《Psychedelic | Vinnie Hacker》Nine.


It had only been two hours since I stepped foot on this plane, and currently, there were no words to describe my longing for jumping off of it.

While trying to do my somewhat overdue work, all I could focus on was the cooing between Vinnie and Michelle.

I regrettably passed up the opportunity to down an entire glass of Chardonnay— now my system functioned on only two elements: coffee and sleep deprivation.

Realistically, I had thought Vinnie would use his small, but average, sense of decency and not outwardly show his so-called affection towards Michelle.

But I was wrong.

So wrong.

I tried to focus my mind on something other than the two idiots in the back of the plane, but even my relentless typing wasn't enough to pry my thoughts away from it.

The next thing I knew, my stomach was grumbling, reminding me of another chance I had missed— ordering food. I groaned, reaching into my backpack, taking out an old energy bar I had stored in there.

"You know we have food made on the plane, right?" I heard Vinnie snicker behind me while Michelle chuckled along with him.

My face flushed bright red— along with a sweaty, clammy feeling forming amongst my, now damp, hands. I couldn't tell whether I was mad or embarrassed, but I knew I felt something I didn't want to admit.

"Yes, boss. No need to remind me." I grimaced, trying— but failing— to keep my composure.

Vinnie's expression, changing with seconds of my remarks, was a look of defeat.

A slight sting rippled through my chest, and I couldn't help but feel beaten myself. I had gotten so flustered over the two of them-- I showed a vulnerability that I didn't intend to. It was safe to say that I was embarrassed.

I was sitting on a private jet with the one I love most and the one I hate most. The crazed part was that both of those people were Vinnie.

Every bone in my body wanted to despise Michelle, but we were in the same position-- hating the girl who the guy we love, loves.

How could I blame her for being so jealous?

As much as I, stubborn and all, hated to admit it, I was jealous of her. Vinnie had a greater obligation to her than he'd ever had for me, and she wants him all to herself. And, sadly, I don't resent her for that.

On the screen of my computer--now black with fingerprint smudges covering it-- I could see Vinnie's reflection. Michelle had made herself comfy on the couch behind where he was seated, and he sat in silence, staring out the plane window.

His jaw was clenched; a clean-shaven line of stubble lined it perfectly. The mop of curls, so effortlessly soft-looking, fell onto his forehead. His eyes, brown and helpless, never moved from the window.

Every part of me wanted to comfort him, maybe give him a gentle kiss on the forehead. Like he did outside the elevator that one time... when my life felt much simpler.

He looked tired like his life was too much for him to handle. Juggling two girls who both love him, but he only loves one of them back, and the other is a significant business client.

"Ma'am, Chardonnay?" The hostess asked, coming by with a cart of expensive-looking wines. I nodded, admittedly knowing I would need alcohol to get through this plane ride.


As I sipped on the wine, I found myself staring at Vinnie's reflection once again. Only this time, he was staring back.


Three more hours had gone by, and the plane was deadly silent.

Vinnie hadn't moved his spot in hours, not even to go to the bathroom. Michelle, on the other hand, made several scandalous attempts to woo him.

The only movement he made was to shove her away, groaning at the thought of her.

My bladder was about to burst, as I've had to pee for the last hour, but I didn't want to bring any attention to myself-- god knows Michelle wouldn't appreciate that.

Fuck it, I thought to myself, finally making my way to the bathroom.

I slid open the door, clamping the lock shut. Who knows if Michelle would try to, unrealistically, kill me in here.

As I stared at myself in the mirror, my eyes painted a picture of sadness. I was obsessing over everything, and I knew it wasn't serving me well.

For as long as I could remember, I was not too fond of plane bathrooms. The tiny cramped space reminded me, metaphorically, of the place I had been in after my Mom died.

The sheer sadness put me in a trance, and I could barely remember how to take care of myself.

A slight part of me had hoped that Vinnie would find his way into the bathroom, but I knew it was far too nonsensical for it to ever happen-- especially with Michelle here.

I let the cold water from the sink fall onto my hands, sending chills down my spine. Planes always made me feel dirty, like sitting in one big germ-breeding bed, even if it was a state of the art private jet.

As much as I wanted to stay in the bathroom, I knew I had to go back, whether or not my mind profusely refused to.

I slide the door open, immediately feeling two pairs of eyes on me.

"Took a bit long in there, huh?" Vinnie said with a casual snicker. I rolled my eyes at him, sitting back down in my chair.

I could tell both of them were patiently waiting for a, possibly snarky, response from me, but I wasn't going to give it to them. I couldn't let myself stoop to their level.

"Small bathroom, white outfit. You do the math." I said, forcing a smile even though every bone in my body wanted to scrunch to my nose.

Michelle rolled her eyes, purposely conveying that she probably didn't give a rat's ass about me or my white outfit. I didn't care enough; at least I wasn't dressed like a stripper for a nine-hour plane ride.

"Luna, if it's okay with you, I would like to discuss a few business measures for the trip." Vinnie sternly said, sitting in the chair across from me.

I nodded. "Go ahead."

"You are to stay in your room unless asked otherwise-"

I held up my hand, stopping him. "You aren't to tell me what I can and cannot do." I hesitantly said that I feared Vinnie in every way, shape, and form right now.

