
"After all the thousand times I've told you I love you, how could you let one word break your faith in me?... I could see it in your eyes, that you honestly believed that I didn't want you anymore. The most absurd, ridiculous concept-as if there were any way that I could exist without needing you!"

You leaned your head in his chest and he wraps his hands around you. He is so warm that your breath feels cold against his chest. You grabbed his shirt and pull yourself closer to him, as you need his warmth. The room was not really cold, for the summer sun so soaks into this thick old building, that it takes a month or two of winter to soak it out.

"Y/N," he called your name before ruffling your hair.

You responded to him with a humming. You didn't turn to see him as your eyes keep watching the television. Edward Cullen somehow caught your attention more even though there was your boyfriend here to cuddle with.

"This movie is dumb." he whines for the fifth time.

"Don't be such a girl," you wrapped your arms around his torso and hug him close. "I bet you're tired," you said as his arms encircle your waist and his head lolls to your shoulder.

"Maybe," he murmurs with a tiny sigh.

You know he never takes any interest in romance movies. He didn't even know what kind of movie he was watching now. He didn't laugh when he was supposed to, he didn't feel any tension during the drama, and he barely followed the plot. He just sat there next to the Oreo packet until to his surprise they were gone and came back cuddle with you on the bed.

"Why the hell a human must fall in love with vampire anyways? And a werewolf?" there he goes again. Mumbling all alone.

"Stop complaining, Jungkook," you snickered looking at his behavior.

He's the one who promised you to watch this movie together when he has done with all of his concert tours but what did you get at last? His nonstop complaint. Because of him, you didn't join your other friends to watch it all together at the cinema two weeks ago. Just only to watch with him.

"Why do you like me?" you whispered as your hands tracing all over his right arm.

"How could I not?" he replied, cupping your cheek so that your beautiful eyes met his own. You replied to him with a warm smile.

"You love me. Real or not real?"

He told you, "Real."

"I'm in love with you," he said quietly.

"Jungkook," you said.

"I am," he said. He was staring at you, and you could see the corners of his eyes crinkling.

He pulled you closer to him and wrapping his arms around you. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around your frail body. The world around you melted away as you squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end.

When I see you, it's as if space and time become the finest point imaginable, as if time collapses into one tiny speck and explodes at light speed. It's as if my universe begins and ends with you. I could run forever, search forever, but in the end, every path leads right back to your heart and soul. I love you, always.

I'm in love with him.

He never leaves my mind, he's always there; mentally if not physically. It's just incomprehensible. He's my one stable force, my one stability in a world filled with chaos and I so desperately need that in my life. I love him so much for that. I'm in love with him and I can't believe I've only just realized it.


This feeling is so strange; it stretches throughout my whole body. It's overwhelming, yet makes me feel complete. It has no bound nor length nor depth; it's just absolute. It feels as though I'm in a dangerous fire, yet I'm completely safe at the same time. It feels as though someone's given me peace. It feels as though my heart is dancing around my chest; and a hole, I was never aware was there, has been filled. I feel so light, like I'm on top of the world yet my heart is constricting and it feels as if there's no oxygen in my lungs.

It's strange - frightening even - how you can go from someone being a complete stranger to then being completely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that you were able to live without them, because you sure as hell couldn't imagine being without them now. I know we're only young, and most people would consider me to be foolish and naïve, but it's true when I say that I love him more than I could ever love myself. He's my best friend and, as cheesy as it sounds, he's my anchor. My one stability in this world filled with chaos.

"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for," you said. Your eyes keep staring at him with unconditionally love. He looked at you too, waiting for your words.

"I want to know what you're hoping for... Maybe next ten years from now? What do you want in your life?" you asked him. You looked at him that tends to play with your fingers while thinking about your question.

"What I want huh?" he lets out his raspy voice after a moment while smiling.

"First I want you. I want you to keep by my side always. Forever," answered him and brought his face close to you before kissing your cheek.

"And then I want to be richer, married to you and have children," added him more.

"But you already rich, Mr. Jeon Jungkook,"

"Not yet,"

His mother said he was a "diamond in the rough," and you knew what she meant. But to you, Jungkook was simply a diamond. The rest of the world could be as rough as it desired but it never affected him, he shone with inner beauty all the same. You guess that's part of why you fell in love with him, that sparkle nothing and nobody could ever take away.

His hand reaches for yours and they interlock as both of you kiss tentatively, passionately and then, tenderly. He pulls the thick woolen sweater up, over your head and you feel the little sparks of static dancing over your skin. You're not sure whether they're from your sweater or if they're from where his hands gently skimmed your skin; either way, it's a magical feeling and causes you to shiver in complete pleasure and ecstasy.

