《The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me》The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me [ 18 ]
It was as if my brain started to click into action, only when Charlie’s lips were millimeters away from my own.
I used all of my strength to push him off of me. I sat up and watched him lay down on the grass beside me. Sadness washed over his face, it broke my heart to see him like this.
I sighed, “I- we can’t, Charlie.”
His forehead creased in confusion – Charlie always looked adorable when he was confused. He was like a lost puppy. “Why not?”
Because you’re not Reece Carter.
“Because you’re my bestfriend and I love you so much, I could never risk the chance of losing you.”
He got up and looked into my eyes, searching for a sign that he still had a chance. When he couldn't find one, he sighed.
“I wish we were five years old again.”
I smiled, “Why?”
“Because I remember asking you to marry me in the sandpit, and you said yes.”
I burst out laughing at the memory, “Oh my God, yes, and you gave me one of those Lolly Rings at our ‘wedding’!”
“And we gave our first kiss to each other.” He chuckled as he overlooked the rosebushes in front of us.
It was true, I gave my first kiss to Charlie, as he gave his to me back when we were five – under the oak tree in kindergarten in front of all our friends while they screamed and assured us that we were going to get cooties and boy germs.
I lay my hand on his and made him look at me. “One day, you will find an amazing girl who’s perfect for you. Someone beautiful on the inside and out, someone who’ll make you laugh till your cheeks ache and your life meaningful.”
His blue eyes shimmered like the Summer Ocean, “Chloe, I’m looking at her right now.”
I put my arms around his shoulders, “Charlie, you deserve a girl who will love you right - someone who can return a million times the amount of love.” Hurt flashed through his eyes as he exhaled a deep breath. I hated knowing I was the reason for him feeling this way. Charlie’s fingers played with mine as he looked at them.
“I wish it was you.” He whispered just for my ears to hear as he held me in his arms and gently kissed my forehead. I laid my head against his chest and breathed in his familiar scent.
Who knew that the day would come where, Charlie King, my childhood bestfriend and Prescott Private’s biggest player would fall for me.
Charlie walked me home - things were a little tense. We didn’t really talk much but it was okay - I knew he needed a little time to himself to get over everything.
I collapsed onto my bed and let out a breath. It seemed like life was getting depressing…too depressing. I needed some excitement happening…I needed something to distract me from everything.
Suddenly, my eyes focused on my closet…full of dresses and heels.
With a smirk playing on my lips, I scrolled down the contacts in my phone and clicked the ‘Call’ button. After four rings, she picked up and I could hear people in the background.
“Hello?” she laughed.
“Hey, it’s me.”
“The one and only.”
“It’s a Saturday night, don’t you have homework or something?” she teased.
“If you must know, a need a little fun in my life right now.”
“I’ll be there in five!” She mentioned before the line went dead.
Oh Gabrielle Sanchez, I can always rely on you for moments like these.
Around forty minutes later, Gabby and I were dressed up and currently checking ourselves out in the mirror, for what I hoped would be a night to remember. Gabby smirked. “Dayyum, we look hot.”
I returned it with a not-so-modest smile of my own. “I know.”
Gabby was wearing a light purple strapless dress, which honestly didn’t leave much to the imagination – but that’s just my personal opinion. She wore silver high heels and had her hair in big curls that looked amazing on her.
I decided to wear a tight, fitted black dress that reached above my knees but still looked classy. I straightened my hair till it was dead straight and wore cream stilettos with silver jewelry. Black mascara covered my lashes, making them stand out in the most elegant way, a little light pink lip gloss was added and viola; I was done.
Always classy, never trashy…just a little bit nasty.
Fifteen minutes later, Gabby and I walked up to the front door of the house party. It was one of those stereotypical American parties – with loud music blasting, empty beer bottles strewn around the lawn and people everywhere – whether they were sitting outside making out or just talking. Oh, and of course, lets not forget the occasional drunk person stumbling around.
“So, whose party is this anyway?” I asked casually when Gabby rung the doorbell.
“You’ll see soon enough.”
The door burst open and my eyes widened.
Of course, it had to be Tyler’s party.
“Gabby baby,” Tyler kissed Gabby on the cheek and gave her a hug that lasted a second longer than necessary, “Glad you could make it.”
Tyler’s eyes landed on me.
“Chloe Armel, well isn’t this a surprise…” he breathed as he practically eye raped me right there.
“Sorry Tyler, I didn’t realize this was your party – or else I would have given you notice. I can leave if you want.”
He smirked, “There’s no way I’m letting that happen. Come in, enjoy the night.”
All three of us entered through the door and I was momentarily stunned. Tyler’s house was huge! Mansion was more fit for description. The temperature inside the house – mansion – was much hotter with all the people dancing and screaming the lyrics to the music. Most people had red cups in their hands and there was a mini bar at the side to refill their drinks.
