《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Deaf learns some heartbreaking news sequel Daddy of two (Deaf)


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Deaf is at the Texas ranger clubhouse for a few minutes, it's his last day and then he will home for good, he is getting his release papers for his Captain. He doesn't know right now Cici and Michael, Raven are being kidnapped by some of the Army. So he will ask the Texas rangers for help and they are up for it deaf has been a big help the last few years in the rangers so when the army took members of his family it's like taking members of their family.

Raven is pregnant again with another little girl but she hasn't told deaf yet, so when Cici Michael and this one will be their last one but they got to get out of this situation so she can tell deaf about the last baby which will be a girl who she wants to name Joy because she is going to be their last Joy plus she needs to protective her, Joy and the other two kids in Cici and Michael until deaf gets them out safe and she knows he will it's just going to take time, deaf talks to the other rangers and they head to the farm to see if there is anything clues from the army when they took you, Cici and Michael. You all are in a cell that the army put you in, Cici and Michael haven't left your side the whole time they know their dad will come and get you all in due time but they aren't going to leave their Mom and baby Bean in your belly, they know your pregnant with their baby sibling and they cant wait to tell deaf the news.

As you rub their backs as they sleep, your proud to be their Mom and Deaf's wife, as deaf and the rangers find out where the army is holding you all at and they head that way after making a plan deaf is holding into his necklace of the babies pictures and your guys engaged rings. Deaf and rangers are heading into the place where you are being held, they head in and they promise to go in without problems if possible. Deaf knows you all are somewhere in the basement and he is going to get you three out and back home without no problems or harm.


There will be another part in a few days!

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