《Games Of Vengeance.》Restraining.


You all meet my future wife

Taehyung said as you were shocked and so were everyone else in the room. Well some except Yoongi and Nayeon. You turned around and looked at him and he looked at you with a blank expression. You were beyond disgusted by the man standing in front of you. You were gritting your teeth as he had a mocking expression on his face and you wanted to punch him so bad.

- What do you mean Taehyung? You never discussed this with us.

Namjoon said standing up from his chair. But everyone knew this was coming because of Taehyung's and Yoongi's secret talk and when he told him on the first day to prepare some other document too. Taehyung sighed as he removed his hands from your shoulders and folded it.

- Of course I am not going to marry her right away. I still have some things to do till then she has to wait. Tragic I know.

He was saying when you had enough. Enough of everyone who tried to control your life and your actions. Your knuckles were turning white as you did what you wanted to do the most.

Youheard everyone gasp. Your eyes were bloodshot red and you were trying your best to control yourself preventing even one tear. You did not want to cry in front of these people. These people who ruined your life. Taehyung'shead was still tilted on the left and his hair was covering his whole face. You realised what you did and yes you did felt scared but you did not regret even one bit. In fact, you enjoyed this. Until he stood straight his cheek was red but his face was like always; blank.

You heard a snicker from behind, it was Jimin. Taehyung let out a dark scoff and the only emotion in your body was fear. He took a step towards you and there no space in between you both your noses almost touching you tried to take a step back but he took your wrist and started dragging you upstairs. You heard Jin yelling from behind but Taehyung was not stopping.

- Jin stop him or else i dont know what he is going to do


Jeongyeon said with concern in her voice

- You know we cannot stop him. His ego is hurt.

Jin said as they al looked at you walking away. Maybe Jin did not try to stop him because he knew Taehyung would not hurt Y/N that he will maybe only threaten he knew his little brother would never do that.

Guess he was .

Taehyung pulled you up stairs and you were struggling, trying your best to release your hand from his rough grip but his hands were big enough to avoid you from doing any of that. He opened the door of his room and just then his grip loosened a bit and you knew this was your chance. You pushed jerked his hand away and took two big steps towards your room and locked it. Your heart was beating so fast that you sat there near the door taking deep breaths calming yourself down.

- Okay, its fine the door is locked he cannot come inside its all fine the door is locked wait the bathroom- oh shit

You got up and was running towards the bathroom door when it opened and you saw a furious Taehyung. His whole body was showing how angry he was. His leg muscles were tight his fist were formed in a fist and veins were popping out on his neck his face, that was a whole different story. He took steps towards you and you were taking steps back. Tears forming in your eyes. You wanted to apologise but you knew it was too late for this. He pulled you as his hand gripped your waist and you gasped. Taehyung was looking you intensely and if looks could kill you would have been already dead.

- You fucking slapped me. After I told you to never disobey me you did this. I told you that I may not kill you yet but I could hurt you badly Park Y/N, and I will show you now that your actions have consequences.

He growled as he pushed you on the bed as you body landed on the soft mattress he came near the bed smirking as he started to take off his jacket and now you were sobbing. He hovered you as you closed your eyes silently praying. His lips came near your jaw leaving wet kisses as he ripped your dress and you let out a half scream. You were begging the almighty for some miracle. You wanted to vanish in thin air evaporate die.


- Yes princess, pray all you want but you are not going to be spared.

He whispered in your ear sending chills down your spine as your throat was dry.

-Taehyung... please

You whispered and he suddenly stopped, you were a sobbing mess now, tears were streaming down your cheeks. Taehyungs face hardened angry at the fact that he stopped.

- Why are you doing this to me? Please I deserve to marry who I want do I not have the right to be angry at you? That every time when I think I have some control over my life someone crushes my dreams. What did I ever do to you

You mumbles crying and taking deep breaths as Taehyung gritted his teeth taking both of your hands and pinning it beside your head.

- Because you are a Park! You are his daughter.

He said as you looked at him with a shocked expression

- So? I have been cursing myself for the past 19 years that I am HIS daughter.

You said finally revealing that you never liked even for one second to be his daughter to be his blood. Crying you turned your face away from Taehyung because you were afraid that if you look at him for more than a minute you would allow him give him consent to do whatever he likes. You felt his breath on your cheek as he planted a kiss on your cheek and you could feel how soft his lips were the kiss was so short but its feeling lingered on you even after he left.

Taehyung was more than furious he wanted to kill whoever was coming in front of him. He went straight to his shooting zone not even bothering to wear headphones as he started shooting the dolls. He heard footsteps as he turned to see Nayeon and Yoongi. Yoongi came and sat on the couch munching his apple. Nayeon was concerned for her friend.

-Taehyung what did you do to her?

- Nothing!

He yelled pushing his hair back in frustration as Nayeon sighed in relief the way he took her upstairs she was afraid that he would kill her.

- Taehyung! Focus on your plan you have been dreaming about this since you were a child do not forget about your vengeance. Do not let anyone distract you from that shit

Yoongi reminded his friend as he nodded his head. Of course Kim Taehyung would never forget about what happened to him and what they did to him. The whole squad came down as he looked at them.

- What is this about the marriage thing?

Jennie asked as Jeongyeon came near him holding his hand.

- Taehyung do not be a fool. Don't turn blind because of your revenge. Do you even know what marriage is? Unless and until you love her-

- I am marrying her because her properties would be helpful to me. You all know that at least 45% credit for the mafia boss money goes to Y/N. And that is how she will help me becoming the next mafia boss.

- So when are you going to marry her?

Jimin asked as Taehyung let out a deep breath.

- For marrying her we need the original documents of the assets first.

- We cannot get that. It is with Boss Park.

Jennie said 'as-a-matter-of-fact' way as Taehyung smirked letting out a chuckle

- And that's where we are going to officially start the plan. For stealing the documents we need to get closer to our dearest enemies.

Taehyung said as a new wave of excitement and thrill surrounded everyone. They all were more than ready to destroy Park Beom-Seok.


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