《I Need to Find You 》Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald》Five


I can't believe I'm actually in Paris. This place is just amazing. I wanted to take it all in. Draw the most beautiful place on Earth. Tina looked around us before she motioned me to follow her towards this statue. She mumbled something underneath her breath while I was looking around. My eyes went wide as I saw the statue moving. The actual statue was moving, it wasn't someone painted as a statue. My mouth dropped in amazement before I let out a yelp when Tina grabbed my arm and pulled me in.

My eyes went wide as I took the scene around me. Paris was packed with wizards and witches. There were bright red and gold colors around the streets as people danced down the alleyway. In the middle of the square was a huge circus tent. Outside a few performers doing some tricks. One guy had this huge hoop. This kid laughed before jumping through. His body was trapped inside this bubble as he started doing some small flips as the bubble began to float. A small glowing creature flew in front of me before it went away.

"Oh, wow," I breathed. I looked around only for my eyes to widen as I see a Japanese water demon. "Merlon's beard. Is that a Kappa?"

"Yep," Tina said as we started walking around. "How did you -" She sighed. "You read Newt's book, didn't you?"

I opened my mouth a few times. "Maybe," I answered. Tina gave me a look. "I'm sorry. I just can't help but be proud that he actually published his book. It's really great. Amazing actually."

"Do you remember that he's engaged?" she reminded me a bit angerly. My chest started to ache. Yeah, yeah. I know. I can't help it. I still love Newt. Does that make me a bad person because of it? It's not like I'm trying to break off his engagement. I feel like an idiot anyway for loving someone who loves someone else. Tina's gaze softened. "I just don't want you to get hurt, Alina. I can't believe Newt would go and do something like that."


I can't either. I wanted to cry. I do. But this isn't about Newt. This trip is about saving my best friend.

"Let's find Credence," I said before going through the crowd.

Ahh, I hate being able to feel. I don't want to feel like this. That cliche part of my head is saying to be happy for him. He found someone he could share a life with. Except that part of my heart is telling me to drown my sorrows away and cry. Cry like it's the end of the world because it feels like it is. I wanted to talk to Jacob. But he's still under Queenie's spell that he'll end up talking about her and their engagement.

Did I forget to mention that? I've only been in Paris for two days and Jacob called to announce their engagement! Jacob and Queenie are really engaged! I wanted to celebrate because I know that the real Jacob loves Queenie more than anything, but he's still under her spell. I would be happy for him if I know if it's actually him that feels that way. Is it his real feelings or are they just heightened?

A spell to get rid of heartbreak sounds like a really good idea for me. Trust me, on the plane ride here I'd asked Tina if she could use a spell to make me not feel anything. That was a bad idea on me because she'd spent the past two hours scolding me about it. I can't do that, Alina. I understand that you're hurting, but it's only a temporary solution. I don't care. I wanted to get rid of my aching heart. It just hurts each passing day whenever I start to think about him.

"Are you sure he said he was here?" Tina asked after a while.


I nodded. "Yeah. He said he was with the circus. The guy knew something about his mother." Yet, I don't understand why he's still with the guy. Did the guy threaten him? Blackmail? Like if Credence doesn't join the show then he's not going to give the information about his mother. I mean, every other place Credence has been to has been a quick in and out. He has a lead about who his mother might be, but it just leads to somewhere else.

"I should have gone with him," I said as we got closer to the tent. "Then maybe you would have gotten to Credence sooner. Instead, you have a Muggle with you in the -"

Tina shushed me as she placed her hand over my mouth. "Don't say that word here." She looked around and gave the man a polite smile before looking back at me. "People might be listening and if they hear that there's a No-Maj here, then they'll throw a riot. They would track you down to either obliviate you or kill you. And if they're looking for you then we can't find Credence."

I nodded my head in understanding. I keep forgetting that they have rules in the wizarding world. Tina took her hand away and we started walking.

"To be honest, I'd never would have known how beautiful Paris was if it wasn't for you guys," I admitted. "I wouldn't have known a lot of things if it weren't for you actually."

Tina smiled. "Things have changed."

"And change is a good thing," we heard a guy say. We turned around to see this guy walking up to us. A huge smile on his face. "Nothing good comes from being in your comfort zone."

"Yeah, but nothing good comes from heartbreak either," I mumbled.

The guy gave me a look. "That depends on what you let that heartbreak do to you. You could go find yourself a new story and be happy or end on a sad note. Me, I chose to let my breakups teach me a lesson. If that person hurts you, then they don't deserve you."

Tina gave me a successful look. "See." I sighed in defeat.

"Ryan, get over here!" A guy yelled over to the tent.

Ryan nodded before handing us the circus pamplet. "Enjoy the show." Then he ran off.

"See what I mean?" Tina said.

I rolled my eyes as I went towards the tent. "What time does the show start?"


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