《I Need to Find You 》Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald》Six


If things weren't going great for Alina Nikolai, then things are just about to get worst for one Newt Scamander. The young wizards walked up to his house after one long exhausting day. After meeting up with the Ministry of Magic to talk about Credence and Grindelwald's escape, he had to face the one person he tried to avoid. His brother, Theseus. Theseus Scamander, the war hero...as people would like to say. Along with the one person, he never thought he would see again. Leta Lestrange.

But things were different when Newt saw Leta. That little flutter in his chest had disappeared. It was just awkwardness since Leta is going to marry his brother. But the real feeling Newt was feeling was emptiness. He sees Leta there, but his mind is plagued with one Alina Nikolai. How he wishes that she was standing there with him. He could practically hear her say that he can do this. That she's there for him. Supporting him like he knew she would.

Newt walked up to his house but paused when he saw the lights flicker outside his window. He slowly enters his house and looks up to see one of the baby Nifflers using the lamp switch as a swing. The switch broke, making the Niffler drop. When he noticed Newt there, he looked at him as if he were in big trouble. Like a kid getting caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do. And what does that Niffler do? He runs. Newt chuckled before he looked towards the other baby Niffler, who was on his double-pan balanced scale trying to shove gold coins in its pockets.

Newt grabbed the small pan before using it to trap the first baby Niffler. Newt then grabbed an apple before tossing it in the air. The apple landed in the other half of the scale, pushing the other Niffler off. The Niffler went flying which gave Newt enough time to open his coat pocket for the Niffler to land safely in.

Unfortunately, the other Niffler got out of the pot and went over to the sparkling cider. Newt went over to the basement door and opened it. He was about to go downstairs when he heard a little squeak coming from the last Niffler. He turned around to see the Niffler on the cork, trying to get it out. When the Niffer pulled the lid, the fizz from the drink sends him flying across the room out through the door. The tip of the cork bounced off the wall, making the Niffler go down the stairs.

"Bunty!" Newt called out before rushing down the steps. The Niffer bounced down each step before landing in the pile of snow. "Bunty! Bunty, the baby Nifflers are loose again."

Bunty, Newt's caretaker, looked up at Newt before running over and grabbed a pair of rubber gloves. One glove that contained a gold coin at the end of a string. She ran over to the baby Niffler and held the coin down. The Niffler saw the shiny object and was quick to jump after it. Bunty then used her free hand to hold the Niffler before it could start run off again.

"Well done," Newt told her.

Bunty began apologizing. "I'm so sorry, Newt. They must've picked the lock while I was cleaning out the Augureys."

Newt handed her the other Niffler. "Not to worry." Then he went down the rest of the stairs while Bunty placed the Niffler back in their small home.

"I fed nearly everyone," she informed him. "Pinky's had his nose drops and -"


"And Elsie?"

"Elsie's droppings are nearly normal again," she answered as she looked at Newt dreamily.

"Wonderful." Newt started giving eye drops to one of the mooncalf, unaware of Bunty's stare. "You can, um...You can clock off now." Bunty sighed. Newt finally noticed the scratches on her hands. "I told you to leave the Kelpie to me."

"That wound needs more ointment."

"I don't want you losing fingers over it."

Newt started taking his jacket off as he walked another set of stairs towards the water. Bunty follows him and grabs his jacket while he took his vest off.

"Seriously, you go home now, Bunty," Newt said, not wanting her to get hurt in the process. He started rolling up his sleeves. "You must be exhausted."

"You now the Kelpie's easier with two," she told him. Even though she doesn't want to leave him yet. Newt continued rolling up his sleeves as the Kelpie let out a small roar. "Perhaps you should take off your shirt."

Newt looked at her. "Don't worry. I'll dry off quick enough."

Bunty let out a small breath when Newt jumped in the water. Newt started to swim back as he looked for the injured creature. Then the seaweed-like creature started to swim past him. Newt's body flipped the other way. He recomposed himself before he looked at the Kelpie. The Kelpie swam towards him again. Newt grabbed on this time as the Kelpie swam towards the surface. The water rose, splashing Bunty. She ran up the stairs as the water continued rising. When the Kelpie jumped out of the water Newt couldn't help but shout in excitement. The Kelpie jumped back into the water before coming out again. Newt held the reins back and lead the creature towards the edge, where Bunty was waiting for them.

