《The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me》The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me [ 12 ]
“Isn’t she supposed to be here by now?” Charlie inquired after he checked the time on his phone. It’s ten past six now, the movie starts at six-thirty and still no sign of Allie.
“I’m sure she’ll be here any minute, I’m not sure why she’s not answering my calls though – anyway, I’m freezing, lets wait for her inside the diner?”
“Yeah, okay, where do you want to eat?”
“I don’t mind, oh wait – let’s go to Grill’d, I’m craving for a hamburger.”
“So much for I don’t mind.” Charlie chuckled.
When we got inside, I silently thanked the Lord for how warm it was. While we waited at the front desk and texted Allie of our whereabouts; the waiter came towards us with a friendly smile.
“Table for two?” she asked as she gestured between us. I took a glance at her name badge; Lizzy.
“Three, our friend’s coming soon.” I assured her. Lizzy nodded enthusiastically and escorted us to quiet section of the restaurant. Lizzy handed out the menus and left an extra on the table for Allie. She shot us another flashy smile.
“Did you guys want any drinks while you waited?”
“Yeah, I’ll have a Vanilla Coke…” Charlie looked up from his menu with a cute grin, “Chloe, did you want Sprite?”
I smiled, “You know me too well Charles.”
“What do you expect? You’re my best friend.” he winked.
Lizzy just about looked like she could burst in happiness after what Charlie had said, she jotted down our orders and practically skipped to the Staff Only zone. I wonder how she’d react if she watched The Notebook or what her facial expressions would be like if she were to read a cheesy romance novel.
“Is that Allie?” Charlie suddenly questioned. I looked back over my shoulder and momentarily gaped in shock.
What the fuc-
“Hi guys!” A super thrilled – over the top with makeup – low cut dressed – cleavage showing – high on some sort of drug – plastic looking Allie sat beside me.
“Hi...” Charlie and I replied in sync, still a bit taken back.
She picked up the menu and flicked her hair to the side, “Sorry I’m late; I got carried away with getting ready.”
“Clearly.” I heard Charlie chuckle under his breath.
Oh no; this cannot be good. What the hell is she thinking? What’s gotten into her? Why is she being so superficial?
Is she wearing fake eyelashes?
Oh God, I need to stop this right now!
At that moment, Lizzy came to our table with our drinks and placed them in front of Charlie and myself. I felt Allie tense up beside me. What’s wrong with this chick?
“Did you guys already order?” She asked – mainly directed at Charlie – since she was battering her eyelashes like she had…I don’t know…eye seizure?!
“Nah, just drinks, what did you want?”
Allie turned to look at Lizzy and silently tapped her fingers against the table. Water. Obviously water…she always ordered water…she hates soft drinks.
“Vanilla coke please.”
Oh Hell no.
I faked a laugh and slapped her arm – very hard- making her squeal. “She’s just kidding,” I interjected, “She’ll have a glass of water.”
“Chl-” Allie began but I interrupted again.
“Allie,” I asked sweetly, “Can you come to the bathroom with me please?”
She coked her head to the side and suppressed a groan – she knew she was in trouble.
“Because I said so.”
“You know, “ Charlie began, “I never got why girls go to the bathroom together…if us guys did that – that would be so gay.”
“I know right!” Allie agreed, “Chloe, I don’t see why I have to come sweetie.”
I gave her a stern glare and watched her flinch, “Allie, bathroom…now.”
She slumped her shoulders down and breathed out while she got up, “Fine, fine,” she rolled her eyes, “Jeez.” she mumbled as we walked to the ladies room. When I noticed that the entire bathroom was unoccupied, I locked the main door and turned around to face Allie who was awkwardly standing there feeling a bit puzzled and embarrassed.
“What the hell Allie?!” I yelled and threw my hands up in the air, “What the heck are you trying to do? What message are you trying to put out there? Because I’m gonna be blunt, the message you’re sending right now is not what the Allie we all know and love would even think about.” I raged.
She faked dumb, “What do you mean Chloe?”