I followed Gabby as she poured herself a drink and held one out to me. I shook my head, I never drunk at parties.
“Oh C’mon, one drink isn’t going to get you drunk.”
“Maybe so, but I’m most likely driving tonight.”
She shrugged as she gulped down the alcoholic contents, “Suit yourself.”
To be honest, driving was just an excuse. I’ve never actually drunk alcohol in my life, let alone at a party where the possibilities of drinks getting spiked were high.
Yes, I’m paranoid about stuff like that, better to be safe than sorry.
“Don’t you reckon that guy’s cute?” Gabby giggled.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“I meant it for you, silly. Go talk to him.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, I cringed.
“Maybe not.”
“Oh C’mon. You call me for a fun time, I’m trying to give you a fun time but noooo, you won’t drink, you wont talk to guys…far out.”
Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms around my waist and someone’s body touching the back of mine. I spun around and met dark blue eyes.
“Enjoying the party, Miss Armel?” Tyler’s hot breath met my ears. Somehow, we had managed to get in where people were dancing. Bodies were swaying to the beat everywhere. Tyler’s hands are on my hips, pressing me against him.
I shrugged. “I’ve been to better ones.”
He smirked again, “Maybe a dance with me can change your thoughts.” He told me as he positioned my arms around his neck.
“Don’t hold your breath on it.” I winked playfully. If the music wasn’t loud before, the DJ blasted up it up to the extent where you could practically feel each thump of the rhythm in your chest. I tried to not pay too much attention to the fact he kept pressing against me but it was hard to ignore his lust-filled eyes.
Tyler’s hands began to slowly trail down from my waist and I knew then that it was definitely time to leave. I gripped his hands before they could get carried away and quickly made up an excuse to get away from this man-whore. Pardon my French.
“I’m going to go get some air.” Before he could reply, I distanced myself so that other people dancing could fill in the gap between us. I had to shift through everyone which was easier said than done because bodies were practically stuck to each other due to the amount of people in the room.
I saw the white marble staircase and went up. After passing people making out in the hallways and many closed bedroom doors, my eyes fixed upon the balcony.
The glass doors were already open and I didn’t hesitate to enter outside into the chilly night. White roses were decorated around the limestone barriers as I took a look at the view below me. When I was ready to go back inside, I turned around only to bump into someone, hard.
“Sorry.” I muttered before I had the chance to look up at who it was. When I did, my heart sunk in my chest.
“Seems like you have a habit of bumping into me, ey, Chloé?” André wore a smirk and walked towards me like he owned the place.
“What are you doing here André?” I asked, irritated.
“I’m at Tyler’s party.” He answered as if I had just asked the most stupid question. I scowled at him.
“How do you even know Tyler?”
“Mutuals.” He simply replied.
“Whatever - I’m off.” I decided I didn’t care anymore, maybe coming here tonight was a bad idea, “I hope I don’t bump into you anymore André” I added sincerely. I managed to take a step around him but he gripped my arm and spun me to his chest so firmly, it made me yelp.
“Chloé, you always leave so soon, c’mon, lets have some fun.” He whispered huskily in my ear. My heartbeat accelerated from fear, which I was determined not to show him.
“With you?” I scoffed. “Ha, I’d rather die.”
Suddenly, it was as if the music had stopped – but it hadn’t, it was just like a gentle thrumming in the background, as my eyes only focused on a pocket knife André had switched open, with it’s blade clearly visible and shining as the moonlight hit it’s metal surface.
He smirked, “That can be arranged, too.”
My breathing became ragged, only coming in short little pants. What scared me – no, terrified me – was the fact that I knew exactly what André was capable of; André was definitely capable of coldblooded murder.
“You’re cute when you’re scared, Chloé.”
“You’re sick.” I spat out in disgust.
Another sadistic smirk played on his lips, “No, just love-sick.”
“Love? What would you know about love André?” I provoked.
Okay, bad move.
Note to self: Never torment a guy with a knife.
The next thing I knew, my body was pushed roughly against the brick walls of the balcony and the cool blade was digging into my neck – all he had to do was apply a bit of pressure before it would cut open my skin.
“What do I know about love?” His eyes had turned pitch black with rage. I should have known better than to aggravate a guy with serious anger management issues. “I know enough to know that it hurts.”
His breath reeked of alcohol and his wrath was still there. Great; an angry drunk was exactly what I was searching for to get my mind of things.
“I’ve known you for two years, André, I’ve never seen you fall in love with a girl.”
