《The Reject》Chapter Thirty Five - Borderline
I'm borderline happy and I'm borderline sad
I'm borderline good and I'm borderline bad
And I can't get rid of a tingling fear
You'd sort me out if my head gets clear
I live my life in shackles but I'm borderline free
I used to be blind and I still can't see
And I won't get around to a change of mind
As long as nobody breaks my stride ~
I stared at the mirror for the longest time. It's not every day you wake up with a magical tattoo. In the bathroom, that too. How did I even get here? I tried to recall what had happened.
I was having some weird dream in the bathtub, wasn't I? I can't even remember it clearly. There was water and...
Jessie, can you hear me?
I jumped when I suddenly heard Grey's voice in my head.
'Grey?' I said out loud, shocked. He has to be close for the mind link to work. Is he here? When did he get here?
The pain in my chest was back now and I touched the tattoo, hoping to somehow stop the pain. It didn't work. What's happening? Maybe Grey will know. He's my alpha after all.
Jessie, I'm waiting outside in the parking lot. Get your things and come quick.
Huh? What? What's he doing outside? And get my things? What's going on?
The pain in my chest increased and I made a sound of pain under my breath, clutching at my chest. Why is this happening? Ugh, today is horrible. This pain...
I have to tell Grey.
I opened my mouth to tell him but the pain in my chest doubled and I bent forward, wheezing.
My eyes widened and I looked around me. That voice... There's another voice in my head!
I shut my eyes tight and tears fell out. This pain... Don't tell Grey? Don't tell Grey what? About my mark or this horrible pain?
The mark of promise? What's going on? I whimpered in pain and confusion. When my wet eyes looked at myself in the mirror, I froze.
The mark... The mark had tiny crooked vines growing out of it. I watched as the vines formed, black lines like branches of trees from the flower. They stopped, and now the flower looked like it had small thorns.
I felt calmed looking at the mark and the pain subsided, turning into a slight throbbing where the mark was. I should be scared looking at such a thing happening to my skin but the feeling was opposite. I somehow felt better...
I'm going crazy. Is this a white wolf thing? No, if it was I could be able to tell Grey but this pain and this voice... they just scream "Don't tell anyone!"
Just the thought of telling Grey makes the pain return and I shut my eyes tight.
I get it, I get it. If I don't tell Grey about this, I won't be in pain. I won't tell him, so flower please stop hurting.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I am talking to a mark that looks like a flower that suddenly appeared on my chest and hurts whenever I think of exposing it to someone. I have finally gone mad.
Jessie, are you coming yet?
Oh right! Grey's here!
'Grey, what are you doing here? What's going on?' Now that the pain in my chest was less, I could focus on what Grey's saying.
I'll explain when I see you. It's bad, Jessie. Something's happened at Werestone. We have to leave immediately.
I furrowed my eyebrows. Something bad?
'What's happened...?' A bad feeling now replaces the pain in my chest and I feel my heart beat quicken.
I hear Grey sigh. Come here quick, Jessie. Get your things; we're not coming back here.
'Grey, tell me.'
There's a pause.
Hunters, Jessie. They're at Werestone.
I stand still.
I don't know the damage. We have to get there quick. Ashley's on her way as well and Noah has already left and Jaden's coming with the other werewolves. I'm taking you and Ashley back. Now hurry.
I had already run out the room with my bag as Grey finished the last sentence.
I immediately reach him with my werewolf speed and we get into the car. Ashley arrives as soon as I shut the door of the passenger seat and Grey speeds out of the hotel and out of Gateout.
'Hunters reached the pack fifteen minutes ago. Ray had called. I could hear the screaming in the background. They were burning the place. They have guns with drugged bullets, sticks, bombs... they came completely prepared. We aren't done with the training yet and most of the well trained wolves have come to Gateout for the drama. Sam, Troy, Katie and Lily are fighting but they're not enough. There's no way they can hold up in Werestone. There's no way they can win like this...'
Ashley and I listened quietly as Grey informed us about what's happening. With Grey's fast driving, we had already crossed Gateout.
Drugged weapons... I remembered the time we were kidnapped by hunters. We couldn't fight back at all because of the drugs. We had become so weak...
I looked out the window. The sun had already set and there was a waning moon. It was dark.
What's going to happen to Werestone then? There are kids... mothers... elders... It's not just any pack; it's a pack full of families. What's going to happen to them? Will the hunters kill them...? Are people going to die tonight?
The air conditioning cooled the car. My hands felt cold and my lips were dry. How things change. Just yesterday I felt like I was having the best day of my life. Is tomorrow going to be a funeral then? Just like that?
Cold sweat broke on my palms and I joined my hands. Will I loose someone important tonight? Is it going to happen again? My pack... Mama Ebony...
Grey stopped the car at the side of the road near the back of the pack grounds. We all got out and Grey told me to run around the woods to check for the number of hunters hiding. I did. There was one sitting on a tree branch with a bag of weapons. He didn't notice me. I hit his head with a rock and he fell down, unconscious and bleeding. Maybe I hit too hard. I didn't care. I spit on him and ran back to Grey with the bag of weapons. There were no more around, unlike what we expected.
