《Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal (male reader)》It's a start



It's been about a total of 2 weeks since we've escaped that hospital, and in that time both me and this human have gathered some numbers. One would be number 48: Shadow Lich.

His effect is pretty handy if I do say so myself. Speaking of cards it appears this human's deck is pretty interesting I've never heard of phantom knights. Although you won't catch me complaining about it I mean. Manipulating their cards while they are in the Graveyard. Though they have other effects, the Main Deck monsters share a common effect of banishing themselves from the Graveyard in order to search each other/their Spell/Trap Cards out or place each other/their Spell/Trap Cards in the Graveyard. Then theirs this one card.

"Your something I didn't expect."- 96


It was our third ever duel and our opponent had us on the ropes. Only 1000 life points and the other number holder had 2000 his monster was number 50: Blackship Of Corn.

"Hehehehahaha, what's wrong kid you don't look so good. Why don't you just hand over your number now and I'll let you go."- Number holder

"Shut up and duel already."- (y/n)

"Heheh alright then I end my turn."- Number holder

"Tch I draw!!"- (y/n)

"Hey, you need to do something about this we're about to lose."- 96

"Gee thanks for stating the obvious!"- (y/n)

"Try sending all that anger at our opponent and not me!"- 96

This isn't good, normally I'd rely on Dark Mist and take away his monsters attack points. But we have no way of getting three level two monsters on the field. Not only that but his monster has a very annoying effect, once per turn he can destroy a monster who's attack points are less than his own and inflict 1000 points of damage. And thanks to that United we stand spell card he has.


Number 50

ATK: 2900/Def: 1500

Even if we summon a monster it won't be strong enough to beat it, think think.

It looks like this is the end of the road I didn't even get close to finding out who I am.

'Why are you holding back.'- ???

'What?'- (y/n)

"That roar."- (y/n)

"Huh what are you talking about?"- 96

"Somethings...... calling to me."- (y/n)

I heard the sound again but it seemed to be closer this time. From the corner of my eye I saw a light coming from my extra deck around my waist. I pulled the card it was coming from out and it was blank.

"That card can't help us it's blank."- 96

'Let me out. LET ME OUUUUT!!!!'- ???

"No, it can!"- (y/n)

"What are you talking about boy?"- Number holder

"I'll show you. I'm activating The phantom knights of break sword in my graveyard! You see once he's destroyed by battle I can special summon to monsters from my graveyard that was used to summon it."- (y/n)

"What!?"- Number holder

"I'm choosing my ragged gloves and silent boots!"- (y/n)

"Tch, alright then so what? You brought back 2 weak monster. I'll just destroy them on my next turn."- Number holder

"I don't think so. Take another look, both my monster are now level 4 thanks to Break Sword."- (y/n)

"What!?"- Number holder

"What's the point of having them when we can't use them kid!?"- 96

"That's where you're wrong 96, I can use them."- (y/n)

"What?"- 96

"I overly my level 4 Silent boots and Ragged Gloves to build the overlay network!"- (y/n)

"Say Hi to Number 0: Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!!"- (y/n)

ATK: 2500/ DEF: 2000


"Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!?"- 96

To think a monster that powerful is in my possession. I should probably say our possession considering for some reason I can't even use it. Not only that but I thought they're always supposed to be a hundred numbers. So why does number 0 even exist, there might be one person who knows the answer to this. And it's that no good carbon copy Astral.

"Hey."- (y/n)

"Huh?"- 96

"You've been spacing out you good?"- (y/n)

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. It's on finding some more numbers. Speaking of, how have your memories been coming along?"- 96

"I don't know. The only thing I can't remember so far is a hand holding mine. I get little bits and pieces of other memories but nothing I can make something out of."- (y/n)

"A hand? A parent perhaps?"- 96

"I don't-"- (y/n)

"Hold on."- 96

I started to feel the presence of another number and it wasn't that far away either.

"There's a number nearby."- 96

"Where is it?"- (y/n)

"Follow me."- 96

(Your POV)

He said to follow him but, where exactly are we going? He's got me going through tight narrow spaces, and on top of buildings until we finally got to an abandoned warehouse. I'm guessing the number's in here so without any hesitation I opened the door and saw a girl on the ground. Not only that, but she was tied up.

"Huh!? Who are you!?"- ???

Oh right my mask and goggles are on she can't see my face.

(His hair isn't put up yet it's still down like you didn't put hair gel in it yet.)

"What's going on here?"- (y/n)

'It looks like she's been kidnapped. Secondly I know this girl.'- 96

'You do?'- (y/n)

'Yeah, more on that later. Also do me a favor, don't use 96 or 0.'- 96

'Why?'- (y/n)

'I want to keep our trump cards a secret.'- 96

"Are you with that other guy!?"- ???

"Calm down."- (y/n)

I walked over to her and started to untie the rope. She seems pretty shaken up the second I got her loose she backed away to the wall. Understandable seeing as I have this mask on it is pretty scary.

"Well well a new opponent seems to have entered the ring!"- ???

"Huh!?"- (y/n)

Out of nowhere some guy jumped at me and tried to hit me, but I managed to avoid them and get the girl out of the way too.

"Heheh your better then I thought you'd be."- ???

"Huh hey wait your not the kid I was looking for."- ???

"Funny cuz your exactly who I'm looking for. You have a number right?"- (y/n)

"Hehehe you mean this guy?"- ???

"I'm guessing you have one as well. By the way my name's Spike."- Spike

"Well then Spike let's have a dual for it. And while we're at it if I win the girl comes with me."- (y/n)

"Wait you have a number too?"- ???

"Yes, listen to me. I can't really guarantee your safety so I want you to find some place and hide. I'm pretty sure this guy won't let you leave so easily."- (y/n)

She seemed to get the idea and ran of to hide behind a few boxes. You know that she's out of the way I can do it my fullest. The two of us got our duel disk ready and put on our duel gazers.

"Let's duel!"- (y/n) & Spike

(Y/n)>>>>> 4000

Spike>>>>> 4000

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