

Being in his house is like a prison to you. Anywhere you wished to go was very restricted and must be accompanied by unless a maid with you. Guess who order it came from? Jungkook didn't easily to let you go outside freely from the house area without his permission after you both married. His bodyguards are everywhere, watching every movement of you and making you more uncomfortable. Why it's been like a hell living in this house? It's just a week since you are his wife but you literally could be bored to death stuck in here.

How you wish can pay a visit to your previous workplace or maybe meeting some of your friends. They might felt curious about what happened to you when they knew you been pregnant out of sudden from the media. And they might also disappointed too because you didn't even invite them to your wedding. But the truth is you just embarrassed with all the controversy that already happened between you, Jungkook, Mark, and Jennie. How are you gonna answer their question later?

"Where are you going, ma'am?"

A maid came approaching you when she saw you walked down the stairs.

"I just wanna go to that garden," said you while pointed to the outside.

"Let me accompany you,"

"It's okay. I want to be alone today, Mrs. Choi,"

"No, you can't. Mr. Jeon will be mad if he knows it," you looked at Mrs. Choi who seems extremely fear of Jungkook. You know Jungkook is the one who paid everything but it doesn't make him to rule everyone here. Why he didn't have any mercy at least? Mrs. Choi clearly is someone older than both of us.

You gave her a warm smile. "Don't worry, I won't tell him. The bodyguards also there to look after me," said you, leaving Mrs. Choi alone who look too afraid of your act. But she also needs to listen to your order as a President's wife.

You walked passing in front of the two bodyguards that secure at the front door. Both of them lower his head on when they saw you.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jeon,"

"Good morning too. Thanks for your hard work," you smiled to them before you continue your morning walk around the house.

Jungkook had hired someone to decorate and landscaping this big garden with flowers and outdoor longue for both of you could chill enjoying the sunset view from this hill. He still did remember all types of your favorite flowers as you can see the garden only filled with carnation, freesia and lavender flower. You picked a freesia flower and smell it. It's feeling so nice to smell something fragrant in the morning. You went to the longue and sat on the chair, enjoying your morning with the calm scenery.

Jungkook already left to work without even seeing you this morning. He might start to realize that you are no longer interested to communicate with him since you both fight about your child's future. God really hear your prayer and bestow you a daughter which you hoping it so much. But the problem is Jungkook now. He is so stubborn to make her as an inheritor of JK Group even though he already aware that all the Board of Director will against it no matter what.

"Stop dreaming about that. I can't let her be like you!"

"Please don't be sexist, Y/N. You're a woman too! Of course, our daughter should be the leader of JK Group!"


"Why you're so heartless? She has rights to choose her own path! What kind of dad are you, huh? Just go find another woman that can give you a son!"

Since then, you never talked to Jungkook even though you live in the same house with him. He also seems busy with his work lately. He went to the office early in the morning and just back home when it already past midnight making you didn't have a chance to meet him. What happened at the office right now? You thought he already got the investors back and cleaned off his playboy reputation.

After a while, you heard a bodyguard was like talking to someone aloud. It became clearer and closer to your resting area.

"You are forbidden to enter this place," you heard that bodyguard spoke in a stern voice. You wondered who he was talking with. The situation seems like it was really serious.

You heard a pair of heels kissing the ground, coming near to your rest place. Who is this woman? As you keep waiting for her to arrive, your eyes suddenly grew bigger, surprised with her sudden appearance.

She is Jennie, Jungkook's ex-girlfriend. She entered the lounge area with her tight dress and sunglass on her head. She looked so elegant as usual. The sexy Jennie. But why she came here? Is she looking for Jungkook?

"I always wanted to see you again, Mrs. Jeon," said Jennie, sitting comfortably in front of you. You looked at your bodyguard.

"Do you want me to chase her out, Mrs. Jeon?" the bodyguard asked you and waiting for your answer, nervously.

You tried to remain calm as you can so that Jennie couldn't smell your panic when you saw her for the first time after you witnessed her sleeping with Jungkook. "No need. I'm the one who calls her. But please don't tell Mr. Jeon about this,"

Jungkook shouldn't know about his ex-girlfriend stopping by here. You aren't sure Jennie is still in relationship with him now and just putting the fake break up so that Jungkook could have your baby. You just couldn't put your trust on these two anymore after the deep betrayal he caused.

"Awhh, that so sweet of you, Y/N. Well, guess that a friend for, right!" said Jennie before she grabbed a magazine on the table and fanning herself.

You gave a sign to your bodyguard for leaving both of you and Jennie alone in this garden.

"Oh my god... Summer this time is really hot, right?" she spoke again with no shame.

You tried to play along with her so that you could hurting her this time. "I thought you like everything hot," said you with your straight face.

"Are you saying that I'm hot? OMG! I feel honor the President's wife herself compliments me,"

"I'm saying that Jungkook the one who's hot. Geez, Jennie. You? Hot? Who said that to you? Are they blind?"

Jennie smirked at you when she heard you're trying to insult her. And now you just wait for her time to attack you. What kind of insult did she wanna throw at you later?

"Yeah, you bet he is. Jungkook is too hot especially when he goes naked. Did you remember what happened at his old house? He's naked with me on your bed ..."

You snorted before smirking at her when she tried to put that kind of bait. Did she really think by recalling that kind of memory can put you to anger? Well, Miss Jennie, you were totally wrong!