'Like they said,' Grey looked at the weapons with disgust. 'These are drugged.'
Through the trees, we made our way to the pack. Tears stung my eyes as I took in the sight in front of me.
There was debris all over the ground. A part of the pack building had charred walls. There were bodies lying on the ground. Some being treated; some being mourned.
I held back sobs.
The hunters had already left. It was a short but effective attack. Lily and Katie came over to us. 'Lily and I are taking care of the injured,' their eyes were red and I hugged them, glad they were okay. I saw Mama Ebony treating a person who was lying on the ground and felt a wave of relief. My family is alive.
'Sam and Troy and a few others have gone after the hunters. You guys should go, too. We'll take care here. Go,' Katie pulled away and gave me a slight push towards the trees. Grey nodded and he moved away, shifting into his wolf. Ashley followed. They quickly ran into the woods and I ran after them without shifting. I have to get a hunter back alive for interrogation. And torturing.
Ashley and Grey's wolves lead ahead of me and I kept looking around me for any signs of hunters.
We should split up.
Grey's voice echoed through my head.
We absolutely can't let them escape. Ashley, search the back, I'll go ahead and Jessie, make sure to get one alive.
'Yes, alpha,' Ashley and I thought in sync and soon Grey disappeared ahead while Ashley was gone to the trees on my left. I took right and kept running. It was very dark... there wasn't much light from the moon as well. If I wasn't a wolf, I would have run into a couple of trees by now. I wonder how many others are searching for hunters like us.
Images of the injured and the dead went through my head and I grit my teeth. Disgusting creatures... how can they kill families like that? Do they really think that werewolves are just animals that have no humane emotions? Can they still call themselves human after doing what they did?
I stopped running when I heard the sound of a twig being stepped on and turned around to see a shadow behind a tree. It looked like a small boy and I sniffed the air.
'Race?' I watched in shock as Race, a twelve year old boy walked out from where he was hiding, behind a tree. 'What are you doing here?'
Race's eyes were red, along with his nose and he was shaking. 'A-Allyn...' he stuttered. I quickly went up to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. 'It's okay, Race,' I cooed. 'What are you doing here?'
He looked up at me with his beautiful green eyes and I wiped the tears that fell down his cheek. He must be scared... What a terrible thing for a boy to go through.
'Allyn... I-I can't find my parents...' His voice cracked. 'They ran towards the trees b-but now I can't find them!' A horrible feeling spread through my chest. His parents are alright... right? I crouched to his height and stroked his head soothingly. 'It's alright, Race. They're probably searching for the hunters. See, I'm here doing the same thing.'
'B-but... they're okay, right? N-nothing's happened... right?'
With a small smile I ruffled his hair. 'Of course they are. They're your parents, right? They're okay. Now, we have to get you back to the pack. It's dangerous out here,' I stood up and stretched out my hand for him to take. He wiped his face with the sleeves of his long shirt and took my hand. Suddenly, there was a sound of twigs breaking a few trees away and I immediately turned around, pushing Race behind me.
'Wha- Allyn?' Race said and I shushed him. Suddenly, something flew by my face and I ducked. The sound of something hitting a tree behind me echoed through what now seemed like a quiet forest. I furrowed my eyebrows. That was a bullet, wasn't it? The hunter has seen me. There was also barely any sound from the gun when he shot me. These hunters have some advanced technology.
I glared at the approaching dark figure. I can't take Race and run; this man could just shoot and it could hit Race or me and it'd be over. I'm too far away to call for help from the mind link as well. Race can't run back alone either so I can't tell him to leave as I fight this man. Shifting into my wolf is out of question. My wolf is huge, which would make it easier for the hunter to shoot. I am running out of options here. I have no choice but to fight this armed hunter.
I glanced at Race, still keeping him behind me. 'Race, go stand behind that tree and wait for me. I'll be right with you, okay?' I give him a small push and he whimpers. 'But Allyn, you're just human...'
This kid... he's worried about me. I smile at him.
'It's okay, Race. Watch me kick his butt.'
The man comes out of the shadows, pointing a gun at me just as I pushed Race towards a tree. He obeys and hides himself behind it.
'Allyn... please don't die...' Race whispers and the man in front of me smirks.
'What am I seeing? A dog trying to protect another dog?' His voice is rough and he's taller than me, with a tough build.
'Come here,' he said. 'I'll let you live if you listen.'
I raised an eyebrow. Humans never cease to amaze me. 'You come here.' I order back.
His smirk disappeared and he glared at me.
If I use my speed and get behind him, I can push him forward and break an arm and leg, rendering him harmless. That gun makes it difficult. No doubt that it is coated with the drug. It might harm me if I even touch it. If only I can get it out of his hand somehow...
I bare my teeth at him. 'Don't f*ck with me!' He yells. I hear his gun click and he stiffens his arm.
