《The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me》The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me [ 17 ]
There are moments in everyone’s lives where we wished we had a universal control.
There were times where all we want is to Play the laughter, Pause the memories, Stop the pain and Rewind the happiness.
Finally, we’ve all wanted to go back in time and do things again – only, this time, we’d do it right.
For the past two hours, fifty-three minutes and eighteen seconds…I have been lying on my bedroom floor, making scenarios up in my head.
I had been imagining the fight between Reece and Tyler over and over again…and I couldn’t help but think…if I could go back in time - I wouldn’t have changed a single thing - I would have still stepped into their fight even if I knew Reece would be mad at me afterwards.
I just wanted to keep the peace. I just didn’t want to see anyone hurt.
I slowly sat up and hugged my pillow – holding the inanimate object close to my chest as I allowed myself to look out my window for the millionth time.
For the millionth time in almost two hours and fifty-four minutes, I could feel my heart aching.
Okay, I guess if I did have the chance to go back in time, I’d only change one thing – I wouldn’t have let Reece walk away…
“Then don’t speak to me ever again. From now on, you live your life and I’ll live mine, okay? Now – Would you kindly move aside, Princess?” His eyes burned within mine as he waited to see what I would do. I looked down at my shoes.
“You know that’s not what I want.” I whispered quietly, but it didn’t matter – the street was empty and the silence was becoming too loud to bear.
Although Reece’s anger was still there, his eyes softened, “Then what do you want, Chloe?”
“You.” With that, I buried my face into his chest, letting the tears that I’d kept at the thought of losing Reece finally unleash. His arms wrapped around me and his chin rested above my head. Everything was going to be okay.
Yes. If only I had a universal control…
A week had passed since the fight. People moved on with their lives and eventually found other things to gossip about. Everything had finally gone back to the way it was before. Well, almost everything.
Reece Carter had really stood his ground.
I guess he had really meant it when he said he didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore. I didn’t see Reece much around the schoolyard, and if I did happen to catch a glance, he’d always be talking to Valentino or one of the other boys.
I hadn’t talked to them over the past week either, it’s not like they were avoiding me or anything – they’d just give me sad smiles as they’d walk past.
Specialist Math was by far the worst – the only seats that were ever available were the ones on the fourth row.
Reece never noticed my presence – it was as if I was invisible.
He’d just do his work, casually lean back in his chair and live his own life – just like he said he would.
I guess what hurt most was the fact that just when I was sure I wanted Reece in my life – he had to walk out of it…and it was silently killing me.
☮ Reece’s POV ☮
I felt the gravel beneath my shoes while I put out my cigarette and lit a new one. Inhaling the smoke, I savored the cheap taste of nicotine, before letting it out – along with all my worries and regrets.
I felt Valentino sit beside me. For a while we just sat on the rocky cliff, overlooking the city below us in silence. From the corner of my eyes, I saw him shake his head in disappointment.
“Bro, you are an idiot. You’re gonna regret it if you let her go like that.”
I kept my eyes fixed on the view and scoffed. “What would you know?”
“I know that she’s the reason why you’re smoking again.”
“Chloe has nothing to do with this.”
“Bro, you cant fucking lie to me. She makes you happy. Hell, she makes you fuckin’ smile – and that’s a blessing. Plus, she actually makes you a bit more fun to be around with.” Valentino smirked.
“Fuck you.”
“You love me.”
Another moment of silence passed, before Valentino smacked me right across the head.
“Oi! What the Hell man? Are you mentally challenged? What was that for?” I winced as I rubbed the back of my head.
“I’m trying to put some sense into that thick head of yours, idiot. Geez, I thought Dennis was the only crybaby in the group.”
I held back a series of laughter when Dennis hit Valentino across the head, “I’m right here, asshole.”
“You want a piece of me?” Valentino challenged with a playful smirk.
Dennis tried his best to hide a smile, “Come at me, bro.”
The next thing we knew, they were tackling each other in the dirt.
Jake and Jayden came up a few minutes later, when they saw the wrestling scene in front of them; they merely avoided it and lay down on the grassy area beside me. Something was obviously bothering them. Normally, they would cheer them on or join in; much to my amusement.
“Okay, spit it out. What’s gotten Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum in such a pissy mood?”
The twins exchanged glances, before looking away and ignoring my question. The silence was too much to endure for one night. I groaned in frustration.
“For Christ’s sake, say something.”
“You’re an idiot.” Jayden finally spoke; the sadness in his voice was fully comprehendible.
“ – And that’s just a nice way of putting it.” Jake finished off, throwing an empty beer bottle into some rocks. I watched as the glass shattered into millions of pieces.
“We really liked her Reece,” Jayden’s eyes were fixed on the ground as a sad smile slowly formed on his face. “She was funny…and nice…and so cute…”
“ – Everything you’re not.” Jake finished once again. I met his hard eyes and flipped him off.
My hands brushed along a rock, just relatively smaller than the size of my fist. I gripped it then threw it across the cliff, and watched until it was out of view. “So what do you two want me to do?”
“Get her back.” They both replied in sync as if it were the most obvious thing on the planet. I ran my fingers through my hair.
“How exactly do you two smartasses expect me to get her back when she was never mine to begin with?”
