《Psychedelic | Vinnie Hacker》Thirteen.
Calm the fuck down; I thought to myself as I nearly vomited every time the door to the bar opened.
The bells on top of the door rang, the creek of the old wooden door cutting through my ears.
This wasn't the place I had expected to meet someone like Mateo Vicci at. But I was instructed to be here at 12 pm sharp with a cosmopolitan beside me.
Apparently, that's what Vicci was most attracted to— girls in their twenties with a fat ass and a cosmopolitan in their hand.
But I guess I shouldn't complain? I'm textbook hot, apparently.
I still didn't know what Vicci even looked like. Vinnie's team said it'd be best if I let him come to me instead of me chasing him. However, I didn't think that required me not to know what he looked like.
"What's a beautiful lady like you sitting here alone for?" I heard.
God, that is one manly voice. I thought to myself, now feeling too insecure about talking.
Smirking, I turned in my chair, only to see the man from the bar the first night I was here. I smiled, watching him slowly recognize me as well.
"Seems as though we tend to find one another at bars, huh?" I said, forcing out a chuckle even though I was too weirded out.
He sat down, ordering a glass of whiskey. Just like last time, it seemed as though the entire bar knew who he was except for me...
Wait a damn minute.
It all made sense now. The full-of-fear stared, the wad of cash he so willingly gave the bartender that night (morning, technically).
This wasn't just some random five-course Italian meal that decided to hit on me.
This was Mateo Vicci.
"We never got to... get to know one another last time." He huskily said and, admiringly, made my heart flutter.
I took a sip of my drink, playing this cool.
"Maybe this time we actually can." I flirtatiously replied, tracing my finger on his thigh.
He deeply breathed in, locking eyes with mine. I winked, now tracing my finger around the ring on my glass.
I couldn't help but wonder if he knew who Vinnie was when he saw him the other night. Everyone knows Vinnie, whether we're in the city or a foreign country.
Vinnie was one of the most respected men on the East coast. What he says goes. There's no way that someone like Vicci, whose the equivalent to Vinnie, just on the other side of the world, doesn't know who the most popular mafia men are.
"Follow me." He said sternly, sending shivers down my spine.
Although I had no idea what I was getting myself into, I couldn't tell whether I was excited or deathly afraid.
"You ever been to the Amalfi coast before?" Mateo asked as we sat on the porch of his beach house, both of us having wine.
I had been here for a few hours now. The sky was dark, and the sound of the waves crashing blissfully filled my ears.
"I haven't. This is my first time in Italy, actually." I replied, my eyes fixating on the stars.
He got up from his seat, leaning on the balcony in front of me.
"What was your reason for coming here?" He asked, his thick Italian accent sending chills down my spine.
To kill you, I thought to myself, feeling a bit guilty. He seemed like a genuine guy, but then again, I've only known him for a few hours—I'm not counting the first night I met him.
"I wanted to see more of the world, I guess," I said, now standing next to him.
I couldn't help but feel attracted to him. The way he talked and made an effort to see what was on my mind was something Vinnie had never done.
It was a different kind of thrill.
Mateo laid his hand on my waist, pushing our bodies closer together just like the night we met. I looked into his eyes, feeling guilt-fully captivated.
They weren't hazel like Vinnie's. They were a hue of dark chocolate, surrounded by a perfect set of eyelashes.
I was envious of them.
"You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen." He lightly said, slowly leaning in.
I chuckled internally, laughing that I most certainly was not one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen.
Placing my hand around his neck, I smashed his lips onto mine. More than anything, I needed to see if there was a spark. If there was, I wouldn't be able to do this mission anymore.
Our lips locked onto one another's, his giving off a flavor of cherries.
I didn't stop.
I couldn't bring myself to destroy this somewhat magical moment.
He picked me up, my legs wrapping around his torso, our lips never disconnecting.
This moment felt like the one Vinnie, and I had found ourselves in only a few days ago. I felt a ping of guilt in my heart the second I thought of him again.
Here I was, kissing another man. And, even worse, I was thoroughly enjoying it.
Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts when I was dropped onto Mateo's bed. How did I even get here? And when?
He began unbuttoning his shirt, and I couldn't help but stare.
