《I Need to Find You 》Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald》Ten


3rd POV

Newt and Jacob found themselves sitting outside of the cafe. Which was really bad for them. There were a few couples on each table being all cute with each other. Jacob imagined that it was him and Queenie in one of the booths being all cute. Him whispering in her ear and her chuckling at something he said. Newt had the longing gaze in his eyes as he imagines Alina and him. Newt gazing at her as she drew something in her sketchbook. Alina would look up and find him staring at her and she would smile at him. Or it changed from Newt talking about one of the creatures he saved and Alina listening in to everything with clear fascination in her eyes. Newt's chest ache at the thought Alina being angry with him because of a simple misunderstanding. He's not marrying Leta, his brother is. But the reporter got the whole thing mixed up. Newt just wants to grab Alina and hold her to explain everything. That he only wants her.

"You know what I miss about Queenie?" Jacob asked Newt as he looks at the couple ahead of them. "Everything. I even miss the stuff that drove me nuts. Like the mind-reading." Jacob let out a light chuckle before he sighed. "I was lucky to have someone like her even interested in anything I thought. You know what I mean?"

In Newt's mind, he was picturing Alina reaching over and grabbed his hand on the table before she planted a soft kiss on his cheek. He snapped out of it when he heard Jacob ask him a question.

"Sorry?" Newt apologized.

Jacob looked over and saw the lost and worried look on Newt's face. He's been so stupid. Him thinking about Queenie when his best friend is out there doing Merlin-knows-what. And the guy next to him, who is completely in love with her, is doing everything that he can to find her. That's why they're in this coffee shop in the first place because Newt tracked the guy who as with them.

"I was saying, you're sure the guy is here that we're looking for?" Jacob changed the subject.

Newt nodded. "Yeah, definitely. The feather says so."

Newt looked down at the feather, that was trapped in a bowl, when it continued tapping on the glass. It kept tapping on the same spot meaning that the guy was in the shop. They were just waiting for him to come out. Which he did a few minutes later. Yusuf came out of the shop and was walking down the streets when the feather kept tapping on the glass.

"Is that the guy we're looking for?" Jacob asked.

Newt nodded. "Yes." Newt took the bowl off the feather. And it flew back to Yusuf's hat.

"Ooh..." Jacob said.


Newt practically jumped out of his seat as Yusuf was in front of them. "Sorry. Bonjour. Bonjour, monsieur." Yusuf gave them a small nod before he turned around to leave. Newt went around him so he couldn't. "Oh, wait, no. Sorry. So we actually...We were just wondering if you'd come across two of our friends."

"Alina Nikolai and Tina Goldstein," Jacob clarified.

Yusuf wanted to curse under his breath. He should have known their friends would be looking for them.

"Monsieur, Paris is a large city," Yusuf started.

"They're both Aurors," Newt rushed out even though half of it's a lie. "And when Aurors go missing, the Ministry tend to come looking, so..." Yusuf thought he was bluffing so he stood his ground. "No, I suppose it would probably be better if we just report their absence."

"Is one tall?" Newt nodded. "Dark hair while the other is a lighter?" Newt nodded again. "One more serious and the other...."

"Creative," Jacob replied while Newt said, "Beautiful. She's..."

Jacob gave Newt a look before speaking to Yusuf. "Yeah, what I meant to say was...No, she's very pretty."

"She's creative, too," Newt mumbled softly.

Yusuf knew right then and there that these were the friends Alina talked about. Sure, she didn't say it to him but he overheard her conversation with Tina.

"I think I saw a few like that last night," he said. "Perhaps if I showed you where..."

"If you wouldn't mind," Newt answered rather too quickly. "That would be...That would be lovely. Sure."

Yusuf motioned his head for the duo to follow him. They were close into finding the girls.


Yusuf lead Newt and Jacob down to the sewage pipeline. He lead them through one of the cells and held the gate open for them to go through. Newt's heart started leaping out of his chest as he spotted a sleeping Tina and Alina. Jacob was happy they finally found his friend but he didn't think the reunion would be like this. He cleared his throat very loudly, causing both girls to jolt awake. Alina and Tina got up when they realized Newt and Jacob were with them.

"Alina," Newt breathed. Jacob smiled at his friend while he saluted Tina in greeting.

"Newt," Alina gasped out for a whole different reason.

Yusuf pulled his wand out and pointed it at the opening. "Expelliarmus," he casted.

Tina and Alina ran past the guys and rushed to the gate, hoping it was still enough for one of them to get through. Tina gave Yusuf a panicked look while Alina glared at him. She tried to reach over to choke the man or at least do damage but she can't.