His lips press against yours with passion, love, and affection as his warm hands roam all over your body leaving a trail of sparks in their wake.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers so you feel his warm breath in your ear. You wrinkle your nose in protest.

"Shut up and kiss me." You whispered back.

His lips gently brush your and you smell his minty breath as our bodies press together. He smiles into the kiss as your fingers tug at his short hair and your other hand scratches at his back.


"Jungkook, I love you" you whisper as both of our eyes make contact.


You saw a kid in front of the door when you just making up with Jungkook. Who is this child? Why she's here? Why she keeps looking at you and called you Mummy? You are not her mom. You didn't even pregnant yet. As you turned your face to Jungkook, just only to inform him about this, you were so surprised that it was not him. It was Mark who still sleeping right next to you. Sweats covered your forehead felt anxious what just happened to you right now.

It's just a dream, you thought.

You lifted your head once again to look at the door back. There's no Eva too. What kind of dream is this?

I can't stop thinking about him.

I don't know how he has gotten into my head. And I hate the fact that he can mess up with my mind just so easily. To be honest, I'm afraid of falling in love with him again. I'm afraid of the feeling that he keeps stuck in my heart, making me wondering all night whether he had feelings for me too. You know that kind of pain. Pains are caused by being rejected when you decide to give all your heart to someone doesn't need it. Pains are caused by opening your heart so easily and casually.

And there you are, alone, heartbroken, depressed as fuck, but can never think by yourself how to escape that nightmare. How not to remember his shiny smile, his flawless beauty then stop giggling to yourself in the dark. Then the memories with his presence spill out of your mind again. You even daydream about him, with you standing next to, about something called 'our beautiful love'.

Oh. What a shame, dear! Whenever you wake up from the nightmare named 'daydreaming', you will find out that nothing in it may come true. This love is so hopeless. And so hurtful. And I don't want this kind of love. I don't even need this kind of love. The one can make me destroy myself unconsciously.

So I tell myself that he isn't the right one. Maybe he is. Maybe I should keep my distance from him. Make sure that I can hold and keep a little piece that I still have inside my heart.

People told me that love can heal a person.

But no one told that love can destroy a person, too.


It's been a month you stayed with Mark at his condo. In Seoul. Yes, you were back to South Korea again as planned and another two weeks from now, both of you and Mark will be getting married. Eva also didn't complaint about changing place even sometimes you could see her becomes confused and having a hard time to adapt situations here in Korea.

"Mummy," Eva called you when you tried to put her into a dress.

"Yes, baby. What do you want," replied you softly.

"Why I need to see Mr. Candyman again? I already met him last week," you heard her tiny mouth mumbling. She looked unhappy.

Since you moved here, Jungkook will take a day off once a week and spend time with Eva together. You actually didn't like much when Jungkook went out with Eva because you worried something will happen to Eva. What if Jungkook secretly took her away and hiding her from you? And what if Jungkook brought Eva to meet her stepmother? It's the worst nightmare you couldn't ask for. But you can't simply against the law by not letting Jungkook meet his daughter. If that would happen, the whole custody later will end up goes to him and you really don't want it to happen. You can't be separated with your one and only child.

"Don't you love to go out with him? Left arm please," said you while putting her arm into the sleeve. She shook her head in protest.

"But I want to play with Daddy today," she pouted.

"But Daddy needs to go to work, honey. You can play with Mr. Candyman and ask him to bring you to the park. Don't you love to feed the duck there?" said you, trying to convince her one more time. Because you know how your daughter is. If she said no, then it will forever no to her. So it's better for you to convince her now before she will end up crying and that time oh boy you have no idea when she will ever stop.

"Ask him to drop you off at my office later, Eva," you turned as you heard Mark's voice. He was standing in front of Eva's bedroom while folding his sleeve up. Mark is also in the middle of preparing himself to go to work now.

"Really Daddy?" screamed Eva excitedly. She ran towards Mark and asking for a lift. You knew she loves to hug Mark more than you. What have you done as her mother meanwhile she could only see him as her favorite person. His convincing words seem to work on Eva more than you do too as you could see your daughter only listen and obey to his words day by day. Oh Mark, what kind of magic spell did you use?

"I just bought a huge aquarium for my hotel and you can see a lot of fish there,"

You watched both of them talk to each other before Mark brought her out of the bedroom on his arms. You let out a sigh. Looks like you're gonna be alone for today. No Eva. No Mark. What you're gonna to do today? You haven't planned anything yet so let's see what things you could do today.


The air is thick with the scent of coffee and although you drink in the aroma like everyone else you will never hand over your wares for it. You wrap your fingers around the coffee mug, enjoying the heat that spreads through your hands. It's been a while since you didn't visit this café, a place that you used to hang out with your college friends. Surprisingly, it keeps getting bigger and gain many customers nowadays.