He leaned down, kissing me once again.
"As long as you don't have sex with him."
My entire being didn't want to stop. The way his big hands took power, the way our skin felt against one another's.
I felt like I was cheating.
I was cheating.
"Mateo, I can't right now," I said, slowly pushing him off of me.
He nodded. "I know, I didn't want to go that far either. I want to get to know more about you first."
I smiled, sitting up against the headboard of the bed. I fixed the hem of my dress, as it was a bit higher than I liked it to be.
"That said, tell me about yourself," Mateo said, handing me my glass of wine from before.
Sighing, I shook my head. "There's not much to tell. I grew up in the city, lost my Mom at a young age, have a dead-beat Dad, and my best friend Amelia, who I live with." I said, making sure not to give too much information about myself.
I knew he was going to ask me where I worked. Apart from me felt like he already knew everything about me.
How could he not? What mafia man would bring a random girl he barely knows into his home without doing research and background checks on her?
"What about you?" I asked, my stomach in churns.
"I own my Dad's company. I'm the CEO." That was all he said.
I nodded, trying not to act as though I knew he was a dangerous mafia man who could kill me... or Vinnie.
Looking at the time, I noticed it was almost one in the morning. I was instructed to leave by now, but a part of me didn't want to go; I wanted to dig deeper.
"I should get going," I said, following Vinnie's rules for once.
He nodded. "I'll pick you up tomorrow night for a dinner date?" He questioned, raising a brow at me.
I walked up to him, kissing his lips.
"Sounds good to me."
As I arrived back at the hotel, all I could think about was running into Vinnie's arms.
The night's events riddled my bones with guilt, and right now, all I wanted to do was be with him. Hopefully, he was around.
It was almost two in the morning now. For all I knew, Vinnie was out with Michelle or was sleeping. Either way, I just wanted to be around him.
I clicked the number twenty on the elevator buttons, feeling it lurch up as it brought me to my destination.
Stopping with a ding, I stepped out of the elevator and made my way to Vinnie's room. I didn't need his key to get in; he gave me my own if something went wrong.
He shouldn't have a problem with me coming in.
"Hey Vin-" I said, stopping in my tracks when I entered his room.
I dropped the room key, losing all control of my body. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
There Vinnie was, in bed, with another girl. Michelle was nowhere to be seen, either. I stared him down, feeling tears begin to escape my eyes.
He looked me in my eyes, guilt written all over his face. I ran my hand through my hair, in disbelief of what was happening.
To think that just a few hours ago, I felt guilt for kissing another man. Yet, here Vinnie was, having sex with another girl after telling me that I was the one.
"Seriously?" That was all I said, feeling the anger build up inside of me.
He opened and closed his mouth several times, indicating that he genuinely didn't know what to say.
"You know what? Just forget it." I spit, running out of the room. I heard him calling my name behind me, but I chose to ignore it.
After all of this time, I should've known that anything he said was a lie.
I unlocked the door to my room, throwing my jacket and purse across the room. My entire life was beginning to feel like a sham— everything I was told was a simple lie.
"Luna, please," Vinnie said as he unlocked the door to my room.
I groaned, mentally slapping myself, forgetting he had access to my room too.
"Don't 'luna please' me. Who the hell is she?" I asked, folding my arms against my chest.
He bit his lip. "Just a drunken mistake."
The drunken mistake my ass, I thought to myself. I knew Vinnie well enough to know his drunk self. He knows precisely the games he plays; he doesn't just make 'mistakes.'
"How on earth do you expect me to believe that?" It was as though he thought I was some moron.
He walked closer to me, putting his hands on my shoulders.
"Please trust me. What I said the other night was all true."
I shoved his hands off of me, scoffing. "you dare manipulate me like this, Vinnie," I began, "Do you know how guilty I felt just flirting with Mateo today? We almost had sex, but I said no... because of you!"
He pinched his eyebrows. "Wait... you two did stuff?"
"No shit Sherlock. Did you really expect me to be able to seduce him with no physical actions?"
Words couldn't describe how livid I was. Who did he think he was to tell me whether or not I could do something with a man when I just caught him with another woman?
