《Games Of Vengeance.》Getting Closer.



Taehyung got upand looked at his side to see no one. He was confused as he was sure that you did slept beside him yesterday and because of your kicks and bad sleeping habits he got up so many times. He sighed as he pushed his bangs back wondering where you were.

You got up at 7 AM when you fell off the bed you massaged your shoulder but you were used to it by now. You sat on the bed again as your head hit the pillow instead your pillow felt hard you frowned as you looked back to see Taehyung and you almost forgot that you slept beside him yesterday. You were indeed, embarrassed. You took a deep breath in as you got up from the bed looking at him for the last time as you removed some strands of hair from his eyes. You finally came inside your room as you plopped on the bed trying to sleep but you could not. You felt hungry as you groaned and got up cleaning yourself as you got down.

Jin and Nayeon were in the kitchen you went near them as you greeted them.

- The sleeping princess is up early.

Jin said as you glared at him sticking your tongue out. You were still surprised that how fast you grow close to them.

- I came in your room to put some more clothes but you not there.

Nayeon said as she flipped the pancake and your stomach groaned indicating that it really need food. You took one of the grapes eating them

- Yeah I was in Taehyung's-

You were saying when you suddenly stopped eating they looked at you raising eyebrows. You gulped.

- Bathroom. We share one bathroom right? So I was in Taehyung's bathroom.

You said laughing as they nodded. Not that they are gonna believe you but they did not want to embarrass you anymore. Jennie and Yoongi came down along with Namjoon Jeongyeon Jimin Hoseok and Jungkook. Jeongyeon and Jimin were bickering about something as Yoongi had enough of them. Jimin came and sat beside you as he winked at you. His ash grey hair was messy and his silk robe was showing his chest you looked down afraid that he will see your blush.

- Guess what?

Jennie said as Jin looked at her.

- You finally learned when to stop drinking?

He said as Hoseok laughed and you were curious what story was behind this one. Jennie showed him her middle finger rolling her eyes.

- I got a call from Yeonjun he said someone name Rose was trying to find about the whereabouts of Kim Taehyung.

She said as everyone's eyes widened and you were confused.

- What? Who is rose?

Hoseok asked as Jungkook shrugged sipping on his banana milk as you looked at him.


- Someone even contacted Taehyung's university to learn about his academics and everything.

Namjoon said as Yoongi chuckled.

- Rose is my sister.

You said and they all looked at you, different emotions on each face. Surprised shock curious suspicious.

- Her very close people know about that. Not everyone knows about her name rose.

You said as Yoongi looked at you with a suspicious expression he was confused as to why you were helping them.

- And why are you telling us this?

- Because she wants to be a part of us.

Taehyung said coming down his hair were wet ad he was wearing a plane black sweat shirt. And it was enough for you to gawk at him and look at him for the rest of you life.

- She what?

Everyone said as you suddenly felt nervous gulping you nodded your head. Taehyung came and sat on his place.

- And you're just going to let her be one of us?

Yoongi asked and you felt bad you were sure that Yoongi hates you Taehyung shook his head he looked at Jungkook.

- Start preparing for the tests. Make it more hard cause she is really weak.

He said biting an apple as you looked offended. He looked at you for a brief second before looking away.

- So what's this case about Rose?

He asked continuing to eat his apple as Jennie showed her phone to him they both were talking as you felt angry. You got up and went near Nayeon and Jeongyeon who were in the kitchen making food. They looked at you as you sat on the chair.

- Do you like chocolate syrup? I will pour that on top

Nayeon asked as you nodded your head. Jeongyeon looked at you as she laughed

- Why do you look like someone snatched a toy from you?

She teased as you shook your head.

- I am just hungry

You said as they nodded. You helped them arranging the table and Jungkook came to help you too. You wanted to talk to him about the test as you sat beside him.

- Jungkook?

You called him out as he looked at you eating his food as he nodded his head.

- What kind of tests will there be?

You asked as he was silent for some time and looked at you again.

- You will find that about when you start the tests. Don't worry I will go easy on you

He said winking as you sighed accepting defeat.

- I can just say that you will just be trained a little and then there will be like what we used to have in school? Surprise exams?

- Thanks, that really did helped me.

