《The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me》The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me [ 15 ]
I flipped through my diary and pointed my finger on the subject I had right now and smiled when it read Math.
I’ve always loved Math…and English…and Biology…and Chemistry...
Okay, I love all my subjects, but Math is definitely on top of the list. Sure, it’s easy for me – but that’s not why I love Math.
I love it because although Math can’t teach us how to add Love or minus Hate, it proves to us that every problem has a solution.
Very philosophical, I know.
I sat next to Gabby who immediately ignored the girl she was previously talking to and began making a conversation with me.
“Hey gorgeous!” she leaned over and we swiftly kissed me on the cheek as I did on hers.
“Hey! How are you?” I smiled as I started to open my textbook and grab out a pacer from my pencil case.
“Fine. Guess what?”
Her face dropped, “Oliver’s invited me…to meet his parents!”
“Wow! That’s great!”
Gabby looked at me like I’d grown three heads.
“…Or not?” I finished.
She slapped my hand, making me wince, “Chloe! I’m being serious! I’m freaking out!”
“Geez, chill. There’s nothing to be freaked out about, I’m sure if they get past how much of a loser you are, they’ll love you.”
Gabby slapped me again.
“Ouch, Gabby, you’re so violent.” I grumbled whilst rubbing my arm.
“You deserved it.”
She laughed, “Aw, Chloe, you’re so cute.”
I let out a little fake laugh and quickly completed the worksheets our teacher had handed out.
“Chloe, what’s the answer to question four?”
“It’s ‘figure it out yourself’.”
“There’s not enough space to write that, it’s a two digit answer.” She said sincerely.
I could only hope she was not being serious.
“Hey, guess what?”
“I saw Charlie drive Allie to school this morning”
My head snapped up in her direction, “Really?!”
“Yeah, they were even walking to class together – are they going out?”
“I don’t know” I replied honestly. After everything that happened last night, I had totally forgotten to call Allie and ask about what happened after they left!
“I hope they are,” Gabby smiled while doodling on the site of her worksheet. “They’d make a really cute couple.” she added.
“Yeah? You think so?”
“Sure! Then we could organize double dates!” The excitement in her voice made me laugh. But it was only half-heartedly. What was wrong with me? I should be happy for them…right?
“All that’s left is for you to get a boyfriend” she finished.
I rolled my eyes. “Totes…”
A few moments of silence passed by before Gabby spoke again.
“How about Reece Carter?”
My eyes widened to its full extent, after I finally found my voice, I managed to choke out some words. “W-W-WHAT?!”
“Reece Carter. You know…the hot guy? Green eyes, brown hair, tall, dreamy, gorgeous, God-like, sexy-”
“Yeah, Gabby. I get it.”
“You should go out with him!”
Again, I was too baffled to reply immediately, “No way! Are you crazy?”
“Is that a rhetorical question?” she asked, looking pretty confused.
I worry about her sometimes.
I chose to ignore her and begin the next worksheet, half way through the questions; Gabby chose to make a comment again.
“I think he likes you.”
I felt myself blushing and let out a sigh, “I thought you said he doesn’t date.”
“He also doesn’t give girl’s rides on his motorbike.”
“So…there’s a first time for everything. Besides, I think you like him too.”
“I do not!” I said instantly, feeling myself turn redder than before.
“In denial, are we?”
“I’m not denying anything – I’m stating the truth. I don’t like Reece Carter.”
Then…why did it feel like I was not only trying to convince Gabby, but more like trying to convince myself?
“Okay…whatever floats your boat.”
I was finishing off the last Math equation when I heard her mutter something under her breath.
Something that sounded a lot like, “You guys would make the perfect couple though.”
Gabby sighed, “Never mind.”
“Gabby tell me what you said-”
“Sorry to interrupt your class, Mr. Walker,” our Headmaster’s voice silenced the room. “May I please have a word with Miss Armel?” her eyes scanned the room and her lips formed into a smile when they landed on me.
My heartbeat accelerated.
All eyes were focused on me as I slowly stood up and packed my things. My hands were trembling the slightest bit while I gathered my books and pens.
I followed the Headmaster out the door and continued in silence until we reached her office.
I felt faint.
A million things were going through my head. Every single thought revolved around one thing.
They had found out about the breaking in.
They must have discovered I was there. Maybe they had surveillance cameras operating around the school? If so, why would she want to talk to me? Why me? I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just an innocent victim who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
It was Reece’s fault…and Valentino’s…and Jake and Jayden’s…Hell, it was even Dennis’ fault regardless of how much of a goody-two-shoes he is.
Which led me back to a thought that was making my stomach churn.
Was I going to be expelled?
“Miss Armel?” My head spun up to look into her dark blue eyes. Her chestnut-coloured hair was in a tight bun and her manicured fingers lay entwined in front of her.
“Sorry, Miss, can you please repeat what you said?”