You decided to go out alone today as Eva of course with Jungkook now and Mark seems too busy with his work. Doing some window shopping and make some review at several bridal boutique. It's better for you to do it by yourself because it would take forever to complete if you keep waiting for Mark to do some wedding stuff together. He with his work cannot be separated at all actually.

"Miss Y/N," you lifted up your head and noticed a man came towards your table. He wore a black suit, completely fit to his body and looks like came fresh from the office.

"Yes, it's me and who you are?" replied you hesitantly. You quite unaware of this man's presence. And his nonstop smiling gave you goose bumps. What a creepy man.

"I'm Park Chanyeol, we met before," said him, pulled out his hand for a handshake. You raised your eyebrow looking at him but still didn't let his hand alone without your reply.

"We met before? When?" asked you after he took a sit across the table.

"You used to work at Communication Korea isn't?"

You nodded. Was he used to be your colleague there? But you totally can't recall his face.

"Do you remember Park Legacy? Company that hired you as a PR there?"

Park Legacy? Ah now you had remembered! Park Legacy used to be Communication Korea's client and you were chosen as a temporary Public Relation just only to clear the controversy that they faced four years ago.

"Yes I do remember Park Legacy. Do you work there too? But I think I never seen a face like you before," replied you, felt a little bit of relief after he introduced himself.

"Yeah about that... We actually never met face to face before. I just saw you in the building for several times," he said while laughing.

"Really? Why you never talk to me?" it is strange actually for colleagues in the same company but never communicate even once.

"Well I was not in charge at Park Legacy HQ before. I just came by if only there's a meeting that involving Park Motors," he said before took a sip of his coffee.

"Ah, I see. You work under Park Motors,"

You aware of Park Motors well enough. It is subsidiary company under Park Legacy who same likely as JK Motors, a multinational automotive manufacturer.

"Used to actually. When you were a PR there, I was CEO of Park Motors," he said automatically making you surprised. How come you didn't even remember! It's an important thing to know as a PR! Maybe because it happened four years ago and with hardships you went through, making you a little bit of lost when you met him.

"You're CEO?"

He used to be CEO? He's not just ordinary man as you thought. Wait a sec, his surname is Park. Don't tell that his dad is Park Ju-Yung the founder of Park Legacy, the one you used to work for. If he used to be CEO, what the hell he is now?

"So the President of Park Legacy is your father actually?" asked you more. He nodded while smiling. You really didn't have any idea that Park Ju-Yung has a son actually because since you work there, he never has a wife.

"Seems like you still didn't know what happen at your ex-workplace, Miss Y/N," Park Chanyeol stared at you for quite long, making you uneasy with him. He took out his wallet and handed you his card name.

Park Chanyeol

President of Park Legacy

As soon as you read it, you lifted your head looking at him. The one was sitting in front of you right now is high class person. A man from wealthy and success family. The famous Park family.

"I'm sorry I have no idea who you are," you apologized to him since you didn't know that you could hurt his feelings with your informal conversation and the fact that his father died but you dumbly said everything that you wanted to say.

"It's okay. I like this way better," responded him, and still keep giving you a friendly smile.


After a talk with Park Chanyeol, you went straight to your home. Mark will be home in another thirty minutes with Eva so you gotta have to prepare dinner for them. As you keep walking towards the door, you saw a black hoodie guy standing in front of your house. Who is that guy? You felt uneasy as there's no one except both of you in sideway and he kinda look as a threat for you.

Suddenly he turned his head and looking at you who just several steps from him. He's wearing a mask!

"Miss Y/N?" asked him, let out his rough voice. You nodded hesitantly.

"This is a letter for you," you quickly let out a sigh of relief. He is just a mailman who's doing his job. You quickly took that letter and gave him your sign.

After locking your door and putting your bag off, you put your focus on that letter. Unknown? There's no name and where did it came from? Strange. You quickly ripped the letter off without hesitation as you wanted to know as soon as possible what this letter contains. It has two paper in it. You picked a first paper and read it.

At the top of the letter you saw JK Group company logo. Alright it comes from Jungkook for sure. What did he want now? You scanned the letter from the first word but it stopped right before you could finish it. The money laundering issue that happened two years ago! So Jungkook really did those crimes? It's unbelievable! You didn't believe that he would do such a dirty job like this but looking at this paper. It's just making you disgust and hated him now.

You crumpled that paper before throwing it away and proceed to the next one. It seems like an agreement between two parties. What kind of agreement is this, you wonder. You were so surprised when you read the second paper. Oh god! What have you done, Y/N! You just turned into a monster. It was a grievous sin! Slowly your tears dropped one by one every time you thinking about what have you done years before.

"Honey, we're back!" you turned to look Mark and Eva who were coming towards you. You quickly stood up.

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