《I Need to Find You 》Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald》Fifteen


I don't know what's going on. In the secret room, there were a bunch of wizards gathered around this stadium. The group and I got separated again. I didn't know where Jacob went. I didn't know where Credence and the Nagini went. I didn't know where Kama or Leta went. I was stuck with Newt and Tina.

"Newt," I whispered in worry. "What if someone here notices Jacob and me?"

He grabbed my hand so I wouldn't get lost in the crowd. "I won't let anything happen to you," he said.

"It's a trap," Tina whispered.

"Yeah. Queenie, the family tree. It's all been bait."

"We have to find a way out of here right now."

I nodded in agreement. "Not without Jacob and Credence," I said. If this is a trap that means Grindelwald is here. And I don't want Credence anywhere near that guy. Especially when he's going to use him for who-knows-what.

"Tina, go find the others," Newt said before he started pulling me with him.

"What are you two going to do?" she asked.

"I'll think of something."

Newt gripped my hand again before we continued walking. Al these wizards and witches in one room. I know they would have seem like normal people out there but here...they could kil anyone with a flick of a wand.

I looked throught the crowd as people started to clap. I couldn't find Cedence anywhere. I kept looking until I found Jacob with Queenie. I sighed in relief. Good. At least I know Queenie will protect him. My eyes scanned the crowd again as the audience started to applaud louder. Center stage, a man with pale fair and skin. His arms rose as he welcome his followers. My breath got caught in my throat as I watch Grindelwald take everything in. Newt and I blended in with the crowd as we watch the man who's after my best friend.

Once Grindelwald dropped his hands the audience stopped. Waiting to take orders from their leader.

"My brothers, my sisters, my friends..." Grindelwald started. "... the great gift of your applause is not for me. No. It is for yourselves. You came today because of a craving and a knowledge that the old ways serve us no longer. You came today because you crave something new. Something different.

"It is said that I hate les non-Magiques. The Muggles."

"Vermin!" the man behind me shouted. I almost jumped from his shout and gripped Newt's arm.

Grindelwald continued. "The No-Maj. The Can't-Spells. I do not hate them. I do not." Liar. Grindelwald's eyes scan the crowd. But I froze in my spot when he made direct eye contact with me. "For I do not fight out of hatred. I say the Muggles are not lesser, but other. Not worthless, but of other value. Not disposable, but of a different disposition."

He broke eye contact with me and directed everything else towards the audience.

"Magic blooms only in rare souls. It is granted to those who live for higher things. Oh, and what a world we would make for all of humanity. We who live for freedom, for truth, and for love.

"The moment has come to share my vision of the future that awaits if we do not rise up and take our rightful place in the world."

My brows furrowed when a woman walked up to Grindelwald with a glowing skull that had a map engraved on it. The back of the skull had a small pipe. Grindelwad deeply inhaled the pipe before he blew the smoke all around us.


I looked up as images of people riding on horses while shooting their guns went over our heads. One was coming right at me and I grabbed Newt. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close as the images started to change. We were surrounded by buildings that were crumpling. A few people up on the roof started to collapse with the building. A few fire jets started shooting at the civilians as people were running and screaming. I looked below to see soldiers marching to their deaths. The light shown and blinded my eyes as the images created an illusion of the nuclear bomb. My mouth flew open at the sight.

"Merlin's beard. Not another war," I whispered as the illusion disappeared.

"That is what we are fighting," Grindelwald said. "That is the enemy. Their arrogance. Their power lust. Their barbarity. How long will it take before they turn their weapons on us?"

No one said anything.

"Do nothing when I speak of this. You must remain calm and contain your emotions. There are Aurors here among us." People started to panic. I looked around the room to see Newt's brother with a few Aurors almost surrounding the stadium. Grindelwald held his hands up. "Come closer, brother wizards. Join us."

My eyes widened as the Aurors listened to him. This has to be some kind of trap. It has to be. Why else would Grindelwald gather this many people?

"They have killed many of my followers. It is true. They confined me and tortured me in New York. They struck down their fellow witches and wizards. For the simple crime of seeking the truth. For wanting freedom." A few of the witches and wizards were glaring at the Aurors with so much hate. "Your anger, your desire for revenge is natural."

One of the red hair witches took her wand out and pointed to an Auror. He quickly took his wand out and zapped her, causing people to scream. My eyes widen as people watch in horror. No, this is what he wants. To turn everyone against each them.

"No!" Grindelwald yelled as he started walking up the stairs just when the Auror started to back away from the other wizards. People parted as he made his way over to the dead witch. He leaned over and brushed her hair back. "Take this young warrior back to her family."

Warrior? She was the one who attacked first. The guy was defending himself or else that would have been him.

"Disapparate. Leave. Go forth from this place and spread the word. It is not we who are violent."

Then people started to disapparate out of here. This is not good. Not good at all. I have to get Jacob and Credence out of here. Soon enough the stadium was empty with only Grindelwald left on stage. The only people left was the Aurors and us.

Grindelwald held his wand up and spun around. This blue fire was cast around the stage separating him and everyone else. His last follower walked right through the fire without getting burned. My mouth flew open as a few Aurors joined her and walked through to get to Grindelwald. Once they were near him they disapparate out of there.

One man seemed conflicted about his choice but ran inside anyway. One his skin made contact, he started to scream as the fire burned his flesh away till he was nothing but ash.

