《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\Twenty•Six/



I lifted my face (eyes closed) upward to greet the morning sky. The red hue of my eyelids alight from the warm California sun reminded me that I was finally back home, and I couldn't have been happier to be home once and for all.

Sure I had been back in LA for a couple of days, but every since coming back I can't help but feel...free.

Perhaps going home was an eye opening sort of experience.

Sure I had to let go of very big pieces of my life, but maybe in a sense they were holding me back. Because for the first time I'm actually realizing that I'm all alone...and it definitely isn't a bad thing. I've got no wife or kids to anchor me to one place, no real family to worry about. All I've got are my ambitious dreams and time, and from here on out I would use every minute of my time to fill out those dreams.

I opened my eyes and looked down at the crowded LA streets before looking at my watch, I knew if I wanted to make this audition I needed to start getting ready.

Having showered last night I opted on picking just the right outfit, I had to make the casting department really see that I was perfect for the role, and by doing that I would have to look the part.

Normally I'd get cast as some rough and rugged extra on a show you could watch on basic cable...ranch hand, drug dealer, construction worker number four. But this role was for a young mogul, I had to exude an almost debonair charming confidence, the jerk you love to hate.

I grabbed one of my brand new suits, of course I had them all professionally cleaned about a day ago, I made my way into the restroom and gave myself a once over with the clippers (wasn't going to risk cutting my money maker with a razor), then I got dressed. I ran my hands down the front of my suit jacket and smoothed it into place before I sprayed on some cologne and then exited before I became late.


Upon arrival I was greeted with the usual line up of cookie cutter guys all vying for the same role. Some had better clothes, others had stand out features, but I could just feel that this was my time.

A woman with a clip board walked over and took my name and head shots before she gave me a number and a small script.

I found a comfortable spot and began to remember the lines. I was always great at cram studying.

I did however get a little distracted by the method actors who had to move about the room and wave their hands in an attempt to "feel" the role, and of course there was also the "cheerleaders." Girls I so dubbed, because they were there with their boyfriends, stroking their egos and assuring them that they were the best and that they would get the job for sure.

For a split second I envied them.

"Number 28."

The unfamiliar voice pulled me from my own subconscious, I collected the papers given to me and stepped into the double doors.

Once inside I heard the click of my brand new five hundred dollar Ferragamos, every step I took echoing inside of my head, before I finally reached the table.

"Good afternoon." The woman seated in the center sounded.

I gave her a half grin, "it is now." I flirted.

A couple of woman on one end giggled a little.

A gentleman cleared his throat gaining my attention, he too seemed to be trying to suppress a smile. "We assume you will be reading for the part of Royce."

This time he earned my seductive smirk..."you assume right, shall I proceed?"


Later that night (since I was already dressed for the part) I decided to drop into a restaurant that I knew I would normally feel guilty about. I ordered the most expensive glass of wine I've ever drank and dined (alone) on a rather small but sufficiently overpriced steak.


After dinner I hopped into a cab and asked the driver to take me to a rather high end night club.

"What's the occasion?" The driver asked in an attempt to make conversation.

"I'm celebrating."

The remainder of the drive was a silent one, and upon reaching the club I slid the bouncer a hundred and he lifted the velvet rope for me, I smiled as I heard the complaints from others who had been standing in line, but a friend of mine knew the bouncer and assured me a hundred would get me in.

Once inside I found my friend, "what'll it be" he asked.

I had met Charles at an open casting call, he was an aspiring model who bartended to paid the rent.

"Just a scotch."

He went to grab the cheapest scotch in stock.

"No man, the good stuff."

He gave me a look as if to say, 'the good stuff don't come cheap.'

"I'm good for it." I assured him, he moved on to get the better liquor just as a girl approached me, she was a cute red head and even in the dimly lit room I could tell she was blushing.

"Hi." She smiled, "sorry I don't normally do this, but do I know you from somewhere?"

"It's LA," I countered..."everyone in this room has been somewhere."

She giggled, I collected my drink from Charles.

"No I mean, I feel like I've seen you before on a show or something."

At that i took a swig of the dark liquid, "hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more of me on tv soon."

The girl made an audible sound of awe as attraction filled her face.

"How about I buy you a drink?"

To say the least it had definitely been the best day of my life, a few hours ago my agent called and said I was offered the role I had auditioned for, and as an HBO show I was sure to get my name out there. I had made an impression on one of the girls at the casting call as well and she told me her girlfriend was a big time makeup artist for a lot of big name celebs, we exchanged numbers before parting ways...and now this girl, she had to be someone of importance, no one just walks into this club without knowing the right people or someone inside, and by the looks Charles was shooting her way, he definitely didn't know her.

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