"If Vicci's gang finds out who I'm with, they'll stop at nothing to kill you... relentlessly, if I may add." He said, taking a sip of his whiskey.

Biting my lip, I stared at the now empty glass of Chardonnay— something I wished to be chugging right now. The blood from my cracked open lips seeped into my mouth, and I couldn't help but feel a wave of control come over me.


After everything we had been through, he was putting me on a leash as though I was some annoying dog that he couldn't get a holdover.

"Woof," I replied while I, noticeably, gave him a look of disgust.

If he was going to treat me like a dog, I might as well act like one, too.

"Don't be like that, Luna," Vinnie said, giving me a look, "You know I'm just trying to protect you." He whispered, staring daggers at Michelle, who, with no surprise, had her eyes glued to her phone.

I turned my head away, pursing my lips. Getting stuck in the trance of his eyes was most certainly not on my agenda right now; I needed to be strong.

"You know if I say something, I mean it." He ordered before getting up and walking back to his lonely seat.

Fuck, that was hot. I thought to myself, rustling my hand through my brown, now-knotted, due to stress, hair.

How the hell am I supposed to get through this plane ride without pouncing on him?


The sky was now dark, and I felt like I was flying in an abyss of nothingness.

Hours had gone by since Vinnie and I last spoke. He and Michelle were cuddling on the couch, both in a deep sleep.

My body felt cold, and I wished to have Vinnie's arms coiled around my waist right now.

We must've been somewhere over the Atlantic, getting closer and closer to Italy. There were no words to describe how bad I ached to be alone in a hotel room right now.

To make things more unbearable than they already were, I couldn't fall asleep. My eyes were blood-shot red, and I was advancing on my fifth cup of coffee.

I supposed me drunk off of Chardonnay wouldn't be my smartest move, so I resorted to coffee.

"Good flight so far?" The hostess remarked as she sat in the chair in front of me.

Chuckling, I let out a huge, dramatic sigh. "Only in my dreams."

"You like him, don't you?" She asked, taking out a full, chilled bottle of Zinfandel. She screwed it open, pouring her and me a glass.

Taking a sip, I lifted my glass in the air, pretending to make a toast, "To being forever alone!"

She could tell I wasn't in the mood to speak of my past rendezvous with Vinnie. God only knows how many girls he's brought onto this plane. I couldn't embarrass myself any more than I already had by just being here.

I stared out the window, admiring the night sky and its beauty. The red wine washed down my throat, giving a bit of a sting.

"You know, it's never easy seeing someone you love be with someone else." The hostess said, pouring herself another— quite large— glass.

"What's worse is when you accidentally tell them." I murmured, taking a swig of the rest of my wine.

She choked on her wine, wiping her face before setting down the glass.

"You told him?" She whisper-yelled, shock written all over her clean-looking face. I couldn't help but wonder what her face routine is.

I set my glass down, gesturing for her to pour me more. "Yeah, I did. No shame. Shit happens."

"You're telling me. I used to be with him, too. I know the struggle." She replied, a gasp coming from my mouth.

There was never a smooth-sailing day, was there? I guess that's my punishment for becoming involved with a superficial asshole, huh?

I chuckled, chugging my wine. My throat burned like no other, but I didn't mind. Anything I could do to pass by this moment, I would.

"W-when was this?" I said, choking on my words.

"About a year ago. We had a little moment on the plane one day when he was flying to Paris. I fell for him but he... wasn't really into me." She said, shrugging her shoulders like it didn't matter.

I stared at her, wondering whether I should be jealous or in admiration.

Here she was, tending to a man who she once fell for— giving him drinks, letting him boss her around— while not giving a single shit that he, in assumption, broke her heart.

Yet, I couldn't even hold it together and the chances of me being with him bigger than they are smaller.

"I really do admire you for that, you know." I said, holding up my now full glass again, toasting.

She chuckled. "It's my job."

Well, damn. We really are the same, aren't we? I thought, slapping myself mentally. I looked like a complete coward next to her.

Suddenly, her eyes shifted behind me to a now awake Vinnie. She gave me a look, getting up after sliding the glass over to me.

"Here you go, Ms. Rayne. Was a pleasure doing a taste test with you." I nodded, laughing internally at the fact that she had to hide her conversation with me.

I wasn't surprised at all, though. Vinnie is not fond of his employees speaking with guests, it's like he pees all over us, marking his territory.

Everyday I learn something new about him that either makes me want him more, or drop him in that very second. It felt like I was in a love triangle with the Vinnie I know, and the Vinnie he hides from me.

My computer, still open with a black screen, gave me the lee-way to watch Vinnie. He sat back in his seat, texting rapidly on his phone.

He looked angry, or at least, upset. I could tell by the way his jaw clenched, showing off his amazing face structure. Focusing on anything else wasn't possible at the moment, as my eyes were glued to him.

This was the only way I could, embarrassingly, make sure he was okay.

I couldn't sit here and claim that I didn't care about him, because him being on my mind every second of the hour says different.

"Attention passengers," the pilot began over the speaker, "we will be arriving in Sicily, Italy in fifteen minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for departure."

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. Finally, I was soon to be off the plane.

Who knows what would've happened if this flight was a few hours longer.

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