God knows how much I loathed, despised, detested and reviled girls who pretended to act stupid because they thought it would make them look cute.
NEWSFLASH – It doesn’t!
And yes; I’m aware I just thought of synonyms for the word ‘hate’.
“I feel like slapping you.”
Allie sighed, “Okay, fine, maybe the makeup was a little too much…”
“No Allie. It’s not just the makeup that’s too much. It’s the hair, the dress, the heels you obviously can’t walk in, the glitter on your eyes and the stupid, dramatically fake eyelashes.”
“Chloe!” she whined.
“I’m telling you this because I’m your best friend. You’re trying to be someone you’re clearly not. Why?”
Allie averted her eyes from me, “Isn’t it obvious why I’m doing it?”
“Oh trust me,” I scoffed, “It’s obvious, but I want to hear you say it out loud.”
“Sorry, I didn’t catch that sweetie, you might want to speak up.”
“Okay! Fine! I want Charlie to notice me okay?!” she let out in frustration.
“He noticed you alright” I muffled. “Allie, you’re doing it wrong. You’re way off! I thought you were going to let me help you, I don’t get what made you take things into your own hands…this is just…”
She looked down at her hands that rested on her lap, “I get it. You’re disappointed in me.”
I didn’t even bother denying it.
“Allie, don’t you get it? This,” I gestured up and down her body, “This is not you!”
She didn’t even bother denying it.
“You have to find a guy who’ll fall for who you are, not who you’re trying to be. If you think Charlie’s the guy for you, don’t even think about continuing like this, you’re just making a fool out of yourself.”
“I’ve seen the girl’s he’s dated Chloe…”
“Yeah what about them? Charlie’s never been in a relationship with the girl’s you’re trying to imitate for more than two weeks.”
“I’m not trying to imitate them…”
“Yeah. You are… and you look like a try-hard too. You can do so much better than this Allie, trying to be someone you’re not is the wrong way to get someone to like you. If he’s the one, he’ll like you for who you are, if not, it’s because you deserve someone better.”
A moment of silence passed by…if I know Allie well enough – and I do – I will be expecting an apology in:
“You’re right; I’m sorry.”
I was having a mental happy dance in my head. We hugged for a few seconds before I pulled away and did something I had wanted to do since I laid my eyes on her.
I ripped off her fake eyelashes.
We walked back from the bathroom with Allie’s face makeup free, hair down to cover up and with a jacket on. Charlie looked at us sheepishly.
“What have you done now Charles?” I accused immediately.
He ran a finger through his silky blonde hair, “You guys took forever! I was starving, I’m sorry – I already ate.”
Allie and I looked at each other and just laughed. Trust guys to be impatient when it comes to food.
“It’s okay,” I looked at my phone – the movie starts in five minutes – “I’m sure Allie can order a take-away or find something to eat at the cinemas.”
“What?” Allie’s eyes opened wide, “You’re not coming?”
I pretended to massage my temples, “Sorry guys, I’ve just gotten the biggest headache of my life, I just want to lie down on my bed.”
“We could do this another day Chloe, we don’t mind, right Allie?” Charlie offered.
“No, no, no! Guys it’s fine, go watch the movie without me, it’s not a big deal, seriously.” I assured them.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes!” I ushered them outside, “Now go! The movie’s gonna start soon.”
Before Allie and Charlie made their way towards the cinema, Allie gave me one last hug.
“What are you doing?” She whispered in my ear.
“Hmm, just be yourself and we’ll see.” I responded before I watched them walk away with a smile planted on my face.
The moment they were well out of sight, it suddenly occurred to me that Charlie was my only ride and without him… I wouldn’t be getting home anytime soon.
My smile slowly faded.
Great. More walking. Absolutely brilliant.
Yay life.
Banner made by Emmy07! :) <3
SoOOooOoo, Do you reckon Charlie & Allie are going to get together? ;)
I'm sick. Thats always fun.