"Someone needed to let off some steam," Newt said as they swam towards Bunty. "Ointment, Bunty." Bunty handed Newt the ointment, who started to apply it on the creature. "You bite Bunty again, and there'll be trouble, mister."

Newt continued petting the creature until there was a loud crash coming from upstairs.

"What was that?" Bunty asked.

"I don't know," Newt said as he stood. "But I want you to go home now, Bunty."

"Shall I call the Ministry?"

"No. I want you to go home. Please."

He didn't leave Bunty enough room to say anything before he rushed up the stairs. He waved his wand around him so he could dry off quick. He went over to the door and heard two people.

"Just give me the pieces," the first voice said."

He heard the man chuckle. "I got it."

"Honey, if you could just give it to me..." Newt slowly opened the door.

"He doesn't care." Newt came out and turned the corner and was greeted with two people he never thought he'd see again. Jacob and Queenie. Queenie behind Jacob reaching to grab the broken furniture while Jacob pulled it away from her.

"If you could just give this to me, sweetheart."

Newt's mouth fell open. Queenie and Jacob noticed the wizard standing there. Huge smiles on their faces as Jacob drops the vase he was holding, making it break.

Jacob held his arms out towards Newt. "Hey!" He yelled. Newt was a bit confused as Jacob went over to him. "Newt! Get over here, you maniac." Jacob started to laugh as he hugged Newt.

Queenie smiled at the two while Newt still remained confused as he returned the hug to his friend. "We hope you don't mind, Newt. We let ourselves in," she said. "It's rainin' out there, cats and dogs. London's cold."


Newt spoke what was on his mind. "You were supposed to have been obliviated."

Jacob laughed some more. "I know. It didn't work, pal." Newt was a bit happy but was still confused about how it didn't work. "I mean, you said it. The potion only erases bad memories. I didn't have any. I mean, uh, don't get me wrong. I had some weird ones, and I had some scary ones. But this angel..." Jacob motioned at Queenie. "This angel over here, she filled us in on all the bad parts, and, uh, here we are, I guess, huh?"

Newt's eyes widen as he did a double take on Jacob's last sentence. "Us?" he breathed as Jacob snuggled closer to Queenie.

Jacob sighed happily as he looked up at Queenie. "Yeah."

Newt's heart began to swell. "That means..." It wasn't just Jacob who had his memories. He had a huge smile. "Alina." Then he noticed she wasn't in the room. "Is she..." He went around Queenie and Jacob. "Alina? Alina?"

"Oh, it's just us, honey," Queenie told him as he was about to go outside. "Me and Jacob."

"Oh," Newt muttered disappointedly. He was certain that if Jacob was here then so would Alina. And, hell, even Tina. But both were missing.

Queenie noticed the disappointed look on his face. "Why don't I make us some dinner, huh?"

"Yes!" Jacob exclaimed. Newt wondered why Jacob hasn't mentioned Alina...or why he's been acting very strange since he got here.

Queenie sat Jacob down and tucked a napkin in his shirt. "Teen and I aren't talking," she told Newt.

"Why?" he asked.

Queenie started getting the table ready. She poofed some food. "Oh, well, you know...She found out about Jacob and I seeing each other, and she didn't like it, 'cause of the law. Not allowed to date No-Majs, not allowed to marry them. Blah, blah, blah. Why couldn't she be like Alina? She was happy when Jacob and I found each other. Then again, Teen was all in a tizzy anyway 'cause of you."

Newt furrowed his brows. "Me?"

"Yeah, you, Newt." She gave him a look as she served him. "It was in Spellbound." The magazine flew towards them. "Here. I brought it for you." The book landed on the table and flipped towards the article. "Newt Scamander with fiancee Leta Lestrange, brother Theseus, and unknown woman."

Newt's eyes widen at the article. "No. The - Theseus is marrying Leta, not me."

"Oh!" Queenie smile got bigger before it dropped. "Oh..Oh, dear." Queenie sat down. "See, Teen read that and, uh, she got furious with you. And she used it to prove a point about why I shouldn't be seeing Jacob. 'Cause...Alina saw the article." Newt froze. "You really broke her heart, Newt."