You said rolling your eyes as he chuckled and you looked at Taehyung to looking at you both with a glare you ignored him.



They met up in their meeting room as Taehyung sat in the front. They all were still looking about Boss Park but their concern was Park Chaeyoung. She was so private that it was not easy for them to find out everything about her.

- Look what I found~

Hoseok sang as they looked at him he typed on his computer something and a picture appeared on the projector.

- This man was Park Chaeyoung's ex boyfriend, Mark.

- Was?

- He is dead now. There are rumours that they both had a fight in the club when she found him dancing with a girl and on his way back his car was hit by a truck.

Hoseok said as Taehyung smirked nodding his head.

- Damn she is the psycho type.

Jungkook said.

- She is going to the shopping mall in an hour.

Nayeon suddenly said as Jennie looked at her.

- How would you know that?

- There is a watcher behind her. I sent him and he will be informing us about her whereabouts.

She said as Taehyung showed her a thumbs up. And he suddenly got up

- Jimin I think you wanted to see the latest collection of Louis Vuitton right?

- Oh yes brother I was just thinking about it?

Jimin smirked as the two friends got up and went to change their clothes, getting inside their car they drove away.


Chaeyoung was roaming into the malls checking the new collections of the expensive brands. She had a lot of things in her mind. Where is her sister? Why did Bangtan jumped in their lives all of a sudden? Why were they asking about her sister? Did they have anything to do with Y/N's disappearance?

But when I found out about him he does not have any connections with us so he does not have any reason to conspire against us?

She thought and just then she saw the man who was invading her thoughts, dressed in a back shirt and a white blazer with white pants, he was wearing sunglasses and a gold chain around his neck. She tilted her head as she admired the young man looking so good. Taehyung was looking at his clothes and Jimin who was standing beside him looked at Chaeyoung as he pointed his finger at her and nudged Taehyung and finally he looked at her as she nodded her head acknowledging his presence.

Both of the men came towards the blonde female as she removed the hair from her face tugging it behind her ear.

-Oh, Taehyung- ssi what a pleasant surprise! How are you here?

- The same reason why you came here. My friend Jimin has a great fond for shopping and I was not in the mood for it today but meeting you, I am glad that I came.

The brunette head said as Chaeyoung felt proud of herself a boost of confidence hit her as she smiled gracefully at him. Jimin suddenly got a call as he picked it up.

- oh? So suddenly?

- Wow this over dramatic bitch

Jeongyeon said on the other side

- But Taehyung is out. You want me to come instead?

- No please get the fuck out

- I will come to you then.

He said as he ended the call kept a hand on Taehyung's shoulder a sorry look on his face.

- There is an emergency I have to go, how will you come back? Shall I take a taxi?

- Don't bother, take the car just call the driver

- Suga took the two drivers to his meeting in Daegu.

- I will just take a taxi then

Taehyung said as Chaeyoung stepped in the conversation

- I can drop you at your house, that is of course if you don't mind.

She said smiling shortly as Taehyung kept a hand in his pockets as he turned his body towards her looking at the female.

- Well I would really appreciate it. But I hope that won't be a bother for you.

- I am free till evening so don't worry

- That is settled then. Taehyung do treat her some coffee or something to return her favour okay?

Jimin said as Taehyung chuckled nodding his head as they both watched Jimin walking away. Taehyung turned his attention to the lady once again as she looked at him.

- Well I finished shopping what about you?

- I was not going to shop anyways so it is fine. Which coffee shop do you like?

He asked as they both started walking towards the exit as Chaeyoung chuckled pushing her hair back showing her flawless side profile.

- Well I will drive us there then.

She said as they both went came near her car and Taehyung opened the car door for her. The little gesture did melted her cold cruel heart. Taehyung was playing his cards calmly, he was not rushing nor going slow. He has been waiting this for the past 15 years and he will not let anyone ruin anything. He looked at Chaeyoung as he smirked

You will help me get my revenge Park Chaeyoung. You will play the most important part in destroying your father.


Hey lovelies!!

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What do you think? What else is Taehyung planning on doing? Will he achieve everything through Chaeyoung? Or someone else too? Do you think Chaeyoung will suspect anything?

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