sasuke with a kill on sight order with a B rank.
Whenever the Uchiha worshipers were at her office she just says to herself fools. You might not see it but my son has a sharingan and even better than a ordinary sharingan he has a eternal mangekyo sharingan. She then sighed when a knock came from her door she then let those who knock come in and to her surprise it was the two former Iwa shinobi who have seek asylum in her village for the same reasons why she was afraid for her son. They were about to be out of the probation period in a week before the chunin exams finals.
Han san, Roshi San what can I do for you two today? Tsunade asked.
The man named Han who is a very tall man, He is also heavily armoured, wearing what is called Steam Armour with a furnace on the back that emits steam. He had light brown eyes, was eyebrowless, and his armour extended all the way to the bottom half of his face, covering it up. Underneath the armour covering the bottom half of his face, he wore a white cloth which also covered both sides of his face and the top of his head. Aside from his red armour, he also wore a red kasa (conical straw hat) over the white cloth and it seems to be composed of the same material of his armour and furnace. He wore his Konohagakure hitae-ate on a black cloth, and over his armour, Han wore a black gi, with the sleeves seemingly torn off and black gloves. He also wore what seems to be a bronze-coloured ring around his neck which he wore over his red armour. Also, the armour covering his arms, legs and torso was plated. Decided to speak. "Iwa along with Oto will attack during the finals. Also if this is helpful Orochimaru will be in attendance and they plan on desecrating the bodies of the three dead kage's.
"So my former teammate will used the Edo tensei and make the kage who created Konoha help him destroy the very village they created I won't let that happened" Tsunade said.
Also hokage sama you have to neutralize the stubborn old fart Onoki first. Another former Iwa shinobi said this man has red hair, moustache and beard he has a prominent black piece of armour running across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He wears a kimono with a mesh shirt beneath it.
Yes and I have already thought of the flying old fart as my son has a mark on him already. Tsunade replied.
Roshi you still mad at him eh? Han asked.
Yes I still am very pissed at him. Roshi replied.
Meanwhile in Iwa
Orochimaru was at the tsuchikage's office as he will be posing as one of the tsuchikage bodyguards.
"Kukuku soon Konoha will burn to the ground with all of it's inhabitants with it." Orochimaru said
By the way we have a little problem we can't find Han and Roshi and we have no idea where they went. Onoki then told Orochimaru.
This shock the snake and thought did the Akatsuki made their move already. Well this is payback for kicking me out kukuku.
Well Tsuchikage sama I'm afraid they could be dead as a group of missing nins were looking for jinchuriki's like those two you mentioned earlier but I don't really know for what reason. But I know what they wear for I was a former member of the said group but I was kicked out before I knew what they're up to with the jinchurikis.
Tell me what is the name of this group? and we'll destroy them. Onoki asked.
At this Orochimaru smirked went wide and said you're hiring them for some jobs the Akatsuki they might be the one responsible for the disappearance of your two jinchurikis as you heard earlier they are after the jinchurikis for undisclosed reasons.
Onoki's hand balled into a fist then he shouted DAMN IT!!! He then smashed the table. He was fuming I'm terminating any contract from them and also prohibit them from entering Iwa controlled land.
I'm also giving them all a kill on sight order damn them!!!!
Meanwhile in Konoha
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