Jayden’s face brightened into a hopeful smile, “You’ll think of a way, Reece.”
Jake smirked, “ – Or… you could just look up at the clouds and hope that Mufasa will come and give you guidance.”
I was about to give Jake the finger again for his smartass comment but someone’s groan of pain distracted me.
“Ha, you actually thought you could beat me? In your dreams Denny boy.” Valentino bellowed proudly whilst he pinned Dennis down with his face in the earth.
“Get off me Fat ass.” Dennis managed to choke out. Valentino chuckled before getting off him and wiping his shirt.
Dennis rubbed his arm. “I bet you eat children for dinner.”
“Orphans are my favorite.” Valentino winked.
I rolled my eyes; I was surrounded by morons.
♡ Chloe Armel ♡
It was a sunny Saturday morning and both my parents would be at work till late which left the house all to myself. I glanced at my phone and realized I was running low on battery. I hopped off my bed and plugged it in the charger.
I was bored already.
Knowing I had nothing else to do, I decided to make myself useful, so I turned on my laptop and replied to a few Letters to Cupid’s Assistant.
Dear CA,
Please don’t judge me.
There’s this guy…and he’s cheating on his girlfriend…with me.
Yes, I’m the ‘other woman’.
But I love him! I think he’s the one.
The only thing I don’t understand is why he’s not breaking up with his girlfriend – he keeps saying he will but he never does. It hurts to see them walking and holding hands…kissing in the hallways…he tells me he doesn’t care about her…I’m so confused.
My eyes widened in astonishment before I quickly replied. No one should ever mess with someone else’s feelings just because they’re unsure of their own.
Dear Anon,
I’m not one to judge.
I understand how upset and confused you must feel about this situation.
I’m sorry but…you should let go of him.
If he’s willing to cheat with you, in time, he’ll be willing to cheat on you.
If you’re not his only one, then he’s not ‘the one’.
I let out a sigh – I seemed to be doing a lot of those lately. My eyes wandered to my window and I began to pity myself; I help so many people with their relationship problems everyday but when it comes to myself – I have no one to turn to. Ironic, isn’t it?
The cool morning breeze entered my room and across my desk, a few of my notes and papers flew around my room. I focused on my diary…the wind had caused it to turn to a specific page. I looked a little closer and found myself grinning like an idiot.
It was a picture of Cupid, carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows.
Maybe I had someone to turn to after all.
The doorbell rung.
Skipping two stairs at a time, I rushed to open the door. When I did, I felt my smile broaden as I wrapped my arms around my bestfriend.
“Dammit.” He muttered under his breath. “I knew it was too good to last forever.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You calling me by my actual name.”
“Why? But I like Charles. It sounds so posh…and British…you know how I love anything British, Charles.”
Charlie rolled his eyes, regardless of the fact he was hiding a smile. “Why did I bother coming to see you?”
“Because you love me!”
Curiosity filled his eyes. “Do I?”
I hit his chest, “You better believe it.”
“But that’s so masochistic.” He said dramatically.
“So is looking at your face.”
“My face is gorgeous.”
“Totes, that’s why it hurts to look at you.” I told him with a wink. His arm slid around my waist and pulled me closer. His piercing blue eyes twinkled with amusement.
“I always knew I had that effect on people…but to know that Chloe Armel has the same affect totally boosts up my confidence.” He smirked.
“Like you really needed a bigger ego, Charles.” I mentioned before playfully shoving him back.
“So are you going to just make me stand here, or are you gonna let me in?” I grabbed my keys off the counter and flashed Charlie a smile.
We walked around the neighborhood and came across a public park. We watched as families had picnics and children played on the playground. A ball came flying towards us and I laughed as Charlie jumped and head-butted it.
“Your head finally came in handy, Charles.” I teased.
Charlie narrowed his eyes and smirked – A sign that he’s planning to get me back. “You’re so asking for it, Chloe.”
“Asking for what?”
“This!” With that, he tackled me to the ground and began tickling me at my sides. Seconds later, I found myself gasping for air, cursing Charlie but laughing at the same time.
“S-stop! Stop it Charlie HAHAHA!” I managed to cry out. Charlie ignored my demands and continued tickling me. I made a mental note to kill him later.
“Are you going to be nice to me from now on?” he asked in a tone he’d normally use on a child.
“Yes!” I promised as I tried to squirm away. He had his body hovering over mine as he continued to torture me.
“Now tell me you loveeeee me.” He added in just for fun.
I shook my head and laughed at how much of a jerk he was, “I love you!”
The tickling gradually stopped but he still had his arms holding onto the side of my waist. When I had my laughter under control, I looked up at him only to see that he was already staring at me intently.
Under his gaze, I felt a warm blush spread over my cheeks. Charlie noticed and smiled, before brushing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.
I stared into his clear blue eyes, which held onto countless memories of the two of us since we were kids.
My childhood best friend lowered his gaze onto my lips before he leaned down to kiss me.
Are you TEAM REECE or TEAM CHARLIE or...umm...I dunno... TEAM ASHTON ? O_o
Anyway, everyone should go listen to my latest obsession; Mirror by Lil Wayne ft. Bruno Mars Well, I'm off - Don't forget to COTE! :D
P.S - Banner made by jayefox :D <3
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