Anywaaay, guess what? A couple of weeks ago, I missed my bus and so I just took a later one home. I usually get home at 4pm, this time I got home at 4:30pm. No biggie, well, thats what I thought anyway...
*I get home*
Hasti: "Heeey everyone! I'm home!"
(Remember when I said I had a Persian mother ?)
*Calls mum*
Mum answers cheerfully: "Hello? Kathy speaking."
Hasti: "Hey mum!"
Mum's voice instant changes: "You are in big trouble young lady, I am going to kill you when I get home."
Thats always fun.
*Loggs onto Facebook*
Basically my brother went over to my neighbour's house - Nikki, who just so happens to be my close friend from school - told her I was missing, so she wrote this as her status:
You can guess what happens next :/
Ex oh ex oh !
Inadvertently Invincible
“Where am I?” The first thing he had in his mind. Lin Fan was confused when he looked at the furniture and decoration in the house. “Am I hallucinating because of playing games for five days straight? What’s with decoration and furniture in the house? it looks like from ancient times.” “No electricity, no internet, no cellphone… Where the hell am I?”
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Be careful what you wish for. Jade has spent her life fighting boredom in the terminally ill ward by surfing the net and envying the ability and energy of others to go out and live. So when she wakes up with a weak, but healthy body in a magical world with blue game-like system notifications filling her vision, she'll have to adapt quickly in order to survive. Thankfully, she has a bit of luck and an ability that will let her reach for the stars. This is Andara, where her adventure finally truly begins. Author's Note: This is my raw, unedited text. In order to comply with my contract, book 1 has been taken down from RR except for the beginning, unedited preview chapters at this point. The edited book 1 is on Amazon! Thanks for your support!
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That Boy Hare [On Hiatus]
Somewhere in the Falcon Plains, a hare is born. He opens his little eyes for the first time, eager to see the world. But to his surprise, he’s not with his brothers and sisters in a litter. No, he’s flying! Flying! Imagine the wonder of that little hare; his first moments were spent in the air! The wind rushing through his fur, lesser birds beneath his paws. It was...magical! Then he looks up and sees the sky. The sky! What a mystical thing! And then he sees the monstrous brute that’s carrying him and similar things drawing closer. “Yo! That boy hare lookin’ real fine!” “Hey, you, Brutus! Don’t ya wanna share?” Thus begins the story of a very special hare. { Credit for Cover Art goes to Daicelf, on Deviant Art}
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The Grandmaster of Magic and Alchemy[Discontinue- Rewritten Version will be up soon]
Do you believe in reincarnation? Well, I don't. Why? Because to reincarnate, you must die first. But then, if you didn't die but just suddenly vanished and replace someone else's life? What does this call? This is the story of a woman who lives for so long that she had wished she could just die already, only to mistake the spell [Soul Incarnation] as a spell that could kill her. Instead, her soul and memory were sent into another world that looked down on the weak and the strong walk toward the path of righteous. Her name... is... was... called Megie, the Immortal Grandmaster Magician of Kingdom of Magic. And now, her soul is in the body of a girl who accidentally poisoned herself to death. Her name is called Jenna Loveheart. Now... what will you do, Megie? No, Jenna?
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Adventuring is for losers. Only the absolutely impoverished or the megalomaniacally mad would stoop to graverobbing and dungeon-delving to put food on their tables. As a career it is dangerous, unreliable, illegal, and infinitely unpleasant. Most who choose this life have no other options. They're the seventh sons of seventh sons, the disowned, bastards, impoverished and desperate, and nearly always young. And they are, without fail, losers. Eris is an adventurer. Eris is a loser. Like most of her make she's a teenage runaway with no other options. Unlike her company, she isn't fodder for the meatgrinder. She's beautiful, brilliant, and a talented magician; she's also vain, callous, selfish, and proud. This is her story, as she grows into adulthood, masters her abilities, and learns to care about more than just herself. Manaseared is an episodic fantasy adventure serial. It's also a pastiche of early D&D and RPGs in general, and an attempt to explore at what it might really mean to be a first level adventurer.
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