《Games Of Vengeance.》Either be suspicious or die.




AddictiveItis never good to be addicted to something so much. But Park Chaeyoung thought differently. She thinks when she is addicted to something it will be easier for her to achieve it. And she was slowly getting addicted to Kim Taehyung. She was not able to listen to anyone's voice and she was afraid her mic was caught. She was getting frustrated that Taehyung was not contacting her so she thought to take the first step. She picked her phone up as she pressed Taehyung's contact and called him.

Taehyung was sitting in their monitor room where Jeongyeon him Namjoon and Yoongi were listening to the conversation of Oh Jaehyun and Boss and then suddenly Taehyung's phone started to ring he saw who was calling him as he smirked he felt a hand on his shoulder.

- Pick it up we will be keeping a track here.

Namjoon said as he nodded getting out of the room he picker the call.

- Hello?

He heard the females voice as he replied

- Hello Chaeyoung, do you need something?

- Yes I do. You remember that you owe me a coffee date right, Taehyung?

She said as Taehyung put his hand inside his pocket and looked up to see you and Jungkook running around the house as your laughter echoed the house. Taehyung smirked coming near both of you as he showed you his hand and you both stopped.

- Sure Chaeyoung. I will take you to one of my favourite coffee shops tell me when should I pick you up.

Taehyung said as your heart stopped you were scared. What if your sister heard you laughing? But then a thought crossed your mind.

She never heard me laughing like this.

You laughed at your own thoughts. Taehyung ended the call as he called everyone down you all sat in the living room as everyone looked at Taehyung confused why he called everyone down so suddenly.

- So I think we need to cal both the enemies today since Chaeyoung called me today.

Taehyung said as Yoongi was confused.

- You mean you are going to make Chaeyoung see both of them together? That is nice it will only make things easier.

Yoongi liked the thinking of his younger brother as Jin started to call both the men.

- And what if it is a trap?

Lee Jun- seok asked SeokJin as he gulped.

- By being so suspicious you are only going to lose your life Mr. Lee. You either be suspicious or be dead.


He said as Jun- Seok was starting to believe whether all of this was actually true.

- Okay then I will send my men to you.

- Uh huh, now you see as much as I want to be on the side of the next mafia boss I would only give this information to you and you alone.

SeokJin said a warning clear in his voice as he ended the call, and just on cue Taehyung got a message of Chaeyoung telling him to pick her up now.

- I will take her to that coffee shop and Hyung make sure that both of them are there in an hour okay? And Jeongyeon, Jimin and Jennie keep on listening to the mics we never know what we will find. And Hoseok and Jungkook get there on time you both know what to do. Yoongi and Namjoon keep a track on both of them and Nayeon noona, explain the next task to her and make her prepared for that, she will do it today itself.

He gave everyone their tasks, as he got up going towards the exit he was sitting inside his car when he heard his name he turned around to see you running towards him from the stairs he leaned on the car waiting for you and just when you came near him you tripped landing straight on Taehyung as you groaned, you looked up and saw Taehyung looking down at you his expressions were not blank this time but it was still unreadable. You stepped back as you straightened yourself.

- I-I want to say something

You said as Taehyung raised his eyebrow nodding his head,gesturing you to continue.

- Chaeyoung, she really despise uncle Jaehyun.

You said as Taehyung was surprised by the new and very useful fact.

- Why did you not say this earlier?

- I f-forgot.

You obviously lied as Taehyung noticed it as he took a step towards you towering your small frame.

- You forgot or you wanted to stop me? hm?

He said as he leaned towards you and you looked elsewhere avoiding his gaze as you shook your head.

-Why would I stop you?

You asked as he smirked getting away from you as you breathed out

- Good then

He said as he sat in his car driving away from you as you sighed feeling down suddenly.


Taehyung picked up Chaeyoung as planned as they both went to the same cafe as the other two. They both sat inside, both of their sides facing the window as both of them were talking about random things.


- I heard about your ex from Jennie, and also that I remind you of that girl.

She said as Taehyung felt his lips going upwards.

- Oh she told you that? Damn Jennie

He cursed as Chaeyoung kept his hand on top of his as he looked at her.

- Just because I remind you of her that does not mean that you have to stay away from me Taehyung. Please, I don't want to lose a good friend like you.

She said as he looked at her and just then his phone ringed.

" both of them are here"

Yoongi texted him as he smirked.


Oh Jaehyun came inside the cafe, although he was still a unsure about all of this but his boss's safety came first for him. He went near the pool side, outside the cafe waiting for the call. He could not even call the number back no matter how much he tried and when he tried to track the number it showed nothing. He sat down as he looked at Lee Jun- Seok. His eyes widened as he thought what the hell was he doing here. Jun- Seok looked at him as he came near him laughing.

- Oh what a great surprise! Look who is here.

He said as he went and sat opposite of him. Jaehyun was confused what was he doing here? And mostly, why is he alone? Where are his guards?

- Hello Mr. Lee. What are you doing here?

- Oh you see, I am planning to take this so that's why I came to see this.

He said as Jaehyun nodded his head. They both were talking as Junseok cracked a joke and both of them laughed even though both of their laughs were fake.

Chaeyoung saw both of them outside the cafe as her eyes widened. She could not believe what she was seeing.

- why is Oh Jaehyun and Lee Junseok together? And why the fuck are they laughing?

She murmured as Taehyung sat there looking at her.

Very good Park Chaeyoung. Very good. You will destroy your own people for me.

Both men heard some noises coming as both of them stood up and looked at where it was coming from. There Hoseok dressed in a chef's outfit and Jungkook dressed in baggy clothes his shirt was ripped and he looked like a beggar. As both of them were running Jungkook shoulders collided with Lee Jun-seok's shoulder making his lose his balance and just when he regained his balance Hoseok hit his shoulder again making him stumble as Jaehyun held him.

Just before the noises started Taehyung kept his hand on Chaeyoung's hand as he made her look at him.

- Even I don't want to lose such a great friend like you Chaeyoung but it is quite hard for me you see- wait isn't that your fathers right hand man?

He said as she looked again to see both the men hugging each other as her eyes widened and she got up. Taehyung saw the fury in her eyes but she calmed herself down she knew that she is going to have to deal with him later. She took out her phone as she clicked some pictures of them together. She then looked at Taehyung.

- Taehyung-ssi, I am very sorry to say this but I really have to go now, don't drop me I can go by myself. We will meet soon I promise.

She said rushing out of the cafe as Taehyung leaned back sipping his tea as he sighed.


You and Nayeon were sitting in her room as she showed you all of her dresses. And it was not some normal dresses it looked like costumes as if each dress, each costume has its own story. She then sat down with you as she looked at you.

- Look Y/N, this job is one of the hardest jobs okay? alluring people is not an easy task and if they will find out about who you actually are, then it is a game over for us.

She explained as you nodded your head.

- Your third task will be to deliver some of our drugs to people. And I shall remind you that those people are not good at all.

- It sounds scary

You admitted as she smiled at you showing her bunny teeth.

- Well if you are good at acting then you should not be scared of anything. I will be with you today so you don't have to worry about anything but the other I wont be so look closely and observe me today okay?

She said as you nodded your head.

- So, let us begin your third task.


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