《The silver sharingan warrior》V2 Chapter 7 Field trip/Reunion
The opening cuts to a shot of Beacon Academy the next day following the Beacon Dance, then cuts to inside Ozpin's office, with General James Ironwood and Glynda Goodwitch keeping the headmaster company.
Ironwood: They were here… (raising his voice) Ozpin, they were here!
Ironwood angrily slams his fist against Ozpin's desk.
Glynda: we're very much aware of that thank you James
Ironwood: Fantastic! You're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!
An alert sound plays, signifying that someone has arrived on the elevator.
Ozpin: come in
Ruby then steps into the room
Ruby: Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here. (pausing before quickly explaining herself) It wasn't me.
The scene then changes to show Y/n in the training room shirtless with his sword and gun as he slashs and shoots threw each of the targets and completes the level as he takes a breath as as beads of sweat go down his body
Y/n: *pant* *pant* Again
Computer: commence training level SSS
Attempt: 56-->57
Multiple holographic S class Grimm spawn as y/n quickly dispatchs them as humanoid bandits and criminals come into view as Y/n engages them his sword is knocked away as Y/n backflips from a slash he places 2 bracelets on his wrists
Y/n: lets hope this work *slams fists together*
New weapon unlocked: HellFists
Y/n with hell fists now equipped sends a rocket powerd left hook to a holo bandits face before spin kicking another one in the head as he shoots a flame blast from his left hand towards another one the simulation is suddenly turned off as Y/n looks towards the control panel to see Cinder and Ada with a faces of worry
Y/n: *approaches Cinder and Ada after collecting his sword and deactivating hell fists as he crossed his arms* why did you stop the simulation
Ada: well you see Y/n
Cinder: were worried about you after your trip to haven you've been pushing yourself to the limit without taking a break
Ada: and we know you can handle it but you seem stressed please *takes Y/n's left hand as cinder holds his right* talk to us and we can work through this together
Y/n: *sigh* fine ill take it easy for now I'm just frustrated about what I learned back in haven.........so how long have you too been watching me for
Cinder: about 30 minutes after your shirt got ripped off *nervous laugh*
Y/n: well fine but we have to get ready for our mission to anima today with the hunstmen were gonna shadow
Ada: of course
Cinder: you got it
Y/n: thanks *pecks both their lips and heads towards the showers*
The scene then cuts to Team RWBY's dorm after Ruby's report to the headmaster
Weiss:That was a risky move.
Blake:No, I think you handled it well.
Ruby:I hope so.
Yang:I'm sure everything will be alright, Ruby. Oh, I know what will cheer you up!
Yang produces a cylindrical package the length of her forearm.
Ruby:What's that?
Yang:I don't know yet. Mom and Dad sent it to us. I thought we could open it together!
Ruby:Ooooh! Something from home!
Ruby zooms over to Yang and wraps herself around Yang, trying to take the cylinder from her. The package opens, and another cylinder, hairy and black, falls out onto the floor and starts to shake. The object suddenly transforms into a corgi. Team RWBY leans in, staring at it.
The animal barks twice. While Weiss and Blake continue to react with great shock, Ruby and Yang react excitedly, with Ruby jumping in the air. Ruby, still airborne, is depicted among a changing blue background and four shots of the dog, two full body shots and two headshots. She then poses as she shouts the dog's name.
Ruby: Zwei!
Blake: he sent a dog
Weiss: in the mail!?!?
Yang: oh yeah they does this all the time
Blake jumps onto Ruby's bunk as she glares at the smol corgi
Blake: your parents or your dog
Weiss: so your telling me this mangy.... drooling...mutt....is gonna be staying wiv wif us foreva oh yes he is yes he is oh isn't he adorable
Blake: please keep it away from my belongings
Zwei then sniffs the ground before barking and bolting out the door and down the hall as team RWBY follow behind him after about 10 minutes of chasing zwei then walks into team CC(Y)AT dorm room as Y/n and Cinder can be seen sleeping on his bed as he cuddles with Cinder as zwei jumps onto the bed and licks Y/ns face as he begins to stir awake he opens his eyes to see zwei on his chest
Y/n: *sleepy* hey zwei *closes eyes before they open in realization and he sits up* ZWEI!!?!?!
Zwei: arf (Daddy wake up)
Cinder then sits up while stretching as she looks to her boyfriend before her eyes widen and she smiles
Cinder: ZWEI!!