“That’s because you were blind!” he yelled in my face. “Blinded by your love for your perfect Prince Charming! Well, Ash sure turned out to be the total opposite, didn’t he Chloé?” André sneered. “I would have never done all those things to you Chloé. I would have never made bets or trick you. I would have never played with your feelings or-“
“Stop!” I screamed as I tried to tug away from his grasp. “Stop it! Leave me alone! Don’t you think I already know about all the things Ashton did? Why do you keep reminding me? Why do you enjoy seeing me in pain? Why are you happy of the fact that Ashton broke my heart?”
“Because you deserve it, in fact; you deserve much worse.”
“W-what?” I croaked as a lump formed in my throat.
“You deserve the pain, Chloé.” André repeated loud and clear. “Because you caused me ten times the amount of pain you suffered.”
I couldn’t find the words to speak, “H-how?”
“You stupid girl, couldn’t you see I was in love with you?” Andre gritted through his teeth. “I treated you like a princess, with the respect and honesty Ashton had only pretended to give you. I was the one who was there for you every time you felt down and needed cheering up. If someone was bothering you, I was the one that made sure they’d never see another sunrise.”
He gave me another shove against the bricks and I let out a cry of pain as my head hit the wall. “But no, like they say, nice guys finish last…you ended up falling for Ashton De Ville – Why?”
I looked away and didn’t bother to answer his question – damn, I should had known it would infuriate him more.
With one hand, he gripped my chin to make me look at him, “Answer me! Was it because of his looks? Or because he had money?” he asked with disgust dripping off his tongue.
“How dare you think of me like that?”
“It’s hard not to when you have your heart ripped out torn apart from the first person you had ever let in. My whole life, I had built up all these defenses and walls around me, only to have a stupid girl like you break them down and steal my heart.
"I didn’t ask for it Chloé…I couldn’t help but feel like ripping Ash’s arms off when they held you like this,” With that he slid his hands around my waist and pulled me in forcefully and brought his lips to my neck.
I struggled to get out of his hold but then my body froze once more when I felt his knife on my skin again. He took this opportunity to plant a soft, lingering kiss below my ear.
“I hate love, and it’s all because of you.” He whispered before he once again, pushed me into the wall. The texture of the bricks were scabbing my bare back making me wince.
“It was never my intention to hurt you André.”
“That’s exactly what pisses me off more. You made me vulnerable, without even trying.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want your apologies.” He told me while he played with the sharp edge of his knife.
I raised a brow in confusion, “Then, what do you want?”
A dark smirk formed on his lips, “You.”
Again, my heart began to beat much faster than normal, “Excuse me?”
“Ashton got to play with you, your friend – the one that likes to wear Calvin Klein…what was his name again? Oh yes, Charlie – he never stood a chance…that leaves me, it’s my turn to play, don’t you think, Chloé?”
Calm rage.
Those two little words best described my emotion right now. I took long, silent deep breaths to help myself relax over the fact he was treating me like I was some inanimate toy with no feelings.
So after a moment, I decided to put a smile on my face. “Like I said before; I’d rather die.”
If his hard eyes weren’t cold before, they passed as ice now.
“Your wish is my command, love.” He scorned as he placed the knife below my neck. “Any last words, Chloé?”
Don’t aggravate him!
Don’t do it Chloe!
He’s already mad as it is!
Oh stuff it - I was going to die anyway.
“Yeah, didn’t you ever once think…that I’m a little out of your league, André?” I winked.
The knife began to shake and his eyes fumed with anger. His chest rose up and down faster and I swear; if looks could kill, I’d be seven feet under by now.
He stumbled across his words, “Y-you-”
Suddenly, someone’s laughter caused him to stop breathing altogether.
I dared to take a look at who had interrupted my near death experience and felt my eyes widen in surprise.
A hot, sexy badass in a black T-shirt and jeans - that could only mean one thing.
Reece Carter.
“HAHAHA, Oh God, AHAHAH,” Reece snickered, “You actually thought you stood a chance with my girlfriend?” He pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes that were looking extremely amused and chuckled. “Aw, man, that’s cute.”
LOL - I just had to! Don't hate me!
By the way - I didn't have time to edit this so please point out any mistakes! :)
P.S - This chapter is dedicated to Fire_and_Ice because she is an A_M_A_Z_I_N_G fan <3
P.P.S - So... I dont know about you...but this chapter was getting a bit too intense, so I'm just like, I KNOW...I'LL ADD REECE CARTER...THAT'LL BREAK THE ICE! :D
I am in love with my own character...which is funny because he is based on what I'd imagine three of my guy friends from school put together. Weird...
