《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\FIVE/


- Caleb -

A couple of days had passed since my massive breakdown.

After releasing everything I had been holding in for so long, I had to admit that I felt ten times better after the entire fiasco, and with a clearer headspace I found myself more focused than ever.

"So how much longer you plan on stayin in town kid?"

I turned to see Janet calmly cleaning a beer mug before she looked at me, awaiting my answer.

"Oh, well you know me..." I sounded a little caught off guard. "It's just, I never planned on sticking around here for longer than I had to, and now that Mom's affairs are all taken care it's only a matter of time until the house sells and I can get back to my old life back home."

"This is your home Caleb." She smiled in a knowing sort of way.

I protested with a shake of my head, "this place has never felt like home to me...the only time it ever felt anything like home was back when--it doesn't matter, the house is up for sale and that is that."

She simply shrugged, "no ones makin you stay Caleb, just don't try and push us away because what's happened in the past."

I chose to ignore her.

The rest of the hour went by and soon the bar was officially open for the evening.

The regulars poured in and a couple of new yet familiar faces slipped in as well.

"What'll it be?" I asked over and over as I took everyone's orders and then got their requested beverages.

"Hey man long time no see."

His voice was like a big metal rake slowly being dragged against an ancient chalkboard. My nerves coiled tightly as I turned to face him.

I looked into the face of my best friend from a time that seemed so long ago. "Paul."

"In the flesh, of course once I found out you were working here I had to come and kick it with my boy." He smiled casually


"What'll it be?"

He chose to ignore me. "So what's been up man, how's life?"

"Let's see, my mother passed away prompting me to come back to this shit hole town where nothing but backstabbing rejects dwell, I'm stuck here until my moms house sells so I'd say I'm doing pretty shitty, no need to ask how you are though Paul, by the looks of it you got just about everything you ever wanted...so once again I'll ask you What do you want to drink?"

"Cal, I just came in to see you man." He sounded a little more desperate this time.

This time I ignored him by moving on to another customer who was seated next to him at the bar.

"Look I thought all that shit would've been old history by now, Jessica's my wife now-"

"And she was my girlfriend back then." I responded angrily, my emotions beginning to get the better of me."

"Hey she came to me man."

"For a damn shoulder to cry on, not for a fucking dick inside of her...I mean it hadn't even been a fucking month since the abortion." I was beyond livid at having these old memories come rushing back but I was smart enough to to lower my voice.

"And where were you Caleb, where were you when she needed someone?" He asked his own anger beginning to boil over."

"Did it ever occur to you or that slut that I needed someone too, but instead of her coming to me so that we could comfort each other as boyfriend and girlfriend she abandoned me, and instead of having my back like a best fucking friend should, you jumped at the opportunity to finally be with Jessica, and don't even try to fucking deny it, everyone knew how in love with her you were."


"How does it feel knowing I'm back in town Paul, knowing that if I really wanted to I could have Jessica back, that's why you really came in here tonight isn't it?"



"You need to order something or leave." I said knowing I had a grin on my face, before moving to the other end of the bar as I noticed someone had just taken a seat and it gave me the perfect opportunity to move away from this asshole.

When I reached the new comer I found myself strangely relieved to see that it was the strange girl from a couple of nights ago.

"Hello." She sounded sweetly.

I would be lying if I didn't admit that her lovely voice made all of the blood rush from my head and straight toward my cock.

Pants now tighter than before and feeling a little arrogant from calling out Paul I proceeded. "Hey, I remember you, water with a lemon right?"

She smiled and the lightest tinge of pink tinted her delicate cheeks before she regained herself.

"well that's the thing, I'm not much of a beer drinker and I'm basically a bar rookie, so I'm not sure what to order."

"Well do you prefer fruity drinks...I don't particularly care to make them but I do know how to make them, and if it's what you want then I won't hesitate to make it for you."

Once more she was all smiles, "well I wouldn't know where to begin in ordering a drink really."

There was something about this girl...she had my full attention.

"How about I make you something and if you don't like it, it's on me?"

She finally nodded in a shy sort of manner.

As I worked on the drink I noticed Paul exit the bar and I felt even better, "so what's your name?" I asked as I looked up at the girl while pouring the liquor into her glass.


I nodded, "that's an interesting name." I admitted.

"Well one of my brothers calls me Evie, and what about you mister bartender, what's your name?"

I chuckled a little at 'mister bartender' "Caleb ."

"Caleb" she tested my name out, my name flowed off of her tongue well and I could help but imagine what else of mine would also flow off of her tongue as well. My hard on becoming increasingly uncomfortable as it pressed against the zipper of my jeans.

"So what brings you back to the bar Evie?" I asked as I slid the drink toward her, "and tell me what you think."

She took a small sip through the thin straw.

I watched as her plump lips encased the straw, vivid images of her lips doing rather naughty things filled my head and I couldn't help but smirk.

"I like it." She smiled up at me brightly.

'I have something else that you'd like better.' I thought to myself as I conspicuously shifted my dick. "I'm glad to hear it.

"Well I just enrolled at the university.

I nodded, so I'd be seeing her around more. I looked at her closely, she definitely wasn't someone from my past, and damn if she wasn't down right gorgeous with innocence practically dripping from her pores...I'd even wager she's a virgin.

For a lightweight she was making a rookie mistake by tossing her drink back relatively quickly.

And if I had to stay in this hell hole town I may as well have a little bit of fun while I'm here. "How about I freshen that drink up for you?"

"You're so sweet, thank you." She said as she returned her glass to me. Her big brown eyes bore into me.

I smirked, "Eve there isn't one sweet thing about me, I'm simply working."

What I didn't say is 'I'm simply working you, and I'll have you in my bed in no time.'

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