《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Deaf learns some heartbreaking news sequel Daddy of two final part (Deaf)


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Deaf and the rangers come in and kill the army man then start the process to find you and the kids now as you hear the gun fire happen and you hold onto the kids your worry that something could happen to the kids and it's your job to protect your kids is number one priority as the kids hold into you as the door opens up and Cici smiles at deaf.

Michael gets up and runs to the cell "daddy you came and got us as deaf opens the cell and grabs Michael and Cici in his arms as he smirks "always buddy daddy is going to be there for you, your sister and Mom as I get up off the ground, deaf smiles at you and he sees something that makes him truly happy he sees your belly is round again as you grab Michael and one of the man from the rangers comes in and let's you all know it's safe you all can leave and head home. As Cici is in Deaf's arm as you got Michael in yours and you all head outside, as you all head home to the farm and you and deaf put Cici and Michael to bed early tonight because it's been a hard day for them as you two head into your bedroom and he smirks and pulls you into him "your pregnant again? As you nod your head yes as he smiles at you and rubs his hands over your belly before kisses you passionately.

"Deaf it's our last one plus it's a girl my grandma said so, her name is Joy" as deaf kisses you on the lips and lays you down on the bed he wants you to rest to plus the baby girl needs to rest to plus he is going to go do another watch, before you turn in for the night with his wife. He can't wait for you too get round with his last babygirl for a little bit. And your guys family getting a little bit bigger in a few months time. But right now he is going to be home from now on. Working around the farm and plus in the general store in town. Your looking forward to getting round with joy and then add her to your guys family in a few months time and she is going to be an amazing baby and another amazing kid in our family, with you deaf and Cici, Michael in the future.


That's it for this one hope everyone likes it!!!

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