"My apologies, Mr. Scamander," Yusuf said. "I shall return and release you once Credence is dead."


"Kama, wait," Tina pleaded.

"You see, either he dies or I do." Suddenly, Yusuf felt imense pain in his right eye. "No, no, no."

Alina started shaking the gate. "Kama, you so much as touch Credence I'm going to kick your ass so hard my foot would come out the other end!"

He took off his hat and held his eye. "Oh, no. No, no, no." He started to groan more as the girls watched in confusion as he knelt down. Kama collapsed and wasn't moving.

They didn't know what just happened. It was complete silence for a minute before Newt broke it.

"Well, that's not the best start to a rescue attempt," he said.

Tina glared at him as Alina tried to shake the gate open. She moved when she felt something tickle her arm and looked down to see Pickett picking the lock. "Oh, this was a rescue attempt? You just lost us our only lead."

"Well, how was the interrogation going before we turned up?"

Pickett finally got the lock to open, causing Jacob to laugh. Alina turned around and faced the guys, forgetting that they were actually here. Newt looked at Alina with wide eyes as she ran with a huge smile on her face. Newt couldn't help the grin on his when she was near but it slowly disappeared when she ran past him and hugged Jacob.

"Oh, my god, Jacob," Alina said happily as she hugged him tightly. She pulled away when she saw the lack of Queenie and inspected him. "Are you...You know, you?"

Jacob smile at her, not noticing the frown on Newt's face or the grin on Tina's. "Yeah, I'm me. Newt lifted the spell so now I'm me again." His smile faltered. "I'm so sorry I wasn't with you during your panic attack."

Alina kept her smile. "No, no, it's ok. I get it. I would have acted the same if I was under some kind of enchantment."

"Yeah, but that's still no excuse."

Alina was still smiling as she hugged him again. She felt something crawl up her leg all the way to her shoulder and looked down to see Pickett hugging her.

"Pickett!" she exclaimed happily. Pickett held on to Alina as she petted him. "Oh, I've missed you, buddy!"

Tina rolled her eyes at Newt when she saw him staring at Alina. Her thoughts saying that he shouldn't be like that if he's the one getting married. She ran over to the unconscious Kama and started to inspect him. She grabbed his wand from his coat and held it in case it was some kind of trap. Newt took his eyes away from Alina and caught up with Tina. Tina handed the wand to him.

"So you need this man, you said?" Newt asked.

"Yeah," Tina said. "I think he knows where Credence is, Mr. Scamander."

Alina walked up to them, making sure she didn't look at Newt no matter how much she wanted to. "I told you he was shady. I knew he was up to something."

"I know and you were right but he still knows where Credence is."

Alina wanted to leave the man but she needs him if they want to find Credence. "Fine but if he does something -"

"You'll torture him," Tina finished. Alina nodded. Her mind is focused on one thing: finding Credence. All he wanted was to find his family and now he can't if people are still looking for him.

Up above the streets, the group could hear the Zouwu roar. They needed to wake up Kama and fast.

"Well, that'll be that Zouwu," Newt spoke after a while.

"How are we going to get out of here?" Alina asked.

In answer, Newt used his wand to transport the group to the streets of Paris. People were already screaming and running around. Alina and Jacob were next to Kama while Tina stood at the other side. Newt was in the middle of the streets as the Zouwu was jumping from building to building. The Zouwu was still roaring while pushing cars away from it. Newt turned around and opened his case. Alina watched with wide-eyes as he doesn't make any movements to run. She hates herself for being worried but she couldn't help it. Engaged or not, she still has feelings for him.

"Come on, Newt. Get outta there!" Jacob yelled.

The Zouwu was right in front of Newt. Newt quickly got up and turned around with his wand behind his back. Alina's eyes widen as the creature roared at him. Newt pulled the cat-toy from his pocket. The tip of his wand had the fluff plush. The small bells ringing from the toy's eyes as he shook it. The Zouwu watched it with wide-eyes as a smile crept its way on its face. Alina could help the smile on her face when she saw the creature eyeing the toy as Newt held it in front of him. Newt shook the toy as he moved it from left to right. Zouwu was following it, ready to grab it at any given moment. Newt slowly backed away from his case before he dropped the toy. That's when the Zouwu roared and followed the toy inside. It jumped into the case. Once the tail was finally inside the case closed completely.

The crowd started to come out of their hiding spots. Newt pulled out the card Dumbledore gave to him as it started to shine. Newt sighed before he started running towards Jacob and Alina, Tina following him.

"Come on!" he shouted.

He didn't realize he grabbed Alina's hand as he apparates them out of there.


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