P.P.P.S - Anyway...thanks for reading! <3
Mage Among Superheroes
Turlough is a mage. He also happens to be an orc, generally lauded as being less intelligent than humans. He was unfortunately born with the Curse of the Barbarian, meaning that he can’t level up except through combat- which greatly hinders his ability to show he can be a proper mage. In a world with necromancers, dragons, invading armies, and all sorts of other monsters he would still be able to advance quickly, but unfortuantely… that world is not his world. An unprecedented peace reigns across the land, and in the last several decades there’s been little use for people capable of fighting- and thus little reason for people to fight him. So when he sees a portal in his master’s study he takes it, hoping to find a horde of demons or something equally foolish to combat at low level. But instead he ends up in a strange city full of skyscrapers and people running around in colorful outfits. Superheroes- and of course supervillains as well. What dangers and opportunities could await him in such a strange and unfamiliar world? Only time will tell. Inspired by many things in the superhero genre, and Super Minion specifically- though while the setting will share some standard elements, it is an original setting that will hopefully be as engaging as many of the other universes. Schedule: One chapter each Monday/Thursday, approx. 2000 words.
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Forest of Teeth
She woke up in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by gray trees with crimson leaves. She couldn't remember her name, or how she got there. In fact, she couldn't remember much of anything. But, one way or another, she was going to find out. That said, she was going to start with the little things. Like not dying. *** This is a first draft so characters, storyline and other parts are subject to change. Tags may be added as the story goes along. Not an OP protagonist.
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GENESIS PRIME- New Beginning
For five millennia human kind flourished military technology advanced. In the whole milky way galaxy they found no equal, only but primitive life form to enslave planets system and star system to conquer. The greed of mankind set their sight on the neighbouring galaxy called andromeda only found tragic defeat from the first campaign and both galaxies destroyed. Traveling to the farthest edge of the universe to escape the inevitable racial demise escaping from unknown threat. Crashed in a habitable planet, in a star system that they called GENESIS PRIME, would the last survivor humans driven to extinction or would they strive again just like their primogenator did. This is an alternative universe where Nazis won the WW2 and the continuous warring guided them to progress in an advanced superior military technology, which led the Fuhrer Supremacy colonising the whole Earth and by the Empire's ruling, humans dominated the whole Milky Way Galaxy. Warning: This is a fiction alternative universe. // / // / / / This novel carries a disclaimer about the characters bearing no relation to living persons and does not necessarily reflect those of the historical figures themselves, or other fictional characters. Any similarities between the people, dialogs, event, or plot is purely coincidental. I do not in any way endorse, condone or encourage any racist/fascist behaviour, or activities associated with Nazism, the NSDAP as well as Neo-Nazi organisations.
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This is avatar the last airbender fanfiction. I do not own any character except my original characters. The story starts about 6-years before the iceberg breaking. The main character is an earth bender how will not use lava or metal bending at all. No other elements will be learned by him. I am using Grammarly with this work. I am at least planning to write the book earth fully. It will take time. Rest you can find by reading. Even harsh comments are welcome. It is nothing new to me. I hope you will find at least something interesting here. As you can see, I can not draw. If someone is willing to draw, then I am more than happy to receive it.
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Harry Potter x Parent!Female!Reader
You are reborn into the Harry Potter World. The world you saw the movies and read the books about. You never imagined it would happen, but here you are. And you have a goal in this. You were unhappy with how Harry Potter story was, so you were send there to change it all. When you woke up with your and more different memories in a random house you were confused. Turns out you were born as Y/n Evans, oldest child and older sister of Petunia and Lilly Evans and the time was 1985.What will you do and how will you change the timeline? Will you survive someone's manipulations?This book will contains Wolfstar and Y/n x Severus Snape.Harry Potter doesn't belong to me. J.K Rowling is the onwer. Cover is not mine, I just goggled a fan art and edited a box and text over it lol.Achievements in tags:-- #1 in "albusdumbledorbashing- #1 in "parentreader"- #1 in "goodseverussnape- #2 in "demonreader"- #3 in "dursleys"- #6 in "chaos"- #12 in "crack"
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Silence - Adopted By Elizabeth Olsen
Elizabeth is an actress preparing for her next big movie by following a teacher's internship in a small, conservative town.It doesn't take long for one of her students, Casey, to win over Elizabeth's heart.Casey is a 6-year-old girl who lives with her grandmother. Being an outcast she is used to rejection, but Elizabeth treats her like she is any other kid. Even though she isn't. Casey hasn't talked in over two years. Not a word. Noticing the daily struggles Casey has to go through, Elizabeth seems determined to improve Casey's life. Will frustration get the best of her? Or will Casey's trust issues break them apart?What happens when the kid who doesn't talk meets the woman whose heart is way too pure for this world?🥇 #1 in Adoption🥇 #1 in Scarlettjohansson🥈 #2 in Elizabetholsen🥈 #2 in Adopted🥈 #2 in Fanfiction
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