"I didn't think it would be on the first night of the mission." He scoffed, sitting down on the bed.
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, make yourself comfortable, I guess."
"What's your problem with me?" He asked, pulling my arm forcefully so I'd fall on the bed.
I chuckled. "What's my problem with you?"
It was as though he was entirely inattentive to the fact that I just caught him fucking another woman. Yet, he had not one ounce of shame.
"It's the fact that you're not even acting like I just caught you with another woman. It's like everything you said to me that night was a complete fucking lie." I spit, never feeling angrier than I was at this moment.
He rubbed his eyes nervously. "I didn't do it consciously. It was just a drunken mistake, I promise."
"Did you know the whole night I couldn't get you off my mind?" I began, "I couldn't wait to come back here to hug you and remind you how much I loved you." I answered, starting to cry again.
Words couldn't describe how betrayed I felt.
To think that, the entire night, I couldn't wait to see him. Yet he wasn't even thinking about me.
Instead, he was drunk, doing some stranger.
I didn't know what this meant for the both of us. I didn't even know if I wanted to be with him anymore.
How could I ever trust him after this?
"Vinnie, I don't know if I can do this anymore," I said, feeling a ping of sorrow form in my stomach.
He looked at me, shock in his eyes. "Wait. What?"
"I just... I can't keep up with games anymore. You either love me, or you don't."
"Who says I don't love you?"
I scoffed. "Everything says it, Vinnie! From Michelle, your constant attitude, to the girl from tonight! You don't even try to fucking show it."
"You're just irrational." He spits, rolling his eyes.
Irrational? I was the one being irrational?
Raising my hand, I slapped him across his face. There was nothing more I could do to show how angry I was.
"Tell me how I'm irrational? All I've ever done is be loyal to you." I replied, tears pouring down my face like a waterfall.
"Says the one who wanted to bang Mateo Vicci tonight." He mocked.
My jaw dropped to the floor in complete disbelief. There were no words to express how dull-minded and selfish he was being.
"You narrow son of a bitch," I began, giving myself permission to rage, "You're the one who put me up to the mission. This is all doing. Don't you dare stare at me and treat me like I'm some fucking child."
Once more, he rolled his eyes.
I felt my anger rising within me, and in minutes I would just explode.
Pushing him down on the bed, I held his wrists down so he couldn't move. He stared at me, biting his lip.
I breathed in, licking my lips.
At this moment, I couldn't help but think deeply about what it would be like to have angry sex with Vinnie.
We were both seething with one another, but it was far too irresponsible of me.
Fuck it, I thought to myself,
Smashing my lips against his, he immediately ripped his arms out of my now feeble grip.
He dug his nails into my waist, leaving harsh hickeys up and down my neck. I moaned, tangling my hands in his knotty hair.
Moving my hands to the collar of his shirt, I furiously ripped it off. Buttons flew everywhere, but neither of us cared.
"You... son... of... a... bitch..." I muttered between short kisses, slowly running out of breath.
He growled, forcefully grabbing a handful of boob.
I trusted my head back, enticed by the feeling of our bare skin against one another.
He picked me up, pushing me against the wall, kissing me roughly.
I tangled my hands sloppily in his hair, pulling him closer to me. Our bare chests rubbed against each other, sending chills down my spine.
He spun me around, dropping me on the bed again, pinning my arms above my head-- just like I had done before.
He lowered himself, pulling off my underwear with his teeth. I threw my head back at the feeling of his head between my thighs.
"Fuck." He muttered, moving his hands to my waist.
I grabbed his head with my hands, pulling him back up to me, reconnecting my lips with his. Our lips moved in sync, our tongues dancing together.
I wrapped my legs around his torso, letting him lower himself into me.
The pressure overtook me, my head thrusting back into the pillow. He dipped his head into my neck, leaving sloppy kisses.
"" I said aggressively, feeling him thrust even harder into me, causing me to scream.
His thrusts become sloppier and sloppier, telling me he was close to his high, as was I.
I bit my lip, staring into his eyes. Droplets of sweat began to form on his forehead, a devilish look playing in his eyes.
He gripped onto my thighs, finishing in me, falling next to me. We lay there, breathless and sweaty.
"Goddammit, Luna."
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