"So what happens now? Why me who become Mrs. Jeon instead of you?"

"Hmm, let's say it was because of another slut. Did this child is really Jungkook's baby? Because I had been wondering it might be Mark's..."

Oh she's not! Did she just humiliated you by dropping such an immoral accusation. You were done with her loud mouth. Jennie is not just materialistic woman, but she's really a complete whore!

Without thinking twice, you immediately stood up and slapped her face. How dare she's talking about you like that, right in front of your face. The real slut was actually her!

"Watch your mouth, Jennie! What brings you here actually?!" You yelled at her furiosly. How dare she's talking cheap about you?!

"I'm glad that you finally asking about this. What brings me here? Hold on a sec..."

You looked at Jennie who opened her handbag and pulled out something. She then handed you an ultrasound scan photo. You're so surprised looking at that photo. Did she also pregnant? What? How? You were definitely speechless right now. Jennie showed off her small baby bump arrogantly in front of you.

"I heard you will be getting a daughter soon, Mrs. Jeon. Well, guess what! Jungkook will also get himself a son too. A son that will lead JK Group later," said Jennie, over excitedly.

Jennie is pregnant with Jungkook's child too? So why the hell they broke up? And instead of marrying Jennie, why that bastard married you? Obviously, both of us are no longer love each other. You totally doesn't need him to be responsible for your child.

"I don't even care, Jennie. You want Jungkook? Proceed whatever your plan is, I won't block your way," you threw away that photo.

"But in order to do that, Mrs. Jeon... I need to destroy your daughter first as she's the one who blocking my way,"

You glared at her once you heard that she wanted to harm your baby. Did she want to get herself kill by you now? You clenched your fists. This bitch!

"Don't you ever dare to touch my baby! Bodyguard! Bodyguard! Bodyguard!"

You called your bodyguards to get rid Jennie from this house. She seems brave enough to threaten you like this.

"Bring this lady out from this house right now!" you shouted to the bodyguards.

"Yes, ma'am,"

Those bodyguards quickly pulled Jennie off from your area. This sudden news makes your head completely dizzy and you felt your body became hot. Your vision slowly fades to black, but you still conscious and have control over your body. You tried to sit down on the chair but your hearing also fades out and you collapse automatically afterward.

You opened your eyes and found yourself already lying on the bed. You could see on the night lamp was opened in your room and it's already dark at outside. Is it night already now? Wait! What happened before? But then you felt someone moved beside you, moving his hand and hugged your belly. You turned and it was Jungkook sleeping right next to you. Why he's here though? You tried to get up without waking him up but you totally failed when Jungkook suddenly voices up.

"Please only for tonight, Y/N..."

He's already awake and you literally can't move a little bit as he already locked you in his arms. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at you. Both of you and Jungkook facing to each other side by side.

"Do you know how worried I am when the maid told me that you fainted," said him again in a raspy voice.

"I don't care. So please let me go now," you tried to push him.

"I'm so tired today, Y/N. You have no idea what happened at the office," said him, tightening his arms around your waist. He leaned his head against your chest. Why he so soft tonight?

"I need you now so please can you forget everything just for tonight. I feel safe from the things who want to hurt me whenever with you,"

You just looked at him without giving any reaction to his words. Yes, he did look tired. He's tired because of his work. You knew he was pretty busy lately. But what does he just said to you? Does someone want to hurt him? Who?

"And in case that I can't come back to your arms like this one day, I really want to let you know that I still love you, Y/N. And please bear in mind that whatever I will be doing soon, I only fight for you and our baby. I will sacrifice myself for you if need be,"

What does it mean? Why he suddenly said such a thing like this? What happened to him actually? You really wanted to ask him but your ego was higher than your concern towards him. The problem is your ego who still wanted to ignore him.

You woke up a few couple hours later and found Jungkook was not in your bed anymore. Did he leave for work already? You looked at the clock and it showed that 7 am now. Maybe he is still in this house, preparing himself to go work. You quickly get up and went out from your room. You opened his room's door, hoping that he still there. You really wanted to ask him about last night talk. What's the meaning behind all of this? But there's no sign of him in that room. Suddenly, you heard Kino's voice talking. Yeah, you're pretty sure he's talking to Jungkook downstairs. As soon as you arrived at the last stair, you heard he's talking and the way he talked was very serious.

"What do you mean by those products are in our company?"

"I have no idea where they came from, boss. But you need to go somewhere first. The police probably will barge into JK Group soon. You definitely will go to the prison if they caught you,"

You were so surprised when heard what Kino said to Jungkook. Prison? Jungkook is going to prison? Was this the reason why he keeps busy lately? And was this the reason he's been so soft to you last night. Your tears drastically fell down. He's going to prison and leaving you again.

"What do you mean by that? Why do you need to go to prison? Jungkook-ah! Yahh! Tell me!!" you shouted at him.

He turned back and surprised seeing you standing on the stair. But then he turned around from you and whispered something to Kino.

You ran towards him who still didn't want to answer your question. But before you could reach him, Jungkook already stepped away from the house and heading to his car. And there's Kino who blocking your way and hold your arm tight. You looked at him who suddenly stopped from walking but he didn't even turn back to you.

"I'm sorry, Y/N..."

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