Zwei: *turns head and starts wagging his tail* ARF ARF (MOMMY!!!)
Zwei then jumps into cinders arm as she giggles and hugs him as he licks her face
Cinder: oh mommy missed you so much my cute little pup oh yes I did yes I did *notices rwby look at her shocked as Y/n took a video on his scroll with a smug look*
Cinder: *returns to normal* delete it fucking delete it
Y/n: no its too cute im gonna save it and show it to mom
Cinder: *puts zwei down* okay zwei mommy has to deal with your father so go and stay with team rwby okay
Zwei: arf (yes mommy) *runs back to team rwby as ruby picks him up
Glynda: (Over the intercom) Would all first-year students please report to the amphitheater?
Y/n: ooop thats my cue later babe
Cinder: OH NO YOU DONT GIVE ME THAT SCROLL *summons fireballs in each hand and throws them at Y/n*
Y/n and Cinder then run past cloud Tifa and Ada as they are heading towards the amphitheater
Cloud: those 2 have a weird relationship dynamic
Tifa: well I think it's cute
Ada: lets just follow them so they don't cause trouble
Back with team RWBY in their dorm
Weiss:Well, we can't exactly leave him here while we're gone for the week.
Ruby sets Zwei down and he walks over to Blake still on the top bunk, and barks.
Zwei: arf (new kitty friend play with me)
Blake: Back fowl creature
Yang: Look, there's a letter! (Zwei arrives in front of Yang) "Dear girls and Y/n, me summer and qrow have to leave the island for a few days, so I'm sending Zwei to you to take care of. Enclosed is all the food you should need. Love you all, uncle Taiyang."
Dozens of cans of dog food spill out of the small package, piling up around Zwei.
Weiss:What is he supposed to do with that?
A can opener falls from the package, bouncing off Zwei's head.
Yang: Well, that settles it! Come on girls, Zwei will be here when we get back!
Weiss:(talking to Zwei as she leaves) Oh, I'll miss you so much, we're going to be best friends, I can't wait to see you. (her speech deteriorates into incomprehensible baby talk)
Meanwhile, Blake jumps down from Ruby's bunk and jumps across the table, avoiding Zwei.
Ruby stares at Zwei for a moment, before smiling sneakily.
Ruby is wearing a large backpack as she enters the auditorium with other students. She then puts it down next to other students luggage before rejoining her team, who are standing in front of Team JNPR and team CC(Y)AT and a slightly burned Y/n as Ada notices a piece of his hair on fire so she pinches it with her fingers as it get extinguished
Glynda: Quiet! Quiet please. Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin.
Ozpin: Today we stand together, united. Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for. As a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself: color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither were the generations to come. And it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity. As I have said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the Kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best.
Ozpin steps away as the students all begin to file out of the amphitheater.
Ruby:This is perfect! All we have to do is shadow a Huntsman working in the southeast!
Yang:Yeah! We'll follow them around by day and give them the slip by night!
WeissLet's check "search and destroy"!
Team RWBY approaches a hologram screen.
Ruby:Here we go! Quadrant 5 needs Grimm cleared out!
Blake:Well, it's in the southeast!
Yang:Sounds perfect!
Ruby selects it and types in her team name. However, the screen says that first years are not allowed to take this mission.
Blake:Any other ideas?
Ruby:We mail ourselves there!
Ozpin:(off-screen) Well, that's one option.
Ozpin suddenly appears.
Ozpin: Unfortunately, we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first-year students. It seems that particular region is rather popular. In fact, I have the sneaking suspicion that you four will make your way there no matter which job you choose.
Weiss, Blake, and Yang glare at Ruby, who nervously rubs her head.
Ruby:Whatever makes you say that?
Ozpin:I'm still curious how you and team CC(Y)AT all found yourselfs at the docks last semester. I'm interested to know how you really learned about a hideout in the southeast. And I certainly wonder why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals in a dance club some time ago as well as a team of huntsmen and huntresses in training saving civilians.
Ruby:Um… well…
Ozpin: I doubt I'll ever find the exact answers I'm looking for. So how about this: instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, why don't we just bend them?
Ozpin selects some things on his scroll, and the hologram screen makes a noise.
Ruby:We won't let you down. Thank you, professor.