“I said, do you know why you’re here?”
To die.
“No, I don’t.”
She gave me a kind smile – which scared me even more. Her smile was genuine, not a mean one.
She wouldn’t give a sweet smile to someone she was about to expel – would she? You would expect someone to give you a mean, evil smirk to say the least.
But…if I wasn’t getting expelled, why was I here?
She opened here mouth to speak. There was only one thing going through my head.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
That, and…I am going to kill Reece Carter.
“Congratulations, you’re being placed into our Specialist Math class.”
I blinked.
Three times.
She was still there.
Four times.
She probably thought I had a disability.
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re currently ranking first in the whole of Year 11. I’ve heard you’re seven chapter’s ahead of your Advanced Math class, and that the last time you had gotten a mark below one-hundred percent was seventh grade – which was ninety-nine. You’re a very bright student, Chloe, would you like to accept the challenge?”
I was astonished. I was being offered to be put into a Year 12 Specialist Math class. I was amazed beyond belief.
“Yes! I’d love to!” I almost squealed before quickly covering it up with a cough, “Umm, I mean, yes please, I really appreciate the opportunity Miss.”
“Great. I thought you’d say that. Here’s your new timetable Miss Armel.” I took the piece of paper from her outstretched hand and walked towards the door when she told me I was dismissed. Before I touched the handle, I turned around and looked at her sitting in her massive leather chair – like a boss.
“Excuse me, Miss,” my voice came out a bit shaky. Her eyes left the papers she was looking at and met mine.
“Yes, Chloe?” I was stunned, that was the first time she had called me by my first name.
“Did you ever find out who broke into the school?”
She played with the Gold pen in her hand, her face completely expressionless.
When it was time for our first break, I searched through my bag and took out a red apple. Sinking my teeth into the juicy fruit, I made my way over to Allie’s locker.
Instead, I saw Charlie.
I walked up to him and gave him a hug. “Hey Charlie.”
“Exaggerate much?”
“Oh, no, Chloe – this is not exaggeration. This is…this is…un-fucking-believable.”
“Hey guys!” Both of us looked over to Allie who was cheerfully sucking on a lollipop.
“Hey, here’s your textbook, thanks for letting me borrow it.” Charlie said as he handed over Allie’s Chemistry book. She gave him a wide smile before turning around to pop it back into her locker.
A few of Charlie’s friends on the swimming team called him over, he told us he’d see us at lunchtime and headed towards the other guys. Allie and I found a spare classroom and went inside.
“Tell. Me. Everything.” I demanded loud and clear. I wanted to know exactly what happened last night.
“Are you guys together?!” I gushed out before she could speak.
I raised my eyebrows, “No?”
“No.” She shook her head, although she didn’t seem sad.
“Are you…okay…with that?”
“I suggested it.”
“Huh?” If I recall correctly, she was the one that claimed she loved Charlie.
“Last night, after we watched the movie, we talked about…well…us.”
“Yeah, yeah…go on…” I urgently pushed her.
“I just realized that…I don’t like him like that anymore. He’s more like a brother…a friend…everything’s just platonic between us.”
The bell rang, signaling for us to make our way to our next class.
I let out a sigh of relief and instantly felt guilty.
You can lie to others all you want – a fake smile can cover a thousand unshed tears – but you cant lie to yourself.
The truth is; there was always a part of me that never wanted Charlie and Allie to get together.
Saying it to myself just made me feel mean and selfish. I guess, I just always knew they would never work out. I had no hope for them. That’s why I was dreading the breakup if they even did get together. I didn’t want to have to choose between Allie and Charlie - Predominantly because I already knew exactly whom I’d pick.
Every. Single. Time.
The rest of the day went by in a rush and before I knew it, I was walking through the front door of my house. Taking off my shoes, I walked into the kitchen where my mother was placing assorted freshly baked muffins into a wooden basket. It was moments like these where she constantly reminded me of that redhead off Desperate Housewives; Bree Vandicamp. I mentally shivered inside.
“Hey mum, who are they for?” I asked as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“They’re for the lovely lady next door – I met her earlier today before work and she insisted on inviting us for afternoon tea. Your father’s got a late shift tonight so it’s just us two then.”
“You mean the people living on our right or left?” I asked nervously, then I remembered something…the people living on our left were gay.
“On our right - the Carter’s. Now go get changed, we’re going there in ten.”
Yay life.
Fifteen minutes later, I found myself awkwardly sitting in Reece’s guestroom along with my mother and Reece’s mother – Aurora. I wondered where Reece was…
“So, Chloe, what grade are you in?” I looked up into Aurora’s rich, brown eyes. She was a really beautiful woman, really young looking too.
I smiled, “Eleven.”
“Oh, it that case, I don’t suppose you’ve met my son, Reece? He’s in the year above you.”
“I know him – we’re…umm…friends?”
