《Percy Jackson: Hunter of Artemis》Interrogating the Pup


"Alright, pup. Tell me exactly who your mistress is," I said cooly to Lycaon. Urg, lycaonthropes get on my nerves. Last time I tracked one of these dogs down, it killed my closest sister and mentor, Tyria. I hate the little beasts.

"She goes by the name of Annabeth Chase," Lycaon replied.

Percy growled. "You mean to tell me that my ex girlfriend sent you lycaonthropes to get me, not caring who got killed along the way?" He asked.

"No. She gave specific orders to kidnap you and leave without any casualties," the dog replied.

"And what did she promise you in return for your help?" I ask.

"She said she would get the gods to release me from my curse," Lycaon replied.

Percy laughed. "She wouldn't be able to even if you thought she could. Annabeth was lying, flea brain. She'll do anything and everything to get what she wants. She is callous and strategic. She played with your mind to get you to do as she wished. Take it from someone who knows," he said coolly.

Lycaon growled. "So you say that she tricked me into bringing you to her? That she wouldn't uphold her end of the bargain?" He asked.

Percy nodded. "You have three options right now. One: tell us everything you know about Annabeth's plans and fight with us against her if she declares war. Two: tell us everything you know about her plans and leave peacefully, remaining neutral if she wages war. And three: refuse to give us info and die. Your choice," he said.

"I don't need another war to get my pack killed. I'll choose option two," he said.

Percy smiled. "Wonderful. Now tell us everything," he said.

"Annabeth is obsessed with you, my king. She both wants you to herself and wants to know what you are. She has her suspicions that you are not a normal half blood anymore. She wanted my pack and I to kidnap you, preferably without any casualties, but she said she wouldn't much care if one of the Hunters died," the dog said. Percy growled loudly when he heard that. Obviously, he wasn't to keen on any of the Hunters getting hurt.


"Go on," he managed to growl out.

"She said that if she didn't have you, she'd declare war on the hunters to get you. She has hundreds of monsters that the Hunt has killed on her side, promised of revenge on the girls who killed them, so long as she gets you back. Annabeth has gone insane with greed. She believes that the only way for her to be happy, is for you to be with her again," Lycaon finished.

"Then it seems we will have to cook up a plan of our own. Loner says on of my powers is to make my subjects look hurt without causing you and pain. I will use this power on your pack, Lycaon. You and the rest of the wolves can contact one another mentally yes?" Lycaon nodded. "Good. One of your wolves will stay here with me. You and the rest of your pack will go back to Annabeth and learn more of her plans. You will be my little spies," Percy said.

"Yes my lord."

"Bring me your mate. I still don't fully trust you. Having your mate with me should be enough incentive to tell me the truth. For if you give me false information, your mate dies," Percy said. I smiled warmly at my mate. He looked so sexy when he was in his kingly mode.

Lycaon left to find his mate and I turned to Percy.

"You look hot when you go all kingly like that," I said, pulling on his collar to give him a peck on the lips.

"Do I now? Maybe I'll do it more often. Just for you," he whispered.

I smiled. "Wait till I get all queenly," I replied.

That was all it took before his lips captured mine in a heated kiss. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I granted him immediately. His tongue explored my mouth and I moaned in pleasure. He withdrew his tongue and moaned.


Taking this to my advantage, I plunged my tongue into his mouth. I ran my tongue over his teeth and found that his canines had become known. Probably from growling when Lycaon said Annabeth didn't care if the hunters died. Whatever the cause, I loved the feel of his canines under my tongue.

Sadly, our kiss was cut short when Lycaon returned with his mate. He seemed to be having a mental argument with her, to which she won. Finally, males know who their dominant is!

Percy chuckled. "Zoë, you must understand that men are dominant, but women are the ones that our world revolves around," he told me.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled non the less.

"This is my mate. She has agreed to stay with you, much to my dismay. Please don't harm her," he whimpered.

"No harm will come to your mate if you relay us truthful information," I told the dog.

"Thank you my queen. I will not let you down," Lycaon said.

Percy used his powers and suddenly, Lycaon was covered in scars and scratches.

"Now leave. This has been done to the rest of your pack as well," Percy said.

With one last look to his mate, Lycaon ran out of the tent. Gone. Gone to find the stupid spawn of Athena. Gone.

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