Queenie bit her lip before she poofed out Alina's sketchbook. She handed it over to him. Newt took the sketchbook with shaky hands before he turned the first page. The first one was of her and Jacob. The next was Tina and Queenie. Newt kept flipping through them and noticed about halfway, it was sketches of him. But each sketch looked gloomier. More blues, blacks, greys. Newt's chest started to ache.

He shook his head. "No, no. It's just a misunderstanding. I would never do that to her." And if she read the article, does she know..."Does she know about Credence?"

Queenie nodded sadly. "Yeah, he visited her before he left. She actually wanted to go with him, but he said he wanted to do it alone." Does she know about Grindelwald? Is what Newt wondered. "Yeah, she overheard me and Teen arguing. She got a panic attack when she found out. After Alina calmed down, Teen though it be best if she goes with her."

"A - A panic attack?" Newt breathed. He understands. Credence was her best friend. She thought he was dead so when he came to visit her, she was happy. Then she finds out the same man who was after him is free and is going after him again. And Tina's smart. If there's anyone Credence might listen to it's Alina.

Then Jacob did the strangest thing. He bangs on the table and started to laugh. "A panic attack." Which Newt cast Queenie a suspicious glance. If anything Jacob would have been concerned if his friend had a panic attack, so why is he laughing about it?

"Anyway..." Queenie started. She grabbed a champagne glass and started to serve her and Jacob some. "We are real excited to be here, Newt. This is a...Well, it's a special trip for us. You see, Jacob and I, we're getting married." Queenie finished with a big smile.

"I'm marrying Jacob," Jacob repeated with a laugh before throwing the drink right at his own face. Queenie finished it off by using her wand to poof up some confetti. Jacob looked around as if he were drunk. "Oh."

Newt finally got a good look at Jacob. The huge smile never leaving his face. The way he looks at Queenie. The way he always agrees with her.

"You've enchanted him, haven't you?" he thought.

Queenie started to laugh nervously. "What?" She grabbed Jacob's rag and started to dry him off. "I have not."

Newt forgot about that. "Will you stop reading my mind?" But he kept doing it. "Queenie, you've brought him here against his will."

"Oh, that is an outrageous accusation. Look at him. He's just happy. He's so happy."

There's no way Alina approves of this. Newt got up and got his wand out. "Then you won't mind if I, um..."

Queenie shot up from her seat and blocked Jacob. "Please, don't."

"Queenie, you've got nothing to fear if he wants to get married. We can just lift the enchantment, and he can tell us himself."

Queenie looked at Jacob, who was holding on to her arm. Jacob was crazy about Queenie before the enchantment, maybe he still is after.

"What do you got there?" he asked as he looked at Newt. He tried to make everything into a joke. "What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do with that, Mr. Scamander?"

Newt held his wand up. "Surgito."

Jacob started to groan. This pink wave started coming out of him as he jerked around. The pink wave formed above him to create a heart before it disappeared. Jacob exhaled sharply as he looked around.

"Congratulations on your engagement, Jacob," Newt told him.

"Wait, what?" Jacob asked. Newt looked from him to Queenie, who was near the door. "Oh, no. You didn't. Queenie!" Queenie started getting her things. "One second." Queenie grabbed her case and coat before running out. "Queenie!" Jacob turned around and looked at Newt again. "It's very nice to see you. Where the hell am I right now?"

"Uh, London."

"Oh! I always wanted to go here!" Jacob scoffed. He was about to leave when Newt called him back.

"Jacob!" He looked at him nervously. "Has Alina...Did she ever get a panic attack before?"

He shook his head. "Not since she was 15. Wh -" He smacked his hand against his hip as he went outside. "Queenie!"

Newt sighed sadly before he waved his wand on the mess. "Papyrus Reparo."

The ripped up paper slowly transformed into a postcard. It flew in Newt's hand. The cover showing a woman with the words Paris written on the top corner. Newt flipped it over and read the writing.

My dear Queenie,

What a beautiful city. I'm thinking of you.


On the bottom corner of the postcard was a small character of Tina and Alina waving at Newt. Newt's fingers graze over the drawing when he knew from that moment what he has to do. And where he has to go.

His next stop...Paris.


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