Why did that sound more like a question than a statement?
Maybe…because I don’t even know what we are.
At that moment, the sounds of keys rattling through the door met my eyes and we all looked towards where Reece was standing like a Badass God with his messy hair and his bag slung over one shoulder and a few buttons of his shirt undone. He glanced my way and although he was confused, he sent me a smile that made me forget how to breathe.
He kissed his mother then greeted mine, before he excused himself to go upstairs and change.
We left soon afterwards and I was relieved it was over.
I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and turned on my laptop where I found myself bombarded with Letters to Cupid’s Assistant.
Dear Cupid’s Assistant,
I’ve been hurt by too many guys in the past – my heart’s been tossed around and been used way too much. I don’t think I can trust guys anymore.
But…there’s this guy in my art class…and he’s so sweet…he asked me out to dinner tomorrow and gave me his number…I said I’ll think about it.
Can I trust him?
I sighed. If only I had a dollar every time I got a question like this.
Dear Sasha,
Until a man has done something to make you not trust him, don’t make him pay for the troubles other men have caused.
Call him.
Forget the risks and take the fall, if it’s meant to be, it’ll be worth it all.
Hey – that rhymed.
I scanned through a few more, before I took interest in another one.
Dear Cupid’s Assistant,
Which one do you prefer?
American Boys or British Boys?
-Flirt Alert
I laughed quietly. Sometimes people didn’t want advice at all, they just wanted some fun.
Dear Flirt Alert,
British boys all the waayyy!
Here are seven reasons why:
1. His accent
2. Having someone call you ‘love’
3. His accent
4. They dress better than American boys
5. His accent
6. They’re cuter than American boys
7. His accent
Ahha but always remember, in the end - it’s the personality that counts, you can’t choose who you fall for.
I lifted my laptop and brought it with me while I lay down on my bed. After logging onto Facebook and checking my notifications and replying to my inboxes, a thought suddenly came to my mind. In the white rectangular box at the top of my page, I typed in two words and clicked ‘Search’.
Reece Carter – 209 Mutual Friends
Instinctively, I clicked on his profile. His display picture was taken with Valentino – both shirtless at the pools.
Without realizing it, I went through his profile pictures.
What? It’s not my fault the idiot doesn’t understand the term ‘Privacy Settings’.
573 likes, 796 likes, 618 likes…
Oh my God. Who the heck has that many likes on a picture?! I mean; I know he’s breathtakingly hot…but really? Over 500 likes?
The most I’d ever gotten on my display picture was 14.
I scrolled down the hundreds – nearly thousands – of comments. They mainly consisted of girls typing ‘Hottie!’ with hearts and smiley faces. I wanted to puke.
I clicked the ‘Close’ button but missed.
My heart skipped in my throat. I had mistakenly clicked ‘Add Friend’.
No! That’s not what I was planning to do! Dammit!
One new notification – Reece Carter has accepted your friend request.
Oh God.
Inbox 1.
This cant be good.
I hesitantly clicked on the red notification.
Reece Carter:
Cheers for the add but you know; Cinderella never Facebook stalked Prince Charming (;
I could just imagine him smirking through the net.
Chloe Armel:
What made you think you were Prince Charming?
Reece Carter:
Cause I’m every girl’s dream. I thought you already knew that? (:
Chloe Armel:
Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night (:
He didn’t reply for 6 minutes.
Reece Carter:
Sorry, Princess. Slow replies – Taking care of an idiot who’s pissing me off.
I kept myself busy for 3 minutes before I replied - I didn’t want to seem like I had nothing else to do.
Chloe Armel:
Is everything okay?
He only took 3 minutes this time, but his reply made my blood turn cold.
Reece Carter:
Everything’s perfect. It’s settled. I’m fighting him after school tomorrow. I guess sometimes you gotta teach someone the hard way.
Chloe Armel:
Reece Carter:
Yup, school yard tomorrow. 4pm.
Hey, you might even know the guy – Tyler Alexander?
Oh my God! Tyler? Of course I knew Tyler! He’s on the Swim Team with Charlie.
Chloe Armel:
You’re going to fight Tyler? WHY?
Reece Carter:
I take it you’re friends with him.
Chloe Armel:
I wouldn’t say friends…I just know him…but he’s a nice guy!
And he’s younger than you…and shorter!
Haven’t you heard the saying ‘pick on someone your own size’?
7 minutes later…
Reece Carter:
So you’re saying I’m not a nice guy? (;
Naww, Chloe, you wound me deep.
Yeah, well haven’t you heard the saying ‘I’m Reece Carter and I don’t give a fuck’ ? (:
I just stared at the screen; fully stunned.
Chloe Armel:
I didn’t mean it that way.
I have to go, Good night Reece – stay safe xx
Reece Carter:
Sweet dreams Princess. Try not to dream of me too much (;
A/N - Personally, I prefer American Boys ;)
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