《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\TWENTY•FIVE/


- Titus -

I stood there panting, covered in sweat and blood.

I pushed my hair out of my face in a frustrated fashion, I had been at this (torture) all morning with no progress.

"Shackle him." I ordered as I took a towel and wiped my face clean before pulling my shirt back on, "we'll continue tomorrow."

"Alpha Graystone," My Beta Evan sounded. "Your collar."

"Shit...is it blood?"

He nodded, I didn't have time to change just yet. I knew I had to find my wife before meeting with my father.

I had decided to wake up early to try and find my answers as I knew I would be busy with everything else. I knew it would be my only time to myself today. I also found that I actually felt bad about leaving Everest first thing this morning, especially given the fact that I had promised her I wouldn't leave her. It also didn't help that my new father in law was still here, or the fact that two of his sons had come as well.

No doubt they came to discuss alliances, something I personally would have to think about considering, I'm not too certain that I actually need their alliance, but to refuse them may be a slight toward Everest...i'd have to gage her relationships with each of her siblings before signing off on anything.

Come to think of it...she IS my wife, a simple conversation with her, see how she feels about everything.

I finished buttoning up my top shirt before exiting the basement, no doubt I would be back down there through out the day so long as everything else was taken care of.

I locked the basement door and proceeded on my way, I didn't have to go far to find a staff member of the house, "have you seen my wife this morning?"

"Yes Alpha, she is in the formal dining room with her family members."

I nodded and made my way toward the room.

As I let myself into the room I noticed Everest standing and ready to leave, I also noticed the tension filled area as I didn't miss one of her brother's impatient face (brows pulled together a scowl to match before he noticed me).


"Good morning everyone." I greeted the room. "I wasn't expecting such a large gathering this morning." I added to help ease the growing tension.

As I walked toward Everest I took in her stance, every thing about her seemed stiff and I knew something wasn't right. That's why when I finally did reach her I placed my hand strategically on her lower back to silently tell her 'I've got your back,' then I took things a tad further but laying a small kiss upon her lips to tell her, 'I'm sorry I left you alone, but I'm here now.'


"Husband." She replied with the smallest hint of a smile.

This small reassurance that she was fine made me ease up a bit, I hadn't realized I had taken such a defensive stance toward the three Weres in the room. She moved about in her chair now, surprisingly pouring me a glass of water. I noticed a small plate of grapes and figured they were hers, so I helped myself to some.

"It is a pleasure to be meeting a couple of My wife's siblings."

"My apologies," my new father in law finally sounded. "Allow me to introduce to you my eldest son Richard and his brother Ash."

Both of the sons arose from their chairs to formally greet me.

"And to what do we owe this pleasure?"

"Well as I was telling Everest, perhaps we could possibly discuss some business this morning." The eldest of the two spoke up without hesitation.

He definitely had an air of superiority to him, I knew his kind...and I didn't like his kind.

I paused longer than needed as if I were contemplating his words, I looked to Everest who sat nervously. I didn't like to see her uneasy. Something about her though, made me feel put off toward the three men sitting at the table.

Surely a loving family who had been apart for a few days would be more jubilant or at the very least sitting closer together.


Instead the room was cold and silent, they all say away from each other as if a business deal was taking place.

I took a sip of the water Everest had poured for me.

"It isn't in good form to discuss business pertaining to the pack when the Luna hasn't been officially presented...But if you should like to stay for the presenting then we will more than gladly make room to accommodate all of you."

No one said anything further but the older sons eyes darted toward his father's direction and I could just feel that it would be unwise to leave my new bride alone with them.

"Well if that is all" I said as I took Everest's hand. "I really must meet with my father, and my lovely wife is to report to her lady in waiting."

I got up before helping Everest out of her chair.

"If I could please have a private word with my

Baby sister." The younger of the three men finally spoke up.

I could see the sadness in his eyes, he must actually be close to Everest as she too seemed to lean toward him now that he spoke.

I nodded my approval before handing her off to her brother, the three of us left while her father and oldest brother remained in the dining room.

I moved to go one way and knew that they would end up in the old study. As sincere as the guy seemed, I didn't quite trust him and therefore chose to silently follow them to see just what he needed to say to Everest that he very well couldn't say in front of his family or myself.

As I situated myself round the back of the room behind an old bookcase I had missed a bit of the conversation.

"...Why are you saying this?" Everest asked angrily.

My wolf became defensive once again.

"I'm trying to protect you!" He growled. "Do you honestly think that your husband can give you his heart when it died with his mate?"

I was all but ready to jump out and claw this prick's heart out before a quick movement caught my eyes.

Her hand made contact with his cheek and the remnants of the harsh slap vibrated off the walls.

He didn't move except to reach his hand to his face in shock. I listened on with baited breath as his words fell so easily, I remained rooted in the same spot, my irritation growing with this man was reaching an epic proportion. I understand fully well that as a brother he only wants his sisters happiness and well being, but damn him for assuming that I'm some demon who's stolen her away and simply mistreated her the whole while.

"Believe it or not Ash people are fully allowed to move on and find happiness in another person." Everest sounded. "Do my husband and I love each other, no."

That actually hurt to hear, evenmy wolf felt it.

I knew that it was time for me to leave, to hear anymore would only lead me toward trouble, if I stayed no doubt I would shift and try to fight her brother...of course I'd hurt him without a second thought, but she would only hate me in the end.

And as much as I want her to like me and be happy with me...her well being is my main concern.

He may be her brother, but everyone needs to realize that she is MY wife and I will be damned if I just let random people come around and hurt her, even more fucked up, her own family.

I quietly left the room through the back door and actually went to find my father like I had initially intended to do.

One thing was for sure, I wouldn't be signing any treaties with her family unless Everest personally asks me to.

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