《Forbidden (Benny X reader)》Part 9- date


"You look amazing" benny says

"Thank you" I blush

We walk to the carnival. Once we get there we go to the ticket stand. "It's on me" he buys two tickets and passes me one.

"What do you wanna go on?" He asks

"Ferris wheel?" I ask

"Sure!" We walk over to it and get on. It starts moving and we slowly make our way to the top. When we get there, it stops.

Benny take a deep breath "y/n I need to tell you something"

"Go on" I say

"I really like you, I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I've never felt this way towards anyone before." He looks nervous "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything"

"Benny." He looks at me worried. I kiss him. He kisses me back. The Ferris wheel begins to move down. I pull away.

"I like you too, benny" I smile at him. He looks so happy.

We get to the bottom and get off. He puts his hand out, I take it. We see the boys and walk over to them.

"Hey guys!" I say.

"Are you too dating yet!?" They ask.

Me and benny look at eachother and smile.

I want to be with Benny, but I know I can't. It would never work considering my brother is his enemy. If I were to date benny, Jordan would never forgive me. I love my brother a lot, he's always there for me, he protects me and he always supports me. But I wish he supported me in playing baseball with the sandlot. He doesn't know and I really want to tell him, but I know he wouldn't take it well. Which is why I definitely couldn't tell him about benny, he would go insane. Unless we dated in secret, but I don't think benny would want that. I think I need to talk to benny about it, but not now.


"What rides are you boys going on?" I ask changing the subject.

"We are going to go on that ride over there" ham points to a ride.

"Do you want some chaw?" Bertram offers me and benny.

"No, you shouldn't have any either if you're going on that ride. You'll be sick!" I say.

"No we won't!" Says squints.

"We'll see about that." I laugh. They all run onto the ride.

"I can't wait to make fun of them tomorrow." I say to benny. He laughs.

We watch them on the ride. A minute later I see their faces. I laugh.

"They're gonna be sick"

A few seconds later they are sick everywhere.

"I'm so glad I'm not one of the other people on that ride" benny says. I agree with him.

They all walk off the ride, with vomit all over themselves. I laugh at them.

"I told you!" I say to them, still laughing. "Now go home and have a wash!"

"Bye! Have a nice date guys!" They all run off home. I check the time. 7:00.

"I have to be home at 8:00 so we have an hour." I say.

"Let's go on some more rides!" He pulls me along by my hand.

We go on a few more rides. An hour passes.

"Benny I need to go home now"

"Okay I'll walk you home." I smile at him

We leave the carnival and head home. He puts his hand out, I take it.

"Benny I wanna talk to you about something"

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