Grindelwald looked up at Theseus and his group. "Aurors, join me in this circle. Pledge to me your eternal allegiance, or die. Only here shall you know freedom. Only here you shall know who yourself."


Just when he said that the fire started to blast all over the stadium. A few of the Aurors had to run out of the way. One was coming right at me and Newt and I yanked us out before the fire could hit us.

"Play by the rules!" The fire caught some of the Aurors and they burned to ashes. "No cheating, children."

My eyes widen when I found Credence. He wasn't running away from the fire he was running towards him. I can't let that happen. I can't lose him again.

I pulled myself away from Newt. "Alina!" he shouted. I ignored him and caught up with Credence and the Nagini, who was trying to hold Credence back.

"Credence!" I called his name. He tried to get out of the Nagini's hold. "Credence, stop!"

I finally made my way over as Credence looked at me. "He knows who I am," he explained.

I shook my head. "He knows what you were born, not who you are," I cried. I didn't stop the tears from coming out of my eyes.

"Credence!" Newt yelled. "Alina!"

Credence and I didn't break eye contact as my lip quivered. "Don't go with him. Please, don't go with him, Credence."

Credence eyes softened. "I have to, Alina."

No, no. I'm not losing my best friend again. I'm not going to let some whacko trick him again. I need to protect Credence.

I grabbed his hand. "Then take me with you." The Nagini's eyes widened as Credence looked like he was going to protest. "I promised to help you. If it means going with him...then I'll go. I can't lose you again, Credence."

Credence slowly nodded before he pulled me into an embrace. When we pulled away, he gripped my hand and we started walking towards the fire. I wanted to wipe that smirk off Grindelwald's face as he noticed us.

"A Muggle," Grindelwald says amusingly. "How surprising. But I don't think you could make it through the fire."

"She comes with me," Credence said.

I didn't like the look Grindelwald had on his face. "Very well then." With a flick of his wand, a path from the fire cleared. I was going to take another step but a voice stopped me.

"Alina!" Newt yelled.

I slowly turned to see Newt not that far from me. The feeling in my gut is telling me to run back to him. That we'll find another way to stop Grindelwald and get Credence back but I have to do this.

"You'll find me," I whispered. "You always do."

I gripped Credences hand again before we started walking through the path. I could feel the fire wanting to burn my flesh off but Grindelwald knows that if anything happens to me, Credence might reconsider.

He had the biggest grin on his face once Credence and I entered the stage. He held his arms up and wrapped them around us. A hug is supposed to bring you warmth and feel loved, safe. That's not what I feel with this one. I felt nothing but coldness touching my skin.

"This has all been for you, Credence," Grindelwald said.

Grindelwald pulled away and smiled at us. I felt my body disapparating as I grabbed Credence's hand. I need to do this. I have to be with Credence.

Newt will find me. He'll find us. That is why I know everything is going to be ok.


After everything, Credence and I found ourselves in Austria. We were in this huge castle looking out the window. I never left Credence along for one second. I had to do it. I don't trust Grindelwald for one second. I just can't believe Queenie decided to join him. Why? Why would she do that? Oh, god. What's going to happen to Jacob?

"I know you miss him," Credence mumbled as we continued looking out the window.

"I do," I answered truthfully. "But I'm not leaving you again." I took a deep breath. "I've hated you for so long. When you just showed up to my house and said you didn't want to be friends anymore."

"I only did it to protect you."

"And this is me protecting you. I won't leave you, Credence. You're my best friend, I'll do anything for you."

"Even leave the one you love most," he whispered. "I'm just not sure if I made the right choice."

I gripped his hand as I heard footsteps behind us. "Hey, we'll figure something out." Credence gave me a light smile.

I heard Grindelwald clear his throat behind us. Credence and I turned to see the monster here. "I have a gift for you, my boy," he says. He was about to show Credence the gift but noticed that I was still in the room, he wanted me to get out.

"She stays," Credence said.

Grindelwald didn't look too happy but complied. He held his arm out to reveal a wand. Credence slowly took the wand out and started to inspect it. I did too. The dark wood with the elegant engravings.

"You have suffered the most heinous of betrayals, most purposely bestowed upon you by your own blood. You own flesh and blood." Grindelwald started. "And just as he has celebrated your torment, your brother seeks to destroy you."

"So you do know who his brother is?" I asked. I had enough of these games. Credence has waited his whole life to find out who his family is.

"I do." I saw a small chick coming up from the railing. Grindelwald picked it up before he tossed it. My eyes widened as the bird burst into flames and continued flying. "There is a legend in your family that a phoenix will come to any member who is in dire need."

This phoenix continued to fly above us. The fire died down but instead of the small chick was this grown phoenix.

Grindelwald placed his hand on Credence's shoulder. "It is your birthright, my boy. As is the name I now restore to you. Aurelius. Aurelius Dumbledore."

I furrowed my brows. "Dumbledore? As in -" Newt's teacher. Excuse me, the headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Yes," Grindelwald answered. "That's why I need Credence's help. I need him to remake this world." He looked back at Credence. "We will go down in history together as we remake this world."

Grindelwald took that as his time to leave. I could feel Credence shaking next to me. I looked down to see him gripping his wand as the light started to appear at the top.

"Credence, no!" I shouted.

Credence turned around and send the ball of lighting out. It crashed through the window and flew towards the mountains. My eyes widen as it landed on the side causing part of it to crumble and collapse.

Oh, Newt. Please, hurry.


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