'Tell me, b*tch: why are things like you even alive?' I give a low growl at his words. Why are things like me even alive? Says the man of the same species as those who don't hesitate to kill each other for things like money.
'To kick your sorry ass, you bastard!' I snarl and he makes an angry sound and puts his finger on the trigger. I hear Race whimper from behind the tree.
'Creatures like you are disgusting; a mistake! Go back to hell where you come from!' I would have laughed at what he said if he wasn't pointing a deadly weapon at me. I scanned the ground looking for anything I could throw at him.
'Sorry, I can't. The seats are full; been reserved for you and your friends.' I quickly ran forward, picking up a stone from the ground and I threw it at the man's hand as I fell to the ground. It hit, just like I wanted it to and the gun fell off his hand. He fell to his knees, holding his hand and scrambled for the gun. I took my chance and ran forward, grabbing it in a hurry to get it away from him.
I suddenly felt a sharp pain and I looked down. My hand sizzled and the gun fell out my hand. I stared in shock as my palm turned red and blistered; skin peeling out with blood and a transparent liquid oozing out. I hissed with pain and Race ran towards me from his hiding spot. I heard the hunter laugh, removing another gun from his belt and pointing it at us. I quickly pushed Race behind me and whisper to him soft enough so that the hunter doesn't hear. 'Get out of here, Race, and climb up a tree. Stay there until help comes and don't make a sound. Don't worry, people will find you.'
Race's grip on the back of my shirt tightened and he whimpered. 'What about you, Allyn?'
I don't reply, glaring at the hunter instead. I give Race a push, making him loose his grip on my shirt. It's too dangerous for Race to be here when a hunter is waving a gun around like that. Once Race is out of here, I will snap this hunter's neck. Oh, how I will hurt this man...
'I would have let you live, b*tch. Too bad you're going straight to hell now,' The hunter laughed as he placed his finger on the trigger.
'Get lost,' I said before pushing Race towards the trees. He doesn't move, standing there. 'What are you doing? Run!' I yell and I hear the hunter laugh again. 'But you'll die!' Race screams.
'So you want to go first, huh smart little boy?' The hunter changes the direction of the gun. My eyes widen in panic and that's when he pulls the trigger.
I quickly put my arms around Race, covering him from the incoming bullet. With eyes shut, I wait for the pain. My chest feels warm. There is the sound of a bullet piercing flesh and drops of blood hitting the ground. I wonder when the pain will appear. That's when I hear the hunter wheeze.
I turn around, still hiding Race and freeze. The hunter is on the ground, covered in blood. I quickly cover Race's eyes and stare at the body in front of me. I look at myself. There is no sign of any bullet entering me; no blood or pain. Instead, what should have happened to me, has happened to the hunter.
'Allyn... is he dead?' Race asked quietly and I stroked his hair, trying to comfort him. He was shaking, but then again, so was I.
I could hear a faint heartbeat from the man. I saw his fingers twitch and the sound stopped along with his breathing.
I hugged Race close to my chest and put my chin on his head. I felt a sense of relief at being able to hear his loud pulse. I just saw a man die in front of me. Race put his arms around me and I stroked his hair. 'Let's get out of here, Race,' I whispered and he nodded.
I carried Race on my back and ran back to the pack house.
This doesn't make any sense. The man shot me but the bullet entered him? Or did he shoot himself? That really doesn't make any sense. What had happened back there?
'You were glowing,' Race's quiet voice was carried away by the wind because of my speed and I slowed down to hear him better.
'You were glowing. When the man shot you.'
With the packhouse just a few trees away, I looked at Race with a puzzled look.
'What do you mean? I was glowing?'
'I don't know. The man shot you and it was bright all of a sudden and then then the bullet went back and hit the man. It was like a protective shield like the one Gwen from Ben 1o has. Even the Invisible Woman from Fantastic 4. But yours was just plain bright white light, like a flash or something. Now I get why you are with the Praelia pack even though you're not a wolf. You're not human, are you? You have that power and all...'
Shield? Invisble? What even? Are all twelve year old boys like this?
I shrugged. 'Twelve year olds like Ben 10 a lot huh?'
Race stopped walking and glared at me. 'I am thirteen now and I used to watch Ben 10 but not anymore.' I smiled at him but he just intensified his glare. 'I mean it, there was this bright flash of light and that's why the man got shot with his own bullet. We were protected because of that light.' Race pointed at my chest and I was about to tell him off for how rude he was being when I looked down at my chest myself.
'Look, it's glowing again.' Through my shirt, I saw a bright light pouring out from the place where the mark was.
My mark had now begun to glow.
'It protected you.'
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ပ်င္းပါတယ္ဆို ဒီ system ကငါ့ကို နွိပ္စက္ေနတာဘဲ!ပျင်းပါတယ်ဆို ဒီ system ကငါ့ကို နှိပ်စက်နေတာဘဲ!*Owncreation**Not Myanmartranslation*Start Date_21.3.2020.
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