Ozpin:Do not thank me for this. Teamwork and persistence have carried you far. But you must understand, the things that await you beyond the protection of the Kingdom will not care. Stay close to your Huntsman at all times, and do exactly as he says. He will be leading you on this mission, and he can have you sent back to Beacon, if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory. Good luck.
Team RWBY and C(Y)AT have left the auditorium and are on their way to the airship that will take them to there designated missions
Yang: That wasn't exactly uplifting.
Cloud: yeah that guy really knows how to bum people out
Blake:But it's the truth.
Tifa: and the truth shall set you free
Ada: *giggle* shut up
Ruby:It's gonna to be tough, but I know we can do it!
A student runs past the teams.
Student:Hey! Team CFVY is back!
Beacon students gather around to witness the return of Team CFVY. Blake and Y/n go up to Velvet.
Blake: Velvet? Are you okay?
Velvet:I'm fine. I had Yatsuhashi to look out for me.
Weiss:Your mission was supposed to end a week ago! What happened?
Velvet:Nothing happened. It was just… there were just so many… (she looks up and notices Team RWBY's worried expressions) Oh, but don't worry. You first-years are just shadowing Huntsmen, so you should be fine.
Velvet: SENPAI (velvets nickname for Y/n) *jumps onto you and hugs you as she kisses you* I MISSED YOU SO MUCH and thanks for letting me copy your weapon and fighting style it made things a lot easier for us I guess ill have to reward you later~
Y/n: okay I think cocos rubbing off on you a bit
Velvet: do you really have to go on a mission right as I get back
Y/n: sorry bun bun but thats how the carrot crumbles *pets her ears as she smiles cutely* but I promise to take you on a date when I get back okay
Velvet: hmmmm okay *pecks Y/n's lips* bye senpai
Velvet then leaves with her team as a bullhead lands and the doors open to reveal
Ruby/Y/n: MOM!?!?
Summer: hello my little petals and sunflower seed did you miss me
Ruby: MOMMY!!!!
Ruby then turns into a ball of roses and hugs her mom as she laughs happily
Ruby: I missed you Sooooo much oh I can't wait to tell you all the cool stuff we've done
Yang: ruby don't you think there's someone she should meet first
Ruby: oh right *pushs Cinder infornt of summer* mom i think you remember Cinder
Cinder: h-hi aunt s-summer
Summer is speechless as she walks forward and pulls Cinder into a hug as cinder hugs back
Summer: oh my little firefly look at how big you've grown and you've gotten so pretty too oh do you have a boyfriend yet
Cinder: well actually
Y/n then walks forward and holds Cinder hand and kisses her cheek
Y/n: mom this is Cinder fall my girlfriend
Summers face then goes blank as a smile creeps onto summers face as a faint eeee can be heard as it gradually gets louder
Yang: *leans towards Blake and Weiss* you should cover your ears
Blake: what
Weiss: *puts 2 corks in each ear*
The screen shows every window in Beacon crack as ozpin is seen writing down notes while glynda is fawning over a picture of you as the office shakes and both their glasses crack as then scene changes to salems castle as Salem is in her throne watching the world
Salem: so fucking bored right now *hears faint noise* what the fuck is that
Suddenly every single window in the large room shatters and breaks as she falls out of her seat and looks around frantically
The scene then changes back to ravens bandit camp as her entire tea set shatters and the hot tea burns ravens hands
Raven: DAMN IT SUMMER!!!!!
The scene then changes for a final time back to Beacon as summers voice lowers to normal as she looks at Cinder and Y/n with a huge smile
Y/n: *deaf* WHAT
Tifa: *deaf* WHAT?
Ada: *pulls off headphones* sucks to be you guys right now
Cinder: lets just get to that mission okay auntie and hope there hearing returns
Summer: of course bye petal bye my little sun dragon
R/Y: Bye mom
Team CC(Y)AT and summer then get into the bullhead and fly off as team rwby watch them leave
Blake: *strained* wow your mom is a really nice woman
Weiss: she was like the adult version of ruby only some how more childish
Yang: thats mom for ya
Ruby: besides i believe the hunstmen were gonna shadow is gonna be a super cool badass
Yang: YEAH!
The scene immediately cuts to Team RWBY staring with various stunned expressions, having just discovered who they will be shadowing.
Oobleck:Why, hello girls! Who's ready to fight for their lives?
The camera shifts to show the shocked faces of team rwby as the camera cuts to black as the ending credits roll.
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